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How To Heal Strained Lower Back

What Are The Symptoms Of Lumbar Strain

How to HEAL a Lower Back Injury FAST | Easy Step-By-Step Guide

The following are the most common symptoms of a lumbar strain. However, each person may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

  • Sudden lower back pain
  • Spasms in the lower back that result in more severe pain
  • Lower back feels sore to the touch

The symptoms of a lumbar strain may resemble other conditions and medical problems. Always talk with your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

How Long Does It Take For A Strain To Heal

The majority of back strain pain will go away without help in one to four weeks. Of the cases that are seen in hospital emergency rooms, most can be dealt with conservatively. You must pay careful attention to easily seen warnings that can mean something more serious is going on.

If the pain lasts more than two weeks without at least easing up somewhat, you should seek medical attention. There may be a more serious injury to the muscles supporting the spine. These muscles include:

  • Flexor muscles like the abdominal muscles
  • Extensors like the gluteal muscles
  • Obliques or side muscles

Overall, most acute occurrences of back pain resolve within twelve weeks, though about a third of patients could have long-term symptoms. Management of back strains depends on a lot of things, including:

  • Type of symptoms

What Does A Pulled Back Muscle Feel Like

A pulled muscle feels like a sharp shooting pain that increases with the movements of certain muscles. The area around the pulled muscle can swell up and the stiffness will increase drastically. This stiffness can cause limited movement. Each time you would try to move it you might feel a sharp pain and that pain will seem dull when you do not move.

If you are resting and the muscle is relaxed you might not feel the pain at all. As soon as you start moving against the muscle you might experience the same shooting pain again. If you touch the area you might find it to be tender or sore. In addition to that, you might get spasms every now and then. these are the most common symptoms of a strained back muscle.

Now we must figure out the treatment for strained back muscle. There are different ways that you can get strained back muscle treatment, let’s focus on some of them:

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How To Recover From Deadlift Lower Back Injury: Conclusion

Some exercises are a little riskier than others. The deadlift is one of them. But many people deadlift safely and properly every day without experiencing injuries. If you find yourself with a deadlifting injury, follow the directions above and ask yourself if youre doing the exercise properly. Ask a personal trainer or a knowledgeable friend to analyze your form and give you pointers so you dont injure yourself in the future.

If your form is good, talk to a chiropractor about your posture and your back. Weak muscles and a misaligned spine may also contribute to deadlifting injuries and should be corrected as soon as possible.


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Exercise To Loosen Muscles

How To Treat a Back Injury

Although it may seem counterintuitive to exercise when lower back pain is causing you grief, the right kind of movement can help eliminate the discomfort. Its always important to consult your physician before you engage in exercise when you have pain, but this conversation is well worth having if youre suffering.

First, you should keep in mind that not all exercise is beneficial in combating back pain. Try to avoid toe-touch exercises and sit-ups, which may add to the stress on your spine instead of relieving it. Leg lifts are another exercise to stay away from when you are hurting. If your core is not strong, leg lifts could be too demanding on your body if youre already experiencing pain.

Several types of exercises can be useful when you need to relieve back pain. Partial crunches can aid in strengthening your core without applying too much pressure to the area. Slow and controlled wall-sit exercises may also be useful. Other repetitions to consider include bringing each knee to the chest in succession, pelvic tilts, and swimming.

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Symptoms Of A Pulled Back Muscle

Symptoms of a pulled back muscle depend on where the injury is. The spine is divided into three major sections: the neck, upper back and shoulders, and lower back.

For a pulled muscle in the neck, you might experience:3

  • Pain in the neck and upper back area
  • Limited range of motion in the neck
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Pain radiating to the shoulders or arms
  • Headache

Pulled muscles in the shoulders and upper back may cause:

  • Pain in the area between the spine and shoulder blade
  • Muscle spasms in the upper back
  • Knots and tightness in the upper back and shoulders
  • Pain when moving the shoulders

In lower back strain injuries, many people experience symptoms such as:3

  • Aching and stiffness in lower back muscles
  • Pain that worsens with movement
  • Pain that radiates to the hips and legs
  • Limited range of motion
  • Muscle spasms in lower back area
  • Pain when sitting, standing, or walking

Causes Of Strain In Lower Back Muscles

As one of the most common injuries among adults, lower back strain can occur due to a broad range of causes, including:

  • Sudden impact from a fall, collision, or athletic activity
  • Repetitive motion that causes stress on the muscles and joints
  • Lifting while twisting, or lifting an object that is too heavy
  • Poor posture or incorrect form when performing activities
  • Weak or imbalanced muscles in the back and abdominals
  • Excess weight that causes stress in lower back muscles

Lower back muscle strain is typically diagnosed by a medical professional after performing a physical examination and evaluating your history of injury. In cases of severe pain, other tests such as an x-ray or MRI might be performed to rule out other types of injuries.

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How Are Back Strains And Sprains Treated

The treatment for strains and sprains is similar, and often takes place in two phases.

