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HomeMust ReadWhat To Do When You Wake Up With Back Pain

What To Do When You Wake Up With Back Pain

Does The Right Sleeping Position Exist

What to do if you wake up and have back pain? How to manage back pain yourself. DIY physio at home.

Do you sleep on your stomach, back or side? In principle there is no incorrect sleeping position. Each position has its pros and cons. Sleep and back specialists sometimes do not recommend sleeping on your stomach although there is no scientific evidence that this impacts on the quality of sleep. What we do know is that sleeping on your stomach is not the best option for your neck, as torsion develops which can be a cause of neck complaints in the long term. Therefore, try not to sleep on your stomach too much.

Psoas Muscle Stretch In Your Bed

There are several ways to stretch the psoas safely and effectively, says Dr. Carpenter.

One simple psoas stretch can be performed by lying face up near the edge of the bed.

Bring one knee to your chest and let the other leg gently drop off the edge of the mattress.

Let the extended leg gradually stretch for about 10-15 seconds, and then repeat with the other leg.

If you feel any pain, stop immediately and consider discussing it with a back specialist.

As we sleep, the discs between the vertebra in the back will tend to rehydrate, causing them to swell.

This natural swelling can put additional pressure on areas of the back that might be susceptible to discomfort, such as from bulging discs, strain muscles or ligaments, old injuries, poorly conditioned posture muscles or a variety of other reasons.

As we move around, this extra fluid gradually dissipates, and the back tends to loosen up, so to speak.

How To Get The Sleep You Need

Calm yourself with meditation and other relaxation techniques. When done effectively, as little as 10 minutes of daily meditation can help your mind ignore the pain, Marks says. There are many different types of meditation, including guided meditation, tai chi, and yoga. But you can also improvise. âUse deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or focus on an object or scene,â Marks says.

Gentle massage is also beneficial for both insomnia and chronic pain. In a study published in the InternationalJournal of Neuroscience, participants who had two 30-minute massages a week for five weeks experienced better sleep and less lower back pain.

Exercise the right way. Regular exercise can improve both pain and sleep issues, Falco says. However, activity within three hours of bedtime can keep you up, so the earlier in the day you work out, the better. For pain, the best exercise is moderate and low-impact. Try walking, yoga, or swimming.

Additional tips for improving sleep include:

If pain is preventing you from getting a good night sleep, itâs time to see a doctor.

There are a number of treatments available, including medication, physical therapy, and talk therapy. Consider tracking your sleep habits in a sleep journal. This simple tool can give your doctor valuable information about your quality of sleep and how many hours you log each night.

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What Is An Active+ Bed

Dorsoo is the bed specialist that guarantees an optimum nights sleep without back pain due to its adequate and active support of the body in every sleeping position. A Dorsoo ACTIVE+ bed gives your back maximum support. Additionally, a good pillow will give your neck and head the right support. This completes the ergonomic picture, says manual therapist Jan Esselens.

A Dorsoo bed does not only feel lovely. It offers your intervertebral discs and the surrounding tissue the very best recuperation during the night. Your back problems will not only reduce, but you will also experience a better quality of sleep and will rise every morning refreshed and rested.

Moreover, this slatted base will continuously adjust to every changing sleeping position. This is necessary because on your side, back or stomach your body has a different profile. The contoured, hypo-allergic mattress adjusts itself smoothly. In this way, your back enjoys the right support every night again. And you get up in the morning feeling totally rested. Without the pain in your back.

Physiotherapist Stijn De Mot treats people with back and neck problems in his group practice on a daily basis. I believe that a Dorsoo bed can have a remarkable added value for many people in their quest for a good nights sleep.

If You Sleep On Your Stomach

Wake up with back or neck pain? Heres what to do!

Did you know that sleeping on your tummy can increase back pain? According to our Fareham chiropractor, sleeping in this position can cause your back to cave in which can result in your spine becoming unsupported. Sleeping on your front can also put extra pressure on your joints and muscles.

If you find it difficult to sleep in other positions, place a pillow beneath your pelvis to provide extra support for your spine. You should also elevate your pillow to keep your spine in line. If this causes too much strain on your spine, try sleeping without a pillow.

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Stretch When You Wake Up

Morning back pain can often be relieved by stretching right before you get out of bed. While youre lying on your back, reach your arms over your head and reach your feet in the opposite direction. Hold this position for as long as you comfortably can, then bring your knees to your chest. Stretching your lower back in this way can relieve any compression that occurred during the night.

