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HomeMust ReadDo I Have A Pinched Nerve In My Lower Back

Do I Have A Pinched Nerve In My Lower Back

What To Do For A Pinched Nerve In Your Back

How to Instantly Relieve Nerve Pain in Your Back and Leg

We have nerve roots that leave the spinal column at every level, and they can become impinged and trapped. It’s a very common source of pain, says Zachary McCormick, a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician with the University of Utah Health Spine Services team. And its most often caused by either disk herniation or spinal stenosis.

With a herniated or slipped disk, a portion of the disk bulges out, usually entering the spinal canal or the channel where the nerve root exits, and then pinches one or more nerves, McCormick says. Spinal stenosis, on the other hand, refers to any narrowing within the spinal canal where the nerves exist, but typically refers to narrowing caused by arthritis in the spine or other extra boney growths.

Other causes of a trapped nerve include spinal cysts that press on a nerve as well as slipping between two spinal segmentscalled spondylolisthesis. Both can cause narrowing where nerves exit the spine. Whatever the cause, the diagnosis is confirmed with imaging, typically an MRI scan, says McCormick.

Unexplained Abdominal Pain Could Be A Pinched Nerve

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts

Q: I have been struggling with a persistent pain on the right side of my belly. Sometimes it feels like it moves from the back to the front and back again. My doctor first ordered blood tests and an abdominal ultrasound. Most recently I had a CT scan of my belly. All normal! My doctor now thinks it might be a pinched nerve. Can a pinched nerve cause this much pain?

A: What you describe is actually quite common. Yes, it does sound like your pain is coming from an irritated nerve leaving the spine. These spinal nerves wrap around from the center of your back to the sides of your body. Doctors call this type of nerve pain radiculopathy, or spinal nerve root pain.

Indeed, the pain can be very severe. Both the patient and the doctor often get concerned that the pain could be related to an intra-abdominal problem. So, its not surprising that you had the blood tests, ultrasound and CT scan.

Treating persistent nerve pain can be frustrating. Nerve pain often has a very irritating quality that can be more uncomfortable than pain due to other causes.

There is no single best approach. Finding the right therapies and medications to control persistent pain is a process of trial and error. The goal is to find the most effective combination with the least amount of side effects, while trying to keep costs reasonable.

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Common Symptoms Of A Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve in your neck occurs when soft tissues in the body apply too much pressure to a nerve and restrict its ability to function properly. Bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage can all press against a nerve, causing irritation, inflammation and pain. The most common places for a pinched nerve to develop are in your low back and neck, where nerve roots travel out of the spinal canal and send sensations to other areas of your body.

What causes a pinched nerve in the neck or back? A bulging or herniated disc, inflammation and degenerative changes from arthritis, bone spurs, a back injury, chronic stress from repetitive movements or obesity can all cause soft tissues to compress a nerve or the spinal cord. Aging, being overweight, playing high-impact sports or having a job that requires physically demanding, repetitive work can all increase your risk of developing a pinched nerve.

If youre experiencing unexplained back or neck pain, keep reading to learn 5 symptoms that may indicate you have a pinched nerve.

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Can You Pinch A Nerve From Working Out

Can Ct Scan Detect Pinched Nerve

Improper form may do short-term damage.

There are endless reasons why working out is good for you, but sometimes hitting the gym can hurt. If youve ever left a sweat session experiencing sharp, shooting pain or muscle weakness in a specific area of your bodya different feeling than your typical muscle sorenessyou may have pinched a nerve.

Muscle soreness often occurs from a lack of stretching after a workout. Aaptiv offers post-workout stretches as short as 10 minutes.

Common symptoms of a pinched nerve include sharp, shooting pain muscle weakness reflex weakness or possible altered sensations, such as numbness, says Rashad Latouche, a Toronto-based registered massage therapist. Often the pain from a pinched nerve may you want to stop moving and shut down.

If a pinched nerve sounds painful, its because it often is. Read on to find out how to treat and prevent a pinched nerve.

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Pinched Nerve Symptoms Locations & Treatments

By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

A pinched nerve is a common source of pain among the elderly, people who perform a lot of repetitive movements, those with arthritis and anyone struggling with obesity. Although they sometimes heal on their own, pinched nerves can cause significant disability and sometimes even permanent nerve damage when left untreated.

Determining how many people actually have pinched nerves is very difficult, since many people report symptoms that could be caused by another injury, and some people dont experience any symptoms at all. Many different factors can contribute to a pinched nerve, including past injuries, someones level of exercise, age, gender and bodyweight. While there isnt just one single cause of pinched nerves, prevention seems to be very important.

Conventional methods of treating pinched nerves usually include medications and surgery. However, research shows that non-surgical, more conservative treatments, including physical therapy, exercise, chiropractic adjustments, supplements and rest, can also greatly help reduce pinched nerve pain.

