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Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When I Sneeze

How To Prevent Back Pain When Sneezing

Why Do I Have Low Back Pain With Coughing or Sneezing?

Stay upright

Dont fall into the natural hunch forward when you sneeze. Sneezes are very powerful, and more violent ones can put a serious strain on your back.

Most people also turn their heads away from others in a room to sneeze, which is polite, but its also dangerous for your neck. By keeping yourself upright and facing forward, you reduce the compression on your vertebrae.

Support yourself

Another thing you can do is place both hands on a surface to support yourself and the natural curvature of your spine. This distributes the pressure from the sneeze more evenly through the body, rather than just taxing your back.

Pelvic Pain In Both Sexes

Here are a few possible causes of pelvic pain that applies to both women and men.


Inflammation of the appendix is referred to as appendicitis. The appendix is a rudimentary organ attached to the intestines. Due to bacterial infection or accumulation of fecoliths, the appendix can become inflamed. This can further cause sharp pain in the abdomen and pelvis.

Acute appendicitis may need surgical intervention in order to avoid the risk of peritonitis.


Constipation is quite a simple but very common cause of pelvic pain. When you have a tough time clearing your bowels, the accumulating fecal material may harden in your intestines. These put a strain on the abdominal walls. Sneezing and coughing might increase the pressure and thus triggers pelvic pain.

Crohns Disease

The condition responsible for the inflammation of your digestive tract is known as Crohns disease. This causes abdominal and pelvic pain, severe diarrhea, weight loss, and lethargy. It might also cause malnutrition and may lead to other secondary life-threatening conditions.

The site of inflammation in the digestive tract differs in different individuals. The inflammation might not be limited to a singular site and may spread to deeper layers of the digestive tract.

Colon Cancer

But, with time they can become malignant. The polyps tend to produce little to no signs and symptoms at the very beginning. So, it is suggested by doctors to get yourself regularly checked.

Inguinal Hernia

Causes Of Arm Pain After Sneezing

Most causes of arm pain after sneezing can be related to the spine, as the force of a sneeze may cause short-lived stress to the spine. The vertebrae may be weakened or injured to some extent, or existing injuries may be worsened, leading to irritation of the surrounding nerves. When the impacted nerves connect to the arms, pain may be referred to that area. Below are some common conditions that may cause this pain.

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Chronic Low Back Pain Of No Specific Origin

Low back pain is defined as pain, tightness, and stiffness between the lower end of the rib cage and the buttocks. “Chronic” means the pain has lasted for twelve weeks or longer, and “no specific origin” means the pain cannot be traced to any specific cause, incident, or injury.

Most susceptible are individuals who perform heavy physical work, especially when there is ongoing anxiety, depression, and emotional stress at the same time. The longer the stress and back pain continue, the more difficult it is to ease the symptoms and return the patient to normal functioning.

Treatment involves nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and sometimes opioid medications for pain, though both have risks when used long term. Antidepressants may also be tried, along with psychological counseling.

Corticosteroid injections for the back are effective for some patients, and fusion surgery is sometimes attempted. Lifestyle changes in the form of improved diet, exercise, and stress management are very helpful in most cases.

Rarity: Common

Top Symptoms: lower back pain, unintentional weight loss, back pain that shoots to the butt, fever, involuntary defecation

Symptoms that always occur with chronic low back pain of no specific origin: lower back pain

Symptoms that never occur with chronic low back pain of no specific origin: thigh numbness, buttocks numbness, lower back pain from an injury

Urgency: Primary care doctor

Sneezing Its Causes And Remedies

Why Does My Back Hurt When I Cough?

Sneezing is an involuntary action of the body to remove any form of irritants from the throat or nose. It happens all of a sudden. As stated before, this is a very common phenomenon, and most of the time it does not point to any serious health problems.

However, if you feel that your muscles are going into spasm whenever you sneeze or cough, you might be suffering from a hernia.

One of the root causes of sneezing is being allergic to certain substances. These allergies can be from dust, pollen particles, etc. This may lead to asthma in some people. Constant sneezing might cause severe pain in the abdomen. Another common cause is the common cold or flu. Common cold or flu is experienced by all of us during different seasons. It results in sneezing and coughing. If the sneezing continues, the muscles will get sore and you begin to have pain in the ribs, abdomen, etc.

In most cases, natural remedies might help in getting rid of sneezing. Check that the filtering set up in your home is efficient. If you have pet animals, keep them neat and clean. Dust mites can be killed by washing sheets and other linens in hot water, or water that is over 130°F . You could also invest in an air filtration system to purify the air in your home. In severe situations, you may need to get your home tested for mold spores, which could be the source of your sneezing. If your home or building becomes infested with mold, you may need to relocate.

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Back Pain From Sneezing

Almost any movement in the upper body involves your back, including lifting, reaching, bending, turning, playing sports, or even just sitting and standing. When the spine and back muscles dont work properly, these actions can be difficult.

