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HomeBedCan A Bed Cause Lower Back Pain

Can A Bed Cause Lower Back Pain

Who Gets Back Pain

Can A BAD Mattress Cause Lower Back Pain?

Back pain can affect pretty much anyone at anytime. However, a few traits are linked withhigher risk.Verified SourceNational Library of Medicine Worlds largest medical library, making biomedical data and information more accessible.View sourceOlder adults and women are more likely to experience back pain. People who are overweight or obese, and people with a sedentary lifestyle and poor fitness levels have higher rates of back pain.

Physically strenuous work that involves a lot of lifting, pushing or pulling creates greater risk of injury or strain. Other occupational risks include extending sitting with poor posture, and even mentally stressful work.

Factors that increase risk of back pain:

  • Age: most common between 35 and 55
  • Gender: more common in women
  • Being overweight
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Pregnancy

Smoking is another potential risk that might not be so obvious. Data suggests smokers are more prone to back pain for a couple reasons nutrients may not be able to reach the back where theyre needed, coughing can cause strain, and smokers are slower to heal from injury.

Other factors also increase the odds of back pain, such as pregnancy, strenuous exercise, anxiety and depression, and certain hereditary conditions.

How To Stop Mattress Sagging

While there is no way to completely stop mattress sagging you can do a few things to extend the life of your mattress. It is important to do all you can to alleviate back pain from your mattress.

  • Using a topper can make a sagging mattress more comfortable but can also extend the life of a new mattress.
  • Turning your mattress as often as you can, if you have a turn mattress, can even out the wear and tear over years and delay your mattress from sagging.
  • Rotating your mattress does likewise and can be done on both turn and non turn mattresses. This may not be possible on certain zoned mattresses.
  • Buy a good quality mattress with a reputable supplier is always recommended. Check out their reviews and make sure their warranty covers every part of the mattress.

Your Mattress And Back Pain

When it comes to picking the right mattress, it is important to get the correct support for your spine. A mattress that is too hard can put too much pressure on the areas where you feel discomfort, whereas a mattress that is too soft will not provide support for the areas that need it, allowing the spine to spend long periods in poor and unhealthy positions.

People who suffer from lower back pain generally benefit more from a mattress erring on the firmer side of neutral. This is because of the shape of the spine, meaning that the lower back is often in need of more support. Most people cant go wrong with a memory foam-type mattress, as this will provide support where support is needed, and allow for adjustment to the body where that is also required.

It is always a good idea to test any potential mattress first to check it supports you in the right way, the best way is to pop into one of our stores and try a bed. You may also like to see our Guide on Picking the Best Mattress for Your Sleeping Position.

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What Else Can I Do For Back Pain

Changing your mattress will most likely do wonders for your back pain, if that was the cause. You can also implement a short stretching routine into your day. Aim to do a few stretches before you go to bed and after you wake up to help with spine flexibility. Also, it is important to learn how to sleep in the best position possible. Many experts recommend sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs to support the hips and lower back. Certain pillows can also help promote less neck and back pain while you sleep.

For sweeter dreams and less back pain in the morning, consider getting a new mattress. Your sleep is essential, so make sure you are getting a mattress that will improve your sleep, not make it worse. When mattress shopping, bring your own pillow and spend a good ten to fifteen minutes on each mattress. It may seem silly, but it is the best way to ensure you get the right mattress for you.

Can A Bed Frame Cause Back Pain

Can Memory Foam Mattress Cause Back Pain?

I know how it feels to suffer from back pain, especially when you are lying on your bed for comfort and rest. Back pain may cause due to different reason but one of the ugliest reasons for back pain is a bad mattress or a bed frame, but how would you be sure that the mattress is the culprit? Here are some clues to find it out.

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Is Your Mattress Causing You Back Pain

Sleep Advisor Disclaimer – Nothing on this website is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment… Read more here

There are a lot of different reasons that people experience back pain. Figuring out where your discomfort is coming from can be difficult, especially if you lead an active or challenging life. However, the mattress you go to sleep on at night can play a big part in how you feel in the morning. In other words, its important to find out whether your bed is to blame for your back soreness or not.

What Mattress Is Best For Lower Back Pain

If youre experiencing lower back pain most people would suggest you sleep on the firmest mattress available, but there are a few other points to consider before making your mind up:

  • Spinal support Does the mattress provide adequate spinal support for your body type? Heavier users will generally need a firmer mattress, but users who are more-slight usually find firmer mattresses too hard.
  • Medium-firm is a one-size-fits-all solution Although it varies on the quality of your mattress and how its been taken care of, if your mattress is over 7-10 years old then its time for a replacement. The support that your mattress once provided wont be the same after all of this time. If youre not sure what type of mattress you need, start by looking at medium-firm mattresses and you wont go far wrong.
  • Dont forget your pillows As well as the surface you sleep on, the position you sleep in is also really important.

