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HomeMust ReadHow To Treat Back Disc Pain

How To Treat Back Disc Pain

Dont Let Pain Take Over Your Life

How to Fix Lumbar Disc Pain and Heal Your Disc Fast

As you see, there are various options for bulging disc treatment. Choosing one over another depends on your symptoms and the severity of your condition.

The sooner you receive treatment, the better. Early intervention can lower your risk of developing complications.

You deserve a pain-free life. Dont wait until its too late. Book an appointment and find out how we can help!

Nutrition For Degenerative Disc Disease

As you know, lumbar disc degeneration causes inflammation .

As always, balanced and healthy nutrition will help your body reduce inflammation and can lower your weight, which will take some load off your spine.

I recommend a real food diet, without processed foods.

Incorporate inflammation-busting foods and herbs in your daily meals, such as:

Ginger, turmeric, garlic, Cayenne pepper, dark leafy greens, pineapple, Papaya, Devils claw, Boswelia, Chamomile.

Try to eliminate, as much as you can, dairy and meat and avoid processed sugar and flour. Fried foods are not a good idea either.

As for supplements, I recommend trying Heal n Soothe, which contains proteolytic enzymes, Boswellia, Devils Claw, Turmeric, Ginger, citrus bioflavonoids, Papain, L-glutathione, and more.

What Are The Most Effective Treatment Options

Leons Notes:research

With most bulging discs in the lower back, you want to try an extension based exercise program . This can reverse the direction of the bulge and push the fluid back into neutral alignment. Also, working to strengthen your core is important.


Note: Always monitor your pain severity and location, if these exercises make you feel worse, stop doing them and try a different exercise or consult with your doctor.

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Five Tips For Lumbar Herniated Disc Pain Relief

Aging along with continual wear and tear on our bodys natural shock absorbers can weaken the lower back. When spinal discs become damaged, intense back pain can occur that may radiate to nerves down the leg and foot. Herniated disc symptoms may appear for no apparent reason or can be caused by over exertion due to heavy lifting. When someone is experiencing pain from a lumbar herniated disc, the episode may be short lived or last up to six weeks, with the bodys natural defense systems going into action to resolve damage due to degenerative disc disease. During the episode, the pain can affect nearby nerves causing painful spasms in the lower body including the entire leg and foot. A numbness or weakness may be felt when standing. Herniated disc symptoms usually affect one side of the body. When the pain initially presents, the first 48 hours are generally the most intense.

At the onset, your physician may recommend more conservative methods for lumbar herniated disc pain relief, which include:

1) Pain medications, such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen may be recommended. Take these as directed for pain, tenderness, inflammation and joint pain. NSAIDS are not advised for people with longer-term lumbar problems related to surgery.

3) Muscle Relaxers to be taken on a short-term basis may be prescribed by your doctor. Some of the common ones are: Baclofen, Chlorzoxazone, Carisoprodol, Cyclobenzaprine, Dantrolene, Diazepam, and Metaxalone.

Secret #: Sleep In The Proper Position

Herniated Disc Pain Treatment in LA and Ventura County

Each year it seems that we learn something new about how important sleep is. Having a healthy back is no different!

Sleeping in the proper position allows your back to heal and prevents further disc problems by keeping your spine straight. Here are a couple of things you can do to ensure youre sleeping to prevent disc problems.

  • Your posture while sleeping should match your posture while standing up straight with shoulders back and the natural S-curve in the spine.
  • Sleeping on your back or side can help you get rid of disc pain problems.
  • If sleeping on your back, make sure your pillow supports your neck but doesnt tilt it too far up or allow it to sink too far down.
  • If youre a side sleeper, youll need a pillow thats a little thicker to support your head and keep your spine straight.
  • Putting a pillow between your legs when you sleep on your side helps to keep your hips and lumbar spine healthy and pain-free.
  • Ensure that your mattress is firm enough to support you but soft enough to allow for a comfortable and straight spine, no matter how you sleep.
  • If you must sleep on your stomach, put a pillow under your pelvis and another under your forehead to maintain your spines S-curve.

Sleeping well can positively affect nearly every aspect of your life, and it works wonders for fixing and preventing disc problems in the back.

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Check If It’s A Slipped Disc

A slipped disc can cause:

  • lower back pain
  • numbness or tingling in your shoulders, back, arms, hands, legs or feet
  • neck pain
  • problems bending or straightening your back
  • muscle weakness
  • pain in the buttocks, hips or legs if the disc is pressing on the sciatic nerve

Not all slipped discs cause symptoms. Many people will never know they have slipped a disc.

What Causes Spinal Cord Compression

One of the most common causes of spinal cord compression is the gradual wear and tear on the bones of the spine, known as osteoarthritis. People who develop spinal cord compression from this are usually older than 50.

