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HomeHurtWhy Does My Lower Back Hurt When I Bend Over

Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When I Bend Over

I Learned From Experience

Sudden Sharp Pain in Lower Back when Bending Over??

I can speak from personal and professional experience. I had consistent pain from when I was 15 to 35 years old although I did all the right things Id been told to do by any number of healthcare professionals. During the time I played professional sport, some days I had mild grumpy backache and other days I couldnt get out of bed. I was never without some level of back pain.

I had been told to:

  • Keep my back straight
  • Engage my core more often
  • Protect my back by avoiding using it as much
  • Wear a weight-lifters belt to support my back

Not only did it get me nowhere, it actually made me worse!

We use our body automatically but sometimes we may cause pain without realising it. I was unaware of doing anything wrong so didnt know I should change. I was doing unhelpful things and getting the same repeated complaints from my system. I was then introduced to an alternative way, I stopped doing the unhelpful stuff, replaced it with the helpful stuff and my pain disappeared. The structure of my back didnt change and no healing took place.

Guess what the foundation of this new remarkable treatment was that cured me of my 23 years of back pain?

Can Vibration Help A Pinched Nerve

Your muscles can be made to contract and relax with the help of whole-body vibration therapy, which makes use of fast vibration force. These short, intense contractions of the muscle cause tissue stimulation, which in turn leads to increased blood flow and an improvement in muscular tone.

There may be observable improvements to both your spine and your joints after undergoing vibration therapy. A little time spent on a vibrating platform can provide relief from chronic pain, help muscles that have been stiff, and soothe nerves that have become irritated as a result of compression. Strong vibrations work on the tendons, ligaments, muscles, and discs all at the same time to provide a more complete treatment.

Living With Lumbar Strain

Cold reduces swelling. Both cold and heat can reduce pain. Protect your skin by placing a towel between your body and the ice or heat source.

  • For the first few days, apply an ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • After the first few days, try heat for 15 minutes at a time to ease pain. Never sleep on a heating pad.
  • Over-the-counter medicines can help control pain and swelling. Try aspirin or ibuprofen.

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Lower Back Pain & Core Stability

Were told to engage and train our core to strengthen and stabilise the spine and to prevent pain. This is aimed at avoiding injury and pain during physical tasks. You may get back pain if you lift something thats too heavy or you have been sat for too long. Perhaps youre not yet capable of lifting that weight or youve been immobile for too long. Thats not a fault of our spines but rather how we use them.

It could be the same with your arm or shoulder, but we tend not to protect them in the same way as we do our spines. Training would fix this as the more we use our bodies the stronger they get. Instead were encouraged to avoid using our spines normally and to protect them. Avoidance means we become physically weaker, so normal everyday tasks gradually cause more pain. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

In the 90s when core stability was proposed, its popularity took off rapidly to become the gold standard of performance and status in fitness terms. Yet there was never any research to back it up. Were given planks, abdominal tucks and spine stacking in the belief that a tense and engaged core is better. But people who bend less have more back pain, not less, and people who have back pain have an overactive core, not an underactive one.

Your Mechanic Doesnt Just Know About Engines

5 Ways to Prevent Back Pain During Exercise or Everyday Activities ...

When you bring your busted up car to the mechanic, you trust that he has an understanding about all of the parts.

Hes going to fix what needs to be fixed. Hes not going to just put a big band-aid on the side of your door and say:

Heres your car back. Thatll be $500.

Your mechanic doesnt just know about engines. He knows about the tires, the cars frame, the computer system connecting the parts, and all of the other components.

If your mechanic only knew about one part, you obviously wouldnt bring your car to him.

But we bring our bodies to mechanics or doctors/therapists who only do ONE thing all of the time.

If that ONE thing, that one treatment, isnt working for you, great! Keep doing it.

But if its not, chances are that some part or piece is being neglected.

Overly simplied, your low back is made up of:

What does each part do?

  • The bones give you support so you can stand upright.
  • The disc gives you support and allows movement to happen so your spine can bend forward or backwards.
  • Your muscles do the movement, taking the stress on them so the vertebra and disc are not asked to do too much work.
  • One of the biggest reasons why someone is in pain for months to years, without relief from any treatment, is:

    Youre trying to fix the wrong parts, stemming from being diagnosed incorrectly.

    Evidence of the wrong diagnosis is when youve been getting treated for more than 5-10 treatments without any significant relief.

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    Lower Back Pain When Bending Forward Treatment With 4 Exercises

    Many people suffer from lower back pain when bending forward without knowing why.

    There is nothing to see on an X-ray and MRI.

    And even if they do show something, it doesnt say that that is the cause of the pain youre feeling.

    But I found a way to treat people with precisely this problem.

    And here Im going to show you how you can do the same too with just a few exercises.

