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How To Stretch Your Back For Lower Back Pain

Back Aches And Injuries Are Common Among Older Adults But Some Simple Stretches Can Help

The Best Low Back Stretches | Lower Back Pain Relief Routine (With FREE Exercise Sheet!)

by Stacey Colino, AARP, March 17, 2022

Stevica Mrdja / EyeEm

Whether its chronic, acute or episodic, low back pain is a common problem among adults, causing more disability around the world than any other condition.

At least one-fourth of U.S. adults report having low back pain in the last three months, national survey data shows. And research suggests that as many as 80 percent of adults will experience low back pain at some point in their lives, meaning if you havent had it yet and you dont have it now, theres a good chance that you will in the future especially since back pain becomes more frequent with advancing age.

Common causes of lower back pain include overuse injuries , muscle or ligament strains or sprains, trauma , degenerative discs, spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis, experts say. Another prime culprit: sedentary behavior. A 2019 study in the journal Applied Ergonomics found an association between static sitting behavior and chronic low back pain among people who worked at a call center.

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Modify Your Workout To Be Low

Many people with back pain avoid exercise out of fear of making it worse. While it is true that high-impact movements can be tough on the joints and exacerbate pain, exercise strengthens your core and helps you shed extra weight two things that are vital in reducing back pain. You can modify almost any exercise to get just as good of a workout minus the impact! Even traditionally high-impact moves like jumping jacks and burpees have low-impact modifications. For a modified jumping jack, stand straight with your arms at your side. Move your right foot out to the side of your body while lifting your arms above your head. Bring the right leg back to start, and immediately bring the left foot out to the side of your body. Alternate back and forth, with no pause in between. Here are some other low-impact exercises to add to your routine.

Support Your Back While You Sleep

Bet you didnt realize you can also be doing damage to your back while you sleep, did you? Its true. The position that we sleep in can also strain the low back. Luckily, grabbing an extra pillow and trying this effective sleeping position can help. Lying on your side, place a pillow between your knees and calves in a vertical position so that the pillow extends down your legs. This position aids in maintaining proper spinal alignment and reduces low-back pain.

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What Causes Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain before and after sleeping can be brought on by several factors, including poor posture, overuse injuries, excess sitting and hunching if you work in an office, sports injuries, and muscle strains. Other factors like being overweight, smoking, and even heavy backpacks and purses frequently create upper back pain problems. One often overlooked cause is sleeping position.

Bill Fish, certified sleep science specialist and co-owner of Tuck Sleep, points out, There is no question that your preferred sleeping position could result in some back pain. According to Fish, 41 percent of people sleep in the fetal position. Its also the most popular sleeping position and helps keep your spine aligned at night. With the proper mattress and pillow support for your neck, shoulders, and hips, sleeping on your back will also relieve any pressure on the spine.

If you are sleeping on your stomach and notice you are suffering some back pain, there probably is a reason, Fish says, It knocks your spine completely out of alignment. He points out that the upper back pain comes from your bodys weight pushing the core into the sleep surface and misaligning the spine.

Much like when recovering from back surgery, it is important to adjust your sleeping positions to minimize discomfort overnight for your upper back pain.

A simple change to help stop upper back pain before and after sleep includes standing often and moving periodically.

Ways To Treat Chronic Back Pain Without Surgery

Stretch For Lower Back Muscles / Stretching Exercises For Your Back ...

Back pain is considered chronic if it lasts three months or longer. It cancome and go, often bringing temporary relief, followed by frustration.Dealing with chronic back pain can be especially trying if you dont knowthe cause.

Back pain rehabilitationspecialistAndrew Nava, M.D., offers insights into common chronic back pain causes and nonsurgicaltreatment optionsand advises not to give up hope.

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When Should I Seek Treatment For My Upper Back Pain

The time when people should seek treatments for upper back pain when walking is different for everyone. There is a wide range of remedies to remedy the issue. However, if your pain becomes worrisome enough, along with not doing any physical activity, it might be time to visit a doctor. In some cases, doctors might prescribe drugs or recommend a custom brace with a support system. In others, they may prescribe specific exercises that will bring about an improvement in your symptoms fast.


Upper back and neck pain can stop you in your tracks, making it difficult to go about your typical day. The reasons behind this discomfort vary, but they all come down to how we hold ourselves while standing, moving, and most important of all sitting.

Neck and upper back pain can limit your movements and capabilities. If you dont do anything about your pains, they can get worse, spread, and limit you further. This is usually because the muscles around your immediate area of pain have tensed up to protect that one spot. That expansion limits movement and can turn one clenched muscle under your shoulder blade into a painful shoulder and a tension headache.