Other conditions that may cause spinal cord compression can develop more quickly, even very suddenly, and can occur at any age:

  • Abnormal spine alignment

  • âFoot drop,â weakness in a foot that causes a limp

  • Loss of sexual ability

Pressure on nerves in the lumbar region can also cause more serious symptoms known as cauda equina syndrome. If you have any of these symptoms, you need to get medical attention right away, typically in the emergency room:

  • Loss of bowel or bladder control

  • Severe or increasing numbness between the legs, inner thighs, and back of the legs

  • Severe pain and weakness that spreads into one or both legs, making it hard to walk or get out of a chair

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When To Speak With A Doctor

Practicing good posture, exercising regularly, and healthful eating can often improve back pain without speaking with a doctor.

A person should consult with a healthcare professional if they have back pain that worsens over time or accompanies other symptoms, such as bowel or bladder control issues.

People experiencing severe back pain following trauma or physical exertion may also need to speak with a doctor.

Secret #: Give Yourself Time To Heal

How To Fix A Bulged Low Back Disc WITHOUT Surgery

Unfortunately, too many people with back pain either dont allow their bodies time to heal, or they begin a treatment plan, but stop once they begin to feel better.

It takes approximately 4 weeks for a bulging or herniated disc to heal itself, then another 12 weeks of chiropractic care and physical therapy for you to return to your usual daily activities and exercise program.

When you dont follow through on a treatment plan, or you continue to do things that put more pressure on the affected disc, you not only make things worse, you risk herniating another disc. You also delay the healing process.

You can spend the first 48 hours in bed or on the sofa, icing the affected area. You will most likely feel like sleeping, which is good as this is necessary for healing to take place.

However, after that, you need to begin a treatment plan, which includes getting from your sofa.

Dont go back to work until your chiropractor tells you that its OK. Dont go back to your old way of doing things, since that is probably what injured your back, to begin with. Lastly, dont quit treatment the moment you are feeling better.

Allow your body the time it needs to heal from this injury or risk more of the same.

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Bulging Disc Treatments: 7 Ways To Find Natural Relief From Back Pain

A bulging disc is a very common occurrence that results in a spinal disc compressing against an adjacent nerve root. The disc essentially pushes out of its normal place and starts impinging on nearby nerves of the spine, sometimes causing pain. For some people, bulging discs can cause a good deal of discomfort, at times progressing enough that they can become disabling and affect someones quality of life greatly.

There are different severities of bulging or herniated discs some that are more problematic than others. Not everyone with a bulging disc experiences pain or even any noticeable symptoms at all, although many do. In fact, its now understood that many people with bulging herniated discs function without any pain at all and arent even aware of the problem.

Studies show that bulging discs are common more than 50 out of 100 older people examined using magnetic resonance imaging have some degree of a bulging disc but the underlying causes arent well-understood, which makes appropriate treatment difficult.

If youve visited a doctor about a painful bulging disc, you might have been given medications, such as over-the-counter painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxers or steroids to help control your symptoms. While these might work in the short term to keep you more comfortable, they wont target the underlying cause of the bulging disc or prevent another one from forming.

1. See a Chiropractor for Spinal Adjustments

2. Visit a Physical Therapist

Southern Cross Medical Library

The purpose of the Southern Cross Medical Library is to provide information of a general nature to help you better understand certain medical conditions. Always seek specific medical advice for treatment appropriate to you. This information is not intended to relate specifically to insurance or healthcare services provided by Southern Cross. For more articles go to the Medical Library index page.

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So What Is A Bulging Disc

To understand what a bulging disc is, we must first understand the anatomy of the spine.

Put simply, the spine is made up of individual vertebrae stacked on top of each other. Between each vertebrae is an intervertebral disc that provides a cushion so the vertebrae dont rub together. The discs between the vertebrae, have a gel-like material inside .

A great way to think of the discs is like that of a balloon filled with water, and these discs help resist compressive forces on the spine.

When a disc bulges the gel-like material inside of it gets pushed back towards the nerves and structures of the spine. This bulge can sometimes compress spinal structures, ligaments or nerves in your spine and cause pain, tingling/or burning sensation, and/or other symptoms.

* It is important to note that a bulging disc doesnt always touch the nerves, and for many a bulged disc doesnt even produce any pain at all. However, it could progress to become a herniated disc eventually, which can be problematic.

  • Sitting for long periods of time, esp in poor posture puts more pressure on the discs.
  • Repetitive bending, lifting, and twisting .
  • Heavy lifting with poor form due to stress on the front of the spinal column causing the disc to bulge out back.
  • Can also result from osteoarthritis or age-related degeneration.
  • Trauma such as a car accident.

Potential Causes For A Bulging Disc

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  • People who have led a sedentary lifestyle or those who smoke increase the chances for bulging disc.
  • Continuous strain on the disc from injury or heavy lifting and strain can wear them down throughout the years.
  • Weakened back muscles can accelerate the process and may lead to a sudden herniation of the weakened disc.
  • Although bulging discs occur over time, herniated discs may occur quickly by trauma.
  • Bad posture including improper body positioning during sleep, sitting, standing or exercise are all risk factors which may contribute to the development of a bulging disc.
  • Obesity

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Ways To Treat Chronic Back Pain Without Surgery

Back pain is considered chronic if it lasts three months or longer. It cancome and go, often bringing temporary relief, followed by frustration.Dealing with chronic back pain can be especially trying if you dont knowthe cause.

