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HomeNewsHow To Sleep To Reduce Lower Back Pain

How To Sleep To Reduce Lower Back Pain

On The Back In A Reclined Chair Or Bed

How To Relieve Lower Back Pain With The Inclined Sleep System

This might help people with lower back pain, particularly those with isthmic spondylolisthesis, a condition in which one spinal vertebra slips over the vertebra right below.

If a person gets significant relief from resting in a reclined chair, it may be worth investing in an adjustable bed that can be positioned in the same way.

Be Careful Getting In And Out Of Bed

Many back injuries are attributed to making awkward movements when doing routine things. One of the easier ways to prevent new injuries or exacerbating old ones is to be conscious of your movements. Here are a few pointers from WebMD experts on protecting your back when getting in and out of bed:

  • Dont twist your back or make rapid jerking motions.
  • Get in bed by sitting on the edge of the mattress. Supporting yourself with your hands, bend your knees, and lay on your side. Then adjust your position as needed.
  • Get out of bed by rolling on your side and bend in your knees. Supporting yourself with your hands, carefully swing your legs to the floor and stand up straight. Get up from the seated position.

Do You Have Neck Or Back Pain Your Sleep Style May Be Contributing

If youve ever woken up with a tingling arm or achy neck, youve experienced the negative effects of sleeping in the wrong position.

The key is alignment: When you sleep with your spine in a neutral position, it reduces the strain on your back and neck. It also helps to sleep on a firm surface.

So which sleep positions should you embrace and which should you avoid? Heres a rundown, from best to worst.

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Dont Sleep On A Mattress Thats Too Soft

Some people prefer mattresses that are softer than the average, but those with lower back pain need to be careful. A too-soft mattress wont be supportive enough and can lead to extra strain on your spine.

If you have a very soft mattress thats causing you pain and you cant get a more sturdy one right now, you might consider trying sleeping on the floor. It sounds odd, but a sturdy floor can actually be better than a soft mattress for those who needs the structure.

Sleep In A Fetal Position

Sleeping Positions That Help Relieve Back Pain

If you have a herniated disc, curl up in a fetal position. When you lie on your side with your knees tucked into your chest, you’ll be able to minimize the bending of your spine and open up your joints simultaneously. If you choose the fetal position, use a pillow to give your head and neck some support.

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Add A Few Pillows For An Easy Fix

Another easy and customizable way to improve your sleeping situation is to use pillows for additional support while sleeping.

For back sleepers, place a pillow under your knees to bring your body back into natural alignment. If you sleep in the fetal position, WikiHow suggests using a pillow in between your knees to relieve lower back pain. Their illustration of this is below. Side sleepers should also make sure to alternate sides during the night.

Side Sleeping In The Fetal Position

Rather than side sleeping straight, curling up with your knees reduces pressure on the spine. If you have a herniated or bulging disc, a condition where the rubbery tissue between the spinal vertebrae slips out of place, sleeping in the fetal position can relieve your symptoms. Curling up opens the space between your vertebrae, reducing the tension on your discs.

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Which Positions Work Best

It is important to keep in mind that if your back pain continues for more than a few months, you should see a doctor to diagnose what is causing the back pain. However, there are ways to position your body at night that can help reduce or even eliminate the pain.

You may have discovered by trial and error that when you have your upper legs drawn upwards towards your body while lying down, your back is more comfortable. This position reduces the amount of strain on your lumbar region, the area on your back below your ribs that is what we refer to as the lower back. As a result, sleeping positions that allow you to keep your legs tucked in this way have been shown to reduce lower back pain.2

In practice, this means there are basically two options. One is to sleep on your side with your knees up in front of you. The other is to sleep on your back with your legs supported by a pillow, so that your hips are rotated forward just like you were on your side.

Sleeping face down, or prone, does not provide a way for you to tuck your legs and rotate your hips, and as a result is not good for lower back pain. But if you must sleep on your stomach, the best way to do this is to place a pillow under your hips and try sleeping without a pillow under your head.

Massage Therapy For Lower Back Pain

How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain

“Oh, my back still hurts,” Jim groaned as he sat on the bed and bent over to pick up his shoe.

“Why don’t you try a massage?” His wife asked. “My friend Carol swears massage is the only thing that can help her back pain.”

Jim sighed as he tied his shoe. “I suppose I have tried everything else. The chiropractor says my back is fine, just the muscles are tight. My doctor gave me muscle relaxants, which I don’t like to take, and our insurance only covered four physical therapy visits. Massage can’t hurt my back any more than it already does, I guess.”

Jim is typical of most Americans trying massage for the first time. Many feel that it can’t hurt to try. But what does massage do? What kind of massage should you try? How do you find a massage therapist?

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Pain Management For Scoliosis

Certain therapies can aid in managing scoliosis pain, though they wont help to correct the curvature itself.

Some techniques need more research but may be recommended by your doctor, such as hydrotherapy, massage, electrical stimulation, and back braces.

