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How To Ease Lower Back Pain Fast

Check With Your Doctor About Over

Quick Lower Back Pain Relief With 3 Easy Steps

Stephens recommends that people with back pain reach out to their primary care physician to discuss how to safely take NSAID medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen to relieve back pain.

Were very aware of some of the long-term health risks associated with excessive use of NSAIDs. They have a place when it comes to helping manage pain, but a patient needs to follow the advice of their doctor to minimize any negative effects of that medication, says Stephens.

NSAID use can increase the risk for severe or life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers in some people, and taking too much of these drugs can also lead to liver or kidney injury or failure.

Core Stability Pelvic Tilt

Lack of core control and stability is a key player in lower back pain. When the abdominal muscles are not performing, the muscles of the lumbar spine have to work harder to stabilize the body in balance. An excellent way to improve core stability is to lie flat with the knees bent up. Tighten abdominal muscles and press the small of the back into the floor. Hold this contraction for 10 seconds and repeat 10-20 times. You can either have your arms resting by your sides or behind your head, depending on whats more comfortable. With this stretch, it is important remember:

  • Keep your feet flat on the floor
  • Keep your shoulders pressed to the floor, but relaxed
  • Do not hold your breath as you perform this exercise


While lower back pain is extremely common, it is not something you have to live with every day. Improving hip flexibility and core stability as well as lengthening the back muscles by stretching can help reduce the symptoms of lower back pain. However, if your back pain is chronic, the above stretches may help but additional treatment may be warranted.

Treating Chronic Arthritis Pain In The Spine

Facet joint arthritis is a degenerative condition. In its early stages, occasional mild back pain may respond to one or more of the above tips. However, spinal arthritis can affect the facet joints between each backbone in the lumbar spine, eventually leading to constant bone and/or nerve pain. Only a doctor can determine if arthritis of the facet joints is the source of chronic lumbar pain.

Sperling Medical Group offers a new noninvasive MRI-guided treatment called Focused Ultrasound, a one-time noninvasive outpatient procedure that gives lasting relief without the use of drugs, injections or surgery. To learn more, visit the Sperling Medical Group or contact us to set up a consultation.

NOTE: This content is solely for purposes of information and does not substitute for diagnostic or medical advice. Talk to your doctor if you have health concerns or questions of a personal medical nature.


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Will Bed Rest Help Back Pain

Doctors often recommend continuing your usual activities of daily living as soon as possible. Studies suggest that strict bedrest can often prolong or worsen low back pain. Bed rest can also lead to secondary complications such as depression, decreased muscle tone, and blood clots in the legs. You should try and keep moving while avoiding activities that noticeably aggravate or worsen back pain. By staying active, those who suffer from low back pain can gain greater flexibility and quicker recovery.

Temporary Pain Relief: Ice Heat Or Both

How to relieve back pain fast at home ...

Heat and ice both have a place in temporarily relieving back pain, says Stephens. Theyre both going to help calm down that pain signal and help relax the nervous system a little bit, he says.

Normally, with most injuries, we would counsel ice early on during the acute phase of the injury, he says.

As a general recommendation, ice the painful area with a frozen wet towel or an ice pack keeping a towel or other cloth between your skin and the cold pack to protect your skin at least three times a day. Dont apply ice for longer than 15 to 20 minutes at a time.

After a couple weeks, we would transition to using a heating agent, says Stephens. There is some research that suggests that moist heat during acute low back pain can be a useful adjunct to exercise and other interventions, he says.

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Sleep On A Quality Mattress

Lower back pain sufferers usually benefit from sleeping on a medium-firm mattress. However, your preferred sleep position also should influence your mattress selection. To maintain good posture, side sleepers should select a softer mattress. Back and stomach sleepers should choose a firmer mattress. If you have lower back pain, its a good idea to avoid sleeping on your stomach altogether.

If your lower back pain doesnt improve after 4 to 6 weeks of home care using these suggestions, you should see your doctor. You also should contact your doctor right away if you have any red flags, including:

  • A history of cancer or a recent infection
  • A recent fall or other accident
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Signs of infection, such as fever, chills, sweats
  • Nerve problems, such as shooting pain, numbness or tingling
  • Changes in bowel or bladder function

Other options for treating lower back pain may include physical therapy, pain management with cortisone injections or, in certain cases, surgery. Although lower back surgery can be beneficial for patients who are experiencing nerve problems and injured discs, its not typically recommended for patients with other types of lower back pain.

Download the Virtua Health Guide to Back Pain, or call to request a consultation with a Virtua back pain specialist.

Is Your Job Causing Back Pain

A job that involves pulling, lifting, or twisting with the low back can cause injury and low back pain. Even prolonged sitting in an awkward position can cause low back pain. Standing on your feet for hours on end? That can cause lower back pain too. The best way to prevent back pain is to know if you are at risk.

