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How To Relieve Bulging Disc Pain In Back

Secret #: Get A Chiropractic Massage

How to Relieve a Lower Back Bulging Disc in 30 SECONDS

If you are in pain because of a bulging or herniated disc, a massage might not sound so terrific, but the truth is that a chiropractic massage, which is done under the supervision of your chiropractor, might be just what the doctor ordered, so to speak.

Your chiropractor will direct the massage therapist to problem areas, which areas should be avoided, as well as offer advice as to what type of massage might work best for your condition. Massage will reduce painful muscle spasms while promoting healing through improved circulation.

Studies show that those with chronic low back pain are greatly reduced with regular massage.

Chiropractic massage can go a long way towards reducing pain while stimulating healing. This is a safe and effective treatment that offers substantial pain relief without drugs.

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Bulging Disc And Back Pain: 7 Natural Treatments That Work

By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

Do you have a bulging disc thats causing you back pain strong enough to interfere with your job, family life or normal day-to-day activities? Feeling afraid that youll never be able to get your pain under control for good and that it might just continue to worsen as you get older?

Youre not alone. Many people with a bulging or herniated disc feel confused, frustrated and worried about their condition. In the general population, about 1 percent to 2 percent of all people are believed to have a somewhat serious bulging disc. The older you get, the likelier you are to develop disc problems because over the years spinal discs lose their structure, elasticity, lubricating fluid and become more brittle.

The good news is you can help prevent cracks, bulges or inflammation in your spinal discs from developing or worsening by changing certain aspects of your lifestyle. Lets talk about how you can effectively help heal your bulging disc in the fastest way possible, allowing you to finally get some relief without needing to rely on medications or, even worse, unnecessary surgery.

What Is A Disc Herniation

The bones in your back, called the vertebrae, are stacked one on top of another and are separated by discs. These discs contain a tough outer layer, known as the annulus, and a jelly-like inner layer, known as the nucleus.

In the case of a herniation, the nucleus of the disc begins to push through the annulus and, in some cases, goes into the spinal canal. When this occurs, it can contact the nerves along your spine and cause numbness, tingling, pain and weakness down the legs.

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Sleep With A Herniated Disc: Try Using A Full Body Pillow

The best way to sleep with a l5-s1 herniated disc or l4-l5 herniated disc can be achieved by using a full body pillow , like the ones used by pregnant women when staying in bed.Especially if you sleep on a bad mattress.

I put part of the body pillow under my upper back/armpit/rib cage: this gives me excellent support to the shoulder, and somehow, it takes away some of the pressure in the lower back, and that is what I need to do for sleeping with a herniated disc.

If youre going to buy a full body pillow, I recommend you get good quality: if it gets flat after a few weeks, itll be useless, and youll stop using it.If you dont want to buy a body cushion, you can still try to figure something out with a couple of regular pillows and use them as a very effective support for your shoulder / upper back.

Herniated Or Disk In The Neck

Bulging Disc in Lower Back Natural Treatments Ppt Presentation

Symptoms of a herniated disk in your neck include:

  • Pain near or between your shoulder blades.
  • Pain that travels to your shoulder, arm and sometimes your hand and fingers.
  • Neck pain, especially in the back and on the sides of your neck.
  • Pain that increases when bending or turning your neck.
  • Numbness or tingling in your arms.

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Sleep With A Herniated Disc: Is Sleeping On A Wood Board An Option

There are some benefits to sleeping on a hard surface and it doesnt have to be uncomfortable.I do that sometimes. I use a thin wood board that I put under my rib cage / upper back area and it kind of works. You may want to try this if you suffer from degenerative disc disease.

But it has to be a flexible & very thin wooden board and the right thing with MDF wood is that it offers support, but it doesnt hurt.Every other wood type Ive tried is like sleeping on the floor: just impossible.I like the feeling of a hard surface under my shoulders & shoulder blades when Im in bed.

By the way, this thiny wooden board is also a life saver to avoid back pain when driving.

Secret#: Sit Up Straight And Don’t Slouch

How many times did you hear your mother say, Sit up straight! or Dont slouch, youll ruin your back!? We are betting she said this a hundred times and you know what? Mom really does know best. She was absolutely right.

Believe it or not, bad posture, whether just sitting or standing or lifting, places a huge load on your lumbar spine, which will aggravate a herniated disc.

While bad posture might not actually cause a disc to rupture, it certainly isnt doing it any favors. The discs in our spines become harder and less flexible as we age. If a disc is already bulging, an incorrect posture will increase the severity of the problem.

If you are unsure about your posture, whether sitting, standing, lifting, or exercising, speak to your chiropractor. They can guide you and advise you on the best methods for improving your posture. Your mom will be proud.

