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Can Vaccines Cause Back Pain

Adverse Events After Covid

Apollo Hospitals | Can vaccines cause COVID-19? | Myths & Facts

Adverse events, including severe allergic reactions, after COVID-19 vaccination are rare but can happen. For this reason, everyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccine is monitored by their vaccination provider for at least 15 minutes.

If after leaving a vaccination provider site you think you or your child might be having a severe allergic reaction, seek immediate medical care by calling 911.

Learn more about what you can do if you have an allergic reaction.

Common Side Effects Of Covid Vaccines

After getting vaccinated for COVID-19, you might experience some temporary symptoms similar to those you might notice when you get a flu shot, such as a sore, swollen arm where you got the shot. You might run a fever and experience body aches, headaches and tiredness for a day or two. Chills and swollen lymph nodes can also occur.

These symptoms do not mean you are sick. They signal that your immune system is responding to the shot and building up protection against the coronavirus.

Side Effects Are Expected To Be Stronger After The Second Dose

While the vaccine process can trigger some short-term side effects, Fauci’s experience, and that of many others, shows that these symptoms are your body’s way of responding to the mRNA vaccine in the way that it should. “We know clearly that you get some response after the primary, but the maximum response after the boost, is around tenfold greater than what it is following the prime,” he said. “So you get a very good benefit from getting the boost.”

Because the second shot gives you optimum protection, side effects can be stronger post-dose 2. Moderna specifically noted that in their clinical trial, “Grade 3” side effectslike swelling, pain, body aches, headache and feverwere more commonly reported after the second dose.

“When you get that first dose, consider it a training dose. You’re training your body to recognize that this is a foreign invader and it looks like coronavirus,” Greg Poland, MD, of the Mayo Clinic told HealthDay. “Now what happens? You get a second dose, and your immune system is shouting through that megaphone to say, ‘OK, the foreign invader is here! It’s here! It’s here! Kill it!'” And for more advice on doses, check out why Dr. Fauci Says Don’t Do This After Your First COVID Shot.

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How Is Transverse Myelitis Treated

Treatments for transverse myelitis are aimed at reducing the inflammation in the spinal cord and managing symptoms, as well as treating any infection that may have caused this condition. They may include:

  • Medications. Drugs can help reduce pain, treat infections or relieve complications, such as bladder problems, muscle spasms or stiffness, depression and others.
  • Intravenous immunoglobulin . This treatment uses antibodies from healthy donors to remove unhealthy antibodies from circulation.
  • Intravenous corticosteroids. These drugs help decrease swelling and inflammation in the spine and also reduce immune system activity, which can contribute to inflammation.
  • Plasma exchange . This procedure uses a machine to assist immune system activity by exchanging the blood plasma for certain fluids. These fluids help remove antibodies and other substances that may be causing the inflammation.

Treatments for transverse myelitis are usually given in a hospital or rehabilitation facility with a specialized medical team. People whose breathing is affected by this condition may need to be placed on a respirator.

People with this condition usually recover with only minor side effects, or none at all. A few people will have a recurrence of transverse myelitis, and in rare cases people may have permanent damage that affects their ability to do ordinary, daily tasks.

You Are Experiencing Other Muscles Aches Throughout The Body

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Matthew Kohler, MD, a pain management specialist and co-founder of Ospina Medical, says that while muscle aches are a reported COVID symptom, they are not likely to present themselves in just one place, like the back.

“It is likely that back pain related to COVID would present with more diffuse pains throughout the body as well,” Kohler explains. And for more on the future of the pandemic, discover The One Thing About the COVID Vaccine That’s Surprising Even Doctors.

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What Does Herd Immunity Mean

Herd immunity refers to the point at which enough people in society have protective antibodies against an illness, either from having been vaccinated or previously infected, that it’s hard for the disease to spread from person to person. Herd immunity helps protect people who are unable to be vaccinated, such as newborns or people who are allergic to the vaccine.

Experts in infectious diseases now say achieving herd immunity against the virus that causes COVID-19 is unlikely. Thats because, among other factors, the virus is continually mutating, creating new variants it can be spread by people without symptoms rates of vaccination and use of other precautionary measures in the population are inadequate and protection against new COVID-19 infection provided by previous infection or vaccination isnt lasting.

Tiny Red Spots On Your Skin

Tiny red spots on your skin, also known as petechiae, are another reason to contact your health provider after getting vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson shot, the CDC says. The small round spots show up on the skin as a result of bleeding and can appear red, purple, or brown, Mayo Clinic explains.

