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Is It Hip Pain Or Back Pain

Stretches To Relieve Chronic Back And Hip Pain

Is it hip pain or back pain?

Several exercises and stretches can relieve the chronic pain in these areas brought about by several factors and conditions. Trying these activities may greatly help in reducing the severity of the pain and difficulty experienced.

Adductor Opener

This stretch helps lessen the pain in the back and the hips through the opening of the adductor muscles as well as the hip flexors.

  • In a standing position, point the toes at 45 degrees with the feet open and heels in.
  • Squat low as if in a sitting position while placing the hands on the inner thighs.
  • Press the thighs open and feel the stretch in the groin and thighs for about 30 seconds.

Childs Pose

This is a basic stretch that involves the entire back. It helps in opening and moving up the hips through proper stretching of the glutes.

  • In a tabletop position, bring the toes together while taking the knees out and the hips back.
  • Lower the forehead to the ground with the hands positioned straight forward.
  • Relax the arms and keep the shoulders away from the ears for about 30 seconds.

Figure 4 Twist

This stretch reduces the lower back and hip pain. It increases the external hip rotation, providing the pain relief.

Runners Lunge

This stretch helps in relieving the pain with the movements done on the flexors, quadriceps, and even the abdominal muscles.

Supine Figure 4

This stretch exercise helps reduce the pain in the hips. It stretches the glutes and other muscles.

Signs That Your Spine Is The Source Of Your Pain

Whereas groin pain is a telltale sign that the pain is linked to the hip, pain above the waistline that travels down the body typically indicates a low back issue. A low back problem may also be responsible for other types of lower body pain, including thigh, buttock, and below-the-knee pain.

Among the most common degenerative conditions that affect the lumbar spine are herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis. These conditions cause pain by irritating your low back nerves, resulting in pain that shoots down your legs , weakness, numbness, and reducing your range of motion.

The pattern of pain coming from the lumbar spine can be variable, depending of the specific issue causing the pain. Commonly, pain from arthritis of the spine occurs during transitions such as getting out of bed in the morning or raising up from sitting. It can often then improve after getting moving. In contrast, pain from spinal stenosis or nerve pressure is often worse with prolonged standing or walking and relieved with sitting.

What Are The Treatment Options For Hip Pain

If hip arthritis is what is causing your hip pain, your doctor will recommend the appropriate treatment for your condition.

Arthritis has no cure, so most treatment methods are usually focused on managing symptoms. Your doctor will likely recommend one of these options:

  • Physical therapy
  • PRP therapy
  • Alternative medicine, such as acupuncture

Your doctor will use up all non-invasive treatment options before recommending surgery. However, if you are experiencing severe hip arthritis, surgery might be your best treatment option. The type of surgery for hip arthritis varies according to your needs. These include:

  • Anterior hip replacement
  • Total hip replacement
  • Hip resurfacing

Patients who are suffering from severe arthritis often benefit from hip replacement surgery. Our hip surgeons, Dr. Timothy Bopp and Dr. Brian Dahl, at The Bone & Joint Center, offer a range of hip replacement options, including total hip replacement, minimally invasive total hip replacement, anterior minimally invasive hip replacement, and computer navigation hip replacement.

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How Common Is Low Back Pain In America

  • Low back pain is the second most common cause of disability. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is also the leading type of pain patients report. Almost 65 million American adults reported experiencing back pain recently, with 16 million suffering from chronic back pain.²

  • Low back pain is more common in adults than children and adolescents, but the figure is rising as young people spend more time on their screens.³

  • Lower back pain is common in people aged 18 or older and peaks at 80 to 89.

  • Lower back pain is more common among females than men. Females had a lower back prevalence of 8.01% in 2017, whereas males had 6.94% in the same year.

  • Fortunately, 95% of individuals affected by low back pain in America recover within a few months.

Sharp Pain In The Lower Back And Hip On One Side

5 Common Causes Of Hip And Leg Pain That Cause You Discomfort!

A shooting and sharp pain felt on one side on your lower back and hip may be caused by muscle spasm, joint dysfunction, and/or nerve compression in the region. Common conditions that cause this type of pain are discussed below.

Spasm of the piriformis muscle located deep in the buttock may cause 5:

  • Moderate to severe lower back, hip, and buttock pain
  • Referred pain that may extend into the back of the thigh
  • Inability to sit for a long time

The pain is typically felt on one side and may be worsened by hip movements, such as when getting out of bed.5

Piriformis syndrome is commonly caused by overactivity of the hip rotator muscles or sitting on hard surfaces for prolonged periods of time. An injury to the buttock may also cause this pain.6

Read more: What Is Piriformis Syndrome?

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Mononeuropathies Of The Leg

Mononeuropathies can affect nerves in the legs, arms, or other parts of the body. Mononeuropathy means a single nerve or nerve group has been damaged, for example, by a lesion that has developed along a nerve or group of nerves. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a good example of a mononeuropathy, in this case, affecting the wrist area. With mononeuropathy symptoms may be sudden or may develop slowly . Some of the more common mononeuropathies are

  • femoral neuropathy
  • sciatic nerve dysfunction
  • peroneal neuropathy .
  • tibial neuropathy .