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So How Can I Get Rid Of Disc Pain And Disc Problems

Glad you asked. The answer to this question will depend on how much pain your herniated disc is causing you and how far the disc has herniated into the area surrounding the spine.

No one wants to be in pain, but no one wants surgery either. The good news here is that most people dont need surgery for a herniated disc, they just need to know the 9 little secrets for getting rid of disc pain.

Treating Pain And Staying Active

Bulging Disc | Lower Back Pain Relief | Relieve Back Pain

Acute low back pain usually has no clear cause and goes away on its own after a few days. And even if a slipped disc is causing it, your body will probably be able to make the problem go away on its own within six weeks. Most treatments hardly affect the speed of recovery. Hot packs or massages might help you feel better. If you have severe pain, short-term relief can be provided by getting into a position that reduces the strain on your back and by using or local anesthetics. But most of the work is usually done by the body itself.

If slipped disc symptoms persist for a longer time, surgery may be an option to try to relieve the pressure on the affected nerve. However, most experts believe that slipped disc surgery is done more often in Germany than is actually necessary. So it might make sense to get a second opinion if your doctor advises you to have surgery and you aren’t sure whether this is the right treatment.

It is particularly important to stay as physically active as possible despite the pain. Exercise will not only keep your body in shape, it generally also has a positive effect on your mood. Getting enough exercise and keeping up the strength of your torso is key in order to stop back pain from becoming chronic. Physical activity has been scientifically proven to have a preventive effect and it is probably the most important thing you can do to help yourself.

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Bulging Disc Vs Herniated Disc: Whats The Difference

Disc problems go by many names: herniated discs, slipped discs, collapsed discs, ruptured discs, etc. This can become confusing for patients, especially since different health care professionals dont always agree on the different definitions and various causes of disc problems.

The good news is that despite the confusion about different terminologies, the underlying causes of most disc problems are usually very similar. Doctors might refer to your disc pain by different names depending on what they observe during a physical exam or when questioning you about your back pain, leg pain, medical history and lifestyle, but the same treatment options work for almost all types.

If youve been given several different diagnoses and are confused about what is causing your back pain, heres what you need to know:

A herniated disc is more like a disc opening and spilling its insides out, while a bulging disc is the disc stretching and protruding outward. Herniated discs are also called ruptured discs or slipped discs more often than bulging discs are. Compared to herniated discs, bulging discs are more common, and they might also go unnoticed more often since they can cause less pain. Then again, each persons symptoms are different.

Common symptoms of a bulging disc can include:

The type of pain caused by a bulging disc is a clue to where the abnormal disc is located:

Some People Do Not Have Symptoms

Research studies where routine back scans have been done on a large number of people have shown that some people have a prolapsed disc without any symptoms. It is thought that symptoms mainly occur if the prolapse puts pressure on or irritates a nerve. This does not happen in all cases. Some prolapses may be small, or occur away from the nerves and cause minor or no symptoms.

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The Mckenzie Method Can Help Shift Sciatica Pain

The McKenzie Method is one type of physical therapy that involves a specific approach to exercise. For lumbar herniated disc pain, the goal is to shift pain away from your leg and centralize it more in your lower back.5

  • Your specific symptoms typically determine which McKenzie Method exercises a physical therapist will suggest.
  • After your symptoms have moved out of your leg, the approach usually shifts to longer-term rehabilitation to strengthen your back and other key muscle groups.

Even after the lumbar herniated disc pain has subsided, a back strengthening and stretching program should be continued to reduce the risk of lumbar pain returning.

Read more about McKenzie Therapy for Mechanical Low Back Pain

Exercise : Standing Row With Resistance Band

Bulging Disc &  Back Pain: 7 Natural Treatments That Work ...

Why its beneficial:


  • Attach the band to something stable, like a doorknob or a staircase post.

  • Stand up tall with your feet hips width apart and your knees slightly bent grasp the end of the band with both of your hands.

  • Pull the band towards you, bending your elbows. Try to keep your forearms parallel with the floor.

  • Repeat 10 times. Rest of a few moments, then repeat 10 more times.

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    Certain Sleep Positions Help Relieve Herniated Disc Pain

    Pain from a lumbar herniated disc can worsen during the night. You may find comfort sleeping in a position that relieves pressure from the spine. A couple good options include:

  • Use a pillow under your knees to help relieve tension in the lower back.4
  • Lie on your side with a pillow between your knees to keep your spine straight and hips balanced.4
  • Your preferred sleeping position and pillow placements will likely be determined by the location of your herniated disc. Try a few different pillow and positions to see what works best for you.