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Inflammation In Back Pain / Sciatica

Inflammation is a normal and desired response to the vaccine. Were trying to get your immune system to do something. By introducing an antigen or something that your body is going to maintain an immune response to you also, you dont just get a kind of very specific targeted response to the antigen. You get general turning on of the immune system. Part of that is an inflammatory response. Youll get it more strongly where the vaccine goes , but you also get a generalized inflammatory response. With the vaccine you get more inflammation, irritation to the nerve and therefore more back pain / sciatica.

Reports Of Very Rare Blood Clots

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The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency is carrying out a detailed review of reports of a very rare blood clotting problem affecting a small number of people who have had the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine.

The problem can also happen in people who have not been vaccinated and it’s not yet clear why it affects some people.

The current reported rate of this condition in the UK is around 15 cases per million first doses given.

The coronavirus vaccine can help stop you from getting seriously ill or dying from coronavirus. For people aged 40 or over and those with underlying health conditions, the benefits of being vaccinated outweigh any risk of clotting problems.

For people under 40, it’s currently advised that it’s preferable to have either the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccine.

If you have already had a first dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine without suffering any serious side effects you should complete the course .

This includes people aged 18 to 39 years who are health and social care workers, unpaid carers and those who live with someone with a severely weakened immune system.

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What To Do After The Vaccine

If youve had a vaccine and youve experienced an increase in your pain, you may become more fearful and tense up and rein back on all sorts of activities. A lot of sitting tends to aggravate pain. What you do next is really very influential in that it is one of the mechanisms by which having a vaccine can lead to more back pain / sciatica.

Is It Safe To Get The Covid

Yes, it is safe and encouraged to get the COVID-19 vaccine if you have axial spondyloarthritis. Of course, its important to discuss the COVID-19 vaccine with your doctor if you have questions, as everyones case is unique but most experts recommend that axial spondyloarthritis patients receive the vaccine as soon as possible.

In fact, it may be particularly important to get the COVID-19 vaccine if you have axSpA, since immunosuppressive drugs may make you more likely to experience severe disease. Adults of any age who are immunocompromised may have a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and may remain infectious for a longer period of time, per the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.

Axial spondyloarthritis is considered a combination of autoimmune and inflammatory disease. Having an autoimmune disease in and of itself can decrease your bodys ability to ward off infection. Thats because your body can become so preoccupied with mistakenly attacking your own cells that it doesnt fight off invaders as effectively as it should.

Many patients who take medications that affect immune system function are concerned that certain vaccines could give them the virus. This could theoretically occur with vaccines like the MMR vaccine for measles and mumps, which is a live vaccine. That means it is a weakened form of the virus intended to cause a harmless infection that your immune system rapidly eliminates.

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When Should I Get A First Or Second Booster Shot Which Vaccine Should I Get

If youre over age 18 and the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine was used for your primary series, you can receive booster vaccinations using either of those two vaccine types. For most adults, that first booster should be five or more months after you complete your primary series.

If you received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine initially, a first booster shot with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine is advised for most people two months after your original shot.

Second booster shots, using the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, are recommended at least four months after the first booster for adults 50 and over and adults with moderately or severely weakened immune system. A booster shot also is recommended for children 5 and older who received the Pfizer vaccine in their primary series.

Because recommendations for booster shots are tailored for children and adults based on age, previous shots received and immune system status, the CDC has a booster tool to help guide you. If you have questions about the vaccines, consult your health care team.

What Are The Most Common Side Effects Of Vaccination

Propel Research Study

Many people have no side effects from COVID-19 vaccination. Many others experience minor effects for a few days, including:

  • Pain, redness or swelling at the injection site
  • Chills or fever

Side effects are more common after the second shot in a two-shot primary series. Call your health care team if these effects last more than a few days, are worrisome or if the redness and swelling in your arm worsens after 24 hours. For minor issues, check out this advice from the CDC.

You can report side effects directly to the CDC through a smartphone-based tool called v-safe. .

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Should I Get The Vaccine If I Have A History Of Heart Disease Or Stroke

Yes. People with cardiovascular risk factors, heart disease, and heart attack and stroke survivors should get vaccinated because they are at much greater risk from the virus than they are from the vaccine, according to leaders of the American Heart Association. The AHA urges people with medical conditions to discuss vaccination with their health care team.

Which Lifestyle Factors Contribute To Lower Back Pain

There are three major lifestyle factors that may affect your chances of developing lower back pain:

  • Multiple studies have established a link between smoking and lower back pain. Smoking raises inflammation inside the body and hinders the body from healing itself.
  • Obesity is also associated with several types of chronic pain, including lower back pain. In people with high body mass index , the stress on the spine increases, contributing to even more wear and tear.
  • Your level of physical activity can also play a role in your lower back health. While a sedentary lifestyle could increase your risk of developing lower back pain, so can excessive or strenuous physical activity. Check with your doctor if you are unsure about your ideal level of physical activity.