Symptoms of the neuropathies above would include burning sensation in leg areas where these nerves are housed as well as lack of coordination of these leg muscles. Other symptoms include muscle wasting, pain, and twitching, cramps, and spasms in these nerves. Treatment focuses on isolating the underlying cause of the nerve disorder and addressing it using medications such as injected glucocorticoids and/or physical

What Is Radiating Pain

Radiating pain is pain that “radiates” from one area of the body to other areas of the body. When pain in one area of the body causes pain in other areas, this is known as “referred pain.” In fact, radiating lower back and hip pain can cause pain in all kinds of places near these areas like

  • Thigh muscle pain
  • Pain back of the knee
  • Knee pain at night
  • Pain in the upper thigh
  • Numbing of nerves in leg
  • Hip and groin pain
  • Pain in the back of leg behind the knee
  • Pain in one side side
  • Pain in the calf
  • Pain in back of the knee
  • Hip and groin pain
  • Sharp pain in the toes
  • Lower calf pain

Note your symptoms from the list above and use these to learn your diagnosis with our helpful descriptions of symptoms, possible causes, and when you should get to a doctor or emergency room to know how to treat your injury.

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The Worst Back Pain Is Rarely The Scariest

People understandably assume that the worst back pain is the scariest. In fact, pain intensity is a poor indicator of back pain ominousness,10 and some of the worst causes are actually the least painful . For instance, someone could experience the symptoms of cauda equinae syndrome, and be in real danger of a serious and permanent injury to their spine, but have surprisingly little pain even none at all in some cases!

Meanwhile, many non-dangerous problems can cause amazingly severe back pain. A muscle cramp is a good analogy just think about how painful a Charley horse is! Regardless of whats actually going on in there, muscle pain is probably the main thing that back pain patients are feeling. The phenomenon of trigger points tiny muscle cramps, basically11 could be the entire problem, or a complication thats more painful and persistent than the original problem. Its hard to overstate how painful trigger points can be, but they are not dangerous to anything but your comfort.

Is Your Back Pain Actually Hip Pain

Low Back & Hip Pain? Is it Nerve, Muscle, or Joint? How to Tell.

Its not uncommon for someone to see a chiropractor for back pain only to find out that the pain is actually coming from their hip! Theres quite a bit of overlap between your lower back and your hip the pain experienced by people in these areas is a side effect of normal wear and tear on the body as you age. So, how do you know if your back pain is from your back or your hip? Heres what you need to know!

When The Spine is to Blame

When people experience pain in their lower back it is usually the result of a disc problem. If a disc is bulging or herniated, it can press on the nerves exiting the spine and cause issues such as pain down the leg, called sciatica. Sciatica can be felt in the hip as well, but these symptoms are almost always indicative of a problem with the back and not the hip:

  • Pain is in your back, hip or buttock
  • Pain shoots down one leg
  • Pain made worse by bending or sitting
  • Pain better when walking or standing

If your pain is not relieved by lying down at night, you have night sweats or a history of cancer then you need to seek medical help immediately because it could be a more serious issue.

When the Hip is the Problem

  • Walking with a limp
  • Pain made worse when walking or standing
  • Pain made better with rest
  • Pain that comes and goes but gets worse with time
  • Pain in the groin

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Radiating Lower Back Pain Questionnaire

Use our free symptom checker to find out what’s causing your pain.

Severe pain always gets your attention and keeps it there, making you wonder if there is something worrisome that is wrong.

Back pain and outer hip pain area can be especially troublesome, causing you pain when you move, walk, and even when you sleep. Sciatic nerve pain is especially troubling, causing pain in the butt literally and shooting pain in the leg that begins in the mid buttock and runs down the back of the leg down to the ankle.

We’ve put together a handy guide that will help you pinpoint the exact cause of your pain and know how seriousor mild, your condition is and to know if you need to get help immediately or see a doctor at your convenience.

If you are concerned that the cause of your radiating back/hip/leg pain might be something serious, check the more serious possible causes of your pain below to see what doctors say about when to worry about radiating hip and back pain.

You can also consult our handy back pain quiz, which will help you use your symptoms to diagnose possible causes for your pain.

The Mechanism Of Lbp Caused By Hoa

The reduced range of motion in hip joint was also found be involved in the mechanism of LBP. Several studies have reported reduced internal rotation of the hip in athletes or general population suffering LBP . In addition, the limited hip flexion , reduced hip abduction , total rotation and asymmetric hip rotation were also identified in patients with LBP. Hence it has been proposed by previous studies that reduced ROM of the hip might contribute to the pathogenesis of LBP, by leading to a greater lumbopelvic rotation in compensation, subsequently inducing increased mechanical stress in the lumbopelvic region. In patients with HOA, the hip function accessed by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index was found to correlate significantly with LBP , and limitation of flexion has been identified as an independent risk factor for LBP . Hence further study should be carried out to explore the role of reduced hip ROM on the LBP in patients with HOA.

