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HomePopularWhat To Do When You Pull Your Lower Back

What To Do When You Pull Your Lower Back

Avoid Laying Down For Long Periods Of Time

What To Do When You Strain Your Lower Back?
  • 1Some physical activity can help you heal. While it is important that you take it easy, lying down for too long can actually slow down your healing time and can make your symptoms last longer. Try to get up and walk around for at least a few minutes every hour or so. Feel free to do activities that dont cause you too much pain. Stay as active as you can to help speed up your recovery time.XTrustworthy SourceCleveland ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Try getting up at least once every hour. You could also take short walks every now and then to keep from lying down for too long.
  • Threw My Back Out: What Happened And How To Fix It Correctly

    Throwing out your back is the most common cause of back pain.

    If it happened to you, you want to fix it as quickly as possible.

    But to fix it correctly and in a way that it doesnt come back, youll have to know what happened and how you can fix it.

    Thats what Ill explain in this post.

    Ill explain in detail what happened and how you can fix it. Ill also give you options to prevent it from happening in the future.

    So lets start.

    How To Prevent Throwing Out Your Back

    The following tricks will prevent throwing out your back:

    • Exercise regularly
    • Train your back muscles for faster reaction
    • Dont smoke
    • Get enough sleep
    • Dont be scared to use your back

    Exercising increases the strength of your back muscles, but also reduces your chance to injure yourself. Especially training your back muscles to react faster to sudden changes can prevent throwing out your back.

    Also, smoking and lack of sleep influence the quality of your muscles, which can cause problems. You should make sure to fix these issues.

    The last and most important thing is that you shouldnt be scared to move your back. Its a strong and capable instrument. Misusing it increases your risk of injuring instead of preventing it despite what people think.

    You can find out here how to use your back correctly.

    You can fix your thrown out back easily within a few weeks, by doing the exercises shown here.

    If you need further assistance with your back pain, you can contact me by e-mail, and I will try to help you.

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    Ways To Avoid Back Pain

    If youâve been sidelined by a sore back, youâre not alone. Four out of five people experience back pain at some point, making it the second most common reason for visiting the doctor.

    Back pain takes various forms, from a persistent dull ache to sudden sharp pain, and has many causes. Sometimes it results from a sprain, fracture, or other accidental injury. It can stem from a disease or medical condition, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, or spinal stenosis . Many people develop back pain in part because theyâre overweight or sedentary.

    The good news is that most lower back pain usually gets better within a few days or weeks, and surgery is rarely necessary. Whatâs more, simple self-help strategies such as these can be surprisingly effective at preventing back pain and keeping it from returning:

    1. Get more exercise. If your back is hurting, you may think the best way to get relief is to limit exercise and to rest. A day or two of rest may help, but more than that may not help the pain. Experts now know that regular physical activity can help ease inflammation and muscle tension.

    Ask your doctor or health club trainer about back-strengthening exercises. Also, some forms of yoga and tai chi may help you learn proper posture and improve strength, balance, and flexibility.

    3. If you smoke, stop. Smoking restricts the flow of nutrient-containing blood to spinal discs, so smokers are especially vulnerable to back pain.

    How Can Back Sprains And Strains Be Prevented

    What To Do When You Strain Your Lower Back

    It is not possible to prevent all back injuries, but you can take some steps to help lower the risk of a sprain or strain:

    • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet to keep your bones and muscles strong.
    • Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight puts added stress on the structures of the lower back.
    • Exercise regularly, including stretching, to keep your joints flexible and your muscles in good condition.
    • Practice safety measures to help prevent falls, such as wearing shoes that fit properly, and keeping stairs and walkways free of clutter.
    • Use good body mechanics when sitting, standing and lifting. For example, try to keep your back straight and your shoulders back. When sitting, keep your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Dont over-reach, and avoid twisting movements. When lifting, bend your knees and use your strong leg muscles to help balance the load.
    • Stop smoking. Nicotine interferes with blood flow to the muscles.

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    Exercise #: Glute Bridge

    This exercise is meant to activate your glutes, quads and core area. The idea is to use the muscles around your low back to send a signal to the brain that your muscles are in fact working fine, and thus your low back muscles can finally relax. Be gentle with this one and do it very slowly.

    How to perform it:

    • Begin lying on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet positioned flat on the floor with your arms positioned beside your torso.
    • Use your heels to push into the floor while you lift your pelvis off the floor until your upper body and thighs are positioned in a straight line.
    • Hold this position for 2-5 seconds and return slowly to the starting position.
    • Aim for 10 repetitions.

    **Ensure that your gluteals and abdominal muscles are tightened during the movement to maintain proper bridge form.

    What to avoid?