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Ways Your Old Mattress Is Causing Back Pain

If youve recently developed back pain then you might be wondering if your old mattress is whats causing your back to ache.

But can an old mattress really cause you back pain?

A mattress thats more than 5-7 years old can cause back pain especially if the mattress exhibits visible sagging, body impressions, or indentations greater than 1.5-2 inches in depth. If your back pain is worse in the morning and tapers off gradually then your old mattress could be the cause.

The rest of this article explains in detail how an old mattress can cause you to experience back pain, how to tell if your mattress is the root cause of your discomfort, and how to stop your old mattress from causing you back pain.

Alternatively: if youre ready to replace your old mattress and you have back pain, then I highly suggest checking out my list of the best mattresses for back pain because the article has been medically reviewed by Dr. Dimitar Marinov and includes my #1 complete mattress and adjustable bed solution for customizable comfort.

Why Your Mattress Is Causing You Pain

Is Your Bed Killing Your Back? Causing your Back Pain or BackAche

Youve confirmed that your mattress is the source of your frequent back pain, and you want to know why its causing you so much pain? Here are six reasons why your mattress may be causing you back pain and how to prevent it.

1. You are using the wrong mattress.

For each type of sleeper, there exist different types of mattresses that suit them best. When you pick a mattress without any care for the way you sleep or your weight and other vital determinants, you sleep to wake up with aches. The right mattresses make sleeping less stressful as they are built to accommodate your body and weight. As a side sleeper, you should be picking a foam that wont give way easily and can support your body. As a back sleeper, pick a mattress that supports and cushions your body.

From the way you sleep to how much you sleep, how much you weigh, and how much time you spend in your bed, consider it all and use it to determine the type of mattress that will help you sleep better. Sleeping without having to wake up to anybodys ache is the goal, work towards it. Heres the perfect guide on how to choose a mattress.

2. You are using the wrong pillow.

You mustnt just buy a pillow without adequately understanding the type of filling it has. Also, know the best type of pillow for your type of sleeper. Thick pillows are suitable for back sleepers, while thin pillows are good for stomach sleepers. Pick a good mattress and use a good pillow if you want to sleep well at night.

4. Your mattress is old.

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How Can A Firm Mattress Cause Back Pain

Mattress firmness is a setting configured by the manufacturer that influences how hard or soft a mattress is likely to feel when you lie on it.

However, the final firmness, feel, and overall comfort level will depend on how your individual body weight, body type, and dominant sleeping position interact with the mattress.

This means that a firm mattress will typically feel softer to heavier weighted sleepers over 230 lbs who sleep on their back or front, whilst a firm mattress is likely to feel even firmer the lighter you are and sleep on your side .

Furthermore, back pain can have many causes and is highly dependent upon your individual circumstances and medical conditions.

All of this variability, subjectivity, and uncertainty means that its NOT accurate to make the sweeping generalization that a firm mattress causes back pain, nor would it be fair to say that a firm mattress is automatically the best choice if you have back pain.

For example, Eileen Vollowitz, BS, PT a physical therapist specializing in orthopedics and occupational health who is the founder of Health by Design says that the traditional medical advice of sleeping on a firm mattress may help some individuals but also harm others potentially exacerbating lower back pain .

Based on my own experience of sleeping on mattresses with different firmnesses and what I know about mattresses in general, here are the 3 primary ways that sleeping on a mattress thats too firm for you could cause back pain:

Its Your Mattress Base Or Box Spring

Sometimes, your bed frame or box spring is the reason why your mattress is sagging. Check the foundation under your saggy mattress and mattress pad to see if the slats in your box spring are solid and aligned. Your mattress foundation should be made of high-density materials so it doesnt erode over time and interrupt a good nights sleep.

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Is My Mattress Causing Back Pain How Do I Know

The main reason your matress will cause back pain is because your mattress is sagging. Without the ability to support your spine sufficiently, a sagging mattress will cause you back pain.

Where there is a dip in the mattress your body will follow its shape. Your spine will be curved while you sleep and your muscles will have to work harder to keep your body supported. This eventually leads to your bed causing you back pain. Over time this pain increases and can become a chronic problem despite following all the other prevention suggestions.

