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Does Losing Weight Help Back Pain

Can Losing Weight Really Help With Back Pain

Does losing weight impact neck and back pain?

August 12, 2020 by Melissa Bell

So many of us suffer from back pain at some stage of our life. The back muscles take a lot of the weight of the human body, and we are constantly using those muscles.

It has been proven though that losing weight can really help with bad backs, as the less excess weight your body carries then the less work and strain it will be putting on your back.

So, lets have a look at some quick simple ideas to help with weight loss to help with your back pain.

Physical Therapy For Obesity And Lower Back Pain

Being obese is a risk and an exacerbating factor for many medical conditions. Fortunately, a physical therapist can design a physical therapy program that includes exercises to help with the following:

  • Build strength and cardiovascular fitness
  • Reduce lower back pain
  • Improve posture, movement, and flexibility
  • Boost metabolism, burn more calories and lose weight
  • Increase function, flexibility, and mobility

Besides exercises, physical therapists use various modalities to reduce lower back pain. For example, dry needling, which involves the use of fine needles, helps alleviate pain in the body by increasing blood flow, loosening tight muscles, and accelerating the bodys healing process.

Why Being Obese Causes Lower Back Pain

Every pound you gain puts a strain on your musculoskeletal system, which consists of your bones, joints, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Excess weight especially affects the pelvis, back, and knees. Some medical experts argue that as a person becomes heavier, the pelvis is pulled forward, and the lower back becomes strained. A strained lower back will produce symptoms such as pain, soreness, and tightness.

Furthermore, added weight in the midsection can cause the spine to tilt and become uneven. When the spine is not in a neutral position, more problems usually follow. The back muscles overcompensate, which contributes to the development of lower back pain.

Aside from obesity being a cause of low back pain, it can also contribute to the worsening of existing musculoskeletal conditions. For people with herniated discs or osteoarthritis, excess weight can exacerbate and accelerate the progression of both conditions. Adipose tissue causes chronic inflammation, which can cause degeneration of soft tissues.

Obesity not only affects musculoskeletal health, but also the success of treatment. People who are obese and undergo surgery to treat a spine condition have worse surgical outcomes and a higher rate of complications.

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Ways To Reduce Weight For Back Pain Relief

Methods of weight loss have been studied for their ability to relieve pain. Active programs have fared far better than passive advice, information, or lifestyle coaching. It is important for individuals who have back pain and are overweight or obese to take action and change daily habits for long-lasting results.

The most recommended ways to lose weight include:

  • A healthy diet
  • Frequent, moderate to high-intensity exercise
  • Counseling with a professional to achieve behavioral changes13

Avoiding physical activity due to fatigue and shortness of breath weakens the back further, and indirectly leads to more intense back pain. Fear of pain with movement is a mediating factor between intense pain and limited ability to perform daily tasks.14 For some, overcoming the fear of physical activity is an important step to losing weight and relieving pain.

Alternative ways to lose weight include:

  • A low-energy liquid diet, which is best followed under medical supervision10
  • Prescription medications, such as orlistat , which may lead to serious liver injury10
  • Leptin therapy, which are hormone injections that help prevent the body from regaining lost weight10

Tier 4 weight management involves bariatric surgery, which reduces the severity of back pain and disability scores and increases the quality of life.15

Are You Carrying Some Extra Pounds Around Your Middle

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If youre struggling with weight gain, youre not alone. Struggling with weight loss is one of the most common shared human experiences. Nearly three out of four Americans are overweight or obese, according to the CDC. Its frustrating to weigh more than you want. Excess pounds can keep you from feeling and looking your best.

You probably know that being overweight can raise your risk of health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. The CDC has warned that obesity is also linked to COVID-19 complications. But you may not realize that weight can affect your spine, too. Dr. Kuznits of Neurosurgical Care would like you to understand more about the connection between weight and spine health.

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Weight Loss For Back Pain Relief

Every extra pound of weight adds strain to the muscles and ligaments of the back. To compensate for extra weight, the spine tends to become tilted and stressed unevenly. Excess stomach weight typically pulls the pelvis forward , leading to aggravated lower back pain.

This article reviews how extra weight leads to back problems, and guidelines for how to use exercise, diet, and weight loss to reduce back pain.

Effective Weight Loss Tips For Back Pain Relief

When youre in the thick of it, battling back pain and weight loss can feel hopeless. Some individuals look for relief and help anywhere they can get it. For some, drastic measures like pain killers or surgery are necessary. But both of these options can put your body at risk. Pain killers are only a Band-Aid to the larger problem. Surgery always comes with the danger of complications.

