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HomeFactsHow To Help Back Pain From Standing All Day

How To Help Back Pain From Standing All Day

Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When Standing Up After Sitting

Pain From Standing All Day – This Stretch Can Help!

If you suffer from crippling and excruciating lumbar pain when standing up, it probably feels like lightening going through your whole body and you have to hold onto something and stop yourself from moving until it calms down.

Heres the reason:

Years of abusing your back with poor posture, sitting too much, standing too much and lack of exercise make the back prone to injury .

The technical causes can be facet syndrome , Sacroiliac syndrome, herniated disc, muscle and ligament strain, and Scoliosis.

If your back hurts only when you stand up or bend over, your low back injury may not be muscle related. These symptoms suggest that you may have a bulging disc or a pinched nerve in your lower back.

I recommend that you be diagnosed properly by your doctor and then come back here to find the best natural and easy way to heal your injury.

Now over to you:

How many hours a day do you spend standing? what has worked best for you?

To your health and happiness,


Heres The Complete List of DIY Lower Back Pain Relievers

Home Treatment For Lower Back Pain

There are a number of at-home options to treat pain in your lower back:

  • Relax. Sometimes just sitting down will relieve enough of the pressure from your lower back to reduce the pain significantly.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . These over-the-counter pain relievers include ibuprofen and naproxen . You can purchase NSAIDs here.
  • Exercise and stretching. Although exercise is often good for addressing lower back pain, consult with a professional. Some exercises can make the pain worse. For example, avoid toe touches and situps, but try hamstring stretches. Generally getting into better physical health will help reduce lower back pain when standing and doing other everyday activities.
  • Stand and sit up straight. Your posture is important for proper weight distribution. Standing and sitting up straight will help.
  • Get supportive shoes and orthotics. Get shoes or shoe inserts that help keep your feet in a neutral, supported position.
  • Mattress support. Find a mattress that gives you better support than your current one.
  • Use heat and ice. As soon as the pain starts, put an ice pack on your lower back for 20 minutes several times a day. After 48 hours, alternate using ice and heat.
  • Avoid heavy lifting. Avoid lifting heavy objects. If you must, keep your back straight and bend your legs so the leg muscles do the majority of the work.
  • Lose weight. If youre overweight, getting to a healthy weight will improve strain on your back.

Improved Posture For A Healthy Back

Good posture is the position at which you hold your body against gravity. With good posture, there is less strain on supporting muscles and ligaments, which in turn reduce pressure on your foot while standing. The right body posture reduces your chance of developing back pain and leg problems associated with prolonged standing.

Before lifting any heavy object, make sure your feet are firm on the ground. Bend your knees and lift the object without leaning forward. Sit straight upwards without bending your shoulders. Your office desk and chair should be at the right level and proportion to each other to help you maintain a good working posture.

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Alternate Between Sitting & Standing

I bet when you are standing there in pain you are dreaming of a nice, comfortable chair to plonk down into.

After all, life would be so much better if you could sit all day instead of standing up right?


In fact prolonged periods of sitting are just as bad than the same amount of time spent standing.

However, the trick to beating back pain at work is to be able to combine them both.

Now I know that this may not be an option for everyone as your job may not allow it.

But if there’s a chance to be able to switch regularly between sitting and standing throughout the day. it can make a big difference to the health of your back.

As this gives you the best of both worlds.

Because your muscles remain active while standing but get some rest while sitting.

And this can prevent the muscle fatigue that comes with standing still too long and also help you avoid the weakened muscles that comes from too much sitting.

However, for this to work properly you need to get the sit-to-stand time ratio right.

As one study found that spending 15 minutes sitting and 45 minutes standing every hour didn’t help workers with their lower back pain.

However spending 40 minutes sitting and 20 minutes standing did have a positive effect.

Office workers have had great success with this in recent years by using sit/stand desks.

So if you have a chance to sit instead of stand for 40 minutes every hour take it!

Can A Standing Desk Help My Back Pain

Two Main Reasons For Back Pain and Its Alleviation Or ...

You might have heard the phrase sitting is the new smoking, whichacknowledges that leading a sedentary lifestyle and sitting at a desk all day atwork is not good for your health. Its true studies have shown that sittingfor prolonged periods of time can lead to back and neck pain, weight gain, highblood pressure, high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.In fact, an October2017 study in Annals of Internal Medicine found that sitting for long periods of time each day,whether in continuous bouts or in spurts, also contributes to an increasedrisk of death.

For the many people who spend countless hours sitting at a desk,one of the most attractive options to hit the market is the standing desk, anapparatus touted as a way to improve posture, relieve back and neck pain, and increaseproductivity. Because standing desks still are relativelynew products, we need more evidence to determine how they benefit our healthand the optimal ratio between sitting and standing. However, initial datasuggest there are advantages to standing during the workday rather than justsitting.