    A recent study shows that you can prevent back pain from coming back in the future by doing back pain exercises regularly.

    I can even let you feel the same thing in your hand when you move it like youre bending your back.

    And your hand isnt damaged.

    But first, Ill teach you what the MRI findings mean and why you feel pain when moving your back.

    So this and a lot more is what you will learn today.

  • Lower back pain treatment with 4 exercises
  • Back Wrecker #: Poor Lifting Technique

    “Improper bending and lifting causes back injury that’s all there is to it,” says Dan McMackin, a spokesman for UPS.

    Prevent it: Engage your abs to help support your back. Here are the basic principles that UPS uses for safe lifting, according to McMackin:

    • Bend your knees and keep your back straight. Don’t bend at your waist.
    • Keep the object close to you. The farther away you hold it from your body, the more it stresses your back.
    • Never hold an item higher than your armpit or lower than your knees.
    • Don’t move something that weighs more than 20% of your body weight.
    • Don’t pivot, twist, or turn while lifting. Point your feet at the item you’re lifting and face it as you pick it up. Change direction with your feet, not your waist.

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    So How Do I Know Whether To Continue Bending Or To Avoid It

    When performing the exercise what happens? Its normal to expect the movement to be painful initially, however if the pain is mild to moderate I would say its safe to continue.

    Gently and progressively work further into flexion, without sustaining the position for any longer than a couple of seconds.

    If the pain continues to get worse STOP!

    • This may suggest its still too early to begin bending to this degree
    • It may be a good idea to apply some strapping tape to the lumbar spine for a couple of days to avoid any excessive flexion. We can come back to this exercise / test later.

    If the pain starts to ease and you notice you can progressively move further Keep Going!

    • If things are feeling better, why stop?
    • We still want to set a limit, in case you have a delayed pain response
    • To keep it simple aim for 3 x 10-15 repetitions a few times in the day

    What Is The Best Position To Sit

    Back pain from bending over? CHIROPRACTOR explains FLEXION INTOLERANCE!

    In acute low back pain, prolonged sitting is quite often an aggravating activity. However, again I think too much emphasis has been put on avoiding flexion and bending the spine when sitting. Sitting upright forces the lumbar erector spinae muscles to activate and a lot of endurance is required to maintain this position for long periods of time. If these muscles are already in spasm, sitting too upright may further aggravate pain. We need to relax these muscles.

    If youre experiencing low back pain, sit in the position that is most comfortable for you. If relaxing your low back muscles and slightly slumping is relieving, than go for it. Maybe sit with a pillow to prevent you from slumping too far, but enough to still let you actually relax! Its more likely the long periods of time in sitting that aggravate the problem, so try to get up and walk around regularly.

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    What Can I Do About It

    You should really consult your GP or physiotherapist in the case of back pain, as they will be able to identify the underlying cause. There are, however, some things you can do to relieve back pain once you know its cause.

    • Learn how to bend properly. It may seem silly but there are good and bad ways of bending. Many people bend by keeping their legs relatively straight and bending over at the pelvis and waist. This puts strain and pressure on your back. Instead, bend your knees to lower your whole body down into a squat position, and keep your back straight. This is especially important when lifting heavy objects as it allows the muscles in your legs to help lift, not just the muscles in your back.
    • Strengthen and stretch the muscles in your back and pelvis to give you better support and relieve stiffness. There are many simple exercises that can help with this, like squats or planks. Read our article on exercises for back pain for more information.
    • Try yoga. There are loads of yoga classes specifically tailored to different needs and conditions, and one of the most common is back pain. There are loads of videos on YouTube have a look at this one for a good example.

    Bulging Ruptured Or Herniated Discs

    Each vertebra in your back has a disc both above and below it that acts as cushions for your spine. This is how your spinal bones avoid friction and wear and tear. When a disc experiences damage, it can lead to significant pain. If you damage a disc in between the vertebrae in your lower back, that’s where you’ll experience the most discomfort.

    When discs bulge or rupture, they place pressure on nerves. Similarly, a herniated disc occurs when the soft center of one of these spinal cushions pushes through a crack in the tougher exterior casing and places pressure on a nerve.

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    Bad Habits Contribute To Back Pain When Standing Lifestyle Changes Can Help

    Parts of your everyday routine may be contributing to the low back pain you experience when standing. These include:

    • Not exercising regularly or doing the wrong exercises
    • Having poor posture which interferes with proper weight distribution
    • Not wearing supportive shoes or, if necessary, orthotics
    • Sleeping on an old or unsupportive mattress
    • Lifting heavy objects or weight-lifting as a form of exercise
    • Being overweight or obese

    Some changes are easier to make than others and some require professional assistance. For example, while it may be easy enough to purchase a new mattress, you are probably better off consulting a doctor who understands which type of mattress is best in your particular case. Similarly, purchasing over-the-counter orthotics is rarely wise. Such products should be customized to serve your unique needs.

