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What To Mix With Dmso For Back Pain

Do I Need To Supplement With Organic Sulphur

Dmso & Arnica Montana, for Back Pain and Joint Pain

We get sulphur by eating the plants, in turn, they get sulphur from the soil via the sulphur cycle.

A generation ago, we switched from manure as a fertiliser to chemical based fertilisers..this has led to the mass destruction of the sulphur cycle in agriculture. We now know that this has created one of the biggest global deficiencies ever known a sulphur deficiency.

The situation is chronic, so Im sad to admit that it isnt always possible to get what we need from diet alone which is especially the case the sicker you are.

Supplementing with organic sulphur is not only a good idea..I think its pretty crucial for most of us.

MSM Most people will have heard of the nutritional supplement, MSM. Well, MSM is made from DMSO.

Both DMSO and MSM contain organic sulphur molecules in recent years, MSM has become one of the hottest selling nutritional supplements as swarms of people with health problems report fantastic results, some that borderline on the miraculous.

What Is Dmso Used For

DMSO is an exceptionally versatile therapy. For starters, its one of the few compounds that can be administered orally, topically, and through injection of both the vein and the muscle. The results of thousands of studies attesting to its health-promoting properties strongly support the view that DMSO is a truly significant therapeutic anti-inflammatory and that holds promise in managing a wide range of debilitating conditions:

Arthritis – With its ability to penetrate tissues, DMSO shows value in reducing pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and possibly even gout.

Atherosclerosis – In laboratory tests, DMSO has demonstrated its ability to delay the development of atherosclerosis induced by dietary cholesterol, as well as suppress the accumulation of cholesterol in tissues, despite severely elevated levels.

Drug extravasation injury – Extravasation refers to the escape of a drug into the extravascular space , either by leakage from a vessel or by direct infiltration. When chemotherapy drugs leak into surrounding tissues , the effects can be severely damaging. Many studies have shown that DMSO application has significantly improved extravasation tissue injury in affected patients.

Herpes – DMSO has been used to enhance penetration of alpha-interferon ointment in the treatment of herpes.

Interstitial cystitis – Instilling DMSO in the urinary bladder is an FDA-approved pain-relieving treatment for this chronic inflammatory condition.

Great Ways To Use Dmso

  • MSM and DSMO used together are a powerful antioxidant and pain reliever.
  • Essential oils used with DMSO go deeper into your cells and can penetrate the blood brain barrier.
  • Detox your liver with Castor Oil and DMSO.
  • 20% DMSO and 80% distilled water eyedrops can improve many eye diseases such as cataracts. Castor Oil in the eyes before bed can also help to soften cataracts.
  • DMSO contains oxygen so it is antimicrobial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. You can use it for toe fungus, athletes foot, acne and other skin conditions.
  • DMSO on your scalp may help regenerate hair growth in some people.
  • Eliminate bruising and scars. I noticed immediate results on my newer scars. On my older scars it took about 6 weeks . Apply your 70/30 solution 2-3 times per day for best results.
  • A teaspoon of DMSO with orange juice taken daily can improve your overall health.
  • I have seen many testimonials from people who have suffered from strokes who have taken DMSO internally and REVERSED the damage if done soon enough.
  • Use a 20% solution of DMSO in conjunction with Vitamin C in your skin care regimen for younger looking skin and wrinkles.
  • A 50/50 solution of DMSO and distilled water around the temples and base of the neck has been reported to stop migraines if used at the onset.
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    Dmso Modulates Both Bacterial And Viral Stimulated Cytokines

    To expand on these findings we used Luminex technology to determine the effect of DMSO on the E. coli-stimulated secretion of a total of 15 cytokines/chemokines from normal human whole blood cells. As shown in , 2% DMSO significantly reduced the levels of 13 of the cytokines/chemokines. The two notable exceptions were interleukin-1 , the only analyte within this panel that is cleaved/matured in the inflammasome and m inflammatory protein , the only analyte tested that is a member of the C-C family of pro-inflammatory chemokines . Also of note, lower concentrations of DMSO actually promoted the expression of these two analytes, suggesting a potentially distinct effect of DMSO on different cell signaling pathways. Importantly, some analytes were far more sensitive to DMSO-induced inhibition. G-CSF and IFN, for example, were extremely sensitive, showing substantial reductions at 0.5% DMSO .