Pain Disguised As A Pinched Sciatic Nerve

People think of sciatica as pain that radiates from the lower back and down the posterior or lateral leg. That’s true, but really, it’s not the sciatic nerve that’s impinged or compressed as the term would suggest, says McCormick. Its actually one or more spinal nerve roots in the lumbar spine, distributing through the sciatic nerve.

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How To Get Rid Of A Pinched Nerve

Commonly, people come in with a story about moving a couch, holding something heaving out in front of their body, or a bending/twisting movement says McCormick. They might be loading their lower back with the weight, rather than lifting with their knees in a spine-neutral posture, and that can cause disk herniation. Treatment usually starts with physical therapy and activity modifications.

We do a positional assessment to find what movements might reduce an individuals pain symptoms. A physical therapy program is built based on those positional preferences, to try to reduce pinched nerve symptoms. McCormick says anti-inflammatories are also used, depending on other medical conditions present and what’s safe for an individual to take. Plus, medicine to stabilize nerve membranes, reducing nerve pain signaling.

Other U of U Health pinched nerve treatments include:

A Hand Or Foot Falls Asleep Frequently

How to Get Rid of a Pinched Nerve

Its normal to experience a falling asleep sensation from sitting or lying on a hand or foot for too long. In those cases, an unnatural body position is causing temporary compression thats relieved when you move or walk around. But if youre experiencing frequent falling asleep sensations, or if it happens out of nowhere for no clear reason, it may be a sign of a pinched nerve in the neck or back.

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How Is A Pinched Nerve Treated

Medical management is the first line of treatment for pinched nerves. This includes:

  • Time and rest: For many people, time takes care of a pinched nerve and it doesnt need treatment. The pain should go away in a few days or weeks.
  • Ice and heat: Apply ice and heat as you would with any swollen area for temporary relief.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers: Acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may help your symptoms. NSAIDs include ibuprofen and naproxen.
  • Splints and cervical collars : Your provider may advise you to wear a soft hand splint or neck collar for a short time to limit motion as you heal.
  • Corticosteroids: Your provider may prescribe strong anti-inflammatory medications like prednisone to relieve pain. These can be taken orally or injected directly into the affected area.
  • Physical therapy: Stretches and light exercise can help ease pressure on your nerves and relieve minor pain. Talk to your provider or physical therapist about what types of exercises are best for the type of pinched nerve youre experiencing.


Surgery is the last resort in treating a pinched nerve when non-surgical treatment hasnt relieved pressure on nerves. Examples of surgeries that fix spinal nerve compression include:

Signs That A Pinched Nerve Is Causing Your Lower Back Pain

May 31, 2022 By Jeetendra Kumar

Lower back pain can make it difficult to go about your daily life, perform tasks at work, and play sports. You wont be able to lift weights or perform high-intensity activities comfortably, and the aching may spread. Lower back pain may result from a fall or accident. It can also appear out of the blue with no discernable cause. Its crucial to know whats causing the aching, so you can get the appropriate treatment. Fortunately, an orthopedic doctor or a physical therapist can help find the root cause.

One of the most common causes for lower back pain is a pinched nerve. So, how do you figure out if this is the root cause of your lower back pain? Here are the signs to look out for:

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How Is A Pinched Nerve Diagnosed

Youll want to visit a healthcare provider about your pinched nerve if its not responding to conservative treatment at home. To find the source of the pinched nerve, providers physically examine your neck, arms, shoulders, and wrist and hands. Theyll look for muscle weakness, test change in reflexes and ask about the different sensations youre feeling.

Imaging tests

If necessary, you may be asked to undergo one or more of these procedures to track the source of the problem:

  • X-ray: An X-ray can show narrowing and changing alignment of the spinal cord, and fractures.
  • Computed tomography scan: A CT shows 3D images and more detail of the spine than an X-ray.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging : An MRI can show if damage to soft tissues are causing the nerve compression, or if there is damage to the spinal cord.
  • Electromyography : Electrical impulses of muscles measured by an EMG, along with nerve conduction studies, can help determine if a nerve is working normally. This helps your provider see if symptoms are caused by pressure on spinal nerve roots, or if nerve damage is caused by another condition like diabetes.

Treatment For Pinched Nerves

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How long it takes for symptoms to end can vary from person to person. Treatment varies, depending on the severity and cause of the nerve compression.

You may find that you benefit greatly from simply resting the injured area and by avoiding any activities that tend to worsen your symptoms. In many cases, that’s all you need to do.

If symptoms persist or pain is severe, see your doctor. You may need one or more types of treatment to shrink swollen tissue around the nerve.