The goal of the first phase is to reduce the pain and spasm. This may involve rest, and the use of ice packs and compression , especially for the first 24 to 48 hours after the injury. An over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as ibuprofen , may be recommended to help reduce pain and swelling.

After the first 24 to 48 hours, returning to normal activities, as tolerated, is advisable. Extended bed rest or immobility simply prolongs symptoms and delays recovery.

Most people with lumbar strain/sprain symptoms improve in about 2 weeks. If symptoms continue for more than 2 weeks, additional treatment may be required.

First A Few Quick Tips

Lower Back Injury Recovery Length | HOW TO SPEED UP HEALING TIME

Stretch your lower back with safety and care. Be especially gentle and cautious if you have any type of injury or health concern. Its best to talk with your doctor first before starting any new types of exercise.

You can do these stretches once or twice a day. But if the pain seems to get worse, or youre feeling very sore, take a day off from stretching.

Be mindful of your bodys limits and dont push your body to do too much. Listen to your body and do what feels best for you in each moment.

As you go through these stretches, take your time and pay close attention to your breathing. Use your breath as a guide to make sure you dont strain or overdo it. You should be able to breathe comfortably and smoothly throughout each pose or stretch.

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More Ways To Prevent Future Back Spasms:

Maintain a healthy weight if youre overweight, you increase the stress on your spine and joints.

Improve your posture improper postures such as being hunched over all day can increase your risk of back spasms. Ensuring that you maintain proper posture, and using ergonomic aids when needed provide the stability and strength that your back needs and minimizes your risk of back spasms.

Exercise regularly engaging in a stretching and strengthening program for your back and core muscles, and regularly participating in some form of cardiovascular activity, will help to keep your back healthy and minimize your risk of back spasms.

Warm up and cool down before exercising properly warming up and cooling down before and after exercise can help prevent your muscles from becoming fatigued, strained, or injured. Before working out, try jogging in place and doing sport-specific movements that help to get your heart rate up and blood flowing to your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. After your work out, take about 10 minutes to stretch the major muscle groups of your body to help prevent muscle spasms.

Stay hydrated dehydration can lead to muscle spasms. Ensure that youre consuming enough water for your body size and activity level helps to minimize your risk of back spasms.

What Are The Signs Of A Back Injury

Signs you may have injured your back include:

  • pain or tenderness
  • pain that worsens with movement, coughing, sneezing or laughing
  • stiffness or difficulty moving
  • swelling
  • pain that radiates down one or both legs

However, back pain has many causes. It could be caused by a disease such as osteoarthritis or osteoporosis, your age, physical fitness, smoking, being overweight, or the type of work you do.

It is important to find out the cause of your symptoms so they can be treated properly.

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How Do I Know If Ive Strained My Back

It’s no surprise that the anatomy of your back is very complex in of itself since you rely on it for many different things. But to understand what causes a strained back, let’s focus on three components: tendons, muscles, and ligaments. In order for you to move, run, and twist, you need all three of these components to work properly. Since they are constantly working to hold your body upright, they are very prone to injuries such as tearing, pulling, and over-stretching.

Its important to understand that muscles get strained and ligaments get sprained! These are both considered soft tissue injuries, and people often use them interchangeably, but they are actually different

A sprain occurs when a ligament stretches or tears.

A strain occurs when a muscle or tendon stretches or tears.

Already confused? Read more to see a breakdown of the anatomy of your ligaments, tendons, & muscles in your back.

The most common symptoms of a torn, strained, or pulled muscle include:

  • Sore or tenderness in your lower back
  • Pain that occurs suddenly
  • Pain that increases when you stand, walk, or twist
  • Stiffness in the back region
  • Pain that radiates to your legs, buttock, or thigh areas
  • Weakness in your muscles and tendons

Luckily for you, treating a back strain can be as simple as 1, 2, 3. Try doing these stretches, exercises, & prevention methods to help say goodbye to that annoying pain in your back!

Stretching And Exercising Your Lower Back

5 Steps to Quickly Recover from Pulled Back Muscles
  • 1Take short walks each day. While complete bedrest might feel like the safest response to a lower back strain, it can actually worsen your back pain. Walk and move through your day as you normally do, stopping if anything worsens the pain.XResearch source
  • Walk 10 to 15 minutes a day at first and work up to more.
  • 2Perform press-ups twice a day. Lie on your belly in push-up position, with your palms on the floor. Relax the lower half of your body entirely. Press your hands to the floor and straighten your arms. Breathe, then slowly bend your arms and lower yourself to the floor.XResearch source
  • Be careful not to tighten or lift your hips as you do this exercise. Let your arms and shoulders do all the work.
  • Do this twice a day, 8-10 times. Go slowly, and take pauses if it is painful or tiring.
  • 3Arch your back for a gentle stretch. While standing, put your hands over the tops of your buttocks, look at the ceiling, and arch your back. Relax, then repeat.XResearch source
  • Do 8-10 reps of this in the morning and the evening when you do your other stretches.
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    Pulled Muscle In Lower Back Exercises

    There are several exercises you can perform to help your lower back heal. Not only will they help the muscle spasms you may be having, they make your back stronger so its not as likely to become injured again.

