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When I Sneeze My Lower Back Hurts

Causes Of Lower Back Pain

Why Do I Have Low Back Pain With Coughing or Sneezing?

There are several causes of lower back pain. Two of the more severe causes of back pain are due to a disc protrusion or a disc herniation. Visualize the disc as a jelly donut, where the jelly is the nucleus pulposus, and cake part is the annular fibers. If the donut part tears inside, near the jelly, the jelly can protrude into the cake part of the donut. If however, the donut tears completely, the jelly can come out of the donut. Obviously, the disc herniation, where the nucleus pulposus , comes out of the disc and presses on the spinal nerve is more of a severe condition.

Whats Really Happening In Your Back

Most of the time when you throw out your back, youre likely to have a small ligament strain or an annular tear, a tear in the ligament that connects your vertebra to the disc. When youre standing upright and lifting properly, the disc works like a hydraulic.

As soon as you bend over not using your legs, the back part of the spine opens a lot, and now instead of having a hydraulic effect you have a cantilever shearing across a disc, says Hanscom. Then if you bend andtwist, you magnify the pressure across the disc by 400%. Its a deadly combination.

The way you prevent it is simply using your legs and keeping your back straight and letting the hydraulic tissue do its work, Hanscom says.

Lifting with just your spine increases shear force on your vertebrae and discs, which makes injury much more likely.

Wear Insoles And Appropriate Footwear

  • Those whose back pain is caused or exacerbated by standing for long periods of time should invest in high-quality insoles and shoes. Finding the right insoles and footwear can prevent shock and impact from traveling through the feet, up the legs, and into muscles of the lumbar region.

  • Always choose shoes with good arch and heel support, and get rid of shoes that show obvious signs of wear and tear on the heels or sole. For maximum shock-absorption when working out, replace your athletic shoes every six months.

  • Also, be sure to check out our list of the10 Best Insoles for Standing All Dayto reduce your risk of back pain and discomfort.

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    Why Does It Hurt When You Sneeze

    The pain may happen or worsen when you sneeze. This is because sneezing causes the muscles and bones in your chest to move. Muscle strain is a common cause of chest pain when sneezing. Other causes include chronic conditions like heartburn and more serious problems like a tumor.

    How Can I Tell If Im Infected With Omicron Or Another Variant

    Why Does My Back Hurt When I Cough or Sneeze?

    When you take most standard COVID-19 tests, youll only get a positive or negative result if youre infected, it wont tell you which strain is the culprit. You may never know unless health authorities send your sample out for genetic sequencing . Symptoms offer clues, but even two people exposed to the virus at the same time could feel differently.

    If youre sick enough to need hospitalization, doctors might want to know which strain infected you, because certain therapies dont work as well against Omicron as other versions of COVID-19, Sterling says. But if you have a mild case, dont spend too much energy trying to figure out which variant you caught. Youll need to rest and isolate yourself from others until symptoms subside, no matter what.

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    What Can Cause Back Pain When You Sneeze

    A voilent sneeze can trigger a variety of muscle, bone, and nerve problems, like:

    Herniated disc

    A sneeze, cough, or other action may cause the inner disc material to push against a nerve and spark a sudden pain.

    Muscle strain

    Sneezing can put excessive pressure on the muscles in your back and cause a spasm of pain.

    Vertebral compression fracture

    For people with severe osteoporosis, a sneeze or simply climbing a few stairs can cause a VCF.


    A sudden sneeze can put pressure on sciatic nerve and cause shooting pain and numbness down to one or both legs.

    What Causes Back Pain While Coughing Or Sneezing

    If you regularly struggle with back or neck pain, youll know that certain actions can cause a flare up, or make the pain more intense afterwards. With lower back pain, coughing and sneezing are certainly actions that we hear cause people to experience a temporary flare up of symptoms, or even to trigger a long-term flare. Today well be going through why exactly this kind of action causes a flare up of symptoms, and some things you can do to help make it a bit more bearable. Were in September now, the weather is starting to cool down and with it comes bouts of cold and flu. If youve got any injuries, big or small, in your spine, coughing and sneezing can further irritate the injured structures.

    Whether youre coughing or sneezing, theyre both quite violent motions and if youve come down with the cold or flu virus, youre likely to be repeating these motions quite frequently. If you happen to cough or sneeze quite violently on a one-off occasion, it may still be quite likely that you experience a flare up of symptoms.

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    What Are The Most Common Omicron Symptoms

    Reports have varied. But overall, this Omicron variant is acting more like a normal coronavirus, such as those that cause the common cold, says Dr. Stephanie Sterling, an infectious diseases physician at NYU Langone Health.