In more severe cases, it may be necessary to remove material that’s pressing on a nerve, such as:

NSAIDs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen may reduce swelling.

Oral corticosteroids. These are used to reduce swelling and pain.

Narcotics. These are used for brief periods to reduce severe pain.

Steroid injections. These injections may reduce swelling and allow inflamed nerves to recover.

Physical therapy. This will help stretch and strengthen muscles.

Splint. A splint or soft collar limits motion and allows muscles to rest for brief periods.

Surgery. Surgery may be needed for more severe problems that don’t respond to other types of treatment.

Work with your doctor to find the best approach for treating your symptoms.

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Pinched Nerve Vs Spasm

Muscle spasms can result in a twitching sensation or pain that can run from mild to severe. The symptoms are often similar to those of a pinched nerve.

Nerve damage or overstimulation can cause a muscle spasm, but spasms are distinct from pinched nerves in that they can have a number of other causes and dont just happen when nerves are compressed. Some common causes of muscle spasms include:

  • intense exercise that causes lactic acid buildup in muscles
  • anxiety or stress
  • using cigarettes or other products that contain nicotine
  • taking certain medications, such as corticosteroids
  • long-term effects of neurological disease, such as a stroke or cerebral palsy

Loss Of Reflexes And Sensation

Your nerves are responsible for your reflexes and sensations, because they send signals from your brain to the rest of your body. Your nerves wont be able to do this if theyre pinched. If you experience lower back pain and a loss of reflexes and sensation, you may have a severe case of pinched nerves. When this happens, consult with your provider immediately.

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How Is Sciatica Affecting Your Quality Of Life

Sciatica pain may extend all the way from the lower back, through the back of your thigh, to your foot. The pain can come and go, sometimes lingering for days and even weeks. This may cause anything from mild discomfort to making the simplest tasks intolerable. Sitting could be painful with sciatica and driving even more so. Not to mention playing sports and being active.

As you contemplate surgery for sciatica, consider how much the pain affects your quality of life. If your work, hobbies, social life or relationships suffer from your being in constant pain, it may be time to think about surgery.

Although sciatica starts as nerve inflammation, it may eventually progress to nerve damage. If the sciatic nerve is damaged, it could result in numbness, tingling and, in more severe cases, weakness in the knees or legs. The longer it is left untreated, the longer it will take for numbness and weakness to go away, and they may become permanent.

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of A Pinched Nerve In The Knee

Sciatica Leg Pain Reveals Pinched Nerve: How to Relieve It Now

The peroneal nerve supplies both sensation and movement to the outside of your lower leg and the top of your foot. When its compressed, it becomes inflamed, which causes the symptoms of a pinched nerve.

Usually only the lining, or myelin, around the nerve is injured. When the nerve itself is also damaged, the symptoms are the same but more severe.

Weakness that limits your ability to lift your foot toward your leg, known as dorsiflexion, is often considered the most bothersome symptom. This causes your foot to drag when you walk.

Your ability to turn your foot outward and extend your big toe are also affected.

Other symptoms of a pinched peroneal nerve are felt on the outside of your lower leg and on the top of your foot. These include:

  • loss of sensation

If youve had a pinched nerve for two or more weeks, the muscles supplied by the nerve can begin to waste away.

Your symptoms may be intermittent or continuous depending on whats pushing on the nerve.

The other common cause of these symptoms is a pinched nerve in your lumbar spine. When this is the cause, youll also have pain in your lower back or the back and outside of your thigh.

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Will A Pinched Nerve Go Away On Its Own How Long Does It Take

Yes, most will with time . You can improve symptoms with rest and pain medications such as naproxen, ibuprofen or acetaminophen. If home treatment doesnt provide you relief after several days, call your provider, wholl give you more guidance. You may be asked to come to the office for evaluation and tests.

Pinched Nerve Causes And Symptoms

A pinched nerve can happen to anyone, but certain people have a higher risk than others. Someone whose job involves repetitive motions may be more likely to experience a pinched nerve. Or a pinched nerve may occur after a long period of sitting or sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Pregnant women can also experience pinched nerves due to the extra weight.

If you do have a pinched nerve, symptoms may include:

  • Tingling or a pins and needles sensation
  • A sharp aching or burning pain that may radiate outward
  • Numbness or decreased feeling in the affected area

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What Can You Do To Prevent A Pinched Nerve In The Knee

Things you can do to prevent a pinched peroneal nerve include:

  • Avoid behaviors and activities that cause it such as crossing your legs, frequent squatting, and wearing knee-high boots.
  • Tell your doctor if a cast or brace feels tight or is causing numbness or pain in your leg.
  • Use devices that softly hold your ankles to prevent leg rotation during prolonged bed rest.
  • Reposition yourself frequently during prolonged bed rest to avoid continuous pressure on the side of your knee.


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