    Here are a few easy stretching exercises. Take them slowly and move gradually into each position. If any of these make your back pain worse, stop and see a doctor.

    How Long Do Muscle Spasms Take To Heal

    Muscle strains, fortunately, normally recover in a few days or weeks because the muscles in the lower back have a sufficient blood supply that brings the required nutrients and proteins for healing. If the discomfort is severe, the patient should be recommended to rest for one to two days. Then, he or she should gradually return to their regular activities.

    A muscle strain can also lead to muscle tears or fractures if the injury is very large or if it occurs during an intense activity. In this case, you will need medical care from a physiotherapist who will help you with your recovery.

    The length of time it takes for a muscle strain to heal depends on how serious it is and what type of exercise you’re doing when you experience it. Smaller injuries that don’t cause any pain or limit your activities can usually be healed in a week or less. Larger injuries or those that cause continuing pain or trouble moving parts of the body require more time to heal. Health professionals can tell you how long your injury will take to heal.

    Your recovery time will also be influenced by your age, overall health, and existing conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. You may need to rest your injured muscle for several days to allow it time to heal. Physical therapy may be recommended to reduce pain and inflammation while strengthening other muscles to prevent them from being damaged next time you exercise.

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    Other Exercises For Strengthening Your Back

    You can also check my other exercises to improve your posture.

    Low back pain can also be caused by your sciatic nerve. If you have pain in your lower back and pain down your left leg or right leg, then why not try some great yoga stretches to relieve sciatic pain, tennis ball massage therapy, and foam roller exercises for sciatic and back pain. All these exercises include video or detailed illustrations for easy implementation at home.

    Rest But Not Too Much

    Pulled Muscle In Low Back? 3 DIY Treatments

    Dont rest too long. A little couch time wont hurt, but light activity speeds recovery, so avoid lying down for long periods of time.

    Growing evidence shows there is little or no benefit to bed rest over staying active.

    So use this rule of thumb: listen to your body.

    Ultimately, your level of pain will determine your level of activity.

    If a certain activity led to a pulled muscle dont repeat it for at least a week.

    For example, if your back pain started after lifting something heavy, avoid lifting heavy objects for at least a week while your pulled back muscle heals.

    Also, avoid sitting for too long. Long periods of sitting can tighten your muscles and cause lower back muscle pain and stiffness.

    When you sit and stand, use good posture, avoiding slumping in your head and shoulders.

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    Epsom Salt Bath To Relieve Strained Muscle In The Back

    One way to relax tense muscles and also relax your mind to ease muscle tension is to take a warm bath of Epsom salt.

    Dr. Carol DerSarkissian on WebMD says that an Epsom salt bath can help to heal a pulled or strained muscle and ease many aches and pains. It is thought that magnesium and sulfate from the salts penetrate the skin and help relax stiff muscles.19

    How to use Epsom salt for muscle repair:

    To make a healing bath with Epsom salt to get rid of pain caused by pulled back muscle, this is what you should do:

  • Fill your bathtub with very warm water and add 1 to 2 cups Epsom salts.
  • Soak in the bath water for 20 minutes to allow the salts and minerals ease muscle tension in your back.
  • Rinse off in the shower and dry yourself.
  • Take the bath up to three times per week until your sore back muscles are healed and are no longer sore.
  • Rest And Give It Time

  • Take it easy while your back recovers. Most back strains will eventually heal up on their own after a few weeks. Avoid strenuous activities or heavy lifting and give your back the time it needs to heal up.XTrustworthy SourceJohns Hopkins MedicineOfficial resource database of the world-leading Johns Hopkins HospitalGo to source
  • Wait until youre completely pain-free to get back to your normal activities, especially working out or playing sports. You dont want to reinjure yourself or make the strain even worse.
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    Complementary And Alternative Techniques Include:

    • Acupuncture is moderately effective for chronic low back pain. It involves inserting thin needles into precise points throughout the body and stimulating them , which may cause the body to release naturally occurring painkilling chemicals such as endorphins, serotonin, and acetylcholine.
    • Behavioral approaches include:
    • Biofeedback involves attaching electrodes to the skin and using an electromyography machine that allows people to become aware of and control their breathing, muscle tension, heart rate, and skin temperature people regulate their response to pain by using relaxation techniques
    • Cognitive therapy involves using relaxation and coping techniques to ease back pain
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation involves wearing a battery-powered device which places electrodes on the skin over the painful area that generate electrical impulses designed to block or modify the perception of pain
  • Physical therapy programs to strengthen core muscle groups that support the low back, improve mobility and flexibility, and promote proper positioning and posture are often used in combination with other interventions
  • Spinal injections include:Trigger point injections can relax knotted muscles that may contribute to back pain. An injection or series of injections of a local anesthetic and often a corticosteroid drug into the trigger point can lessen or relieve pain.


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