    Bed RestWhile resting in bed may seem like the more comfortable and safest option, it should be avoided. Prolonged bed rest can actually make things worse as it may lead to decreased muscle strength, and increased muscle stiffness, which only adds to the pain youâre already experiencing.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Lumbar Strain

    The following are the most common symptoms of a lumbar strain. However, each person may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

    • Sudden lower back pain
    • Spasms in the lower back that result in more severe pain
    • Lower back feels sore to the touch

    The symptoms of a lumbar strain may resemble other conditions and medical problems. Always talk with your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

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    How Is Low Back Strain Diagnosed

    An x-ray, CT scan, or MRI may be done to check for damage to your spine, muscles, or tendons. You may be given contrast liquid to help the tissues in your lower back show up better in the pictures. Tell the healthcare provider if you have ever had an allergic reaction to contrast liquid. Do not enter the MRI room with anything metal. Metal can cause serious injury. Tell the healthcare provider if you have any metal in or on your body.

    Sleep In A Fetal Position

    Exercise for a Pulled Back Muscle
  • 1Place a pillow between your legs for extra support. Sleeping on your back could put additional stress on your back strain. Lie on your side with your knees curled up towards your chest. Add a pillow between your knees to make yourself more comfortable.XTrustworthy SourceMedlinePlusCollection of medical information sourced from the US National Library of MedicineGo to source
  • If youre a back-sleeper, you can place a pillow or a rolled-up towel under your knees to reduce the pressure on your back.
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    Pulled Back Muscle Treatment

    Learn about muscle anatomy and the symptoms of lower back strain. WatchLower Back Strain Video

    Aggressive chiropractic manipulation should be avoided at the onset of treatment. It is best to restore health in a very gradual and dedicated process, watching for worsening symptoms versus improvement.

    Ultimately, the severity of a muscle injury will determine what kind of treatment is necessary.

    How Are Back Injuries Treated

    Your doctor will examine you to check whether the nerves from your spinal cord are working properly. Make sure you tell them if you have any problems with going to the toilet.

    Most minor back injuries get better by themselves within 6 weeks. Usually you will not need any other tests or treatment. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists recommends that an x-ray for low back pain is only needed if you have other significant symptoms such as problems with bladder and bowel control, severe pain or weakness or numbness in one or both legs. For further information, visit the Choosing Wisely Australia website.

    The most important thing you can do is to continue to stay active. A common myth is that bed rest will cure back pain. In fact, bed rest slows down the recovery period and can add to your pain.

    Simple pain relief, such as paracetamol or anti-inflammatories, may help. You can talk to your doctor or pharmacist, or call healthdirect for advice on 1800 022 222.

    You can help ease injuries to your back by:

    • using cold compresses for 20 minutes at a time every 3 to 4 hours for the first day these will ease pain and swelling
    • using warmth after the first day showers, baths or hot moist towels can help ease pain and help recovery
    • avoiding activities involving bending, lifting and twisting until you feel better

    Depending on your job, you may need time off work to allow your back to heal.

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    How To Treat A Pulled Back Muscle In 8 Steps

    A pulled back muscle can begin as a sudden, sharp pain when lifting or bending. Or it may appear gradually, getting progressively worse over several days. This common injury ranges from a minor inconvenience to an intense source of pain. It can take several weeks, and in some cases a few months, to heal.1

    A pulled muscle is the common term for a strained muscle.2 A strain is a muscle or tendon injury that happens when the tissue stretches or tears. When a ligament stretches or tears, its called a sprain. Back pain, often due to a pulled muscle, is one of the most common issues health professionals treat.2 In most cases, you can manage and treat symptoms at home. But if the pain is unbearable or makes it difficult to move, see a doctor.

    How Is Lumbar Strain Treated

    5 Steps to Quickly Recover from Pulled Back Muscles ...

    Specific treatment for a lumbar strain will be discussed with you by your healthcare provider based on:

    • Your age, overall health, and medical history
    • Extent of the injury
    • Your tolerance for specific medicines, procedures, and therapies
    • Expectation for the course of the injury
    • Your opinion or preference
    • Ice packs and/or heat and compression applied to the back
    • Exercises
    • Stretching and strengthening exercises
    • Education regarding the use and wearing of appropriate protective equipment

    Medicines, such as anti-inflammatories and spinal injections, may also be used to relieve pain and inflammation.

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    How Can Low Back Strain Be Prevented

    • Use correct body movements.
    • Bend at the hips and knees when you pick up objects. Do not bend from the waist. Use your leg muscles as you lift the load. Do not use your back. Keep the object close to your chest as you lift it. Try not to twist or lift anything above your waist.
    • Change your position often when you stand for long periods of time. Rest one foot on a small box or footrest, and then switch to the other foot often.
    • Try not to sit for long periods of time. When you do, sit in a straight-backed chair with your feet flat on the floor.
    • Never reach, pull, or push while you are sitting.
  • Warm up before you exercise. Do exercises that strengthen your back muscles. Ask your healthcare provider about the best exercise plan for you.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Ask your healthcare provider how much you should weigh. Ask him to help you create a weight loss plan if you are overweight.
  • Dont Bend Lift Or Twist

    “Once you are upright and stabilized, do whatever you can to stay that way so your injury doesnt worsen,” says Keith Puri, a chiropractor based in Arlington, Massachusetts. That means avoiding whats known as BLT bending, lifting, and twisting while youre hurt.

