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How Does Acupuncture Help Back Pain

When To See A Physician

Is Acupuncture Effective in Treating Low Back Pain?

One way that you can have acupuncture sessions with a bit of peace of mind is to consult with your doctor before your sessions. Often, a physician will have a better idea of how your body will react to the procedure, like pain tolerance, the general need for acupuncture, and overall post-procedure aftercare.

They can also help with reducing the common side effects that may arise from acupuncture sessions, like swelling, inflammation, and bleeding. Typically, youd want to inform your physician about the regularity of your visits to the acupuncturist, and any physical changes that happen after each procedure.

Visiting a physician is also essential if youre on medications like anticoagulants, have a pre-existing condition like anemia, or are going through pregnancy. While acupuncture is a minimally invasive procedure that doesnt carry immediate risks, the unknown complications of how it interacts with each person mean you need to be very careful about going through with it if you fall under any of these categories.

Finally, if you experience any symptoms or changes that are not explicitly linked to your acupuncture sessions, your physician can diagnose and treat these changes if they need immediate attention. Overall, acupuncture as an alternative method of pain management isnt a bad idea, but it should always come with a doctors approval.

How Can Acupuncture Help For Lower Back Pain

When assessing acupuncture treatments for back pain, first it is important to assess which muscles and structure are causing or contributing to your lower back pain. We then use acupuncture to target those areas, relax tight muscles, improve circulation and reduce pain.

The points we generally use will be typically below the elbows and knees so that we know we cant further injure your sore lower back. We do this to make sure you are safe, but also it allows us to check back in and make sure things are improving throughout the treatment. We look for improvements in pain and/or range of motion immediately on the table.

We may also suggest Chinese herbal medicine to help further reduce inflammation and improve circulation, as well as improve sleep and digestion so that your body is healing and recovering better in general.

Our goal is always to get you back on your feet and doing the things you love, as soon as possible.

To find out if Chinese acupuncture might be able to help for your lower back pain, please contact us or book online using the links and information below.

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Benefits Of Acupuncture For Back Pain

Acupuncture has stood the test of time due in part to its effectiveness at alleviating pain, particularly in the muscles and joints throughout the body. Practitioners of the acupuncture method cite the following points as the major benefits of acupuncture specifically as it relates to alleviating back pain:

  • Stimulation of the Central Nervous System Inserting the special acupuncture needles into trigger points is believed to release chemicals found in the spinal cord, muscles, and brain. These chemicals are identified to relieve pain.
  • Pain-Relief Chemicals Are Produced in the Body Similarly, acupuncture fosters the bodys natural ability to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Activation or Release of Neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters send signals to the brain to shut down the pain response caused by problems with the back. Acupuncture activates or releases several types of neurotransmitters.
  • Electromagnetic Impulses Flow Through the Body In acupuncture theory, it is believed that electromagnetic impulses speed up the natural processes of healing and recovery, thereby eliminating back pain.

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Acupuncture For Lower Back Pain Show More Pain Relief Better Quality Of Life And Disability Recovery

Acupuncture was found to be effective in providing symptomatic relief of chronic low back pain in the meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials. The 2,678 patients experienced better pain relief, disability recovery and quality of life compared to not having any treatment at all.22.Xu M, e. . Acupuncture for chronic low back pain in long-term follow-up: a meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials. PubMed NCBI. Available at: .×

Which Meridians Are Linked To Back Pain

Lower back pain? Self

Before you try acupuncture, it may help you to understand where your practitioner may place the needles. The key is finding the meridian pathways or acupuncture points that correspond with lower back pain. Needles will probably be placed on your lower back, but there are some other places on the body that can be linked to your condition. These are:

  • Back of the knees: Acupuncturists have been placing needles on the back of the knees for ages to help loosen up the back and drive nutrients to the muscles. During your appointment, you will lie on your back so your practitioner can place the needles behind the kneecaps. They may also place needles in your lower back at the same time.
  • Hands: The hands are a popular place for acupuncture treatment. While this sounds like a sensitive spot, you probably will feel nothing more than pressure from the tiny, flexible needles. Some of the most popular places to put the needles include the fingers and the place between your fingers and thumbs. You may even see them inserted into your upper wrist area.

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How Frequently Should One Get Acupuncture For Lower Back Pain

Acupuncture sessions can be arranged twice each week for a few weeks then one time every week when the back pain becomes better. The therapeutic advantages linger for about one week, and they begin to manifest after the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours following treatment.

Based on the intensity of the pain and the length of time you’ve been having the symptoms, patients could experience relief after their first acupuncture treatment session and total recovery after several sessions.

Whats The Philosophy Behind Acupuncture

The Chinese philosophy behind acupuncture is a bit more complicated, as the ancient practice isnt traditionally based in science and medicine. They believed that the human body was filled with and animated by an invisible life-giving force which they called qi and when the qi was flowing well and going to all the right places, then a person would experience good mental and physical health. When the qi was flowing incorrectly that would result in illness, says Kempisty.