These methods are most likely to aid in reducing pain and discomfort:

What Causes Back Pain While Sleeping

Sleeping in the wrong position can wreak havoc on your back. If youre already struggling with chronic lower back pain, poor sleeping postures can make it worse. The way you sleep may even be the culprit of your back pain.

The way you sleep matters when it comes to your spine. When you lie down at night, its essential to maintain the spines natural curve, ensuring your head, shoulders and hips are all in alignment, and your back is fully supported. Certain sleep positions put painful pressure on your back, neck and hips and can lead to lower back pain.

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Considering A New Mattress

How long has it been since you purchased a new mattress? If its been 10 years or more, it may be time to look for a new one. Your mattress should have some degree of firmness to provide support for your back and spine mattresses that are too soft might be comfortable but they arent the best option for your long-term health.

Mattress shopping can be daunting, but many companies now let you try a product for 90 days to make sure the mattress you choose is right for you. Consider a trial run before you make an investment.

The Best Sleeping Position For Your Back Pain

5 Best Sleeping Positions for Lower Back Pain

When you sleep, you lose conscious control over your body, and you can end up twisting your spine or tucking your pelvis in. An existing back pain can get further aggravated, resulting in a restless night of sleep.1 Using supported sleeping postures can prevent the concentration of stresses on your spine, keep your back relaxed, and create a healing environment.

As a general rule, avoid sleeping on your stomachit disturbs the normal alignment of your spine.1 Also avoid sleeping on the side that hurts more, especially if you have sciatica and follow these guidelines:

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Dont Sleep On Your Stomach

Sleeping on the stomach is really the worst sleep position because it puts too much strain on the muscles of your back.

However, if you must sleep in that position, you can support the position more by sleeping with a pillow beneath your pelvis and lower abdomen. And always make sure the pillow is underneath your head and neck, never under your shoulders.

Sleep On Your Side With A Knee Pillow

Chances are you’ve slept on your side many times. Unfortunately, this sleeping position can take your spine out of its proper position and strain your back. The good news is there’s an easy fix. All you have to do is put a pillow between your knees so you can raise your upper leg and restore your natural alignment.

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Sleeping On The Front With Pillow Under The Stomach

Lying on the front of the body is usually considered the worst sleeping posture. However, for those who struggle to sleep in another position, placing a slim pillow underneath the stomach and hips can help improve spinal alignment.

Sleeping on the front may also benefit people with a herniated disc or a degenerative disc disease.

To adopt this sleeping position, a person should:

  • Get into bed and roll on to their front.
  • Place a slim pillow underneath the abdomen and hips to raise the mid-p.
  • Use a flat pillow for the head or consider sleeping without one.
  • The Link Between Sleep And Lower Back Pain

    Best Sleeping Positions for Lower Back Pain Recovery

    Research has shown that lower back pain and sleeping problems often go hand in hand. Lower back pain can make it challenging to get comfortable enough to fall asleep or stay asleep. On the flip-side, people who experience problems with sleep are more likely to begin experiencing lower back pain, or have their existing pain get worse.

    Whats more, the position we sleep in can either contribute to our discomfort or alleviate it. Sleep is a chance for our bodies to relax, heal and grow. Ideally, our spines will naturally have 3 curves :

    Source: Mayo Clinic

    We should try to support our body along the length of these curves when were asleep. However, this is often easier said than done and many people alter from the norm , or experience changes to their bodies at different stages of life.

    When we sleep, were fully unconscious, which means we can end up twisting our spine into unnatural positions or tucking our pelvis and putting added pressure on our lower back. When we stay in this position for hours on end, this can cause pain and stiffness in the morning and interfere with our quality of the sleep.

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    Find The Right Position

    Certain sleeping positions can help ease your back pain, so find one that is most comfortable for you. Try sleeping with a pillow between or underneath your legs for extra support.

    If you sleep on your side, put the pillow between your knees and draw them up slightly toward your chest. If you like to sleep on your back, try the pillow under your knees, or roll up a small towel and place it under the small of your back.

    Avoid sleeping on your stomach because it puts a lot of strain on your back. If itâs the only position you can fall asleep in, put a pillow under your stomach to take some of the pressure off your back. Or, to break the habit, wear a sleep shirt with a pocket in front and put a tennis ball in it.

    Get Into And Out Of Bed Carefully

    It may sound obvious, but be extra careful when you get into and out of bed. Bending forward at your waist or making quick and jerking motions can cause you more back pain.

    Take your time and roll over onto one side and use your arms to push your way up. You can then swing your legs out of bed to stand up slowly. Reverse the movements when itâs time to lie down at night.

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    Things You Should Know About Sleep And Low Back Pain

    It’s hard to sleep with any kind of pain. But in particular can make it very difficult to get a good night’s rest. That’s because your back is more sensitive to your positioning than other parts of the body, says HSS spine specialist .

