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HomeMust ReadHow Do You Fix A Bulging Disc In Lower Back

How Do You Fix A Bulging Disc In Lower Back

Annular Tears & Bulges In Spinal Discs

How to Fix a Bulging Disc in Your Lower Back | RELIEF IN SECONDS!

There is no tearing of the annular fibers in a disc bulge and no migration of the nucleus. However, the buckling fibers may irritate the Sinuvertebral Nerve. The Sinuvertebral Nerve is a nociceptive nerve located in-between the outer layers of the annulus fibrosus. This type of pain, along with the pain caused by Degenerative Disc Disease, is often referred to as discogenic pain .

Although a bulge can be asymptomatic , it still is considered a health problem and should not be ignored. Neglect and improper therapy can accelerate the damage and predisposes a disc to a more severe and acutely painful condition such as a slipped disc .

Many therapeutic procedures have come and gone, some helpful while others made things worse. To date, non-surgical decompression therapy is the best non-operative option for disc bulges or herniations . In other words, other forms of non-operative treatments will not repair without spinal decompression therapy.

What If I Have Degenerative Disc Disease

If you suffer from a herniated or bulging disc due to degenerative disc disease, you might be wondering if there is help for you and your problem. How to cure degenerative disc disease naturally? Unfortunately, there is no cure for time and normal use, which is the cause of this disease.

You can, however, use all the secrets below, especially Secret #9, to help you manage your disease, find ways to relieve your pain, and learn how to avoid bulging or herniated discs as much as possible.

What To Do If You Have A Bulging Disc In Your Lower Back

by Dr. Don DuffAug 8, 2018

Bulging discs in the lower back are a common cause of back pain. By definition, this condition is a weakening of the outer lining of the disc that allows the inner layers to push out and bulge the outer rim of the disc. There are varying levels of severityfor instance, a herniated disc is when the nucleus of the disc is actually protruding. The more severe the case, the more advanced treatment youll need. But most bulging disc pain can be treated with natural remedies, in many cases giving the abnormal disc the time it needs to repair itself.

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Contact A Pain Doctor Near Levittown Today

At Integrated Spine and Pain Care, we understand how difficult life can be when trying to manage back pain. If you believe you are suffering from a bulging disc, our services can help you before the problem worsens to the point of herniation. Dont continue to go through life with unnecessary back pain, contact our pain doctor near Levittown today!

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When A Disc Herniates

How to Fix a Bulging Disc in Your Lower Back

At any given time, we may have discs bulging out of shape. When the nucleus of a disc pushes out and even passes through the walls of the disc, this is called a herniated disc of disc herniation. Pain can strike immediately.

The spinal column houses the spinal cord and at each level of the spine, nerves branch off from the spinal cord. The discs separate the vertebrae and allow space between them for these nerves to travel to the different parts of our body.

If the disc herniates, the nucleus can press against one of the nerves and this pressure can cause pain. Additionally, the material of the nucleus causes a chemical irritation to the nerve and pain. When there is an injury to the disc, the body has a natural inflammatory response to heal an injury. Inflammation is a good thing, but if pain persists, the inflammation can be a source of pain in itself. This is why we often take anti-inflammatories to dampen down the inflammation.

For discs in the neck, this can lead to shooting pains in the arms. In the lower back, it can cause pain in the buttocks or legs as pressure is put on to the sciatic nerve, sciatica. The lower back has five discs and depending on which disc has herniated, the pain is felt in different parts of the leg or buttocks as different nerves control different parts of our lower limbs.

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What Are The Symptoms Of A Herniated Disc

Herniated disc symptoms include:

  • Numbness
  • Weakness

Where your symptoms occur depends on where the herniation is on your spine. For example, if your slipped disc is in your upper back or neck, you may have symptoms in your arms or neck. If it is in your lower back, you may have symptoms in your hips or legs.

Typically, herniated disc symptoms get worse with activity and improve with rest.

Surgical Treatments To Repair A Bulging Disc

If you have attempted conservative treatment for several weeks or months and your symptoms havent responded, you may need to consider your surgical options. While your physician may recommend a traditional open spine procedure, Laser Spine Institute performs minimally invasive spine surgery, which is a clinically appropriate alternative to treat bulging discs and other degenerative spinal conditions.^

Some of the minimally invasive outpatient procedures we offer include:

For more information about the advantages of our outpatient procedures for a bulging disc and to learn if our minimally invasive spine surgery would be an option for relieving your chronic neck or back pain, please contact Laser Spine Institute today and request a free MRI review.*

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What Is A Herniated Lumbar Disc

A herniated disc occurs when the gel-like center of your disc ruptures out through a tear in the tough disc wall .The gel material is irritating to your spinal nerves, causing something like a chemical irritation. The pain is a result of spinal nerve inflammation and swelling caused by the pressure of the herniated disc. Over time, the herniation tends to shrink and you may experience partial or complete pain relief. In most cases, if low back and/or leg pain is going to resolve it will do so in about 6 weeks.

