Bring A Friend To Your Sciatica Appointment
If your sciatic pain is severe, it may be difficult to concentrate. Bringing a friend or family member to your appointment to take notes can allow you to focus on the conversation with your doctor without having to worry about forgetting something later.
A friend can also help you prioritize your discussion topics and ensure you dont forget to talk with your doctor about an important matter.
See Preparing to See A Doctor for Back and Neck Pain
How Is Acute Bronchitis Treated
Acute bronchitis is usually mild and does not cause complications. The symptoms often resolve on their own and lung function goes back to normal.
In most cases, antibiotics are not needed to treat acute bronchitis. Thats because most of the infections are caused by viruses. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses. If it has progressed to pneumonia, then antibiotics may be necessary.
Treatment is aimed at treating the symptoms, and may include:
- Avoiding exposure to secondhand smoke
- Cough medicine
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Common Treatments For Low Back Pain
Combining information from the patients medical history, physical exam, and possible diagnostic tests, the healthcare provider will recommend a course of back care that fits the patients needs.
Non-surgical treatments for low back pain will be recommended first. Common non-surgical treatments include:
- Physical therapy, which typically works to strengthen muscles and mobilize joints in order to better support the spine and minimize painful movements.
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I Was Amazed To Feel The Pain Melt Away
That night, I slept through without any bloating, burbling, or throat burning for the first time in decades.
Imagine the joy of waking up the next day feeling great. No gasping for air and spitting up acid before breakfast.
I made the formula again in the morning, and the whole day passed without any reflux.
This was great!
Several days and nights passed without any heartburn issues. I drank a glass of the formula two to three times a day.
And it was keeping my stomach in great shape.
Sometimes, I would add one or two of the extra herbs Scott recommended to boost the effectiveness of his remedy even further.
Herbs number six and nine on his list were especially effective, and I could get them from any supermarket along with the other ingredients.
The best part was being able to eat and drink anything I wanted .
When Should You See A Doctor For Your Back Pain
Occasional back pain caused by too much exertion is nothing to worry about. If its relatively mild, it will heal with a bit of rest, medication, ointment, or massage.
But when back pain persists or is so intense that it makes it difficult for you to carry out your normal activities, then its time to take action. Lingering back pain whether its local or scattered, mild or severe, indicates a problem that requires medical attention.
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What Kind Of Doctor Should I See To Heal Sciatic Nerve
four broken ribs and a split bleeding spleen i still have pain on my whole left side still hurts and now my sciatic nerves are hurting i tried chiropractic it got worse do not use aggressive of any kind water therapy is helping the most
besides operation what else i have to do for saiatica
Hello Anon
Heat therapy helps, as well as massage therapy. Make sure you also rest and avoid activities that could trigger more back pain.
Beginners yoga and Pilates are gentle exercises that can help.
If you feel pain doing anything stop the activity and take a break.
I cannot stress highly enough that all chiropractors are NOT the same . As a chiropractor, there are several ways to conservatively treat sciatica, however, the treatment must be based on what the cause is, and there are multiple causes of sciatica.
Sciatica as a diagnosis only describes pain going down the leg, therefore further investigation by examination and possibly diagnostic testing may be necessary. I have an article on my website about sciatica here Dr. T on Sciatica.
In cases where the sciatica is severe, I will usually co-treat with an MD, so medication and chiropractic care is used at the same time to control the symptoms.
I have many things on my website in the health topics section on chiropractic and chiropractors that you may not see on another chiropractic website, as my take on subluxation is the modern version of it.
I hope that helps,
How Is Sciatica Affecting Your Quality Of Life
Sciatica pain may extend all the way from the lower back, through the back of your thigh, to your foot. The pain can come and go, sometimes lingering for days and even weeks. This may cause anything from mild discomfort to making the simplest tasks intolerable. Sitting could be painful with sciatica and driving even more so. Not to mention playing sports and being active.
As you contemplate surgery for sciatica, consider how much the pain affects your quality of life. If your work, hobbies, social life or relationships suffer from your being in constant pain, it may be time to think about surgery.
Although sciatica starts as nerve inflammation, it may eventually progress to nerve damage. If the sciatic nerve is damaged, it could result in numbness, tingling and, in more severe cases, weakness in the knees or legs. The longer it is left untreated, the longer it will take for numbness and weakness to go away, and they may become permanent.
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Holistic And Osteopathic Specialists
In the event of chronic or severe back pain, many individuals tend to prefer to see osteopathic or holistic specialists. These types of doctors and professionals include osteopathic physicians and chiropractic specialists.