A sudden, awkward movement like a sneeze can trigger back pain in the same way that something like manual labor or a fall can, even though the movement lasts a split second. In addition to the back muscles, sneezing can also impact the chest muscles.

Fix Your Posture: Stand Up Straight

Many of us tend to have poor posture for a number of reasons: looking down at our phones constantly, typing at a keyboard all day, or craning our necks.Also sitting for prolonged periods of time puts a lot of strain on the neck and shoulder muscles which leads to decreased circulation and inflammation.Try to keep your spine in good alignment when sitting or standing. And if you are sitting for prolonged periods of time, make sure you get up and move around and stretch a bit at least every hour.

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Dr Soh added that these patients are often between 20 and 50 years old. Furthermore, the odds of throwing your back out isnt something that exacerbates with age, according to Adjunct Assistant Professor Jacob Oh, the head of spine surgery and senior consultant with the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Tan Tock Seng Hospital .

In other words, you dont have to hit old age to run the risk it may happen at any time. As far as I am aware, there is no major study that has shown that age increases the risk of sneezing-related back problems, said Dr Oh.


Sneezing is actually a very forceful action that causes your core muscles to tense up very suddenly, said Dr Oh. At the same time, the intervertebral discs, which are like shock absorbers in your spine, help to cushion the impact. Each intervertebral disc consists of the annulus fibrosus, a sturdy, tyre-like structure that encases a gel-like centre known as the nucleus pulposus.

But these shock absorbers can get busted if the sneeze is very forceful and repetitive, resulting in a herniated disc, said Dr Oh. A herniated disc is when the nucleus pulposus gets squeezed out of the annulus fibrosus and bulges into the spinal canal. This, in turn, can cause sciatica, which refers to the numbness or pain shooting down your leg. In some patients, said Dr Soh, the force from sneezing may even tear the annulus fibrosus.



When To See A Doctor

Sneezing and Back Pain. Right and wrong!

While back pain may seem fleeting, it is critical to seek treatment at the first sign of a problem to prevent the worsening of any issues.

Any existing back problems should be treated independently of these concerns by a chiropractor who can identify and treat the root cause of the issue. If you find yourself in pain only after a sneeze, you should visit a Jonesboro chiropractor to rule out any serious issues that could be causing the pain.

At AICA Jonesboro, our chiropractors work with a team of multidisciplinary specialists to diagnose and treat any back pain or injury. When you visit our office, we will develop a personalized treatment plan based on your exact needs and goals and help you implement it. Contact us today to schedule your first consultation and begin feeling relief from pain.

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Mckenzie Exercises For Disc Injuries

Of course, the exact treatment plan thats going to be best for you is best determined by your doctor. At Ascent Chiropractic well often also give patients with disc problems passive, progressive extension stretches called McKenzie exercises.

McKenzie exercises are designed to reposition any displaced intervertebral discs and strengthen the surrounding muscles and structures to prevent re-injury. While they can be done at home, its important that you start with a foundation set by your doctor to help ensure youre performing them correctly .

Disclaimer: repeated extension exercises performed the wrong way or on spines that have lost significant disc height can make your back pain even worse. Check with your doctor first.

The basic McKenzie exercise progression begins with prone lying, progressing to prone lying while resting on elbows, and then finally to prone press-ups. Start with prone lying and only progress when the stretch youre doing doesnt cause discomfort. Heres the progression:

1. Prone Lying

  • Lie down on your stomach. Place your arms at your sides.
  • Turn your head to the side or face down.
  • Hold for 2 to 3 minutes. Repeat up to eight times a day.

2. Prone Lying While Resting On Elbows

  • Lie down on your stomach. Prop yourself up on your forearms with your shoulders above your elbows.
  • Hold for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Lower your upper body. Repeat up to eight times a day.

3. Prone Press-Ups

Chiropractic Treatment Special Technique For Disc Problems

In many cases, a course of conservative chiropractic care using a specific technique designed for disc problems can help. The good news, is that for almost all of our patients with a disc bulge, the chiropractic technique we use is very effective. We may prescribe a lumbar belt to help support your low back, a natural muscle relaxant to help relax the tight muscles, and a topical analgesic to help reduce your pain. In addition, we will email you specific home instructions and stretching exercises to help improve your results.

If however, there is no improvement, or if your condition worsens, then surgery may be the only option. In that case, we will refer you for an MRI which will give us a definitive answer as to your diagnosis.

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What Can Cause Back Pain When You Sneeze

A voilent sneeze can trigger a variety of muscle, bone, and nerve problems, like:

Herniated disc

A sneeze, cough, or other action may cause the inner disc material to push against a nerve and spark a sudden pain.

Muscle strain

Sneezing can put excessive pressure on the muscles in your back and cause a spasm of pain.

Vertebral compression fracture

For people with severe osteoporosis, a sneeze or simply climbing a few stairs can cause a VCF.


A sudden sneeze can put pressure on sciatic nerve and cause shooting pain and numbness down to one or both legs.

Why Do We Sneeze

Why Does My Back Hurt When I Cough or Sneeze?

