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What Can You Use For Back Pain While Pregnant

Tips For Getting In And Out Of Bed With Back Pain

What can I use for back pain while pregnant?
  • Try to avoid lying flat for long periods of time. Its better for your back and your baby to lie on your side.
  • You may find it more comfortable to have a pillow under your bump or between your knees to support your back. This can help you sleep better, too.
  • Some women find pregnancy pillows can help, but they can be pricey. You may find a normal pillow does the trick.
  • If you are getting pain in your hip from lying on your side, it may help to place a duvet under your sheet or use a memory-foam topper for a softer mattress.

Getting in and out of bed can get more difficult as your bump gets bigger. To take the strain off your back, try rolling onto your side moving your shoulders, hips and knees at the same time. Let your legs ease off the edge of the bed and put your feet on the floor. At the same time, use your arms to push yourself up to a sitting position.

Doing this all as one movement can be more comfortable. Try the movement backwards to get back into bed.

Can I Get Rid Of Back Spasms

So how does one eliminate back spasms or reduce their frequency? Behram suggests applying heat or ice to the lower back for short durations when you feel spasms.

Relaxation and massage therapies can also be extremely beneficial. Patients should inquire and be assured that their massage therapist is certified in pregnancy message, and has the appropriate equipment for expectant moms, suggests Behram. Acupuncture can

Why Is Back Pain So Common In Pregnancy

One of the most common complaints during pregnancy is back pain. In fact, it’s estimated that more than half of all women experience some degree of back discomfort. Most back pain is related to the physical changes that happen during pregnancy, including hormones, changes in the center of gravity, and posture. Unfortunately, it typically gets worse as pregnancy progresses.

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Contact Your Family Doctor If:

  • Your pain worsens or does not go away after 2 weeks. Back pain could be a sign of preterm labor.
  • You lose feeling in your back, legs, pelvis, or genital area.
  • You have a fever, a burning feeling when you pee, or vaginal bleeding. You may have a urinary tract infection or kidney infection.
  • You have an injury or trauma that results in back pain.

Book A Physical Therapy Appointment

Using a Heating Pad While Pregnant: Can you use it on your stomach?

Physical therapists, in addition to treating acute injuries, help pregnant women work through back pain by manipulating joints, muscles, and nerve pressure points and providing exercises that expectant moms can continue at home. Rick Olderman, M.S.P.T., a Denver-based physical therapist and the author of Fixing You: Back Pain During Pregnancy, says that one of his goals is to educate patients by “teaching them how to walk, sit, stand, bend forward, lie down, and exercise” in a healthy, back-supporting way.

One thing he does is placing tape on the backs of pregnant women’s knees to “remind them to unlock their knees,” a habit that can put pressure on the large muscles of the legs and hip joints and the back, he says. Because women’s joints become lax as a result of hormonal changes, Olderman also helps show women the importance of limiting their joints’ ranges of motion to about 75 percent. “It may feel good to stretch, but the tissue stress becomes greater,” he says, and can actually exacerbate pain. Some health insurance plans cover physical therapy, which is not always the case with other complementary therapies.

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Quarantine Tips To Manage Low Back Pain While Pregnant

Due to the infectious nature of the novel Coronavirus, its crucial for people of all ages and health status to stay at home in order to prevent further spread. For pregnant individuals, stay-at-home orders enacted by almost all 50 U.S. states may have caused a significant increase in lower back pain, anxiety, and stress due to a change in lifestyle, as well as vulnerabilities the situation presents.

With pregnancy comes fluctuating hormone levels and due to that, theres a possibility you could become sensitive to the anxieties and stressors caused by certain situations. When that stress is internalized, the body can respond in unhealthy ways that many times results in pain.

There are a number of physical ailments that more sedentary people are at great risk for one of those is lower back pain. If you are currently pregnant and experiencing any form of back pain, do call your doctor immediately to discuss your symptoms with them, as you normally would during a visit. If the pain is unbearable and you need an instant remedy, try using hot or cold pressure on the area or a gentle massage in that area which will promote circulation and relaxation of the muscles.

  • Maintaining good posture
  • Regularly moving your body with stretches
  • Short walks

Ideal stretches to combat lower back pain in pregnancy include modified versions of Yoga poses, such as the childs pose, half pigeon, and cat-cow. Simply sit on a mat, or on a chair, at home and perform the exercises in this video.