Osteopaths are put through the same training and licensing/certification processes that all medical doctors must obtain to practice medicine, but they tend to do additional studies of the musculoskeletal system. They then will prefer to treat pain problems medically, but with an additional emphasis on the potential lifestyle and environmental factors which may be contributing to the pain problem.
Chiropractors are trained in the proper alignment of the spine and may be able to provide some of the most immediate relief to back pain problems. This is done through periodic adjustments and treatments that attempt to maintain alignment and prevent further pain issues.
Living Well With Sciatica
Many people find that having sciatica is a pain in the butt literally and figuratively. It can stop you from doing everything you want to do, and that often limits activity and can lead to being more sedentarya ripple effect that can have negative impacts on all aspects of your health. If youre experiencing even minor symptoms, get checked by your doctor, suggests Dr. Abitbol.
The longer it goes on, the more difficult it is to treat, so there is no point in waiting to see if it gets better even though your symptoms are worsening, he says, adding that if youve gone for six months or longer, and your symptoms are getting worse, even surgery may not be as gratifying as it could have been at an earlier point. Dr. Abitbol suggests that to prevent issues related to prolonged compression, address the problem as soon as you can.
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Angina And Heart Attack
Angina is the tightening of the chest caused by physical exercise, psychological stress, and extreme cold. The pain can sometimes radiate between the shoulder blades. A more pronounced pain is felt in the back, between the shoulder blades, during a heart attack. Since the pain is located away from the site of injury, it is called referred pain. Back pain between the shoulder blades is a referred pain associated with several conditions.
Christopher Dr Glattes Patient
Christopher began experiencing back pain that was interfering with his daily activities. He experienced back pain just from getting out of bed in the morning.
After having surgery with Dr. Glattes, Christopher is feeling better, and walking with a cane. Christopher states, My quality of life has changed dramatically since coming to Elite.
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Treating Asthma Chest Pain
Before treating your symptoms, your doctor will want to make sure your chest pain is caused by asthma and not any other conditions.
If you experience chest pain due to asthma, your physician will probably prescribe an individualized treatment plan. Follow their instructions carefully to lessen your chances of developing symptoms.
When youre having an asthma attack, you may be told to use an emergency or rescue inhaler to relax your airways and improve your symptoms. In one study, using inhaled albuterol resulted in improvement in 70 percent of children and adolescents with asthma-induced chest pain who performed exercises on a treadmill.
Incontinence Or Leg Weakness
If controlling your bladder or bowel has rapidly become a challenge, and/or your legs have been growing progressively weaker, you should seek immediate medical care.
Bowel and bladder incontinence, progressive weakness, and loss of sensation in the seat area are symptoms of cauda equina syndrome, which is a very serious condition. Cauda equina syndrome generally requires emergency back surgery.
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Coping With Chronic Back Pain
Low back pain can take a toll on your mental health. You may feel fear, frustration, and anger or have depression and anxiety because of ongoing pain. Those common reactions can make your pain last even longer. If pain is starting to get you down:
- Let people know when you need a helping hand. Ask family members or friends to help out with physical tasks you can’t do right now.
- Be honest with your doctor about your pain. Ask for a referral to a counsellor or pain management specialist. A prescription antidepressant or antianxiety medicine may also help with chronic pain.
- Work with your health professionals and your work supervisor to make a return-to-work plan, if needed. Ask for an ergonomic consultation if you need to learn how to do some of your job duties differently to avoid hurting your back again.
One Man’s Story: “I started feeling sad and angry a lot. I didn’t want to do anything. My back was hurting more. I was having trouble focusing on my work. My life just started feeling smaller and smaller.”âRavi Read more about how Ravi learned he had depression and how he fought back. |
Pay Attention To Your Body Mechanics And Posture
Body mechanics are the way you use your body. Posture is the way you sit or stand.
- To prevent a return of low back pain, you will need to take extra care when you lift. When you must lift, bend your knees and flex from your hips. Don’t let your spine slump.
- Back Problems: Proper Lifting
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How Is It Treated
Most low back pain will improve with basic first aid, which includes continuing to do light activity such as walking, and taking over-the-counter pain medicine as needed.
Walking is the simplest and maybe the best exercise for the lower back. It gets your blood moving and helps your muscles stay strong.
Your doctor or physiotherapist can recommend more specific exercises to help your back muscles get stronger. These may include a series of simple exercises called core stabilization. Strengthening the muscles in your trunk can improve your posture, keep your body in better balance, and lower your chance of injury.
If your symptoms are severe or you still have symptoms after 2 weeks of self-care, see your doctor. You may need stronger pain medicines, or you might benefit from manual therapy.
