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HomeNewsHow To Treat My Lower Back Pain

How To Treat My Lower Back Pain

What Causes Lower Back Pain

7 Easy Ways To Treat Lower Back Pain | My Tailbone Hurts!

Many injuries, conditions and diseases can cause lower back pain. They include:

  • Strains and sprains: Back strains and sprains are the most common cause of back pain. You can injure muscles, tendons or ligaments by lifting something too heavy or not lifting safely. Some people strain their back by sneezing, coughing, twisting or bending over.
  • Fractures: The bones in the spine can break during an accident, like a car crash or a fall. Certain conditions increase the risk of fractures.
  • Disk problems: Disks cushion the vertebrae . Disks can bulge from their position in the spine and press on a nerve. They can also tear . With age, disks can get flatter and offer less protection .
  • Structural problems: A condition called spinal stenosis happens when the spinal column is too narrow for the spinal cord. Something pinching the spinal cord can cause severe sciatic nerve pain and lower back pain. Scoliosis can lead to pain, stiffness and difficulty moving.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis to cause lower back pain. Ankylosing spondylitis causes lower back pain, inflammation and stiffness in the spine.
  • Disease:Spine tumors, infections and several types of cancer can cause back pain. Other conditions can cause back pain, too. These include kidney stones and abdominal aortic aneurysm.
  • Spondylolisthesis: This condition causes the vertebrae in the spine to slip out of place. Spondylolisthesis leads to low back pain and often leg pain as well.

What Are Possible Side Effects Of Medicines To Treat Low Back Pain

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration lists the following possible side effects for medicines to treat low back pain. Just because a side effect is possible does not mean you will have it.

Possible side effects of medicines to treat low back pain

Drug Class
  • Itching
  • Dry mouth
  • Taking opioids often for pain can lead to misuse, abuse, addiction, and overdose. Overdose can lead to death.
  • Opioids can cause life-threatening breathing problems. People who have breathing or swallowing problems should talk with their health care professional before taking opioids.
  • Taking opioids while pregnant may cause the unborn baby to have a condition called neonatal opioid syndrome. This condition may be life threatening if not treated.
  • Some opioids can cause seizures.
  • Tramadol can cause a life-threatening reaction called serotonin syndrome. Symptoms include shivering, diarrhea, fever, seizures, and stiff muscles.

Find Activities That Make You Happy

Ongoing back pain can wreak havoc on your life, affecting your cherished relationships, finances, and your ability to get stuff done at work and at home. Finding activities that make you happy can help reduce some stress and may relieve some pain.

Some people find that even doing just 3 things that make them feel good each daysuch as enjoying a comforting cup of tea or coffee, calling an old friend, walking the dog, or receiving a longish 30-second hug from a loved onecan make pain more tolerable.

Even something as simple as laughter with a friend may stimulate feel-good endorphins.1, 2

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Is This Information Right For Me

This information is right for you if:

  • You have low back pain
  • Your low back pain is not caused by:
  • Injury or pressure on the nerve roots in the spine
  • A high-speed injury
  • Pregnancy
  • Cancer, an infection, problems with your nervous system, a broken bone, or certain types of arthritis
  • You are age 18 or older. This information is from research on adults.
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    DIY Lower Back Pain Relief Exercises and Education from a ...

    Gradually increase the extension slight fractions of an inch and hold.

    Extending take several minutes to accomplish. If possible, have someone assist you in with the extension. Maintain very slow, controlled inward and outward breaths to become calm and to relax, even though you are uncomfortable.

    Note: You are only trying to lengthen the muscle. Dont overstretch.

    Only allow very slight increments. By increasing the length of the muscle, you will relieve that muscle. Youll also reduce the injury to the area that the muscle is trying to protect.

    Alternate periods of stretching with resting pauses. Dont allow the muscle to contract during your rest phase as it may start again.

    Reducing the intensity of the contraction can take anywhere from several minutes to hours if necessary. The degree of injury is a major factor. Each time that you attempt to relax and lengthen the muscle, it will try to respond by tightening up. Holding your position will help you avoid this.

    If you have taken a very long time to use this tip for your pain, then please consider medical help initially. My site is loaded with lots of help for you also but you should also get your doctors support.

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    Prone Lying Prone Props And Press Ups

    In the case of sudden onset of acute low back pain, you should try the emergency back pain exercises first. Lie on your stomach for a few minutes, then prop onto your elbows for a minute or two. Monitor your symptoms for centralization.

    After a few minutes in the propped up position, try a few press ups. Try to keep your hips and back relaxed as you use your arms to press your upper body up. Try to press up as far as possible to restore the normal forward curve in your low back. Say to yourself, “Further, further, further” as you press up. Move your spine through the full, pain-free, range of motion. Perform 10 repetitions and monitor your symptoms.

    If your pain does not fully centralize with the press up exercise, you may need to move on to the next exercise: the press ups with your hips off center.