    That shift began with the Delta variant and has remained true of Omicron, says Tim Spector, a genetic epidemiologist who founded the consumer health company ZOE, which runs a COVID-19 symptom tracking app to which more than 4.7 million people have contributed data. ZOEs data suggest that the five most common symptoms associated with Omicron are runny nose, headache, fatigue, sneezing and sore throat.

    The classic symptoms of fever, cough and loss of smell were slightly less frequent with Delta than with Alpha, and the cold-like symptomsbecame more common, Spector says. Omicron has really just increased that rather subtle change.

    Other research has come to slightly different conclusions. South Africas largest health insurer listed nasal congestion, sore or scratchy throat, dry cough and lower back pain as common Omicron symptoms. And a small study from Norway found that, among people in one case cluster, a cough was the most common symptom associated with the variant, followed by runny nose and fatigue. Like ZOE, the Norwegian researchers also observed a significant decrease in smell and taste loss.

    Now Say Goodbye To Back Pain When You Cough

    Back Pain When Coughing or Sneezing – Dr. Fryer’s Quick Tips To Avoid the Pain

    That nagging back pain when you cough, whether it be upper or lower back is often caused by a muscle strain. These muscle strains can come about for a number of reasons: repetitive, awkward movements, poor posture, inactivity, and even the action of coughing.Take care of your back and practice good posture and body mechanics every day to get rid of and prevent further pain and distress.

    Meet the AuthorShannon is a nurse practitioner with an array of clinical experience. She is particularly passionate about health promotion and disease prevention. When she’s not nurse practitioner-ing or writing, she enjoys reading, cooking, and yoga. You can check out her blog at

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    Why Does Sneezing Cause Back Pain

    We often use the analogy of a cut on an elbow. If youve ever had a scab on a main joint, if you happen to quickly bend that joint then youre going to rip the scab and itll probably start bleeding again. The same thing happens when you cough or sneeze, an increase in pressure rushes to the abdomen and places further pressure on the injured disc that causes you pain. Increasing pressure to the abdomen causes the disc to drive back towards the spinal canal further, to bulge further, which is commonly why when people sneeze when they have a disc issue it can cause a shooting pain to occur down the legs or in the lower back.

    In order to best support yourself if feel like you need to cough or sneeze, try to be mindful about your positioning. Throwing yourself forward to cough or sneeze is a very bag idea, so try to remain in control of your motion. Youll want to try to keep yourself upright and in a position of good posture shoulders back and down and a natural arch in your lower back. If you are getting this kind of issue regularly, its likely going to be beneficial for you to seek treatment to get on top of the problem, so it starts to heal effectively. Getting expert advice on the problem rather than trying to manage it on your own, will help you see long-term results with your back or neck pain.

    Back Pain From Sneezing

    Back pain from sneezing is a common result of an innocent and virtually uncontrollable trigger. Sneezing is a reflex action in response to some irritant or health issue. It is almost impossible to prevent yourself from sneezing all the time. For patients who suffer flare-ups of back pain when sneezing, this situation can be a frightening torture each time a sneeze feels imminent.

    It should be made clear that sneezing is not a pathological activity and will certainly not be the likely cause of back pain unto itself. In virtually all instances, sneezing will simply act as a trigger for pain to begin through various mechanisms which will be detailed during the course of this discussion.

    This dialog provides an interesting view of the relationship between sneezing and the acute flare-up of back pain.

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    How Do You Tell If Lower Back Pain Is Muscle Or Disc

    The lower back and neck are the most flexible parts of your spine, and theyre also where most herniated discs occur. While pain in your mid-back may be related to a disc, its more likely caused by muscle strain or other issues. Your symptoms feel worse when you bend or straighten up from a bent position.

    When Should I See My Healthcare Provider About Lower Back Pain

    What to Do if Coughing Causes Lower Back Pain

    Lower back pain usually gets better with rest and pain relievers. Back pain that doesnt go away may be a sign of a more serious condition.

    See your provider if you have:

    • Pain that doesnt get better after about a week of at-home care.
    • Tingling, numbness, weakness or pain in your buttocks or legs.
    • Severe pain or muscle spasms that interfere with your normal activities.
    • Fever, weight loss, bowel or bladder problems or other unexplained symptoms.

    A note from Cleveland Clinic

    Millions of people live with low back pain. Stiffness, pain and limited movement can have a major impact on quality of life. But you may be able to avoid lower back pain by maintaining a healthy weight and staying active. Talk to your provider if back pain doesnt go away or if youre unable to do the activities you enjoy. Several treatments can relieve pain, help you move better and get more out of life.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 01/18/2021.


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    How To Protect Your Back When Sneezing

    If you have back pain and you feel as though youre about to sneeze, one way to protect your back is to stand up straight, rather than remain sitting. The force on the spinal discs is reduced when youre standing.