Each of the various treatments for back pain work for some people but not for others. You may need to try different things to see which work best for you, such as:
- Spinal manipulation.
- Massage.
- Acupuncture.
Having ongoing back pain can make you depressed. In turn, depression can have an effect on your level of pain and whether your back gets better. People with depression and chronic pain often benefit from both antidepressant medicines and counselling. Counselling can help you learn stress management and pain control skills.
Who Should Treat Your Back Pain
Many types of medical professionals treat back pain, and each has different training, skills, and specialties. So how do you know which specialist is best for helping to alleviate your back pain? Heres an overview of different back pain specialists and which type or team may be right for you.
See:Specialists Who Treat Back Pain
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How Do I Know If I Have Sciatica Or Piriformis Syndrome
Both sciatica and piriformis syndrome cause sciatic nerve pain and have similar symptoms, the causes of the conditions are different.
Piriformis syndrome is caused by anatomic changes in the piriformis muscle. The muscle is located across the femur and outer section of the hips and rotates the hip. The syndrome causes buttock pain or spasms and can irritate and compress the sciatic nerve, leading to sciatic pain. Unlike sciatica, the pain begins in the buttocks, not the lower back.
On the other hand, sciatica is not a syndrome or condition. Its a variety of symptomsnamely, the sharp pain radiating down one leg, weak legs, lower back pain, and a tingling sensation in the legs and feetcaused by other medical conditions and affects the lower spinal nerves.
Specialists Who Treat Back Pain
There are many types of health practitioners that care for patients with spinal conditions, and each has a slightly different role. Selection of the most appropriate type of health professional – or team of health professionals – largely depends on the patient’s symptoms and the length of time the symptoms have been present.
The different types of health professionals who treat back pain tend to have varied training and interests. While it is common to start off with a primary care provider , if the patient’s back pain is resistant to initial treatment then the services of a spine specialist may be necessary.
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When Should I See An Orthopedic Doctor For Back Pain
Do you have persistent back pain?
Back pain constitutes one of the most common types of musculoskeletal conditions. Its the third most common reason people seek out musculoskeletal treatment from a physician, and 16%-26% of the population report suffering from it. People get back pain for a variety of reasons, ranging from injury to overuse. If youre like most people, you want to get relief for your pain but dont want to go to the doctor if you dont need to. But how do you tell whether or not you need an orthopedic doctor for back pain? Keep reading to learn more!
When To Seek Medical Care For Low Back Pain
If lower back pain does not start to subside within one to two weeks, or if there are troubling symptoms, medical care should be sought. A health professional will first identify a general source of pain and then determine appropriate and effective methods of pain management.
Certain symptoms may indicate a medical emergency. While these conditions are rare, it is important to seek immediate medical attention should the any of the following symptoms accompany back pain:
- severe abdominal pain
Additionally, if back pain begins after an injury immediate medical care is warranted to check for damage to the spine.
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How To Test If You Have Sciatica
Sciatica is a group of distinct symptoms causing intense, sometimes debilitating pain down the sciatic nerve.nearly 40 percent of people experience sciatic pain at some point, and while the pain
Sciatica is a group of distinct symptoms causing intense, sometimes debilitating pain down the sciatic nerve.According to Harvard Health,Verified SourceHarvard HealthBlog run by Harvard Medical School offering in-depth guides to better health and articles on medical breakthroughs.View sourcenearly 40 percent of people experience sciatic pain at some point, and while the pain is severe, the symptoms typically pass on their own.
Sciatica is rather common as its a result of different diseases or conditions pinching the sciatic nerve. With the correct diagnosis, the condition can be treated and the pain will eventually subside.
To diagnose sciatica, doctors complete two physical exams to measure the pressure on your sciatic nerve. We share how you can complete these same tests at home and discuss more what sciatica is. If you believe you have sciatica, speak to your doctor about diagnosis and treatment options.
When To See A Doctor For Shoulder Pain
There are a number of injuries and disorders that can affect the shoulder resulting in pain and limited function. If you have a shoulder problem that is causing you pain or preventing you from carrying out your normal day-to-day activities, then it may be time to visit an orthopedic doctor.
The three main bones which make up the shoulder joint are the humerus , the shoulder blade , and the clavicle . The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that provide stability and allow movement for the shoulder.
Because the humerus fits relatively loosely in the shallow socket within the shoulder joint, it can make the shoulder vulnerable to a number of conditions and injuries leading to pain, weakness, instability, and reduced function. Lets take a look at some of the reasons why you would want to see an orthopedist for shoulder pain treatment.
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