Once you sit up, plant your feet firmly on the ground, shoulder-width apart. Reach your arms over your head and then sway from side to side. These stretches are some of the basic movements in the McKenzie Method for musculoskeletal care emphasizing patient empowerment and self-treatment.

Waking Up With Joint Stiffness And Lower Back Pain 4 Reasons Why It Happens

A full nights sleep should help you feel rejuvenated when you wake and are ready to face the day. So why do you sometimes wake up with stiff joints and a sore lower back? Unless you have known back issues or an injury that contributes to poorer sleep, morning aches and pains are both confusing and frustrating.

There are plenty of reasons for sore joints and lower back stiffness. Its important to drill down to what the root cause is for you. Luckily, we know a thing or two about mattresses and quality sleep. Below are the four most common causes for morning sorenessand what you can do about them.

Your Sleep Position is Out of Whack

We tend to fall asleep in roughly the same position every nightand each sleep position has a different effect on your body. Simply put, not all sleep positions are created equal, which may account for some of your pain.

People who sleep on their stomachs are most prone to experience back and joint pain since this position pulls the spine out of alignment. Additionally, the twisting and contorting that stomach sleepers do to get comfortable can put extra pressure on the neck, lower back and jawwhich can even lead to poorer circulation. Most sleep experts recommend that stomach sleepers try to train their bodies to sleep on their sides, usually by propping their trunks up with a pillow.

Your Pillow Isnt Cutting It

Your Mattress is Too Soft, Or Too Firm

You Need to Switch Up Your Bed’s Foundation

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Ease Into The Morning

If youre waking up with back pain first thing, the culprit may be what you do during those first few minutes after you wake up. Do you hit the snooze button one time too many, and then end up bounding out of bed to avoid being late? Instead, take a minute to ease into your day with gentle stretches. Coffman recommends the following stretch: Lying on your back with your knees bent, rock your knees side to side in a middle range of motion. Backward bending and rotation can also ease inflammation and get blood moving relatively quickly. Once youre out of bed, be careful getting into the shower. Discs are most hydrated and full in the mornings, says Coffman. Not moving enough and going straight into the shower stiff can put stress on cranky discs.

Sleep Tips For Back Pain Relief

13 Reasons Why You Are Waking Up With Pain. How to Stop.

Your mattress isnt the only factor in relieving back pain while you sleep. How you sleep matters, too. Your sleeping position, sleep quality, and more can make a difference in back pain when you wake up. Consider these tips for improving the way you sleep:

Call any of our offices located in , , or today to find out if chiropractic adjustments can help you wake up pain-free!


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Do You Have Lower Back Pain In The Morning

Some people find that their back pain is worse in the morning, while others have more pain at the end of a long workday. Its important to pay attention to the times when your pain spikes because it could be an indication of the cause of your pain.

Its estimated that about 65 million people in the United States have experienced recent back pain, with about 16 million people having chronic back pain problems. When this pain persists, it can disrupt all aspects of daily living, making it hard to keep up with your responsibilities at home and work.

Not only does back pain make it difficult to get through the day, but this health concern can also be expensive. Direct costs include doctors visits, therapy appointments, pain medication, massage, and other services to reduce or eliminate the pain. Indirect costs of chronic back pain include missed work or lost opportunities because you arent feeling up to the job.

Even though back pain is a common complaint, you dont have to suffer from this discomfort indefinitely. Modern medical treatments might be used to help you manage the pain, so you can return to a normal, healthy lifestyle once again.

Every situation is unique, so the treatment outcomes vary. The most important step is to identify the root cause of your back pain. Then, a customized treatment plan can be designed to alleviate your discomfort.

The Dangers Of The Cycle Of Morning Back Problems

As you go to bed, the following extensive chain of events occurs:

  • Natural endorphins or medications metabolize and the inflammatory symptoms reappear
  • Loose and warm muscles begin to cool down, reducing circulation
  • Muscles that were mobile throughout the day stop moving, reducing flexibility and circulation
  • Mobile and free joints come to rest, allowing the muscles to tighten and the joint space to swell
  • Looser muscles once in motion, stop, leading to muscle tightness and stiffness
  • Muscles which are already tight, become tighter due to all of the above factors
  • Reduced joint space from tightening leads to impingement of nerves and discs
  • Over tightened muscles cause antagonistic muscles to lose activity
  • The lumbar spine becomes arched, irritated and inflamed from these imbalances
  • Imbalanced muscles along with tighter joint spaces, contribute pressure on bulging discs
  • Increased disc pressure impinge on nerve roots affecting downstream sensitivity and motor function
  • Inflammatory pain contributes to generalized anxiety and interrupted sleep
  • Your sensitivity discomfort becomes heightened, increasing your need for medication
  • What once was believed to be appreciated as a restful period, actually becomes an ordeal of severe discomfort.