    According to a , you may find even more benefit by standing, leaning forward, and placing your hands on a table, counter, or other solid surface when you sneeze. This can help to take the pressure off your spine and back muscles.

    Standing against a wall with a cushion in your lower back may also help.

    Use Support While Sitting

    Many jobs require sitting for long periods of time. When you sit, you may find yourself slightly hunched toward your computer screen or other point of reference. Ideally, before your back feels sore, get up and move around. Even standing can help, as well as having an ergonomic chair and work setup.

    When you sit, keep your back against your chair. Your arms should be at a 75- to 90-degree angle when youre sitting at a desk. Your feet should be flat on the floor. Use a foot rest if your feet cant reach the floor.

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    Do I Need Additional Examinations

    • Diagnostic examination for other non-physical factors importantfor your pain, have already been done by yourself trough fillingout your pain questionnaires.
    • As the neurological examination usually confirms the diagnosis,extra tests will not always be necessary because they will notaffect the treatment in any way. It is important to know thatimages from MRI scan haveshown that many people have a herniated disc even though they haveno signs or symptoms. In the same way, MRI images of the back showthat some people who have pain radiating down their leg and whosedoctors think that they have a herniated disc, do not have aherniated disc at all.
    • An MRI scan is only useful in cases where there are doubtsregarding the diagnosis or when surgery is considered. An MRI scanvisualises the herniated disc and may show other possiblecauses.
    • A CT scan is usuallynot useful because it only provides good images of the bones.
    • It is also possible to do an examination of the muscles in order to find outwhich nerve root in the back is causing the pain.
    • Nerveroot test blocks are used to find out which nerve root iscausing you pain in the leg.

    Youve Heard Of And Probably Experienced Throwing Out Your Back But What Does That Really Mean Find Out From Our Experts

    A Tip for Coughing and Sneezing with Low Back Pain

    Jay Leno once did a monologue where he said in his 30s he had a motorcycle accident, got checked out, and was back at work the next day, but in his 60s he sneezed wrong and threw out his back for a week. You know what he means by threw out his back: Its that sharp, stabbing pain that can make every movement agony, your constant companion for a couple of weeks.

    You know what throwing out your back feels like, but what does that actually mean?

    But what is throwing out your back, really?

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    Why Does My Shoulder And Arm Hurt When I Sneeze

    By nature, coughing, sneezing and laughing increase pressure on the discs and nerve roots internally. So, if the nerve and or disc are irritated, and then you cough, sneeze or laugh, increasing internal pressure on an already irritated area, then this makes sense as to why the pain in the arm is occurring.

    Treatment Of Lower Abdominal Pain Because Of Sneezing

    Many people worry a lot when they suffer from a sharp pain in their lower abdomen because of continuous sneezing. They look for a different treatment option that will help them recover from it. However, the right treatment and diagnosis will only be possible when the exact cause of the continued sneezing is known.

    Some conditions may be suppressed with the help of medicines that allows the muscles to relax. But many times the underlying medical issue can be serious as well. So it is important to visit a doctor if your sneezing does not stop in 2-3 days.

    Final Verdict

    So you can see that pain in the lower abdomen region can be caused due to continuous sneezing. The reasons which result in continued sneezing have been mentioned in our article as well. Make sure you read the article and get to know about how sneezing can result in lower abdominal pain and stay alert.

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    Second Back Tips How To Sneeze Properly

    You may thing that sneezing is nothing to sneeze about. But, sneezing increases the pressure on your spine and can create or exacerbate many problems. Increased spinal pressure can lead to sprains or strains of the neck, mid back or low back. It can also cause muscle spasms or, even worse, disc bulges or herniations. The increased pressure could be compounded if you are flexed forward slightly or if your neck is turned to the side. Weve all seen people who sneeze and lurch forward this position increases the load on the spine significantly and increases the likelihood of creating a painful and possibly debilitating condition. Coughing, laughing or having a bowel movement also increases spinal pressures and can have a similar effect.

    Sometimes a sneeze comes on quickly and you just react. But if you can, dont sneeze forward, tilt slightly backwards into extension to sneeze in neutral or even somewhat upward. This will greatly reduce the pressure in your spine. If you are a particularly aggressive sneezer, brace your back with one hand or even clutch a pillow. Just make sure to cover your mouth.

    Watch our video for more information and a demonstration.

    Why Do I Sneeze 10 Times In A Row

    What to Do if Coughing Causes Lower Back Pain

    Is this common, and is there any explanation? There is a little-known condition called photic sneeze reflex, or autosomal compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst syndrome. It occurs in response to certain stimuli: for example, when you are first exposed to bright light after your eyes have adjusted to the dark.

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