Different terms may be used to describe a herniated disc. A bulging disc occurs when the disc annulus remains intact, but forms an outpouching that can press against the nerves. A true herniated disc occurs when the disc annulus cracks or ruptures, allowing the gel-filled center to squeeze out. Sometimes the herniation is so severe that a free fragment occurs, meaning a piece has broken completely free from the disc and is in the spinal canal.

Most herniated discs occur in the lumbar spine, where spinal nerves exit between the lumbar vertebrae, and then join together again to form the sciatic nerve, which runs down your leg.

Herniated Disc Exercise : Reduce The Radiating Leg Pain

How to Fix a Bulging Disc (NO SURGERY!)

The first thing you have to do is to try to reduce the radiating pain. You can do this by stretching your back backward as far as possible. It is called extending your back.

You can do this in two ways: While standing or while lying in a prone position. Ill discuss the one in when you stand because thats the easiest one for most people.

It will instantly relieve your leg pain.

Perform the exercise like this:

  • Place your index fingers on the painful spot in your back
  • Apply pressure in a forward direction
  • Now bend all the way backward
  • Make sure also to extend your neck for maximum result
  • Hold this position for 3 seconds
  • Repeat this ten times

You can also see how to perform the exercise in the video.

Make sure that you perform this exercise several times a day. Its especially important to complete the activity every time youve to bend forward or lifted something.

When youve performed the exercise, you will notice that the radiation in your leg reduces and sometimes even totally disappears.

It is what you want to achieve.

When you feel the radiation coming back into your leg, its time to do the exercise again. You want to keep the radiation away so that the intervertebral disc has time to recover.

You can also use this back stretcher to reduce the pressure on your nerves. It does the same as the exercise but it easier to do for some people.

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What Causes A Herniated Disc

A herniated disc is a painful condition that can also contribute to numbness or weakness. This condition can occur naturally over time due to degeneration or suddenly due to an injury. Some herniated discs heal naturally.

It is important to be examined by a healthcare provider if your pain continues for more than a few days. Sustained pressure on the spinal cord and nerves can lead to further damage.

Manual Therapy And Treatments Based On Physical Stimuli

The treatment options for sciatica following a slipped disc also include manual therapy and treatments based on physical stimuli. Manual treatment may include massages and special techniques for relaxing tense muscles or locked joints. Treatments based on physical stimuli use warming and cooling methods to relieve pain. These treatments are also called passive therapies because patients don’t have to actively participate. Common treatments include:

  • Massages: Various massage techniques are used to relax muscles and ease tension.
  • Heating and cooling: This includes the use of hot packs and heating patches, a hot bath, going to the sauna or using an infrared lamp. Heat can also help relax tense muscles. Cold packs, like cold wraps or gel packs, are also used to help soothe irritated nerves.
  • Ultrasound therapy: Here the lower back is treated with sound waves. The small vibrations that are produced generate heat and relax the body tissue.

There is no overall proof that passive treatments speed up recovery from a slipped disc or relieve the pain especially well. But many people find that heat or massages are pleasant and relaxing.

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Neglected Degenerative Disc Disease Is The Leading Cause Of Bulging Intervertebral Disc Or Disc Herniation

A disc bulge is the beginning stage of a more serious condition, such as a herniated disc. A disc herniation occurs when buckling fibers tear when disc material is in direct contact, compressing or irritating the spinal nerves delicate fibers or the spinal cord. Unfortunately, many with a disc bulge ignore the pain.

Some wait until they are unable to walk or in severe pain. However, our clinical team encouraged you to visit us before the damage progresses. We can fix a disc bulge. But, you will have to take the first step by contacting us. Our centers have the best clinical CSC chiropractors in Malaysia best of all, our advanced spinal technology is geared towards fixing and repairing a disc bulge without spine surgery.

A disc bulge may present with co-conditions such as Modic Type I, Modic Type II, or III changes. Unfortunately, most centers that treat disc bulges in Malaysia have a poor understanding of Modic changes. If you have a bulging spinal disc, you need thorough assessments and targeted treatments of the bulging disc and any co-conditions present. Opt for care at Chiropractic Specialty Center®. Our technology, knowledge, and skills are superior to others. Call us today we can help.

Causes Of Bulging Discs

Disc Bulge Treatment options in Shakopee, MN.

While they can develop at any age, bulging disks are most common in people over the age of 30, and for reasons not totally understood theyre twice as common in men as in women.

Discs act like soft cushions that buffer the space between vertebrae, which are the small bones in the spinal column. Normally, discs serve as our natural absorbers of shock, allowing us to move around and remain flexible. In healthy adults, discs have a soft, gel-like center made up of flexible cartilage, surrounded by a tougher layer that keeps them held in place.

As someone becomes older, experiences more inflammation or becomes injured, the outer layer of the discs becomes more susceptible to being stretched, pulled or bulged out of the normal place they occupy. Once bulging, a disc becomes wider, stretched and also might become slightly squashed at the same time. Some experts say a bulging disc looks almost like a hamburger thats too big for its bun.

Growing pressure around a disc and poor posture are two common reasons why discs can start to bulge. When a normal disc experiences accumulating pressure, it starts to expand abnormally outward where it can come into contact with sensitive neural tissues. Eventually the bulging disc protrudes into the spinal canal, which is what triggers the sharp pain or tingling sensation thats associated with disc problems.