    Dmso: Called The Miracle Solution Relieves Pain Infammation Rapidly Accelerates Healing

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    Every household should have DMSO on hand. DMSO, which is available as a liquid or in a rub-on gel, is a miracle treatment for all kinds injuries. Trainers of most athletic teams are aware of DMSO’s ability to rapidly heal sports injuries and I’ve been using it personally for over 30 years. I introduced DMSO to the owner/coach of my CrossFit gym a couple of years ago and he immediately began using it on athletes with minor aches and pains. My blog gives me the opportunity to publicize the many benefits of DMSO to a much wider audience. So, here is the DMSO story.

    DMSO stands for dimethylsulfoxide. It is a cheap byproduct of the wood-pulp/paper industry that has been used for decades as an industrial solvent, paint thinner and as additive in various other chemical products. In the 1960s Stanley Jacob, MD was using DMSO to supercool animal organs for transplant experiments at Oregon Health Sciences University . Jacob knew that DMSO could preserve organs without damaging the cells and tissues. After a laboratory accident, Dr. Jacob applied DMSO to the burned skin of his lab assistant are witnessed a remarkably fast healing. This was the beginning of Dr. Jacob’s career as the “father” of DMSO. To date, over 11,000 articles have been written on the medical, clinical and therapeutic properties of DMSO. Dr. Jacob passed away on Jan. 17, 2015 at the age of 91. He remained at the forefront of DMSO research right up until the time of his death.

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    Cell Signaling In Human Monocytes

    White blood cells collected by apheresis from G-CSF-mobilized normal stem cell donors were obtained from the Stem Cell Assay Laboratory/Hematology Cell Bank of the British Columbia Cancer Agency. Monocytes from these apheresis samples were then isolated using an EasySep kit according to the manufacturers instructions and assessed as > 92% CD14+ by flow cytometry or by adherence. They were seeded at 2 x 106 cells/well in flat bottom 12 well plates in serum-free RPMI 1640 medium. After 2 h at 37°C, the serum-free medium was removed and 1 mL RPMI 1640 medium ± DMSO was added to the cells. After 15 min at 37°C, the cells were challenged with E. coli for 15 and 30 min. Whole cell lysates were prepared for Western blotting by washing cells once with cold PBS followed by the addition of SDS sample buffer to the cell pellets. The samples were sheared with a 26G needle prior to boiling for 1 min. Whole cell lysates in SDS sample buffer were loaded onto 10% polyacrylamide gels. Upon transfer to PVDF membranes, separated proteins were probed for p-Akt, p-p38, p-JNK, p-ERK1/2 and Grb-2. Primary antibodies were used at 1/1000 dilution, and Grb-2 was used as a loading control.

    Why Is Organic Sulphur So Important

    Sulphur: The Stuff of Life

    Every living cell, plant or animal, contains sulphur. Given that the human body is a collection of trillions and trillions of cells, if we want to have a happy body we first have to have happy cells.

    Since organic sulphur plays an essential role in the oxygenation and detoxification of all living could say without fear of contradiction, that it is the key to life.

    Sulphur is the unsung hero in our quest for great health

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    Dmso Relieves Pain Inflammation

    I had been thinking for a while about DMSO, though I had not tried it. DMSO has been called the aspirin of our era because of its long list of pharmacological actions that include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and pain-relieving effects.8-10 Research by major pharmaceutical companies dating back to the 1960s has shown that DMSO is safe and effective for managing the pain associated with musculoskeletal problems such as tendonitis and osteoarthritis.10,11 By itself, DMSO has been shown to relieve pain.10 Its other propertiesincluding anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effectscould help mitigate the arthritic process.10

    Measurement Of Cytokine Chemokine And Pge2 Levels

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    IL-6 levels in plasma were determined by ELISA, according to the manufacturers instructions and results are expressed as a percent of the IL-6 level triggered by non-DMSO-treated blood samples in the absence or presence of E. coli or HSV-1. PGE2 in plasma was quantified using a PGE2 EIA kit according to the manufacturers instructions. Luminex analyses to simultaneously quantify the levels of IL-1, G-CSF, IL-10, IL-13, IL-6, IL-17, MIP-1 , VEGF, IFN, IL-12p70, IFN, IL-1RA, TNF-, IL-4 and IL-8 were performed using a Luminex 100 Bio-Plex Microplate Analyzer . Acquired fluorescence was analyzed by the Bio-Plex Manager version 6.0 .