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What You Need To Know About Hip Flexors Sudden Onset Hip Groin Pain

When youre unsure whether your hip flexors are in good shape, its best to consult a medical professional. The doctor will evaluate your hip flexors based on the severity of your problem and recommend a course of action. The therapist will work with you to determine which exercises are best for you. If youre not sure, you should seek medical advice. Your chiropractor will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If youre concerned about your hip flexors, talk to your doctor. A hip flexor injury can lead to further issues with the spine, and its essential to seek treatment as soon as possible. Fortunately, doctors and specialists are well equipped to provide these treatments. Youll be treated promptly and effectively. Youll feel better in no time. If you suffer from a weakened hip, youll want to seek medical advice immediately.

If youve injured your hip flexors, the first step is to avoid re-injuring them. A professional should treat you as soon as possible to prevent future injuries. The pain that your hip flexors cause should not be severe. The next step is to reduce pressure on your muscle by exercising. For instance, you may need to stretch your muscle before you start a physical activity. Its important to avoid squats if youre concerned about your pain.

What Causes Lower Back And Hip Pain When Sitting

Lower Back Pain Left Side Above Hip: 101 causes, Best Treatment and More

Lower back and hip pain when sitting could be as simple as poor posture or sitting positions, or as complicated as a herniated disc. If your back or hip pain started recently, consider sitting up straighter in your desk chair and not craning your neck forward. Additionally, avoid sitting cross-legged and make sure to sit on a flat surface to avoid tilting your body off to one side.

If improving your posture or sitting positions dont fix your pain, come see one of our Dallas orthopedic specialists because you could be suffering from one of the hip or back conditions listed previously.

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Iliac Crest Apophysis Avulsion

Avulsion fractures of the apophyses of the pelvis are rare injuries. This injury occurs mainly in young persons, between the ages of 8 and 14, before they’ve fully grown. That is because fusion of these bones does not occur until between the ages of 15 and 17 years. The cause is typically a contraction of muscles during extreme sports activity. Treatment includes rest and physical therapy as well as pain medications.

Causes Of Lower Back And Hip Pain

Your lower back and hip are co-dependent on each other. They share many muscle groups, so its no wonder that disruption or pain in one tends to cause problems in the other. If you suffer from lower back pain or hip pain, you risk experiencing abnormalities in muscle function or movement.

Lets take a look at 6 causes of lower back and hip pain:

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Is It Back Pain Or Hip Pain Getting To The Root Of The Problem

If you have pain in your low back, hips, and other areas in your lower body, the source isnt always easy to pinpoint. Your pain may originate in your lumbar spine or your hipor bothand its important that your doctor identifies the source of the problem, so you receive the right treatment.

Because the hips and lower spine are located so closely together, its easy to mistake back pain for hip pain . Regardless of the origin, most low back pain and hip pain share a common cause: normal wear and tear on the body due to aging or triggered by overuse injuries . Lumbar sprains and strains, osteoarthritis, and herniated discs are common degenerative culprits behind low back and hip pain.Determining if pain is back or hip related can be difficult to distinguish because the lower back and hips are close to each other. Photo Source:

Timing Of Movement: Lbp Subgroups

Is Your Hip Pain Actually From Your Back? How to Tell

The differences between people with and without LBP suggest that the identified movement patterns might be specific to people with LBP, in particular, people who put regular rotational demands on the hip and trunk. It is possible, however, that the lumbopelvic-movement patterns vary with different subgroups of people with LBP. We classify people with LBP into subgroups based on the Movement System Impairment classification system.,,,,, The basis for classification is the symptoms and signs with tests that appear to contribute to the LBP problem. The reliability of examiners to classify a patients LBP has been reported to be moderate to substantial .,, The subgroups include lumbar rotation, lumbar extension, lumbar flexion, lumbar extension with rotation, and lumbar flexion with rotation. We have observed on examination that the lumbar-rotation subgroup tends to display symmetric movement patterns, whereas the lumbar-extension-with-rotation subgroup tends to display asymmetric movement patterns. We predicted that, compared with the ExtRot subgroup, the Rot subgroup would display more symmetry in coordination of timing of hip and lumbopelvic-region motion.

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Treatment Options For Hip Pain

Treatment for hip pain depends on the diagnosis, but pain that’s caused by overuse or sports injuries is often treated with heat, rest, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication. To prevent injuries, it is important to stretch before exercising and wear appropriate clothing, especially good shoes when running, Dr. Philippon says.

If certain activities or overuse are causing hip pain, stop those that aggravate the discomfort and talk to your doctor. Excess weight can put pressure on the hip joint, so losing the pounds can provide relief and help you avoid further problems. Some causes of hip pain, such as fractures or hernias, may need surgical repairs. If your hip pain persists, talk to your doctor about the possible causes and treatments.


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