    What Can Cause Lower Back Pain

    Most acute low back pain is mechanical in nature, meaning that there is a disruption in the way the components of the back fit together and move. Some examples of mechanical causes of low back pain include:


    • Skeletal irregularities such as scoliosis , lordosis , kyphosis , and other congenital anomalies of the spine.
    • Spina bifida which involves the incomplete development of the spinal cord and/or its protective covering and can cause problems involving malformation of vertebrae and abnormal sensations and even paralysis.


    • Sprains , strains , and spasms
    • Traumatic Injury such as from playing sports, car accidents, or a fall that can injure tendons, ligaments, or muscle causing the pain, as well as compress the spine and cause discs to rupture or herniate.

    Degenerative problems

    • Intervertebral disc degeneration which occurs when the usually rubbery discs wear down as a normal process of aging and lose their cushioning ability.
    • Spondylosis the general degeneration of the spine associated with normal wear and tear that occurs in the joints, discs, and bones of the spine as people get older.
    • Arthritis or other inflammatory disease in the spine, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as well as spondylitis, an inflammation of the vertebrae.

    Nerve and spinal cord problems

    Non-spine sources

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    Do Morning Stretches In Bed

    Simple stretching exercises can relieve back pain, and there are stretches you can do before you get out of bed.

    For example, you can lie on your back and do a full-body stretch when you first wake up. For this exercise, stretch your arms and hands above your head as far as you can, with your legs and feet stretching in the opposite direction. Hold for a few seconds before releasing.

    It may also help to stretch out your lower back. To do this, you can bring your knees into your chest and hold, wrapping your arms around them. Then gently rock from side to side.

    Can Further Bouts Of Back Pain Be Prevented

    How To Treat, Reduce Eliminate Lower Back Pain At Home

    Evidence suggests that the best way to prevent bouts of low back pain is simply to keep active and to exercise regularly. This means general fitness exercise such as walking, running, swimming, etc. There is no firm evidence to say that any particular back strengthening exercises are more useful to prevent back pain than simply keeping fit and active. It is also sensible to be back-aware. For example, do not lift objects when you are in an awkward twisting posture.

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    What Exactly Is The Lower Back Anyway

    Your lower back is known as the lumbar region of the spine. It has a lot of heavy lifting to do: The lumbar spine carries the weight of your entire upper body, plus biomechanical stresses that occur with movement.

    The lumbar spine has five vertebraebackbones. Each vertebra has a large disc cushiony gel wrapped in a tough membrane on its front side that acts as a shock absorber. Each vertebra also has two cartilage-lined facet joints on its back side. Working together, discs and facet joints allow the spine to safely bend and twist.

    Your lower back also includes ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Ligaments are strong bands that hold the vertebrae and discs together. Tendons attach muscles to the vertebrae. These structures help limit excessive movement that could harm the spinal cord.

    A Physical Therapists Guide To Lower Back Pain Management

    Movement is one of the best things you can do for your overall health, especially when managing or preventing low back pain. But before you start to think about taking part in physical activities or adding exercises for low back pain to your workout routine, you should first speak with a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or physical therapist.

    Physical therapists are movement experts. They can identify the source of your pain and the factors impacting your quality of life. Physical therapists work with their patients to improve or restore movement through hands-on care and personalized treatment plans aimed at helping to achieve and maintain individual goals.

    Low back pain is common, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives. Low back pain can worsen when a person is inactive but can improve with regular physical activity and taking time to stretch. When instructed by a physical therapist or other healthcare professional, movement is safe and effective. In fact, the CDC cites high-quality evidence supporting physical therapy exercises for low back pain over the use of prescription opioids.

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    Treating A Pulled Back Muscle In 8 Steps

    No matter where a pulled muscle is in the body, the steps to treat it are generally the same. However, its important to talk to a medical professional before treating an injury because symptoms of other injuries, such as disc problems or a broken bone, may resemble strains and sprains. After talking to a professional, try the following steps:3

  • Apply cold. Cold helps reduce inflammation, which is the primary source of pain in the first few days. The faster you can apply cold to a pulled back muscle, the faster you may reduce pain, help control swelling, and start the healing process. Apply a cold pack for 15-20 minutes as soon as the injury occurs. Take a break of at least 20 minutes between each cold application.

  • Use compression. Applying compression bandages or using an active compression system may help reduce swelling and edema so the damaged tissues can repair themselves more quickly.

  • Rest. Right after a muscle strain, it is important to limit your activity level and avoid movements that increase pain. After the initial pain subsides, returning to previous level of activity may help prevent the muscles from growing weak.

  • Stretch. According to Kojo Hamilton, MD, as you return to activity, gentle stretching exercises may improve tissue healing by bringing more blood flow to the injured area. Applying heat to the area prior to stretching may also be beneficial. Ask a doctor about the right stretches for your condition.

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    PT Fix: Best Way to Treat Back Pain » ADVANCED PHYSICAL ...