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    How To Use Dmso For Back Pain

    After taking Xrays with my first chiropractor after a bad fall, he showed me how I had almost no cushioning between my discs and that he estimated I had 6 more months without pain before I felt it. Well, 5 1/2 months later I had what felt like a toothache on each side of my lower back. I was like, “hell to the no” and ran for my DMSO bottle.

    I like to use it straight and not watered down. I use a thin layer of Castor Oil first as it is the only oil viscous enough to protect the skin. I started with 7 drops on each side, 2x per day. DMSO actually heals on a molecular level, so I needed less and less as time went on.

    A few weeks ago I was telling a friend about what DMSO did for me, and suddenly realized I had not put any DMSO on my back in 2 months! So from now on, I will just apply a “maintenance dose” 1x a month to keep things good. So, know how much you started with and be prepared to cycle down by either using fewer drops per treatment or skipping days, etc. It’s not like a big Harma med where you have to take it forever and usually need more to get the same result, DMSO is the opposite!!

    Happy healing, everybody!

    Does DSMO actually help discs repair themselves? Have you had an x-ray that shows changes in your back, or is DMSO just changing the nerves that are signaling pain?

    What brand and concentration of DMSO are you using? Only externally or internally as well?

    Thank you.

    Best of luck!


    Hi Katzie –


    Back Pain

    Hi Nancy,

    Back Pain

    Reap The Benefits Of Dmso

    DMSO creams can be found in health-food stores and online. To avoid skin irritation, I recommend using a 70 percent concentration. To use, simply rub a small amount into the affected area until absorbed. Repeat the DMSO treatment two or three times a day as needed.

    DMSO is very safe, but it does have a downside: its smell. DMSOs sulfur compounds can cause a very strong, garlicky odor, particularly when used intravenously. But dont let that dissuade you from trying it. The smell shouldnt be a problem, however, if you rub a little into an aching joint or muscle from time to time.

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    Abdelkefi, A., Lakhal, A., Moojat, N., Hamed, L. B., Fekih, J., Ladeb, S., Torjman, L., and Othman, T. B. Severe neurotoxicity associated with dimethyl sulphoxide following PBSCT. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2009 44:323-324. View abstract.

    Akkok, C. A., Holte, M. R., Tangen, J. M., Ostenstad, B., and Bruserud, O. Hematopoietic engraftment of dimethyl sulfoxide-depleted autologous peripheral blood progenitor cells. Transfusion 2009 49:354-361. View abstract.

    Aliaga, A., Armijo, M., Camacho, F., Castro, A., Cruces, M., Diaz, J. L., Fernandez, J. M., Iglesias, L., Ledo, A., Mascaro, J. M., and . . Med.Clin 2-22-1992 98:245-249. View abstract.

    Amato, R., Ho, D., Schmidt, S., Krakoff, I. H., and Raber, M. Phase I trial of a 72-h continuous-infusion schedule of fazarabine. Cancer Chemother.Pharmacol. 1992 30:321-324. View abstract.

    Amorim, C. A., David, A., Van, Langendonckt A., Dolmans, M. M., and Donnez, J. Vitrification of human ovarian tissue: effect of different solutions and procedures. Fertil.Steril. 3-1-2011 95:1094-1097. View abstract.

    Antherieu, S., Chesne, C., Li, R., Camus, S., Lahoz, A., Picazo, L., Turpeinen, M., Tolonen, A., Uusitalo, J., Guguen-Guillouzo, C., and Guillouzo, A. Stable expression, activity, and inducibility of cytochromes P450 in differentiated HepaRG cells. Drug Metab Dispos. 2010 38:516-525. View abstract.

    Binder, I. and van, Ophoven A. . Aktuelle Urol. 2008 39:205-214. View abstract.

    Harnessing The Power Of Dmso

    How to use DMSO

    If you spend much time around horses, sooner or later you’ll encounter dimethyl sulfoxide . After all, this pungent, syrupy liquid is used to treat a variety of equine health problems ranging from orthopedic inflammation to neurological injury.