A holistic approach to weight loss, gives you a safe and sustainable solution to managing your health and wellbeing. The following tips can help you safely lose weight:

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The Toll Of Weight On The Spine

Understanding where you are in terms of weight loss is an important first step in diagnosis. The Body Mass Index is a measure commonly used by medical practitioners to better assess obesity. BMI takes into account a persons weight in kilograms and height in meters to calculate a number. The higher a persons BMI falls on a pre-determined range of values, the higher the likelihood for obesity. It is also important for doctors to gauge where excess fat is carried on the patients body. If a patient carries excess weight around the midsection, he or she is at a higher risk for obesity-related health problems, like low back pain.

Back pain occurring from obesity is a serious condition because it can lead to a number of health-related risks. Overweight patients may experience sciatica or low back pain from a herniated disk, pinched nerves, piriformis syndrome, arthritis of the spine and osteoarthritis. In addition, back surgery may not be as effective in patients who are obese, and comes with a higher risk for complications and infections after surgery. However, in many cases surgery is not necessary once an individual has begun a healthy regiment of diet and exercise.

The Connection Between Obesity And Lower Back Pain

Will Losing Weight Help Your Back Pain?

July 9, 2021 By Conor DeSantis

There is one thing chronic back pain sufferers are almost always asked to do, which is to lose weight. According to the American Obesity Association, back pain is a common problem among obese Americans. An estimated 36 percent of Americans are classified as obese. In a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, it was concluded that the risk for low back pain increases with a high body mass index , with obese people at greatest risk overall.

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Will Losing Weight Alleviate Your Back Pain

Back pain often lends itself to the creation of a vicious cycle. When people have back pain, they find themselves unwilling or unable to go about their everyday activities or exercise. These periods of rest often do more harm than good, and the back pain continues. This is why many experts recommend low-impact activities, like walking, to help heal from back pain.

Unfortunately, these periods of rest and inactivity may also cause weight gain and experts believe that weight gain may increase your risk of back pain.

Which begs the question: will losing weight alleviate your back pain?

Its a straightforward question, but the answer isnt so simple, despite many strong connections between back pain and being overweight. If you are concerned that your back pain may be connected to your weight, read on.

Important Tips For Losing Weight

There are a few key factors that must be dealt with when taking positive steps to lose weight. They include:

  • Start with low-impact exercises such as swimming or walking.
  • Count the daily calories and be aware of portions.
  • Obtain diet and meal preparation information on low-fat meals.
  • Keep a sleep log on length and quality of sleep. Evaluate the condition of the mattress used for sleep.

The smallest changes in exercise and diet for pain relief can result in a noticeable reduction in discomfort. When some of the pain is relieved, exercising and moving becomes more comfortable, and back pain begins to improve.

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Aerobic Activity And Back Pain

A key ingredient in nearly every type of weight loss program, aerobic activity is any rhythmic motion that uses the large muscles of the body and is maintained continuously for at least ten minutes.

Obviously, choosing activities that minimize pounding on your joints is best if your back is hurting. Walking, and in particular, cycling, swimming, and aquatic exercise are good low and moderate impact activity choices.

Thirty minutes of aerobic activity performed five days per week is the amount generally recommended by experts for realizing health benefits. If that’s too much, start with less and build up over a period of weeks or months.

You can also accumulate workouts throughout the day. For example, walking for 15 minutes twice per day counts as 30 minutes of aerobic exercise in one day. Key here, is to no do less than 10 minutes at a time.

How Losing Weight Can Help Reduce Back Pain For Chiropractic Patients

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Back pain is one of the most common and most troublesome problems that people experience. Eight out of 10 individuals will struggle with back pain during some point in their life, the US National Library of Medicine reports. Low and chronic back pain can be aggravated by many triggers. Mechanical stress, excessive strain, muscle weakness, poor sleeping position, lack of exercise and excessive weight could all contribute to making the situation worse.

The good news is that chiropractic ranks among the most popular and effective treatment options available today for back pain. Through the chiropractic adjustment, chiropractors not only help ease the pain but also work toward correcting the problem. According to chiropractors, spinal adjustments can deliver even better results when combined with weight loss.

In todays article, well exam the following:

  • How Obesity and Back Pain are Related
  • How Weight Loss Helps Reduce Back Pain
  • Improving Back Health through Chiropractic
  • Recommended Reading: How To Take Care Of Back Pain

    Statistics About Weight Gain And Back Pain

    Reports from the CDC say that seven out of 10 Americans over the age of 20 are overweight. Seven out of 10 adults also experience low back pain at one point or another in their lifetime.

    Now, you dont have to be overweight to experience back pain. And not every overweight person experiences back pain, either. But even beyond those two pretty damning stats above, a number of studies show that the two may be linked.

    Its pretty simple, really. If you are overweight, you face a higher risk of:

    • Any musculoskeletal pain
    • Inability to complete everyday activities

    These symptoms, along with other postural changes in the body, can all contribute to different types of back pain.