    Severe Lower Back Pain When Sitting Or Bending

    Back Pain Exercises Lower Back Pain MRI Shows Nothing

    Lower back pain may occur while sitting or standing for a prolonged period of time. Pain may also occur when there is active spinal movement, such as attempting to stand up and/or bend down.

    While in most cases the underlying cause of the pain can be identified, sometimes back pain may be non-specific with no identifiable cause.1

    Here are a few possible causes for severe low back pain in such situations.

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    Schedule An Appointment Today

    With ten locations throughout South Florida, extended evening hours, and weekend appointments available, there’s no reason to put off seeking treatment for lower back pain when bending over any longer. Our chiropractors have more than 100 years of combined experience and are here to help you start on the path to a pain-free life.

    Here at ChiroCare of Florida, we pride ourselves on helping as many South Florida residents as possible to solve their back pain and spinal issues.

    When Should I See A Doctor If I Have Lower Back Pain

    In many cases lower back pain stops on its own. But if it doesnt, here are some guidelines on when you may want to start seeking professional help:

    • If the pain lasts four weeks or longer
    • If the pain keeps getting worse as time goes by
    • If you are experiencing other symptoms, such as fever, major weight loss or weight gain, loss of function or weakness in extremities, bladder problems, etc.

    Also Check: What Are The Symptoms Of Severe Lower Back Pain

    How To Avoid Lower Back Pain When Bending Over

    Back pain is extremely common and can be triggered by everyday activities. There are things you can do to lower the risk of back pain when bending over.


    One of the most effective ways to avoid lower back pain when bending over is to remain active through exercise. Your muscles are intended to keep moving, and if you are not in good shape, you are more likely to hurt your back and feel pain whenever you do simple movements like lifting a chair.

    Additionally, exercise helps you to maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight, especially around your stomach, can put extra strain on your back.

    Eat healthily

    When you practice good eating habits, you will maintain a healthy weight and avoid unnecessary stress on your body. Eating spicy and fast foods can strain your nervous system, ultimately triggering back problems.

    Eat a healthy diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and dairy products.

    Sleep sideways

    Avoid sleeping flat on your back. The best position for sleeping is on your side. If you prefer sleeping on your stomach, place a pillow under your lower abdomen to relieve the stress on your back.

    Its also important to invest in a supportive mattress and pillow.

    Maintain proper posture

    If you spend several hours a day at your computer, be sure to work at an ergonomically correct workstation. Avoid slouching over your computer and phone as this position can damage your back. Break up long periods of sitting with healthy stretching exercises.

    Home Treatment For Lower Back Pain

    How to Fix Low Back Pain in 90 Seconds, Bob and Brad Concur!

    There are a number of at-home options to treat pain in your lower back:

    • Relax. Sometimes just sitting down will relieve enough of the pressure from your lower back to reduce the pain significantly.
    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . These over-the-counter pain relievers include ibuprofen and naproxen . You can purchase NSAIDs here.
    • Exercise and stretching. Although exercise is often good for addressing lower back pain, consult with a professional. Some exercises can make the pain worse. For example, avoid toe touches and situps, but try hamstring stretches. Generally getting into better physical health will help reduce lower back pain when standing and doing other everyday activities.
    • Stand and sit up straight. Your posture is important for proper weight distribution. Standing and sitting up straight will help.
    • Get supportive shoes and orthotics. Get shoes or shoe inserts that help keep your feet in a neutral, supported position.
    • Mattress support. Find a mattress that gives you better support than your current one.
    • Use heat and ice. As soon as the pain starts, put an ice pack on your lower back for 20 minutes several times a day. After 48 hours, alternate using ice and heat.
    • Avoid heavy lifting. Avoid lifting heavy objects. If you must, keep your back straight and bend your legs so the leg muscles do the majority of the work.
    • Lose weight. If youre overweight, getting to a healthy weight will improve strain on your back.

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    Lower Back Pain When Bending Over: Symptoms And Treatments

    Pain in the lower back that occurs from sitting or bending over can have a significant influence on a persons daily activities. The vast majority of us may find that we are unable to complete some activities as a result of it, including cleaning, sitting, working, and enjoying straightforward pastimes.

    Lower back pain when bending over is one of the most common types of pain that people feel, and it is the third most popular reason for people to visit their doctors. According to some estimates, up to eighty percent of adults will experience lower back pain when bending over at some point in their life.

    Only around 25 percent to 30 percent of those who are affected by this problem seek medical assistance. Some people explain away the discomfort by calling it a common ache. The majority of the time, lower back pain when bending over is simply the outcome of ordinary activities and the decisions that people make. The challenge lies in determining when the discomfort should be addressed by a medical professional.

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