    Yet DMSO’s route to acceptance in equine veterinary care has been far more circuitous than that of most therapeutic substances. For starters, it was developed not in a pharmaceutical laboratory but from the industrial wastes of paper manufacturing. Initially, it was considered a potential miracle drug: “My first experiences with DMSO were in the 1960s,” says Barney Fleming, DVM, of Custer, South Dakota. “At that time it was considered something magic and everyone wanted to stick their finger in it.” But within a few years, the use of DMSO ceased entirely, in the wake of safety concerns. In the decades since, especially after it was approved for use in horses in 1970, DMSO has gradually gained renewed acceptance.

    “DMSO is not just another medicine we’re looking at a whole new therapeutic principle,” says Stanley W. Jacob, MD, of the Oregon Health and Science University medical school, who was the first in the United States to investigate the medical potential of DMSO. “A medicine treats a particular disease. A therapeutic principle is a new method for treating diseases in general.”

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    Human Whole Blood Assay

    All experiments performed on human blood were reviewed and approved by the University of British Columbia Clinical Research Ethics Board . Human blood was collected by phlebotomists from volunteers, who gave written consent to participate in this study, into endotoxin-free, heparin-coated tubes. Fifty microlitres of blood was aliquoted into round bottom 96 well plates, to which 10 L of DMSO, diluted in PBS, was added or not. After 15 min of incubation at 37°C in a low oxygen incubator, inflammatory responses were initiated by the addition of E. coli , or HSV-1 , , followed by incubation for 7 h at 37°C. 100 L of PBS was then mixed well with the blood samples and the plate centrifuged at 335 x g using an SX4750 Rotor in an Allegra X-12R centrifuge for 5 min. Supernatants were immediately frozen at -80°C for subsequent ELISAs and Luminex analyses.

    Dmso : How To Use Safety And Handling

    Dimethyl Sulfoxide is a 100% natural product which is documented as a safe substance. However, some precautions are needed when using it. It may irritate and wrinkle the skin if handled improperly. It carries different kinds of molecules through the skin when applied together. This means you need to handle dimethylsulfoxide with care using clean instruments and tools, pay attention to the substances you apply to the skin together with dimethylsulfoxide. DMSO is non-toxic and 7 times safer than aspirin.

    Here are general safety rules about handling dimethylsulfoxide:

    DMSO compatibility with plastics and what kind of jars, sprayers to use

    Can DMSO be stored in plastic? Well, yes, but not all plastic types are compatible with DMSO. It is okay to use the below-listed types of plastic.

    Dimethyl Sulfoxide is non-reactive to these types of plastic:

    • PETE
    • Wooden containers
    • Ceramic
    • Rigid plastic in the form of spray bottles. A rigid-plastic is a hard plastic that exhibits no elastic deformation.

    Of course, it is best to buy DMSO in a glass bottle and keep it in glass.

    Side effects of DMSO

    Possible adverse reactions from DMSO:

    • Garlic odor from the body. It will decrease over time with constant use as body detoxifies.
    • Nausea and decreased blood pressure if taken orally in large doses.
    • May cause the lense to be more near-sighted, but could improve eyesight for farsighted people.
    • Skin irritation, itching if more than 70% DMSO. The reaction can be lessened if mixed with Aloe vera juice.

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    Inhibition Of Microbial Growth

    DMSO is a bacteriostatic agent, which means it inhibits the reproduction of bacteria but doesn’t necessarily kill them outright. Some veterinarians add it in low concentrations to flushes used to rinse out draining abscesses or other infected wounds. Baker uses DMSO when he flushes out guttural pouches: “It’s not irritating when it’s diluted enough, and it does help liquefy a lot of the heavy, purulent material that is often found in the guttural pouch.”

    The Therapeutic Properties Of Dmso Were Discovered More Or Less By Accident

    How to use DMSO | DMSO Uses | DMSO benefits | dimethylsulfoxid | Pain relief | Adrian

    A byproduct of paper production, DMSO was first developed as an industrial solvent. As people worked with the chemical, they noticed that if they spilled a bit of DMSO on their hands a distinct garlicky taste would be on their tongue shortly thereafter. This intrigued chemists, who began researching how the liquid could so quickly pass through skin and mucosa, but the work was generally limited to exploring non-medical applications.

    Then, in the 1960s, Stanley Jacob, MD, began investigating DMSO as a preservative for organs destined for transplants. Work done in his laboratory soon sparked a rush of research into DMSOs possible medical uses.

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