    In This Article: Lower Back Anatomy | How Long Does Lower Back Pain Usually Last? | Common Causes | Other Causes | Home Remedies | Nonsurgical Treatments | Complementary, Alternative, and Emerging Treatments | Surgery | When Is Lower Back Pain an Emergency? | Lower Back Pain Prevention |

    If youve ever had lower back pain stop you from doing what you want, youre not alone. Lower back pain is one of the most common medical problems in the world. It is a leading reason why people visit a doctor, affecting more than 80% of adults at some point in their lives. According to the Global Burden of Diseasea significant study published in the Lancet medical journallower back pain is also a leading cause of disability.

    While severe lower back pain can cause worry, pain severity is not always an indication something is seriously wrong. Photo Source: Shutterstock.

    You may not be able to prevent lower back pain, especially as you age and your back loses some strength and resilience. Fortunately, there are many ways you can get relief, no matter the cause of your back pain.

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    Acupressure For Lower Back Pain

    It sounds too easy to be true, but this amazingly simple technique is a powerful tool for lower back pain relief, sometimes instantly.

    Acupressure, which can be done on your own at the comfort of your home, increases the production of endorphins, the bodys natural pain relievers.

    Heres how to do it:

    1. Place your fingertip between your nose and upper lip.

    2. Apply deep pressure and hold this pressure for several seconds, then release. Repeat 5-10 times.

    3. Next, place your fingertip between your inner ankle bone and Achilles tendon.

    4. Apply deep pressure, hold for several seconds, then release. Repeat 5-10 times.

    5. Finally, make a fist. On the outside of your hand near the pinkie finger locate the spot where the skin folds and bulges, and press there .

    Take A Relaxing Epsom Salt Bath

    Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, works its way through the skin and into sore muscles. Soaking for about 20 minutes can help to ease sore back muscles, especially after exercise.

    When taking an Epsom salt bath, youll want to make sure the water is warm. Hot water can cause muscles to swell and cold water can cause muscles to cramp. The Arthritis Foundation recommends a temperature between 92 and 100°F . Temperatures higher than 104°F arent recommended, especially if you have heart problems.

    You can also enhance the soothing results by bringing a tennis ball or other rubber ball thats similar in size, with you in the tub. Put it on the small of your back or midback and move side to side. The effect is like a massage to your back, and it further loosens up tight muscles.

    An added benefit of Epsom salt is that its great for your skin. Epsom salts can exfoliate dead skin cells, soften the skin, and reduce areas of itchiness.

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    Emotional Effects Of Lower Back Pain

    Back pain affects everyone differently. In some situations, back pain can be become chronic, which means it lasts a long time. Some emotional factors may increase the risk of back pain becoming chronic, including:

    • believing that physical activity isn’t helpful or having lots of bed rest
    • emotional problems such as feeling depressed, anxious or stressed
    • a lack of social support from family and friends
    • not wanting to play an active role in your treatment

    Although you may think your pain is a warning sign to stop you doing certain activities, its important that you keep active to overcome it. If you have any questions about keeping active, talk to your physiotherapist or doctor. They can reassure you that keeping mobile and being positive about managing your back pain are the keys to helping you recover. Exercise will also help to prevent back pain in future.

    Emotional Support Is Important

    How to Treat Low Back Pain and Sciatica

    You may have to lean on friends and family when facing difficult situations caused by chronic pain or other problems. Your loved ones can play an important role in supporting your recovery. Your doctor and community also may give you extra support.

    Asking for support from others is not always easy. It can be hard to tell someone about your problems. But don’t be afraid to ask for help.

    Where you can get support

    • Family. Family members can help you cope by giving you comfort and encouragement.
    • Friends. Building strong relationships with others is important for your emotional well-being. Helping is a big part of friendship. At times you may be the one who encourages a friend.
    • Counselling. Professional counselling can help you cope with situations that interfere with your life and cause stress. Counselling can help you understand and deal with your pain. You can learn ways to stop negative thoughts. See the topic Stop Negative Thoughts: Choosing a Healthier Way of Thinking.
    • Stop Negative Thoughts: Getting Started
  • Your doctor. Find someone you trust and feel comfortable with. Be open and honest about your fears and concerns. Your doctor can help you get the right treatments, including treatment for depression or other problems.
  • Religious groups. Religious or spiritual groups may help you meet people and get involved in the community. Some religious organizations can help you get counselling or other social support services.
  • How friends and family can help

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    Inflammatory Back Pain Vs Mechanical Back Pain

    Lower back inflammation is a symptom complex rather than a condition and often indicates inflammation of the vertebrae and/or joints of the spine.

    But how can you know if your lower back pain is caused by inflammation or by a mechanical problem

    Here are the major differences


    • Pain persists for more than 3 months
    • The back pain and stiffness tend to ease with physical activity and exercise
    • NSAIDs are effective pain relievers


    • Pain after standing, bending forward, trunk flexion or extension
    • Pain when doing sit-ups, driving long distance, getting out of a chair, running
    • Pain when coughing or sneezing


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