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The Importance Of Keeping Active

Teaching, nursing, construction many jobs require standing up for long periods of time. But being on your feet all day may come with a host of health problems, including sore ankles, aching, painful knees and hips, varicose veins, corns and calluses.

On the other hand, being overly sedentary won’t do you any favours either, therefore the key is to change positions regularly. Inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle is where discomfort and problems often begin.

The key is to change positions regularly. Inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle is where discomfort and problems often begin.

I advise my patients to introduce simple stretches and strengthening exercises into their daily routine. Here are a few of the most effective as an antidote to standing:

Ways To Prevent Lower Back Pain From Standing


Do you suffer from lower back pain after standing for just a few minutes, or longer periods?

Are you worried that your pain will worsen and turn into a serious injury?

A recent study has found that standing on your feet for more than 25 minutes a day could potentially lead to a lifetime of lower back pain.


You dont have to become a part of these statistics.

Here youll find 5 natural and easy ways to prevent lower back pain after standing.

Being on your feet for hours each day is an uncomfortable and painful reality for stay at home moms, cashiers, health care workers, bank tellers, restaurant servers, mail sorters, assembly line workers, retail salespeople and the list goes on and on.

And if low back pain is not enough, standing for a long time can also lead to foot pain, bunions, varicose veins, knee problems, neck and shoulder stiffness, restricted blood flow, and fatigue.

They can all join the party at any moment if they havent already.

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Do You Work On Your Feet All Day

Standing all day, whether work or at play, can do a real number on your feet, legs, and back! Each year in Canada, thousands of work-related foot injuries are reported and an increasing number of sick days are taken because of leg and foot problems. Whether youre cooking at a restaurant line, cutting hair in a salon, teaching in a classroom, or folding T-shirts at a clothing store, making an extra effort to take good care of your feet and legs can go a long way toward staying healthy and comfortable.

Why Does Your Back Hurt After Standing

Low Back Relief When Standing All Day

Did you know?

Your pain doesnt necessarily have to do with your age, your weight, or the strength of your back muscles.

Here are the possible causes:

1. Tensed Muscles muscles have to constantly work to keep you upright. Standing in one position requires some kind of rest, otherwise, the joints from your neck to your feet can become temporarily stuck.

The muscles get tired and their tendons and ligaments can get damaged, which means inflammation and pain.

2. Circulation standing still for long periods reduces blood flow to your muscles. The lack of movement reduces the blood returning to the heart.

This causes the veins to become inflamed and the muscles, which dont get enough blood supply, start to ache.

3. Footwear if you stand on hard surfaces and you dont have the proper footwear , it can make your pain much worse.

4. Poor fitness and excess weight obviously, these will aggravate lower back pain while and after standing.

5. Bad posture standing often leads to poor posture. As a result, the shoulders slouch forward, the hip flexors are tight, and you have too much arch in your lower back.

6. Overly Tight Hamstrings this is a little known cause, but it happens. Overly tight hamstrings can pull on muscles of your lower back and cause muscle pain.

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Vary Standingwith Walking And Sitting

When you sit, make sure your lower back issupported, your head and neck are in a neutral position, and your shoulders arerelaxed. Your knees should be in line with your hips when your feet are plantedfirmly on the floor or on a footrest.

If you have chronic back or neck pain, seeyour doctor to determine the cause. A standing desk potentially can helprelieve pain caused by sitting too much during the day. To schedule a spinehealth check-up, call or request an appointmentonline.

Posture & Exercises For Low Back Pain After Standing

Stretch your hip flexors to realign your pelvis and stretch your chest to put your shoulders back.

If you have tight hamstrings, you should stretch them every hour or so, ideally.

Heres a good stretch for tight hamstrings, to immediately relieve your pain:

Also, stand with one foot in front of the other, not side by side. Periodically shift your weight from one leg to the other and try to work with one foot slightly raised .

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Heels Still Hurting Get Professional Treatment

We certainly hope that these tips will help you drastically reduce the amount of heel pain you experience throughout the day! However, if youre still having problems, please call The Kansas Foot Center in Wichita, Newton, or Emporia today at 222-5177, or fill out our online contact form. Acting quickly to reverse heel discomfort can save you significant time and pain!

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What Causes Pains In Lower Back While Standing

Foot Orthotics Along with Chiropractic Help Low Back Pain ...

The lower back anatomy is made up of vertebral bones stacked to support the body in an upright position. These bones have a disk between each of them to cushion them and provide stability. They also have a joint on both sides called facet joints, which allow movement between each spine level. The quick answer is if the discs and facet joints become inflamed, they may cause pain in the lower back in standing.