    See Best Pillows for Different Sleeping Positions

    Causes And Risk Factors

    Bulging disks result from a reduction of gel in the disk center. Less gel causes the disk to become compressed and start to bulge.

    The gel in a spinal disk naturally wears away over time. A bulging disk is usually the result of aging, but it can also be due to spinal injury, such as the result of a car accident. An injury could also push a bulging disk to become herniated.

    Another risk factor is physical activity, which may weaken the back and abdominal muscles, placing additional pressure on the vertebrae.

    Some physically demanding jobs may also increase the risk of a bulging disk , such as those that frequently involve lifting heavy objects.

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    What Causes Slipped Discs

    A slipped disc occurs when the outer ring becomes weak or torn and allows the inner portion to slip out. This can happen with age. Certain motions may also cause a slipped disc. A disc can slip out of place while you are twisting or turning to lift an object. Lifting a very large, heavy object can place great strain on the lower back, resulting in a slipped disc. If you have a very physically demanding job that requires a lot of lifting, you may be at increased risk for slipped discs.

    Overweight individuals are also at increased risk for a slipped disc because their discs must support the additional weight. Weak muscles and a sedentary lifestyle may also contribute to the development of a slipped disc.

    As you get older, you are more likely to experience a slipped disc. This is because your discs begin to lose some of their protective water content as you age. As a result, they can slip more easily out of place. They are more common in men than women.

    Treatment For A Slipped Disc From A Gp

    Self-test for a Bulging or Herniated Disc (Low Back & Sciatica Pain)

    A GP might prescribe a stronger painkiller, a steroid injection or a muscle relaxant to use in the short term.

    If your symptoms do not get better, a GP might recommend further tests, like an MRI scan.

    They might also refer you to a physiotherapist. Physiotherapy from the NHS might not be available everywhere and waiting times can be long. You can also get it privately.

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    Dont Let Pain Take Over Your Life

    As you see, there are various options for bulging disc treatment. Choosing one over another depends on your symptoms and the severity of your condition.

    The sooner you receive treatment, the better. Early intervention can lower your risk of developing complications.

    You deserve a pain-free life. Dont wait until its too late. Book an appointment and find out how we can help!

    How To Manage Pain From A Bulging Disc In Your Lower Back

    Many doctors advise people suffering from a bulging disc to try conservative treatment options first. Thats a good idea, considering most patients gradually recover from disc abnormalities on their own, without surgery, over the course of several weeks to a couple of months.

    All the options listed below can help to manage pain. Start with the lower-risk options, like rest, medication, and therapy, before advancing to injections. You may see something on the list you think youd never try, but I encourage you to keep an open mind. Not all measures work for all people, so if you try one option and its ineffective, talk to your doctor and move onbut dont eliminate something that has a chance of being helpful.

  • Rest. As long as you can tolerate this, try it. Give your body time to heal over a couple weeks. If you cant handle it, try the next option.
  • Take medication. When a disc herniates theres a chemical reaction that creates an inflammatory response as the body tries to calm it down. That inflammation presses against the nerve even more. Try anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation, or try muscle relaxants.
  • Try therapy. Once you get the swelling down, you could try therapy to create stability and strengthen the muscles around your core and back, and help improve the function of the spine. Options for therapy include yoga, acupuncture, chiropractic care, physical therapy, decompression, and massage therapy.
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    Diagnosis Of Disc Problems

    • taking a medical history to:
    • determine predisposing risk factors and conditions
    • identify any associated spinal nerve involvement
  • doing a physical examination.
  • Investigations are carried out if:

    • symptoms persist for more than six weeks despite remaining active, or
    • there is concern the disc is affecting a spinal nerve.

    Arm Or Leg Pain Numbness Or Weakness

    Gear up for Pain Month with our Back Pain Infographic

    Many people believe that back or neck pain is the primary symptom of a herniated disc. And while its true that a slipped disc in the lumbar or cervical spine may cause low back or neck pain, a more telling sign of disc herniation is pain and symptoms that extend to the arms or legs.

    Sciatica is one of the most common symptoms of a slipped disc in the back. When the inner material from a damaged disc leaks out into the spinal canal, it may irritate or compress nearby nerves. When the disc fluid compresses the sciatic nerve, it causes one-sided pain, weakness, numbness and tingling that travels from the low back to the buttock, thigh and calf. Sciatica may feel like a constant deep ache or a sharp and burning pain that comes on suddenly.

    A slipped disc in the neck can also pinch or irritate nearby spinal nerves. Nerve compression in the cervical spine causes one-sided pain, weakness, numbness and tingling that starts in the neck and travels down the shoulder, arm and hand.

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