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HomeCauseCan Your Bed Cause Lower Back Pain

Can Your Bed Cause Lower Back Pain

Try Changing Up Your Sleeping Position

Is Your Bed Killing Your Back? Causing your Back Pain or BackAche

Changing your sleeping position is one way to try to get back pain relief.

If you are a back or stomach sleeper with a soft mattress and you dont have the budget for a new bed, you can try to switch to a side sleeping position that will receive more support from your existing mattress. In general, experts recommend that stomach sleepers try to adjust to side or back sleeping because its easier to get appropriate support in those positions.

For people with acute pain, temporary changes to your sleeping position may help to reduce stress on already sore or achy parts of your back. For example, people with lumbar pain might try a period of side sleeping to avoid the excess bending of that area that can happen on your stomach or back.

While changing sleeping positions is worth a shot, its often not a long-term solution because the change can be hard to stick with. Some people just cant get comfortable in a different position or they may quickly revert back to their old sleeping position during the night. In these cases, other approaches are more likely to be beneficial over the medium- to long-term.

Alternate Sides If Youre A Side Sleeper

Some evidence suggests that habitually sleeping on one side on an ill-fitting mattress may contribute to muscle imbalance and pain. Always sleeping on the same side suspends the middle of your body between your hips and shoulders, the broadest parts of the trunk. Place a pillow between your knees as shown below to keep hips, pelvis and spine aligned.

Clues To Find If A Bed Frame Cause Back Pain

Clue 1

If you feel the back pain after waking up from your bed and you get rid of it within 15-20 minutes, then, you can think that your bed frame or mattress is causing your back pain.

Clue 2

Then if your sleep breaks frequently and you try to get to sleep tossing and turning to both sides, its also a good sign your bed frame or mattress is doing you harm.

Clue 3

If you feel uncomfortable while sleeping.

Clue 4

Feeling the pressure on your hips, shoulders, and knees.

Clue 5

Feeling your bed hard and flat

Clue 6

If your mattress age is over 8 years

Now you know whether or not your bed frame or the mattress is causing you the trouble and decide to change your mattress to get an ideal one for your back support. But before changing your mattress, you should know which type of mattress is good for your back.

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How To Tell If Your Mattress Is Giving You Back Pain

There are so many causes of back pain, so it can be hard to pinpoint where your aches are coming from. However, there are some clues to look out for to see if your mattress is to blame. The first clue is when your back pain occurs. If your back pain is there when you first wake up, but you can stretch to get rid of it within 15-30 minutes, then that is a major sign that your mattress is doing more harm than good. Also, if you find yourself waking up more frequently or are tossing and turning trying to get to sleep, then that should also be a sign. Even if you are not prone to back pain, you should ideally replace your mattress every eight years.

How To Tell If Your Old Mattress Is Causing Back Pain

Too firm gives you back pain

If you have recently developed back pain then you should most definitely go and see your doctor to confirm the root cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

And whilst Im certainly not qualified to diagnose your back pain, my research indicates that theres a fair chance that your mattress/bed is the cause of your back pain if one or more of the following conditions are true:

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Why You Should Get An Adjustment Before Going Mattress Shopping

It is a very good idea to get a wellness adjustment from your local chiropractor before going mattress shopping. This can help alleviate pain and help you have improved posture and body support.

We hope after reading this, you can find relief from your back and neck pain if it was caused by your pillow or mattress.

If you have any chiropractic needs or concerns, help yourself by reaching out to us.

How To Know You Are Sleeping On A Bad Mattress

Basically, the wrong mattress is due to various factors. Of course a comfortable mattress, it should offer proper cushioning and protect the body from strains. The appropriate way to get an indication that you are sleeping on a bad mattress is how you feel in the morning when waking up. If you experience any pain in the body, it means that there is something not adding up well in your bed. Either the mattress is too stiff or too soft and facilitating a lot of sinking and motions.

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Use A Pillow To Keep Your Spine In Alignment

Waking up with lower back pain often means your spine was rotated throughout the night. If you sleep on your side, try placing a pillow between your knees. If you sleep on your back, place a pillow behind the backs of your knees. And if you sleep on your stomach, try placing a pillow under your hips and lower abdomen and another thin pillow under your head.

The right pillow can go a long way in helping your back pain. But it can also help you reduce neck pain too, as long as you choose the right pillow.

Best Mattress For Back Pain

What is the Best Bed for Sleeping with Back Pain or Lower Back Pain?

When it comes to the best mattress for back pain, theres no one-size-fits-all solution. Ultimately, the best mattress for back pain is one that provides you with the perfect mix of softness and support. It relieves pressure points and keeps your spine neutrally aligned.