The concept of qi isnt too out there think of it as your bodys natural inner workings. Sometimes youre more prone to illness when feeling stressed or anxious. When youre relaxed and healthy, your body physically reflects that too. After all, your mood, mental health, and general well-being do affect your physical health. Thus, acupuncture aims to assist people in achieving balance, or qi, and, as a result, provide relief for many ailments.

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Does Leg Pain From Herniated Disc Go Away

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If a patient has a weakness in the leg, this is usually more serious and necessitates immediate medical attention. It is encouraging to learn that 80% of people will be free of herniation within 68 weeks without the need for surgery.

Can a herniation in the lower back cause leg pain? The vertebral column is made up of bones that are separated by discs, which are small and round pillow-like structures used as shock absorbers for the spinal bones. The discs outer layer, known as an annulus, is made up of a jelly-like layer that encircles a nucleus. In patients with herniation of the lumbar spine, leg pain is common. This condition can cause a variety of problems in the lower back, including nerve damage. Non-surgical options, such as nerve block injections and physical therapy, are also available to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. You may be required to undergo an MRI or X-ray as part of your treatment, and your doctor may also advise you to undergo surgery. When you experience leg pain, it is critical that you seek immediate medical attention. This could be caused by a herniation in the lumbar spine.

What Is Acupuncture For Back Pain

Relieve Low Back Pain Instantly with Acupuncture

If youre not already familiar with the history of acupuncture, the practice dates back to ancient times. The first mention of the treatment occurred at least 4,000 years ago when stone needles were used in China to treat a variety of disorders. Early acupuncture then spread to Korea, Japan, and other Asian countries. Acupuncture has been in the United States for about 200 years. Today, the most qualified practitioners receive certification and may even work in doctors offices or other health clinics.

The practice of acupuncture involves the insertion of long, extremely thin needles skillfully and nearly painlessly inserted into the skin. These needles are carefully placed on specific parts of the body that are said to be associated with certain health conditions. An expert acupuncturist can help you determine the part of the body or pathway that is linked to lower back discomfort.

During your session, the practitioner will place flexible needles about the diameter of a human hair into the areas that will help relieve your back pain. They may also place the needles through the skin on other parts of your body, depending on your medical history, your lifestyle, and your overall wellness needs.

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How Does It Work

TCM explains that health is the result of a harmonious balance of the complementary extremes of yin and yang of the life force known as Qi, pronounced chi. Advocates believe that illness is the consequence of an imbalance of these forces.

According to TCM, Qi flows through meridians, or pathways, in the human body. These meridians and energy flows are accessible through 361 acupuncture points in the body. Inserting needles into these points with appropriate combinations will bring the energy flow back into balance.

A 2017 review suggests that many acupuncture points are at sites where stimulation can affect the activity of multiple sensory neurons. These sites are also known as receptive fields.

The physical stimulation of needle insertion at these sites may affect pain processing in the central nervous system and muscles and increase blood flow to certain parts of the body.

All therapies come with both risks and benefits. A person should always seek medical advice before undertaking any therapy.

Possible risks of acupuncture are the following:

  • Bleeding, bruising, and soreness may occur at the insertion sites.
  • Unsterilized needles may lead to infection.
  • In rare cases, a needle may break and damage an internal organ.

The Food and Drug Administration regulates acupuncture needles as medical devices. Their manufacture and labeling need to meet certain standards. The needles must be sterile, nontoxic, and labeled for one use only by a licensed practitioner.

Reasons To Consider Acupuncture For Back Pain Relief

According to WebMD, back pain is one of the top reasons people seek medical treatment, and it is also the number one reported rationale for undergoing acupuncture. For many people, back pain can be so excruciating that it prevents them from performing everyday duties. Anyone considering acupuncture treatment to reduce or even get rid of back pain should consider the facts about this alternative treatment.

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Is Acupuncture Backed By Science

Its not completely understood how acupuncture works. But, there are a few ways by which acupuncture is thought to work for back pain:

  • Stimulates nervous system. Trigger points stimulated by acupuncture could release chemicals from the spinal cord, muscles, and brain. Some of these could be naturally pain-relieving.
  • Releases opioid-like chemicals produced in the body. Along the same lines as the theory above, acupuncture may release pain-relieving chemicals. These naturally occur in the body and have similar properties to opioid pain relievers.
  • Releases neurotransmitters. These are hormones that send messages regulating the on/off mechanisms of various nerve endings. Acupuncture may stimulate some that shut off pain.
  • Triggers electromagnetic impulses in the body. These impulses can help speed the bodys way of handling pain, including the release of endorphins.

Regardless of how it works, trials on acupuncture for treating back pain show great results with very little risk of side effects.