So, can a mattress cause back pain? Abosultely. You can identify when it is a problem by finding out if your mattress is sagging.

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Research consistently points to having a neutral spine position as one of the most important factors to avoid lower back pain from sleeping. Side sleeping with a pillow between your legs can encourage a neutral spine position. Experimentation with different height pillows for your head can also encourage better spine position.

Back pain issues are generally due to issues with muscles or nerves. For example, sciatica is an impingement of your sciatica nerve, nerves running from the lower back down to each leg, causing pain. This pain is felt in your buttocks and down the back of your leg.

Sleeping in positions that cause further compressing of the nerves through the twisting of your lower back and hips may make nerve pain like sciatica pain worse.

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Can Lower Back Pain Be A Sign Of Something Serious Like Cancer

Lower back pain can be related to cancer. In fact, it is one of the first symptoms of prostate cancer when it metastasizes and creates lesions. Almost any cancer can spread to the back and some, like sarcoma, can originate in the back. Be cautious, especially if you are experiencing other symptoms besides lower back pain. Talk to your doctor if you have additional symptoms or concerns.

The Role Of Your Mattress

We spend one-third of each day in bed, meaning your mattress and how you sleep is just as important as focusing on posture in the daytime hours. Since sleep is a time for healing and renewal, it may arguably be even more important.

So, what is the best mattress for back pain?

Its an important, often-asked question. But, there is no single right answer. When it comes to picking a bed, there are no hard and fast rules that will apply for every person, every time. Essentially, the best mattress is the one that you feel gives you good, refreshing sleep with minimal pain and stiffness.

While we all have different preferences and needs that are important to consider, research and studies can shed some insight on different mattress traits and how they may interact with back pain.

The Two Basics of Beds

At their most basic, beds do two things: provide support and comfort.

Support comes from the core of the mattress, typically a sturdy foam layer or innersprings depending on the type of bed. A supportive mattress will have enough firmness to keep your spine aligned, meaning your heavier areas like hips and shoulders wont sink too far into the bed. On the other hand, it shouldnt be so firm that it forces hips and shoulders up at an awkward angle either.

Now, comfort is pretty easy to identify, but how do you know if a mattress is providing adequate support? Essentially, your spine should maintain an even, natural posture , with whichever sleep position you prefer.

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Is Your New Memory Foam Mattress Causing Back Pain

If you buy an extra firm or extra soft memory foam mattress, it may cause your body aches, joint pain, and back pain. The medium-firm memory foam mattresses are fit for all sleeping styles and provide optimum back support. Most people buy too soft memory foam mattresses for more comfort but it may cause them lower back pain after sleeping a few days on it. I recommend you use a medium-range memory foam mattress that has a thick supportive foam layer. Some people ask that memory foam mattress hurts my back I think they should choose the correct mattress and maintain the right sleeping posture.

Best Mattress For Back Pain

What is the Best Bed for Sleeping with Back Pain or Lower Back Pain?

When it comes to the best mattress for back pain, theres no one-size-fits-all solution. Ultimately, the best mattress for back pain is one that provides you with the perfect mix of softness and support. It relieves pressure points and keeps your spine neutrally aligned.

But heres a reason to justify mattress shopping: Research shows that upgrading to a new mattress is likely to improve your sleep quality no matter what. The same study also showed that people sleeping on the cheapest mattresses saw less pain reduction than those who slept on mid- to higher-priced ones. Quality counts!

When in doubt, upgrading to a high-quality medium-firm mattress could be the best option for easing back pain so youll wake energized and restored.

The Casper Wave Hybrid Mattress with Zoned Support Max provides continuous ergonomic zones with gel pods designed to help give you perfect spinal alignment.

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How To Sleep With Back Pain: Sleeping Positions

Although it may seem comfortable, your sleeping position could actually be causing your back problems. All sleeping positions have the potential to increase back pain if held for too long. However, some positions can apply more pressure to your back than others.

It’s natural to move in your sleep so it’s important that you find a position that works for you. Whether you sleep on your side, back or front, we’ve outlined some small modifications that can make the way you sleep the best sleeping position for lower back pain.

Change Up Your Sleep Position Or Mattress

Switching to a more supportive sleep position can reduce lower back pain. Also consider how you can use pillows or invest in a new mattress to support better spinal alignment and relieve lower back pain.

Research suggests medium firm mattresses are the best mattresses for back pain. In one study of people with low back pain, those who slept on medium firm mattresses reported lower pain scores both during sleep and upon getting up in the morning.

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