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Best Shoes For Nurses With Back Pain Standing Comfortably All Day

Your footwear can have a visible impact on your posture and inappropriate shoes can result in back pain as well as exacerbate posture problems over extended periods of time. A recent study revealed that about 40 percent of nurses suffer from back pain so serious they must take some time off from work. Doing a job like nursing in low-quality shoes can destroy your feet and can result in significant back pain as well as other health problems. It can reduce your quality of life down a couple of notches. Here are ten of the best shoes for nurses with back pain to provide you with relief.

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Back Care And Standing Work

According to the latest injury figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, each year there are over 880,000 cases of back injuries that account for 1 in 4 nonfatal occupational injuries involving days away from work. In most sectors of industry, back injuries now rank either second or third overall .Back care for standing workOver our lifetimes, 8 out of 10 people will experience a back injury and back pain. Most back injuries are painful, debilitating, and life changing. As a former sufferer, I know firsthand how important it is to learn how to improve the health of the spine and take steps to prevent back injury.

Training to prevent low back disorders requires both a working understanding of the spine and knowledge of back injury risk factors.

Back BasicsThe spine is a flexible structure that consists of 24 movable bones, called vertebrae that are connected by tough ligaments and separated by pads of cartilage, called intervertebral discs, that act as shock absorbers and allow the flexible movement of the spine, especially at the neck and the lower back.

Causes of Low Back Pain:

  • straining the muscles or ligaments
  • pressure on the intervertebral discs
  • nerve compression or entrapment
  • damage to the vertebra

What are the risk factors for low back injuries?With data from over 40 research studies we now have a pretty good idea of the major risk factors for back injuries. These factors are:

1) heavy physical work

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Make Sure It’s Not Something More Serious

First of all, make sure that your back pain isn’t something more serious. According to the National Institutes of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, although many of these issues are rarer than just back pain, there are several issues that will cause back pain such as disk breakdown, spasms, tense muscles, ruptured disks, scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, arthritis, spinal stenosis, pregnancy, kidney stones, infections, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, tumors and stress.

You should see a doctor if you have:

  • Numbness or tingling
  • Severe pain that does not improve with rest
  • Pain after a fall or an injury
  • Pain plus any of these problems:
  • Trouble urinating
  • Fever
  • Weight loss when not on a diet.

Your back pain may be coming from your lifestyle. Here are several changes you can make that may reduce or get rid of your pain.

Wear The Right Shoes For The Job

How to relieve back pain if you’re sitting all day at work

About 60 to 70 per cent of the population encounter foot problems at some stage of their lives, says podiatrist Patrick Raftery from central west New South Wales.

He says many workers make the simple mistake of choosing shoes that look good but are inappropriate for their job, often prioritising form over function.

“Sometimes you’ve got to look between what people want to wear and what they should wear,” Mr Raftery says.

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What Else Can I Do

When you sit, you can add a cushion to support your bottom to relieve some tension and pain. Safran-Norton also recommends putting a pillow behind your back for lower back support.

If you can, try to lessen the amount of sitting time throughout the day. Go for a walk in the morning or during your break.

During The Day Poses:

  • Standing Half Moon Pose Reach your arms to the ceiling and interlace your fingers. Lean to the right for 10-15 seconds, then lean to the left for 10-15 seconds
  • Tree Pose While standing, place your left foot onto your right leg at about thigh level, and balance there. Then do the same thing with your right foot on your left leg.
  • Standing Forward Fold Standing, bend at the waist and reach toward the floor, then roll up one vertebrae at a time, until standing straight again.

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Common Posture Mistakes That Lead To Back Problems

So many of us are guilty of the same common mistakes that increase postural stress and ultimately cause back pain. Over our lifetime, subconscious habits form and make it easy for us to miss when we’re putting additional stresses on our bodies. Here are the most common causes of back pain and what you can do to correct them:

1. You’re looking down at your screen, phone, or desk, and your head tips forward.The human head weighs, on average, 10 lbs. Any slight angle forward puts a strain on the muscles of your neck and upper back. The further that you lean your head forward, and how long you keep that straining posture, determines how much extra work your neck and upper-back need to do.

2. Your shoulders are rolled forward. Some of the most common causes of lower back pain are a lack of lumbar support from a chair thats too soft or one that doesnt encourage good posture, a muscular imbalance in which your pectoral muscles are stronger than your back muscles , or habit. If youre wondering if youre guilty of this, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and let your arms hang down at your sides. If your thumb points forward, youre probably balanced. If your palms are pointing behind you, you probably have an imbalance.

3. You’re leaning forward from your lower back. This posture puts even more pressure on the vertebrae of your lower spine , as it compresses your disks.


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