    So, if you are overweight and concerned about back pain, it may be wise to check in with a specialist to assess your health. Your doctor may have different concerns depending on where you carry your weight. Patients who carry excess weight around their midsection, for example, face higher risk than others. A professional can help you identify areas where excess weight is being held and assess your risk of back pain, joint pain, and other symptoms.

    Weight Strains Your Spine

    Your spine is made up of bones stacked on top of each other, with jelly-filled disks that act as cushions between your vertebrae. A series of nerves extend through the length of your spine in a space known as the central canal. Muscles and ligaments support your spine and hold it in place.

    Your spine is designed to handle pressure and movement. However, when youre overweight or obese, excess pressure can strain the various parts of your spine, resulting in pain that can range from uncomfortable to debilitating.

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    How Losing Weight Can Help Reduce Back Pain

    Back pain is one of the most common and most troublesome problems that people experience. Eight out of 10 individuals will struggle with back pain during some point in their life, the US National Library of Medicine reports. Low and chronic back pain can be aggravated by many triggers. Mechanical stress, excessive strain, muscle weakness, poor sleeping position, lack of exercise and excessive weight could all contribute to making the situation worse.

    The good news is that chiropractic ranks among the most popular and effective treatment options available today for back pain. Through the chiropractic adjustment, chiropractors not only help ease the pain but also work toward correcting the problem. According to chiropractors, spinal adjustments can deliver even better results when combined with weight loss.

    In todays article, well exam the following:

  • How Obesity and Back Pain are Related
  • How Weight Loss Helps Reduce Back Pain
  • Improving Back Health through Chiropractic
  • Why Will Weight Loss Help Back Pain

    Does losing weight help with back pain?

    The spinal column is the core element of your back. Its made up of a stack of bones called vertebrae. In a healthy back, theres a fibrous disc between each vertebra. The fibrous tissue acts as a cushion, allowing the bones to move, while keeping them from rubbing against one another.

    Over time, this fibrous tissue breaks down. The natural course of this breakdown happens with old age. However, excess weight can speed up the breakdown process substantially. As an article published by the Harvard Medical School explains, when the fibrous discs break down, they can press on the nerves in the spinal cord and cause pain.

    Losing weight helps to relieve the pressure placed on your vertebrae and the discs, reducing the pressure on your nerves.

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    Can Losing Weight Prevent Back Pain

    Posted on October 28, 2017 by Dr Paul IrvineBlog

    Most of us already know that being overweight can contribute to a wide variety of health problems. Many people also realise that being overweight puts additional strain on the body the typical example is the knees. Whats less known is the effect that being overweight can have on the spine!

    While there are a multitude of excellent reasons to get in shape, you might also like to know that doing so can go a long way to prevent and reduce back pain. If you need to shed a few pounds, read on to learn about fascinating research, which is inspiring many patients to watch what they eat and exercise regularly.

    Physical Therapist In Austin Tx

    If you are suffering from lower back pain, our highly skilled physical therapists at Endeavor Physical Therapy can help. Our specialized knowledge and training enable us to recognize the factors influencing your lower back pain and design an exercise and pain management program that will gradually change how your body looks and feels.

    To schedule a consultation with one of our physical therapists, call 284-7192 or use our online request form. Endeavor Physical Therapy has convenient locations serving Austin, Round Rock, Manor, Pflugerville, Cedar Park, Bee Cave, and Hutto.

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    The Connection Between Weight And Back Pain

    Back pain and weight problems are both ongoing issues for Americans, but these conditions have a surprising connection. Obesity has several associated health complications, including diabetes, strokes, heart disease and high blood pressure, but back pain also relates to the presence of extra body fat. Excess body weight can add to stress on the spine, and metabolism differences also increase the risk of back issues.

    However, a small amount of extra body weight is not the problem. The connection between weight and back pain occurs in two specific categories overweight or obese individuals. The good news is that losing weight can ease aching or throbbing backs and decrease the risk of further back conditions. The following explanation of weight and back pain issues leads to practical steps for back pain relief.

    Losing Weight For Back Pain Relief

    Pin on Exercise

    It’s only natural to assume that, along with controlling your risk for heart attack, diabetes, stroke and other degenerative diseases, losing weight can help you get rid of back pain.

    Experts agree that losing weight successfully may result in partial or complete back pain relief. Dr. Andre Panagos, physiatrist and director of Spine and Sports Medicine in New York notes, “every single patient in my clinic who loses a significant amount of weight finds their pain to be vastly improved.”

    The reason for this, Panagos explains, is that if you are heavier than your ideal weight, your muscles will need to work harder in order to help you accomplish everyday tasks. Plus, the extra load that is put on the spine can take vertebrae out of alignment, which may lead to joint strainanother potential cause of pain.

    “When you lose weight, you are effectively reducing strain on your spinal column and back muscles,” Panagos adds.

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