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    First Rule Out Conditions That Cause Morning Stiffness And Pain

    If you see a doctor for your pain, he or she will likelywant to do some simple screening tests to determine if immobility-inducedinflammation is whats causing it. Your doctor will want to rule out otherconditions that cause inflammation of joints and tissues, such as:

    • A recent viral infection, like Lyme disease.
    • Thyroid disease.

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    What to Do If You Wake Up in Pain

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    The Solution Is In Correcting The Muscle Imbalances

    Many people immediately react in disbelief because they believe that they have tried this method without success. However, due to the complexity and layers of imbalances, it is not possible to correct them as easily as one would want. Quick fixes do not work. You cannot fix this problem with a few quick stretches or movements and break the cycle. This approach has failed too many people.

    It is very hard to accept, but many specific movements and stretches are needed to return this balance. They must be performed in a specific order, number of repetitions and length of time in order to be successful. This is about reconditioning the muscle and joint to it proper state and alignment.

    Specific known culprits include the iliopsoas, iliacus, abdominals, rectus femoris, quadriceps, hamstrings, deep intrinsic muscles supporting the spine and more. They all must operate in a specific fashion and sequence to protect the spine and themselves from injury and harm. It is from the lack of adequate conditioning and use of these muscles. Any imbalances from these muscles lead to disc bulge, nerve impingement, back spasms, guarding, muscle strain, muscle fatigue, excessive pelvic tilt, hip & knee pain and more.

    Fed Up Of Morning Back Pain Put It To Bed Once And For All

    Do you experience back pain first thing in the morning? According to our Fareham chiropractor, the key to a pain-free morning could be in the way you sleep at night. Waking up with back pain can affect the rest of your day, so here are some helpful tips to protect your back as you catch those forty winks.

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    The Ideal Sleep Position: On Your Back

    The best position to avoid back pain is lying flat on your back. Even so, many people find it the hardest way to enjoy deep sleep. For optimal spine alignment, place one pillow underneath your head or neck and another underneath your knees. If youre pregnant, however, you should avoid this position because it decreases blood circulation to the heart and baby.

    You’re Not Drinking Enough Water


    This leads me to my first point: not drinking enough water is the most obvious cause of dehydration and, thus, painful kidneys. If were getting the full 8 hours of sleep every night, obviously our bodies will become dehydrated. This long interval between drinking might be even longer if you avoid drinking too close to bedtime because you worry about needing the loo during the night.

    So, its important to rehydrate your body as soon as you wake up in the morning. However, water isnt usually the first thing on our minds when we wake up on a dark Monday morning with a full week of work ahead. A strong coffee or tea is usually our first point of call! This means that your kidneys could be suffering for a long time if you dont think about drinking water until later on in the morning, or even lunch time.

    Your lower back pain might be bad enough on an average weekday morning, but a long lie on the weekend can exacerbate the issue even more, as your body is waiting even longer for that precious liquid. Plus, alcohol consumed the night before wont help matters, as this will increase the rate at which you pee while drinking, and can leave you even more dehydrated the next morning.

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    It Is Normal Comes With Age And Is Manageable

    Not everyone regardless of age wakes up with this particular issue. Age is a factor but is only one of many. Lifestyle, diet, activity, genes, disease, injury and others come in to play. Although almost everyone suffers from occasional pain, but not everyone has the chronic form.

    This is a very specific injury. Those without it dont always know why their own back is less affected as compared to yours. There may be some fundamental differences between what your spine needs at this time and what theirs does.

    Morning Back Pain: Everything You Need To Know For 2020

    by Dr. Scott HodgesOct 30, 2019

    Does the following scenario sound familiar? You wake up every morning with substantial pain and stiffness in your lower back, sometimes to the point where it takes a half-hour just to get out of bed and get your day started. But by midmorning the pain has lessened substantially, and by noon you feel almost normal. Then the same cycle starts up again the next dayand the day after that.

    Morning back pain is a common condition it can also be an incredibly frustrating one. Even if the pain doesnt last all day, waking up stiff and sore every morning makes it difficult to get through your morning routine. In this blog post well explain why your lower back pain is worse in the morning, and what you can do to find relief.

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