Remedies For Relieving Pain During Pregnancy

Instead of taking painkillers during pregnancy, there are various remedies which work for different types of pain:

  • Static nerve pain:It is caused by the release of relaxin hormone that loosens the pelvic joints connections, making the muscles tense to accommodate the extra weight. As a result, pressure is felt on the nerves in your legs.You can reduce this pain bychanging your sleeping and sitting position, posture as well as exercise. An experienced physical therapist should be consulted.
  • Abdominal and stomach pains: You might feel bloated, gassy or have a tummy ache. A simple herbal remedy is peppermint. You can add a drop of peppermint essential oil in your water or try a lifesaver candy before trying stronger options.
  • Back pains: They are probably the most common pains during pregnancy. Wearing comfortable shoes are also helpful. To ensure you get ample support from your shoes, you can add an insole with cushiony padding. In addition, your sitting position, posture and type of pillows you use play a big role in reducing backaches. Use a body pillow when sleeping, and avoid sleeping on your back by keeping your knees bent. To ease back pain, you can alternate between warm and cold packs. The warm pack will relax your muscles and increase circulation while the cold pack will ease any swelling.
  • Other natural pain remedies you can try instead of painkillers during pregnancy include:

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    Back Pain Is Not Accompanied By Abdominal Tightness

    When youre in labor, the uterus is contracting. Though you may feel it in your back, the contractions wrap around from the front. If you are experiencing contractions and back labor, you may notice your belly tightening at regular intervals along with your back pain.

    Regular back pain is not accompanied by abdominal tightness.

    While these tips may help you distinguish between regular back pain and early labor signs, be advised that once labor progresses, if you experience true back labor it may feel very different. During your period of hard labor as opposed to early labor back pain may not let up like regular contractions, and you may feel a constant pain if you are experiencing back labor .

    Keep This Statistic In Mind

    When To Contact Your Doctor

    How to manage back pain during early pregnancy? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

    Back pain is typically a normal part of pregnancy. But in some cases, it can be a sign of serious problems, like preterm labor or a urinary tract infection.

    Back pain thats accompanied by fever, burning during urination, or vaginal bleeding shouldnt be ignored. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor right away.

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    What Back Pain During Pregnancy Feels Like

    Every mum-to-be experiences pain differently, so theres no hard and fast rule. For some, the pain may be stronger during certain movements. For others, the pain can radiate down the legs. The pain can come on suddenly or it might present more slowly. The pain can also vary in intensity. Sometimes it can be tricky to pinpoint the exact site of the pain. For example, you might have trouble distinguishing back pain from soreness in your pelvis or hip.

    Causes Of Low Back Pain During Pregnancy

    Pain in the lower back usually occurs between the 5th and 7th months of pregnancy, although in some cases it begins as early as 8 to 12 weeks. The pain is usually located in the lumbar area in the center of the back between the ribs and the waist. Pain is also common in the back of the pelvis between the waist and the tailbone.

    Although back pain is common during pregnancy, there are simple things you can do to ease or avoid it.

    There are several causes of lower back pain in pregnant women and here are some of the more common ones:

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    Exercises To Ease Back Pain In Pregnancy

    This gentle exercise helps to strengthen stomach muscles, which can ease back pain in pregnancy:

    1) Start on all fours with knees under hips, hands under shoulders, fingers facing forwards and stomach muscles lifted to keep your back straight.

    2) Pull in your stomach muscles and raise your back up towards the ceiling, letting your head and bum relax downwards gently do not let your elbows lock and only move your back as far as you comfortably can.

    3) Hold for a few seconds then slowly return to the box position take care not to hollow your back, it should always return to a straight, neutral position.

    4) Do this slowly and rhythmically 10 times, making your muscles work hard and moving your back carefully.

    Doing prenatal yoga or aquanatal classes with a qualified instructor can also help build your muscles to better support your back. Ask at your local leisure centre.

    Is It Safe To Use A Heating Pad On My Pregnant Belly

    Pin on Pregnancy

    While using a heating pad to temporarily relive pain in your joints, hips, and back isnt a problem during pregnancy, avoid using one on your abdomen. There can be many causes of abdominal pain while youre pregnant, including round ligament pain, gas and bloating, and constipation. In some case, abdominal pain can be a symptom of a more serious condition.

    You should consult your doctor right away if you experience discomfort or outright pain in your abdomen along with any of these symptoms:

    • spotting or bleeding
    • pain or discomfort while urinating
    • nausea and vomiting

    Instead of using a heating pad, try treating minor abdominal discomfort by soaking in a warm bath or changing positions. For example, sit if you were standing or recline if you were seated.

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    Taking Rest And Applying Heat Therapy Can Help Heal Sore Tissues

    Taking short periods of rest during the day helps ease muscle spasms and relieves acute pain. While taking rest, keeping both feet elevated can help bend the hips and decrease the curvature in the lower spine.2

    Using a heat patch in the lower back area and/or rear pelvis can help reduce soreness, decrease muscle spasm, and improve blood circulation. The heat source must be used for 15 to 20 minutes at a time and be of a tolerable temperature. Placing a barrier, such as a towel, is advisable to avoid burns.

    Watch:Video: 3 Easy Exercises for Back Pain in Pregnancy

    Maintaining an optimal level of function throughout your pregnancy and having the least amount of discomfort are the main goals of treatment for back pain during pregnancy.