Some 2012 research involved reviewing almost 20,000 people with chronic pain. They were given authentic acupuncture treatments, fake treatments, or no acupuncture at all. Those who received real acupuncture experienced 50 percent improvement in their chronic pain issues.

Two similar reviews from 2013 showed strong favor for acupuncture as successful therapy. These were specifically for chronic lower back pain.

Harnessing The Benefits Of Acupuncture Therapy

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If you have been living with chronic back pain for quite some time, then you are probably more than ready to explore new paths to relief. Consider these science-basedbenefits of acupuncture:

  • Going Medication Free: Most people dont get jazzed up about the idea of putting unnatural chemicals into their bodies. And, for good reason. Although effective, pain medications like Vicodin can lead to addiction. Even milder drugs, such as ibuprofen, can cause nasty side effects, like stomach ulcers. As a form of alternative medicine, acupuncture doesnt rely on the use of drugs to treat your pain. This means that you can achieve pain relief by making the most of your bodys natural, addiction-free analgesics.
  • Pain Relief:In 1998, the National Institutes of Health stated that needling could be used to ease nausea, especially in cancer patients. Since then, studies have also shown that acupuncture can be used to relieve:

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Treatment Of Back Pain

Conventional treatment for back pain involves pain killers such as anti-inflammatory drugs . Pain is a messenger within the nervous system it’s showing you there is a problem. However, most people with back pain shoot the messenger by taking painkillers. Treatment for chronic pain involves taking opiate based pain killers, which can be addictive leading to the abuse of harder drugs such as heroin. Acupuncture offers a safer alternative as its non-addictive and stimulated acupuncture can beat a lot of pain medication in treating chronic pain.

Common Cause Of Back Pain

Lumbar muscle strains and sprains are the most common causes of low back pain. Many weekend warriors experience injuries and pain from trying to tackle large home projects, such as painting the exterior of their home or doing their own landscaping.

The low back is susceptible to strain because of its weight-bearing function and connection in movements, such as twisting and bending. Muscle strain is caused when muscle fibers are over-stretched or torn. Inflammation is common at the site of injury, usually accompanied by pain with movement. Muscle cramping or spasms can occur, as well as decreased function and/or range of motion.

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The Various Benefits Of Acupuncture

Acupuncture works in a way to change and modify the chemistry of your brain. With the help of acupuncture, you can almost eliminate your nerve impulses and improve the functioning of your body. Moreover, with the application of the needles, your energy channel blockage is removed leading to a smooth flow of energy.

Common acupuncture points for lower back pain are back of the knee points, footpoints, lower back points, hand points, hip points, and stomach points. However, common points for upper back pain are found on the head, neck, shoulders, and upper back.

Here are some benefits of acupuncture that make it an increasingly desirable form of holistic healing therapy.

  • It is safer than other treatments that involve medications and unnatural chemicals.
  • The side effects are few since the process is natural and does not involve long procedures and medications.
  • It works well with other treatments be it medication or surgeries.
  • It lowers pain with the needle method and releases natural chemicals in the body such as endorphins.
  • It is medication free so no unnatural chemicals get into your body.
  • It is a great solution if pain medications do not work.
  • It helps you relieve stress and lowers depression.
  • It helps you improve your bodyâs function and promotes a natural self-healing process.

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Only Seek Treatment From Licensed Acupuncturists

The Science Behind How Acupuncture Helps Relieve Pain: A Doctor Of Chinese Medicine Explains

The prospect of dealing with fake acupuncturists is among the most persistent risks associated with acupuncture. Fake acupuncture is essentially acupuncture administered by a person who is not trained or authorized to practice it, often by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Check the acupuncturist’s credentials before consenting to any sessions with them, and be certain they are fully licensed.

The main justification for doing this is that getting acupuncture treatment from an untrained person carries a lot of risks. In addition to general discomfort and pain, some issues and consequences include puncturing of the internal organ, severe bleeding, and nerve damage.

A qualified acupuncturist is aware of the safest places to insert acupuncture needles and will be able to provide aftercare recommendations.

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Acupuncture Is Gentle And Virtually Pain

It is unusual for a patient to feel pain or more than a mild discomfort during an acupuncture treatment.

When the needle is inserted there may be a slight pinch, but most often, the patient is unaware that the treatment has begun.

Pain tolerances vary from individual to individual, however, and some people may feel slight pain once the needle has been placed, which is usually described as a throbbing or tingling sensation. These sensations are actually supposed to be felt during the treatment and are an integral part of the healing process.

Reduces Inflammation And Swelling

Can acupuncture help reduce the swelling and inflammation that are so common with low back pain?

It can. Acupuncture helps back pain inflammation by fostering your bodys own natural ability to reduce pain and inflammation through the stimulation of electromagnetic impulses.

As these impulses speed up your bodys natural process of healing, there is a reduction in inflammation and swelling in your back.

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