But heres a reason to justify mattress shopping: Research shows that upgrading to a new mattress is likely to improve your sleep quality no matter what. The same study also showed that people sleeping on the cheapest mattresses saw less pain reduction than those who slept on mid- to higher-priced ones. Quality counts!

When in doubt, upgrading to a high-quality medium-firm mattress could be the best option for easing back pain so youll wake energized and restored.

The Casper Wave Hybrid Mattress with Zoned Support Max provides continuous ergonomic zones with gel pods designed to help give you perfect spinal alignment.

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What To Look For In A Pillow

Your pillow should cradle your head and neck and help to support the upper portion of your spine.

If you sleep on your back, your pillow should completely fill the space between your neck and the mattress. If you sleep on your side, try using a thicker pillow to keep your head in line with the rest of your body in this position.

Whatever you do, dont place your pillow under your shoulders.

For back sleepers: You may do best with thinner pillows and those that have extra padding in the bottom to support the neck.

Memory foam is a good material that molds specifically to your own neck.

A water pillow is another option that gives firm, all-over support.

For stomach sleepers: You should aim to use the thinnest pillow possible or no pillow at all. In fact, you may try sleeping on your side while holding a body pillow. The body pillow will give you the feeling of something against your stomach while helping to align the rest of your body.

For side sleepers: You may want to look for a firm pillow. Better yet, try to find one that has an extra-wide gusset that will help with the space between your ear and shoulder. And dont forget to place a firm pillow between your knees. You may even substitute a rolled towel.

While youre at it, remember to change your pillow every 18 months or so. Those pillow protectors can be a good barrier, but pillows still hold lots of allergy triggers like mold and dust mites.

Getting Rid Of Back Pain

The National Institute for Fitness and Sport has an excellent program for getting rid of low back pain due to APT. It includes:

  • Lengthen the short hip flexors with stretches.
  • Retrain the glutes and hamstrings to fire more efficiently.
  • Strengthen the abs to help pull the pelvis into place.

Finding an exercise that strengthens your core and teaches you to use those muscles properly can be really helpful for many people to get rid of their low back pain. Some of these exercises are called corrective exercises, and one that has become popular recently is crawling. Breaking Muscle gives an explanation of how crawling can benefit anyone and how to do it.

Everyone finds different solutions to the back pain problem. Its important to safely try out different solutions until you find the one that works for you. Here are some of our top suggestions for those suffering from lower back pain:

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Try A Mattress Topper That Can Provide Pressure Relief

If you sleep on your side, a memory foam mattress pad conforms to your body to allow your shoulders to sink in while keeping your spine aligned. Back sleepers can also benefit from a reasonable foam mattress pad because it conforms to your lower back.

Just be sure youre not only getting the right one, but youre also using your mattress topper properly.

Other Ways To Help Your Back/neck Pain

How to cure low back stiffness in the morning

Changing your mattress will most likely work wonders for your back pain if that was the cause. However, you can also incorporate a stretching routine into your day. Make it your daily goal to do a few stretches before going to bed and after waking up to help with spine flexibility.

Remember to learn how to sleep in the best position possible. Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs can help support your lower back. Certain pillows can also help promote less neck and back pain while you sleep.

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Discovering The Truth About Your Mattress

You may be in love with your bed, but that doesnt mean it is in love with you back. Research has discovered numerous signs which indicate that a persons bed is to blame for their back soreness, especially in the morning. Pay close attention to how you or your partner behaves throughout the night. If you have any of the following sleep-disturbing signs, it may be time to replace your mattress.

  • You wake up frequently during the night for no apparent reason.
  • You toss and turn a lot or cant get comfortable.
  • You feel increased pressure on parts of your body when laying in certain positions.
  • You feel swallowed up by your bed.
  • Your bed feels flat and unforgiving on the curves of your body.
  • Your waking back pain goes away after about 20-30 minutes.

Back pain can be caused by several things, but if your bed is to blame then it should be very easy to tell. Your back pain may not be caused by something serious. In fact, studies show that about 56% of people who sleep on a medium-to-firm mattress have less back pain in the morning than their softer-mattress-having counterparts.

In general, sleep experts advise people to get a new bed ever 8 to 10 years. It may be that your mattress has served you well for a very long time.

However, it may also be time to replace it for something better if its causing you pain.