    Physical therapy encompasses postural modifications, back strengthening, stretching, and range-of-motion exercises. Appropriate physical therapy and exercise for pregnant women instructed by a trained therapist can help strengthen the soft tissues and muscles around the lumbar spine .2

    • Flexion exercises help make the abdominal muscles stronger, improve core strength, and decrease the lumbar curve.2
    • Extension exercises help increase strength in the paraspinal muscles that provide stability to the spine.2

    Physical therapy and exercise to reduce back pain in pregnancy include low-impact options, such as pelvic tilts, knee-to-chest stretch, straight leg raise, curl-ups, side-lying leg raise, and the Kegel exercises.2

    How Can You Prevent Back Pain During Pregnancy

  • Take good care of your feet: Try not to wear shoes with poor arch support, such as heels or flats. Some women wear compression stockings to help prevent blood from pooling in the legs.
  • Monitor your posture: The back muscles are under pressure during pregnancy, so dont add more by slouching while sitting. If you must sit for prolonged periods of time, use a pillow to support the lower curve of your back, and rest your feet on a foot rest. If you stand for a long time, rest one foot on a stool or box, or try using a support belt made for pregnant women. If youre a side-sleeper, place a pillow between your knees to remove stress on your lower back.
  • Lifting objects: Ask for help to lift an object. If you must lift a heavy item, dont bend forward from the waist. Instead, move in close to the object, bend at your knees and remain in a squat position to keep your back straight.
  • Exercise: Always check with your doctor, but many exercises are safe to perform while pregnant, including swimming, stationary biking, and yoga for pregnant women.
  • Acupuncture: This integrative therapy, in combination with conventional therapies, has been shown to be an effective treatment for back pain associated with pregnancy.
  • Massage: Prenatal massages can help ease discomfort associated with strained back muscles.
  • Chiropractic care: When performed by a licensed practitioner, chiropractic treatment can be a safe and effective therapy to relieve back pain.
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    How Can Back Pain During Pregnancy Be Treated

    Back pain is very common in pregnancy and is usually not serious. While it may not be completely preventable, there are some changes you can make to reduce the severity or frequency of your back pain. Some treatments for back pain include:

    While these treatments can help reduce symptoms of back pain, some small changes in your habits can also help prevent triggering or worsening back pain. Some changes are:

    • If you need to pick something up from the ground, squat down instead of bending over.
    • Avoid wearing high heels or other shoes that do not provide adequate support.
    • Avoid sleeping on your back.
    • Elevate your feet often, especially when sitting for a prolonged period of time.
    • Wear a support belt or support hose, if needed.

    Unless you experienced chronic back pain prior to pregnancy, your pain will most likely ease gradually before you give birth.

    Wear A Maternity Belt

    Relieve Sleep Pain During Pregnancy

    A maternity belt, which you can buy online and in many maternity clothing shops, is a supportive undergarment that helps hold up the belly so the pelvic girdle and lower back aren’t too strained. If your belly is protruding forward in a pronounced way, rather than with your weight diffused across your midsection, the belt can act as a substitute for your abdominal core muscles, which can struggle to prevent your lower spine from painfully exaggerating its curvature. Doctors generally advise women to try maternity belts and use them if they work, but the belts should be seen as a complement to other remedies rather than the only pregnancy back pain relief strategy.

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    Treatments For Back Pain In Pregnancy

    More good news: Unless you had chronic backaches before you got pregnant, your pain will likely ease gradually before you give birth.

    Meanwhile, there are many things you can do to treat low back pain or make it rarer and milder:


    More tips:

    • If you need to pick something up from the ground, use your legs to squat rather than bend over.
    • Don’t wear high-heeled shoes. Choose low-heeled shoes with good arch support. Remember, as hormones loosen joints, you may need to buy a larger shoe size.
    • Don’t sleep on your back.
    • Wear support hose.

    If your back pain persists, you may want to consult your doctor to see what else you might try. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking pain medications. Acetaminophen is safe for most women to take during pregnancy. Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen are not advised. In some cases, your doctor may recommend other pain medicines or muscle relaxants that are safe during pregnancy.

    Second Trimester Back Pain

    Second-trimester back pain typically occurs during the latter half of this trimester, after 20 weeks Just to keep in mind, this can be a bit confusing due to the fact that mothers come in different shapes and sizes.

    Patients who I have seen that are already overweight during pregnancy can have second trimester back pain even before 20 weeks. By this time, youve likely gained enough weight that its starting to put stress on your body, resulting in back pain.

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    How To Relieve Upper Back Pain During Pregnancy

    While upper back pain during pregnancy is common, it’s possible to get some relief. “Acupuncture and core strengthening work are both helpful to relieve back pain,” suggests Dr. Tham Metz. “Staying active and gaining a healthy amount of weight is also key.”

    Supportive shoes and a good bra can make a big difference, especially if the upper back pain is due to increased breast mass. Some experts also suggest prenatal massage to relieve symptoms. Warm or cold compresses might be worth a shot tooand don’t be afraid to ask your doctor about pain medication if the discomfort persists.

    To prevent upper back pain, you should stretch regularly, avoid lifting heavy objects, and maintain good posture. That’s because standing tall can alleviate tension and stress.


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