    “During the day, people are able to move around and reposition in ways that can help relieve back pain,” he explains. “At night, it’s hard to keep repositioning while also getting the restful sleep you need.”

    But just because back pain is getting in the way of your slumber doesn’t mean you need to take it lying down. Dr. Griffin offers up five things to know that could help you get a more restorative night’s sleep, free from low back pain.

    People With Spinal Problems

    The Best Sleep Positions to Fix Your Lower Back Pain

    Spinal problems can be bone-related or spinal cord-related. Either way, if its something you have to deal with, sleeping on the floor is not recommended.

    Because youll be in an unusual position, things can get compressed and put pressure on nerves. This can either lead to pain, or it can lead to numbness. Neither of these are good things, and definitely something you want to steer clear of.

    Sleeping on the floor may be unusual, but if you think about it, beds havent been around forever! Theyre a fairly modern thing, and some cultures still sleep on the floor more than on a bed.

    If you’re keen to try sleeping on the floor, be sure to do it the right way. Dont expect huge changes overnight, either. Stick with it for at least a week , and then decide if its for you or not.

    You may find that back pain ceases, posture improves, and you find it easier to get up in the mornings!

    Happy sleeping .

    About Moonbow

    We create innovative sleep products to help you get the best night’s sleep possible. We launched our first product, Bedphones Sleep Headphones in 2011, and since then, our creations have been featured on Good Morning America, Dr. Oz, Rolling Stone, and Wired.

    If youre a human, you need sleep, and were here to help.

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    How To Reduce Lower Back Pain While Sleeping

    Back pain can be disabling specifically when your day-to-day life includes movement. If you take care of back pain, right here are some outstanding pointers that can aid eliminate your suffering.Sleep with a cushion under your knees How To Reduce Lower Back Pain While Sleeping

    When you have back pain, resting can be tough. It can be a vicious cycle due to the fact that when you dont get enough rest, your back pain might really feel even worse. A poor sleep setting can also exacerbate back pain. Attempt resting on your side. Place a cushion between your knees to maintain your spinal column in a neutral position and also eliminate stress on your back. If you need to sleep on your back, slide a cushion under your knees. Be sure to sleep on a pleasantly strong mattress.

    How To Get Better Sleep With Chronic Lower Back Pain

    Its a bit of a paradox: Having chronic lower back pain can make it difficult to sleep, yet sleeping well at night is one of the keys to promoting good back health overall. How do you break the vicious cycle? Lets look at some general ways people suffering from lower back pain can sleep better at night, followed by a few specific tips based on your current condition.

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    Who Gets Back Pain

    Back pain can affect pretty much anyone at anytime. However, a few traits are linked withhigher risk.Verified SourceNational Library of Medicine Worlds largest medical library, making biomedical data and information more accessible.View sourceOlder adults and women are more likely to experience back pain. People who are overweight or obese, and people with a sedentary lifestyle and poor fitness levels have higher rates of back pain.

    Physically strenuous work that involves a lot of lifting, pushing or pulling creates greater risk of injury or strain. Other occupational risks include extending sitting with poor posture, and even mentally stressful work.

    Factors that increase risk of back pain:

    • Age: most common between 35 and 55
    • Gender: more common in women
    • Being overweight
    • Anxiety and depression
    • Pregnancy

    Smoking is another potential risk that might not be so obvious. Data suggests smokers are more prone to back pain for a couple reasons nutrients may not be able to reach the back where theyre needed, coughing can cause strain, and smokers are slower to heal from injury.

    Other factors also increase the odds of back pain, such as pregnancy, strenuous exercise, anxiety and depression, and certain hereditary conditions.

    The Floor Provides Firmer Support For The Neck And Spine

    Tips on How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain and Sciatica.

    Many Eastern countries like Japan practice sleeping on the floor as part of their culture. They sleep on the floor due to various reasons. Its space-saving, adaptable to changing seasons, and for traditional reasons. Also, sleeping on the floor delivers more benefits such as offering firmer support for the spine and neck.

    Unlike soft mattresses, lying down on the floors flat foundation prevents your body from sinking while you sleep. As a result, it can keep your body steady, maintain correct spine and neck alignment, and later on, benefit you with a good posture. This is why people who sleep on beds prop plyboards under their mattresses.

    When your body dips into a soft bed, it shapes your spine into a perilous curve. Its not only the back but your limb muscles, and foot and knee joints can suffer, too, after a considerable time.

    When we sleep, we need a firmer bed to settle on. But keep in mind that sleeping on solid concrete, without mats or pillows is subject to more muscle pains when you wake up. Even the Japanese people dont sleep directly above concrete floors. Instead, they prepare a futon Japanese bedding over rice straw floors called tatami.

    That said, you still need thin mattresses to cushion your bodys pressure points. If not, you might wake up with sore muscles and abhor the idea of floor-sleeping.

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