Back pain rehabilitationspecialistAndrew Nava, M.D., offers insights into common chronic back pain causes and nonsurgicaltreatment optionsand advises not to give up hope.

Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment Goals

The vast majority of people with degenerative disc disease experience low back pain symptoms that flare up periodically, but do not get worse over time. For those people, the main goals for managing lower back pain caused by degenerative disc disease are usually:

  • Achieving enough pain relief to be able to engage in lower back pain exercises and a rehabilitation program
  • Trying to manage the low back pain and maintaining an ability to function at home and at work.

Once a disc has degenerated, the degenerative process cannot be reversed. Instead of trying to rehabilitate the disc itself, treatment focuses on improving the health of surrounding structures, such as the spinal nerves, vertebral bones and joints, and supporting muscles and ligaments.

The main goals of the rehabilitation program include a therapist-guided and individual approach, which aim to2:

  • Increase, restore, and/or maintain the range of motion in the affected spinal segment
  • Build physical strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, and endurance in the lower back and legs
  • Guide patients to make ergonomic changes in their workspace and home to support the spine and prevent recurrence of pain
  • Teach the correct use of posture while sitting, walking, sleeping, and lifting to promote maximum function with lesser pain

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Herniated Disc Treatment Tips

If you are wondering how to heal a herniated disc, there are several possible ways. But first, lets talk about what a herniated disc is.

The spinal canal created by your vertebrae houses your spinal cord, from which your spinal nerves emerge. A herniated disc occurs when some of the nuclei of one of the cushioning discs between two vertebrae push outward onto spinal nerve roots, causing pain.

Most frequently, a herniated disc occurs in the lumbar spine of the lower back, though it can potentially happen between any two vertebrae in the spinal column.

A disc herniation can cause a variety of symptoms, including back pain, leg pain, arm pain, muscle weakness, and tingling or numbness in the areas supplied by the affected nerves. Its also possible to have a disk herniation without any symptoms .

If you have a herniated disc, you may be wondering what treatment options are available to you or if there are things you can do to help relieve pain. Fortunately, we have a list of seven pain management tips for you to follow. Give them a try and see if your pain subsides.

How Can I Avoid Getting A Herniated Disk

How to Heal a Bulging Disc! (Back Pain & Sciatica)

It’s not always possible to prevent a herniated disk. But you can reduce your risk by:

  • Using proper lifting techniques. Dont bend at the waist. Bend your knees while keeping your back straight. Use your strong leg muscles to help support the load.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight. Excess weight puts pressure on the lower back.
  • Practicing good posture. Learn how to improve your posture when you walk, sit, stand and sleep. Good posture reduces strain on your spine.
  • Stretching. Its especially important to take stretching breaks if you often sit for long periods.
  • Avoiding wearing high-heeled shoes. This type of shoe throws your spine out of alignment.
  • Exercising regularly. Focus on workouts that strengthen your back and abdomen muscles to support your spine.
  • Stopping smoking. Smoking can weaken disks, making them vulnerable to rupture. Consider quitting smoking.

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Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment For Low Back Pain

Watch:Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease Video

Most people with degenerative disc disease respond well to nonsurgical treatments.

  • Research indicates that 90% of patients report improvement in back pain and radicular leg pain within 3 months of nonsurgical treatments.1
  • Surgical intervention may be extensive, so most people are well-served making a concerted effort with nonsurgical treatment regimens.

The long-term outlook for this condition is usually favorable, especially when coupled with lifestyle modifications and the correct use of ergonomics.1

This article describes the various treatments available to manage the symptoms of degenerative disc disease, including addressing both painful flare-ups as well as longer-term pain management and rehabilitation.

A Pharmacist Can Help With A Slipped Disc

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen are not suitable for everyone. Speak to a pharmacist if you’re not sure.

Stronger painkillers containing codeine may help for pain that’s just started.

But these types of painkillers can cause addiction and should only be used for a few days.

  • lose feeling in 1 or both legs
  • cannot control when you pee or poo
  • got it after a serious accident, such as a car accident

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Causes And Risk Factors

Bulging disks result from a reduction of gel in the disk center. Less gel causes the disk to become compressed and start to bulge.

The gel in a spinal disk naturally wears away over time. A bulging disk is usually the result of aging, but it can also be due to spinal injury, such as the result of a car accident. An injury could also push a bulging disk to become herniated.

Another risk factor is physical activity, which may weaken the back and abdominal muscles, placing additional pressure on the vertebrae.

Some physically demanding jobs may also increase the risk of a bulging disk , such as those that frequently involve lifting heavy objects.

Some People Do Not Have Symptoms

Exercises To Avoid for Herniated Discs and Sciatica

Research studies where routine back scans have been done on a large number of people have shown that some people have a prolapsed disc without any symptoms. It is thought that symptoms mainly occur if the prolapse puts pressure on or irritates a nerve. This does not happen in all cases. Some prolapses may be small, or occur away from the nerves and cause minor or no symptoms.

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