Sneezing is a mechanism the body uses to clear the nose of foreign objects. Sneezing is one of the bodys first defenses against bugs and bacteria that may cause illness.

When pollen, dirt, smoke, or dust enter the nostril, the nose can become tickled or irritated, triggering the body to sneeze in order to remove the substance. The lining of your nose is delicate, and even a slight tickle from these substances will send an electric signal to the brain, letting it know that your nose needs to be cleared. The brain then tells the body its time to sneeze, and the body prepares itself for the contraction. The eyes are usually forced shut, and the tongue moves to the roof of the mouth, while your muscles brace- all within a few seconds.Sternuation, the medical term for sneezing, forces water, mucus, and air out of the nose with strong force. If they are present, they can also release germs. It has also been found that a sneeze acts as a sort of reset for the nasal environment.

For most people, frequent sneezing is normal as it relates to illness or allergies and is rarely of concern. In fact, it can sometimes be a simple habit. If you notice an uptick in your sneezing and are concerned, you can speak with a doctor about potential allergies or a condition called chronic rhinitis, in which the nasal cavity is inflamed. Even in these cases, sneezing itself is not dangerous, including when it causes pain.

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Rib Bruise Or Fracture

Broken or bruised ribs are usually caused by a fall or a blow to the chest, although occasionally this can happen due to severe coughing. With a broken rib, the pain is worse when bending and twisting the body.

You can safely treat this condition on your own. Breathing will be painful, but it is important to avoid taking shallow breaths or not coughing to avoid the pain as this can raise your risk of developing a chest infection. You can look after yourself by taking over-the-counter pain medication, applying an ice pack to the chest, resting periodically , and holding a pillow against the chest if you needs to cough.

Rarity: Uncommon

Top Symptoms: rib pain that gets worse when breathing, coughing, sneezing, or laughing, rib pain from an injury, sports injury, rib pain on one side, injury from a common fall

Symptoms that always occur with rib bruise or fracture: rib pain from an injury

Urgency: Primary care doctor

Why Does The Back Hurt When You Sneeze

Sneezing as mentioned earlier involves some muscles such as the chest muscles, abdominal and muscles of the back of your throat. Fortunately, back pain associated with sneezing happens rarely and lasts a few seconds or much longer sometimes.

A violent sneeze can also trigger back pain which can strain your chest muscles. And if your back muscles arent ready for such a sudden sneeze, the unexpected tensing of these muscles and movement during a sneeze can cause an involuntary and often painful contraction of one or more muscles. This is usually why your back hurts when you sneeze.

Those same fast and forceful movements of a big sneeze can cause injury to the ligaments, nerves, and discs between your vertebrae. This action may lead to the formation of a herniated disc from ongoing wear and tear. A herniated disc is also known to cause the back to hurt.

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Pelvic Pain When Sneezing

The pelvic floor is made up of a sheet of muscles that resembles a dome. It separates the perineal region from the pelvic cavity above. The pelvic cavity encloses the pelvic viscera like the intestines, bladder, and uterus in the case of women.

The pelvic floor is one of the parts of your body that tackles a great amount of pressure and stress daily. Supporting the abdominal and pelvic viscera is its main function. If you are suffering from a pathogenic condition on your pelvic floor then sneezing and coughing might be your enemy.

When you cough or sneeze the muscles of your pelvic floor need to contract to hold the integrity. This helps to counterbalance pelvic pressure. If there are abnormalities in the pelvic floor then the body might interpret it as pain.

This can be perceived as pain in the lower abdomen, pelvic pain, the pain of the deep pelvic viscera such as ovary, uterus, etc. In order to diagnose your cause, you might consult a pelvic floor specialist.

What If I Need Surgery

Doctor Shares Why Low Back Pain When Coughing or Sneezing Lancaster Pennsylvania

Oftentimes a disc herniation requires surgery. If we dont think we can help you, we will refer you to a neurosurgeon that Dr. Spitz used when he needed back surgery. Yes, in a case of irony, Dr Spitz didnt follow his own directions and lifted a very heavy box in an awkward position and herniated his L4/L5 disc. The surgery was a success, and Dr Spitz continues to do karate, go to the gym, and treat patients.

If you have a disc herniation with lower extremity or upper extremity pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling, yours may be a surgical case. Most insurance companies require a course of conservative care before they approve surgery. Dr. Spitz and Dr. Baldrich will be able to assess your disc problem and let you know the best course of treatment.

When looking for a chiropractor in the Bristol, Connecticut area, consider Dr. David Spitz and Dr. Astrid Baldrich. To make an appointment, call now at 860-583-4346.

Filed Under: ChiropracticTagged With: back pain, cough, coughing, nucleus pulposus, sneeze, sneezing

Dr David M. Spitz is the founder and clinic director of the Chiropractic Health Center of Bristol, located in Bristol, CT. Since 1982, he has treated thousands of patients for various conditions ranging from neck and back pain, to migraine headaches. He specializes in treating patients who have suffered whiplash injuries and/or back injuries in a motor vehicle accident.

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