Causes of upper back and neck pain include:

  • improperly lifting something heavy

Like many health conditions, the effects of neck and back pain can be more severe in people who smoke or are overweight. Excess weight can add more pressure on the muscles.

Exercises To Avoid Back Pain From Cycling


You need to incorporate core stability, exibility and conditioning drills into your training to make your time in the saddle more comfortable, says Paula Coates, author of Back Pain: Exercise Yourself to Health.

Paula suggests carrying out a combination of the following exercises on a regular basis to help avoid back pain from cycling.

Mix and match the following exercises and stretches in a simple 20-minute workout twice a week, and in just a month you will see noticeable improvements, she says.

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Sit Up Straight But Not Too Straight

I know I just said to not slouch at the front, and to sit up straight, but you donât want to overcompensate and sit up too straight either. If you sit up too straight, you will actually be pushing your back into a position that isnât optimal either. This happens often when we âsit up straightâ in a normal chair. Often we might overextend our low back, which can lead to more strain on the back muscles and ligaments and might lead to more back pain instead of less from the rowing machine.

So find that spot in the middle, we call it neutral spine in the Physical Therapy world, and try and keep that more than going to either extreme. Finding that middle spot will help your back feel better with rowing on the rowing machine.

Benefits Of Stretching Your Back

TEN Best Stretches For Lower Back Pain And Stiffness

Back pain is something that affects many people around the world. It can be caused by several things, including poor posture, incorrect sleeping positions, and poor exercise habits. However, it can also be linked to other health issues such as arthritis, disc degeneration, and hernias.

When it comes to back pain, stretching is one of the best things you can do to relieve the symptoms. Stretching exercises can help relieve the stiffness and soreness, and even reduce the chance of further injury.

While its recommended that you seek medical advice if your back pain persists for more than a few days, regular stretching exercises can help to improve the quality of your life and prevent future problems.

Stretch it every day This is especially important if youre a runner, cyclist, or other sport. Stretching also helps your back muscles relax and allows them to lengthen properly.

Exercise regularly This helps to keep your body healthy and prevent injuries. If you have any aches or pains, try going to the doctor.

Rest properly If you work at a desk all day, take regular breaks to go for walks or sit down and rest for 10 minutes. Sitting for long periods can cause backache.

Keep your back warm Take frequent trips to the bathroom. Also, wear comfortable clothes while youre sitting. Cold, hard chairs can cause pain.

Be careful when lifting children If you have young children, make sure you dont steal them too much. You can use a sling or hold them on your lap.

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Half Lord Of The Fishes

Also known as Seated Twist posture, Ardha Matsyendrasana helps improve posture and spinal mobility in those with lower back pain. Dont allow your lower back to collapse as you perform this posture, and remember that a little goes a long way when twisting with lower back pain.

How to do half lord of the fishes posture: Sit with your legs extended out in front of you . Lift your right leg and place your foot on the ground beside your left knee. Bend your left leg and place the left foot on the outside of your right hip. Ground down through your hip bones, and inhale as you find length through the spine. Hook your left elbow on your right knee as you place your right hand behind you, and gently twist. Stay for 5 to 8 breaths.

Can Stress Cause Upper Back Pain

In short, yesemotional stress can cause upper back pain. In times of stress, the body responds with fight or flight behavior the nervous system kicks into overdrive in order to protect vital organs. Feeling stress in the body can result in reduced blood flow to soft tissues , meaning less oxygen can pass through the area. As a result, those under stress are likely to experience muscle spasms, tension and, pain in the back.

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Butterfly Stretch Muscles Worked

While the hips and lower back are the main targets, the butterfly stretch can also loosen up your hamstrings and IT bands. Plus, the posture stretches the inner thighs, says Sabrina Washington, a CorePower Yoga instructor in Sacramento. This is a part of the body that just doesn’t get stretched very oftenso as a result, it gets a little weaker or tighter, she notes. helps keepyour pelvis, hips, and groin area healthy.

The emphasis of the butterfly stretch can also change depending on where your feet are positioned, says Monal. The closer you bring the soles to the feet in toward your pelvis, the more the stretch will be focused on the inner thigh and groin area, she explains. As you start to slide your feet further away from you, the stretch starts to move toward the outside of the leg.

Simple Stretches To Relieve Back Pain

10 Exercises to Relieve Lower Back Pain

There are many methods to help with eliminating back pain. One of the most basic and beneficial is through simple stretching. The benefits of stretching include not only pain relief but also increased flexibility and strengthening. And, stretching can be a contributing factor toward improved posture. It is important to note that pain relief may not be immediate and it may take some time for noticeable improvement.