Choosing A Mattress That Can Help With Back Pain

With the right mattress, you can align your spine and relieve pressure points, which can alleviate or eliminate back pain. Thats why its important to choose a mattress that meets your needs for firmness, comfort, and support. When youre shopping for a bed that can relieve your back pain, consider these points:

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Is Your New Memory Foam Mattress Causing Back Pain

If you buy an extra firm or extra soft memory foam mattress, it may cause your body aches, joint pain, and back pain. The medium-firm memory foam mattresses are fit for all sleeping styles and provide optimum back support. Most people buy too soft memory foam mattresses for more comfort but it may cause them lower back pain after sleeping a few days on it. I recommend you use a medium-range memory foam mattress that has a thick supportive foam layer. Some people ask that memory foam mattress hurts my back I think they should choose the correct mattress and maintain the right sleeping posture.

Lower Back Pain: What Could It Be

How to Get Out of Bed with Lower Back Pain (Less Pain & Faster Healing)

Do you have lower back pain? You are not alone. Anyone can experience lower back pain at any time, even if you dont have a prior injury or any of the risk factors. It is not always serious and can often get better on its own. But in some cases pain is your bodys way of telling you that something isnt right.

Learn more about lower back pain and what causes it from rehabilitation physician Akhil Chhatre, M.D., who specializes in back pain in the Johns Hopkins Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

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Sensations That Might Indicate A Medical Emergency

1. Sharp pain rather than a dull ache: This could indicate a torn muscle or ligament, or a problem with an internal organ in the back or side.2. Radiating pain: This pain “moves” or shoots to the glutes or legs, which could indicate a nerve compression condition.

3. Sudden weakness in the legs: Limb weakness can be caused by compressed nerves in the spine due to conditions like sciatica or spinal stenosis. However, sudden leg weakness could also indicate a stroke.4. Incontinence: Back pain paired with inability to control the bowels or bladder might be a sign of serious nerve compression or a spine infection, such as discitis or meningitis.5. Numbness or pins and needles in the groin or glutes: This is known as saddle anesthesia and is also a sign of a serious nerve or spine condition.

If you have leg weakness, incontinence, and numbness together, you might have cauda equina syndrome, a serious illness characterized by spinal cord nerve damage. This is a medical emergency, and patients usually need surgery immediately to decompress the nerves and reduce permanent damage.

Related reading: Get help for back, neck, and leg pain caused by spinal stenosis

Look Into A Custom Mattress For Even Better Back Pain Relief

Last but not least, you may want to consider buying a custom-made mattress to help eliminate your back pain in bed.

A custom mattress is precisely what it sounds likea mattress made to fit your exact specifications and unique needs.

Custom mattresses can be made to fit almost any size . But they can also carry with them a wide range of other benefits like eliminating back pain, keeping you cool at night, and even eliminating certain sleep problems.

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What Are The Bad Mattress Symptoms

A bad mattress has few common symptoms such as-

  • Body Aches: It causes body aches.
  • Sagging: A bad mattress always sags.
  • Health Problems: It causes various health problems.
  • Allergies: Bad mattress creates an allergy.
  • Joint Pain: It causes pains on the different joints of your body.
  • Poor Sleeping: You cant sleep comfortably on the bad mattress.
  • Back Pain: Most bad mattresses cause back pain due to the lack of back support to the different joints of your body.
  • Skin Diseases: It occurs in various skin problems.
  • Tired and drowsy: You feel tired sleeping on it.
  • Bad Smell: You may feel less or more smell.

Sleeping On Your Stomach

A Mattress Can Cause or Relieve Back Pain

Dr Smycz said that your sleep posture is an additional factor to back and neck pain. Stomach sleepers, take note!

Sleeping on your stomach is the worst position to sleep in because you have to turn your head, which puts a strain on the neck and upper back, said Dr Smycz. Sleeping on your stomach compresses the solar plexus, anddigestionis affected as well. It doesnt allow you to properly rest and repair throughout the night.

So whats the ideal sleeping position to avoid back pain?

The ideal sleep posture is lying on your side, explained Dr Smycz. When lying on your side, imagine a line going all the way from the neck through to the spine. You want that line to be straight. A nice, supportive mattress will keep that spine aligned.

We know thatside sleepers often prefer a softer mattress, but its important to find a firmness level that correlates to your weight. Thebest mattress for side sleepersis amemory foam mattress.

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Your Bed And Back Pain

Regarding the bed itself, if you are looking to start over completely, it may be important to remember that height of the bed can play an important part in preventing back pain. With beds that are too low and close to the ground, it is often that much more difficult getting out of bed in the morning, much like getting out of a low car!

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Back pain when you sleep can be caused by a number of reasons, from your posture during the day to your bed and mattress. Finding out the cause of your back pain can help you to combat the aches that are keeping you awake or causing you pain when you wake up. Choosing a good bed and mattress for back pain can be a good start. If you know your bed and mattress are not the culprits of your bad back, looking at your posture and daytime habits is your next step.

Have you suffered from back pain in bed? Please use the comments section below to tell us how you overcame the pain.


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