    If you need to pick something up off the floor, keep your spine straight and your core engaged, and drop your tailbone toward the floor in a squat. “Looking up to the ceiling can help keep your spine straight,” says Puri, which will help prevent you from leaning forward and putting stress on your back.

    When you need to lean forward to brush your teeth or wash dishes, try a hip hinge: Maintain a straight, neutral spine while bending forward from your hips.

    To avoid twisting your spinal muscles, think about turning rather than rotating, Puri says. That means turning your whole body to face whatever you need to be reaching for, rather than leaning to the side or reaching around yourself. Puri explains that stability should be a higher priority than convenience, even if that means a multistep process for things like getting into and out of your car. “It is definitely less efficient, but the benefits significantly outweigh the time lost,” he says.

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    Living With Lumbar Strain

    Cold reduces swelling. Both cold and heat can reduce pain. Protect your skin by placing a towel between your body and the ice or heat source.

    • For the first few days, apply an ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes .
    • After the first few days, try heat for 15 minutes at a time to ease pain. Never sleep on a heating pad.
    • Over-the-counter medicines can help control pain and swelling. Try aspirin or ibuprofen.

    Rest And Give It Time

    How to treat a pulled muscle in lower back | B Episode 43
  • 1Take it easy while your back recovers. Most back strains will eventually heal up on their own after a few weeks. Avoid strenuous activities or heavy lifting and give your back the time it needs to heal up.XTrustworthy SourceJohns Hopkins MedicineOfficial resource database of the world-leading Johns Hopkins HospitalGo to source
  • Wait until youre completely pain-free to get back to your normal activities, especially working out or playing sports. You dont want to reinjure yourself or make the strain even worse.
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    When Will My Lower Back Strain Feel Better

    Recovery time depends on how serious your low back strain is. Mild cases may resolve in a couple of days. It can take many weeks for more serious strains. Remember that everyone heals at a different rate.

    Once the back pain is gone, your doctor will probably want you to start a regular exercise routine. This will get your back muscles stronger and more limber. It will help you recover, and reduce your odds of low back strain in the future. Your doctor will probably want you to take up low impact sports, like swimming or using a stationary bike.

    Whatever you do, don’t rush things. Don’t try to return to your previous level of physical activity until:

    • You can move as easily — without stiffness — as you did before your injury.
    • You feel no pain when you bend, twist, walk, run, and jump.

    If you start pushing yourself before your low back strain is healed, you could end up with chronic back pain and permanent injury.

    Is It A Pulled Muscle In Your Back Or Something Worse


    Could the back pain youre suddenly feeling be a pulled muscle? Or could it be something worse?

    Youre out for a morning run and stop to tie your shoe. When you bend forward, you feel a sudden sharp pain in your lower back. Chances are good that youve pulled a back muscle.

    In most cases, back pain in the lower back is caused by overstressing the soft tissues that support the lower spine. These muscles and ligaments support the bodys weight and hold the body upright. When they are pushed too far, the result can be a muscle strain or what we commonly call a pulled muscle. You feel it as a sharp, sudden muscle pain or spasm. Depending on the severity of the injury, pain from a pulled muscle can be mild or it can be severe.

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    How To Treat A Pulled Muscle

    Prevention should always be the primary goal:

    • Maintain strong abdominal and back core muscles to help stabilize your spine and prevent strain on back muscles.
    • Live a healthy lifestyle, including weight management and low-impact aerobic exercises, to build muscle strength and prevent strain.
    • Maintain a neutral posture when sitting or standing.
    • Utilize leg muscles instead of back muscles when lifting objects to prevent back muscle fatigue and injury.

    Muscular back pain usually goes away after several weeks of home care, says Dr. Van Dien. Despite the popular belief that you must rest, early mobilization and walking following an acute back strain will help keep muscles loose and prevent further lower back tightness. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication and alternating ice and heat can be helpful with the initial onset of pain. Your doctor may also recommend a course of physical therapy.

    Pulled Muscle In Lower Back Recovery Time

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    You should limit normal activity for the first few days after your injury but resume it as soon as you can after that time. Wait a few weeks before going back to an exercise regimen or sport.

    Most people will be fully recovered within two weeks of the injury, but if the pain isnt getting better after a weeks time, see a doctor.

    There are several things you can do to prevent straining your lower back, some that help strengthen it and others that are precautionary. These include:

    • stretching and strengthening exercises

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