All individuals can benefit from back-related stretches. First, consider these important guidelines. Start by wearing comfortable clothes. Next, while doing any type of stretch it is crucial not to stretch through pain. Move slowly through a stretch and to avoid bouncing. During the stretches, each position should be held for approximately 20 to 30 seconds. It is recommended to repeat the stretch approximately 5 to 10 times.

It is most helpful to focus on specific areas for stretches. These include the back, hip/gluteus and hamstrings. Two effective stretches for the back muscles are back flexion and knee-to-chest. For the hip and gluteus stretches, these are piriformis stretch and hip flexor stretch. One of the most important muscles to stretch is the hamstring. While stretching the hamstring one can lie on their back and place a towel under the ball of the foot. This will keep your back supported during the entire stretch. Another way to stretch this hamstring muscle is in the standing position. Refer to our illustrations for the stretches mentioned.

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Back Stretches For Lower Back Pain

The following are a few stretches that can help reduce your lower back pain:

  • Knee-To-Chest Stretch

When you perform this type of exercise, then it lengthens your lower back and as a result, it relieves pain and tension.

  • Lie on your back. You need to bend your knees while keeping your feet flat on the floor.
  • Use both hands. Grab your right lower leg and your wrists must be clasped just under the knee.
  • Now, pull your right knee to your chest and stretch your lower back.
  • Hold on to this position for 30-60 seconds. After this, release your right knee.
  • Repeat this exercise with your left leg. And repeat it 3 times for each leg.
    • Cat-Cow Stretch

    Among other best back stretches for lower backpain, cat-cow is also considered the best one.

  • Get on to your hands with your shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart.
  • Pull your belly button toward your spine and arch your back. This is the cat posture.
  • Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. With this position, you will feel a gentle stretch in your lower back.
  • Now, let your pelvis fall in the forward direction. Curve your back down toward the floor. This is a cow position.
  • Hold this posture for 5-10 seconds.
  • Repeat this exercise 15-20 times.

    If you are looking for the answer to how to stretch your lower back to get relief from the lower back pain, then you can try the belly flop posture.

  • Roll up a towel lengthwise. Lie on the towel with the front side down so that your hip bones press into it.
    • Supported Bridge

    Others Useful Link

    How To Perform Lower Back Stretches

    • Stretch your lower back carefully, especially if you have an existing injury or other health concerns, and if youre in pain, its best to consult your doctor before beginning a new type of exercise, Costello says.
    • Consider if you are flection sensitive or extension sensitive , says Karen Litzy, P.T., D.P.T., owner and physical therapist at Karen Litzy Physical Therapy. When beginning stretching, she suggests being extra careful when working through movements that are flection or extension based.
    • Aim to hold each stretch for at least 10 seconds and preferably 30 seconds or longer, Costello recommends. The pain-relieving benefits will increase the longer you hold these stretches.
    • Rather than rush through the moves, Costello encourages turning on soothing music and using this stretching time as a chance to relax and renew.
    • Dont forget to breathe! It may sound silly, but Costello says focusing on using your breath can help you cope with any feelings of discomfort.
    • In general, be sure to include other activities like walking in your every day along with these stretches, Litzy says.

    Now, give these expert-approved lower back stretches a try.

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    Stretching For Back Pain Relief

    Regularly stretching the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support the spine is an important element of all back exercise programs. Stretches designed to alleviate neck and back pain are likely to be prescribed by a doctor, physical therapist, or spine specialist.

    Watch:7 Easy Stretches For Low Back Pain Relief Video

    Benefits of stretching include:

    • Reducing tension in muscles supporting the spine tension in these muscles can worsen pain from any number of back pain conditions
    • Improving range of motion and overall mobility
    • Reducing risk of disability caused by back pain

    Pain that lasts longer than 3 months may require weeks or months of regular stretching to successfully reduce pain. Stretches may be included as part of a physical therapy program, and/or recommended to be done at home on a daily basis.

    Simple Stretches For Low Back Pain To Do At Home

    11 Best Lower Back Stretches For Pain & Stiffness

    Here is a list of simple back stretches and yoga poses that will help relieve lower back pain. Remember, stretching should not cause back pain. If you feel pain, then back off the stretch a little bit and see if that helps. If you can’t perform the stretch without feeling pain, stop doing it and try again another day.

    Ultimately you should work toward holding the stretch for 30 seconds, but 10 seconds is a good starting point if you are new to stretching. Do five to ten stretches at a time, depending on your tolerance.

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