Bulging Disc Takeaways

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Treatment For A Slipped Disc From A Gp

A GP might prescribe a stronger painkiller, a steroid injection or a muscle relaxant to use in the short term.

If your symptoms do not get better, a GP might recommend further tests, like an MRI scan.

They might also refer you to a physiotherapist. Physiotherapy from the NHS might not be available everywhere and waiting times can be long. You can also get it privately.

Are There Complications With A Herniated Disc

Unfortunately, if left untreated, a severely herniated or slipped disc can lead to permanent damage of the nerve. It can cut off the feeling aspect of the nerve, causing you to lose bowel or bladder control.

You could also suffer from a complication called saddle anesthesia. This means you would lose feeling in areas where a saddle would touch, such as your inner thighs, the bottom portion of your buttocks, the rectum, and the backs of your thighs.

This is why a diagnosis and treatment plan should begin right away.

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How To Fix A Bulging Disk

Bulging discs are one of the most common conditions that will derail your workouts quickly. In this video, Im going to show you how to fix a bulging disc in your lower back without requiring surgery. In just 3 simple steps you are going to be able to get rid of the pain that is wreaking havoc on your training and making your life miserable.

The first thing that needs to be discussed however are the terms used to describe the condition. Some people refer to a bulging disc as a herniated disc. In both cases, we are talking about a scenario where the inner disc material has protruded from the disc but has not reached a point of no return. The point at which the disc can no longer be repaired without surgery is more accurately called a ruptured disc.

Bulging discs are a very common problem and one that we all might have to some degree if we were to MRI our backs. The thing is however, just because we may have a disc that is bulging does not mean that we will have symptoms. The only time it starts to matter is when the presence of the disc starts to become symptomatic and interferes with your life or workouts.

The good news about disc issues however is that 98 percent of them are non-operative and solved with a dedication to just a few simple steps. One of those steps however is not stretching the lower back. This may come as a surprise to you, especially if you feel that your low back has become tight or sore as a result of your disc issues.

Why Surgery For Herniated Disc Is Performed

Fix Your Low Back Bulging Disc Without Surgery

Herniated disc surgery is usually conducted to alleviate the effects of the herniated disc. Under general circumstances, herniated discs cause pain because of the nerve fibers around the inflamed tear in the annulus. Inflammation occurs when the herniated nucleus pulposus wedges itself inside the annular tear. The effect of this interposed herniated nucleus pulposus on the annular tear is to generate a powerful inflammatory response inside the disc. Leg or arm pain occurs when the herniated disc irritates or pinches a nerve, it affects the sensory and motor areas connected to the nerve root. Therefore, patients who suffer from a herniated disc might experience difficulty in completing basic daily tasks.

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Bulging Disc Symptoms In Your Lower Back Can Be Similar To Other Conditions

Bulging discs symptoms in the lower back can cause similar symptoms to other conditions.

This is because the symptoms come about due to compression of the nerve.

Another common condition which occurs as you age is canal stenosis. It produces similar symptoms where the nerve root is compressed, because of changes to the bone rather than a bulging disc and is another lower back pain cause.

In rarer cases a tumor in the spine can also push against a nerve root and mimic the same symptoms of pain and weakness as a bulging disc.

For this reason it is extremely important to get an accurate diagnosis from a health professional so that the cause of your problem is diagnosed correctly, since bulging disc treatment may reduce your symptoms.

If you are suffering from bulging disc symptoms in your lower back, give us a call or book online today to see if our Sydney Chiropractors can help you.

How Do I Know If I Slipped A Disc In My Back

What are the symptoms of a slipped disc?

  • pain and numbness, most commonly on one side of the body.
  • pain that extends to your arms or legs.
  • pain that worsens at night or with certain movements.
  • pain that worsens after standing or sitting.
  • pain when walking short distances.
  • unexplained muscle weakness.
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    How To Manage Pain From A Bulging Disc In Your Lower Back

    Many doctors advise people suffering from a bulging disc to try conservative treatment options first. Thats a good idea, considering most patients gradually recover from disc abnormalities on their own, without surgery, over the course of several weeks to a couple of months.

    All the options listed below can help to manage pain. Start with the lower-risk options, like rest, medication, and therapy, before advancing to injections. You may see something on the list you think youd never try, but I encourage you to keep an open mind. Not all measures work for all people, so if you try one option and its ineffective, talk to your doctor and move onbut dont eliminate something that has a chance of being helpful.

  • Rest. As long as you can tolerate this, try it. Give your body time to heal over a couple weeks. If you cant handle it, try the next option.
  • Take medication. When a disc herniates theres a chemical reaction that creates an inflammatory response as the body tries to calm it down. That inflammation presses against the nerve even more. Try anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation, or try muscle relaxants.
  • Try therapy. Once you get the swelling down, you could try therapy to create stability and strengthen the muscles around your core and back, and help improve the function of the spine. Options for therapy include yoga, acupuncture, chiropractic care, physical therapy, decompression, and massage therapy.

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