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Side Effects For Each Dose

Not all coronavirus vaccines are the same. Some tend to cause more side effects after the first dose, others cause more side effects after additional doses. The very common side effects are the same and should still only last a day or two.

Even if you do have side effects after the vaccine, NHS Scotland advises you get all recommended doses. The full recommended course will give you the best protection against the virus.

Questions About Nonsteroidal Anti

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Many axSpA patients regularly take NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and prescription versions, to treat their symptoms. They are considered a first-line treatment for axSpA.

At the same, time, many people take NSAIDs to treat vaccine-related side effects, such as fever and pain. But the CDC has recommended that people do not take NSAIDs before vaccination for the purpose of trying to prevent vaccine side effects, though they can take them after to treat side effects.

There have been questions of whether NSAIDs may reduce vaccine response, so current recommendations are to avoid using them as a pre-medication, says Dr. Gupta. No specific studies of the use of acetaminophen or NSAIDs have been done to examine any impact on COVID19 vaccine immunogenicity in adults.

But if you take NSAIDs regularly to treat axSpA, should you avoid taking them before getting the vaccine? The answer: Talk to your doctor about whether or not you should hold them temporarily and if so, for how long.

I always try to avoid NSAIDs if possible around the vaccine, but Im not sure if theres striking data that says NSAIDs have to be discontinued for prolonged periods of time, says Dr. Miller. If someone is using it on a regular basis, there may not always be a justification for holding NSAIDS. Its an individual decision.

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When Youre Likely To Experience A Side Effect

Most side effects appear within a day or two after being vaccinated.

What you may feel What can help When this could start

Pain at the injection site, a headache and feeling tired and fatigued. These are the most commonly reported side effects.

Place a cold, wet cloth, or ice pack on the injection site for a short time.

Do not rub or massage the injection site.

Within 6 to 24 hours

Muscle aches, feeling generally unwell, chills, fever, joint pain and nausea may also occur.

Rest and drink plenty of fluids

Paracetamol or ibuprofen can be taken, follow the manufacturers instructions.

Seek advice from your health professional if your symptoms worsen.

Within 6 to 48 hours

New onset chest pain, racing heart, or shortness of breath Speak to your health professional promptly if you develop any of these symptoms. Within 14 days

How Do The Vaccines Work

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are a type called a messenger RNA vaccine. Johnson & Johnson’s is a viral vector vaccine, and Novavax is a protein-based vaccine. All these vaccines teach the body how to fight the virus that causes COVID-19 without you actually having to get the illness. None of the vaccines causes the illness there is no live virus in any of the vaccines.

Research shows the vaccines can help protect you from getting COVID-19, although fully vaccinated people can get infected. .) But more importantly, vaccination has been shown to greatly reduce the risk of getting seriously ill and being hospitalized if you do get COVID-19.

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Can You Tell If Your Back Pain Is From Covid

Not necessarily. Back pain is one of the most common medical problems in the U.S., impacting eight out of 10 people in their lifetime, according to Medline Plus. Given how many people struggle with back pain, its tricky to know for sure if your pain is from COVID or one of the many other common causes that can lead to back aches, says Thomas Russo, M.D., professor and chief of infectious disease at the University at Buffalo in New York.

The overwhelming number of people that have back pain do not have COVID, Dr. Russo says. But, he adds, its important to look at your back pain in the context of everything else thats going on with your health. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 in addition to back pain that are more common with COVID, such as respiratory tract symptoms and loss of taste and smell, that would be a signal that your back pain could be due to COVID, he says.

He also recommends suspecting COVID if you suddenly develop back pain and you know youve recently been exposed to someone with the virus. But back pain alone, without anything else, should not make you suspect COVID, Dr. Russo says.

Really, the only way to know if your back pain might be linked to COVID is to test yourself, Dr. Russo says. The best thing to do to ease your concerns is to go ahead and get tested, he says. Thats a way to evaluate this more objectively.

Can I Catch Covid

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No. None of the vaccines available in the U.S. contains the live virus. But because the vaccines teach the body to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19, you might have side effects like fever, which can occur when the immune system is working hard building your immunity to the virus.

Also, it’s possible you could already have COVID-19 but not be feeling symptoms before vaccination or could catch the disease right after your shot, before your immune system can protect you. So be sure to keep following COVID-19 precautions, including physical distancing and masking in communities where COVID-19 rates are high.

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