Jobs That Can Cause Lower Back Pain

  • Airline crew
  • Surgeons
  • Office personnel

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Treating Back Pain At Home

Aside from such severe injuries or arthritis, most lumbar pain is short term and may respond well to home care, especially if its a recent occurrence and you suspect you know how you may have caused it. If the level of pain is mild, here are five things you can try at homebut if pain lingers or gets worse, discontinue your efforts and consult your doctor:

  • Use heat or cold applications, depending on what makes you feel better. Its not a quick fix, but easing off pain helps relax, which in turn facilitates healing. Heat can soothe and relax tense muscles, and increase blood flow bringing the bodys healing factors into the area. Cold reduces inflammation, and can help reduce or deaden the sensation of pain.
  • Strengthen your core muscles. You may think, what does that have to do with my back? Its an interactive architectural system. Your core is made of up several muscle groups in the abdomen, sides and back. All together, they support your posture and spine. If you dont regularly do core exercises, we recommend having at least one training session with a coach or physical therapist so you learn simple ways to begin that wont complicate your back pain. Begin gently, and gradually work up to longer time or more reps, depending on the exercise.
  • Massage can do wonders, both physically and psychologically. Ask your partner or close friend for 10-15 minutes of massage. Start gently, but provide feedback regarding location and pressure.
  • Stretch #5 Hip Flexor Stretch

    How to Relieve Lower Back Pain IN SECONDS

    Building off of the concept of posterior chain it is important to consider the anterior chain as well.

    Deficits in strength and flexibility can lead to several issues and lower back pain is most commonly coupled with weak and tight hip flexors. The hip flexors are the iliacus and psoas muscles. They are primarily responsible for lifting the femur into flexion .

    When the pelvis is tilted forward through sitting, poor exercise technique, etc. there is a higher likelihood that the hip flexors will be in a shortened position as they attach to the lower spine and inside of the pelvis.

    Over time this can cause weakness and tightness and encourage lower back pain. Fixing this issue at home takes time, but can be done through a hip flexor stretch.

    Kneeling on the ground with the front foot put far out in front of you lunge forward while keeping your trunk over your hips and head up. The stretch will occur in the front of the thigh and hip toward the medial part of the leg that you are kneeling on. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds breathing in and out then switch to the other leg.

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    How To Relieve Lower Back Pain Fast

    You may be aware that physical therapists can help you figure out how to relieve lower back pain fast. However, you may not be sure how you can ease this pain before your first appointment. Fortunately, theres a physical therapy team that can help temporarily relieve your pain.

    At Rehab Access, our therapists have seen patients get the physical therapy they need since 1999. We offer personalized therapy plans designed to help reduce your back pain and equip you with ways to help prevent it from returning in the future. Check out these tips to help relieve back pain between visits with our physical therapists.

    Treating Lower Back Pain: How Much Bed Rest Is Too Much

    Back pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit a health care provider. The good news is that the pain often goes away on its own, and people usually recover in a week or two. Many people want to stay in bed when their back hurts. For many years, getting bed rest was the normal advice. But current studies recommend no bed rest at all and stress that staying in bed longer than 48 hours not only wont help but it may, in fact, actually delay your recovery. Heres why:

    Staying in bed wont help you get better faster.If youre in terrible pain, lying down for a day to help ease the distress may seem like a good idea, but moderating your activities and staying active in a limited way is a more effective way to control your symptoms. Research suggests that if you can find comfortable positions and keep moving, you may not need bed rest at all.Research shows that:

    • Lying down longer than a day or two day isnt helpful for relieving back pain.
    • People can recover more quickly without any bed rest.
    • The sooner you start moving, even a little bit, or return to activities such as walking, the faster you are likely to improve.

    Who needs bed rest?Almost no one! The only people who might require time in bed are those with unstable spinal fractures awaiting surgery.

    When should I see a health care provider?You should see your health care provider right away if:

    • Heat or ice
    • Ultrasound
    • Manipulation

    Check with your health care provider before starting an exercise program.

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    Finding Lower Back Pain Relief

    Nearly everyone will experience some form of back pain in his or her lifetime. The low back is the area behind the belly from the rib cage to the pelvis and is also called the lumbar region. Back pain is a major cause of missed work. Low back pain usually resolves on its own and is commonly the result of a strain injury. There are many treatments for low back pain.

    At Risk for Lower Back Pain?

    Low back pain can start in a person’s early twenties and continue on throughout adulthood. Studies have shown that up to 80% of the general population are affected by low back pain at some time during their lives. Learn to prevent lower back pain by knowing what activities could be putting you at risk.

    Common Causes of Low Back Pain

    • Manual materials handling
    • Twisting of the trunk
    • Bending the trunk to the side
    • Excessive reaching
    • Extreme tallness

    What To Do About Lower Back Pain

    Pin on How To Relieve Back Pain Fast

    Most of the time lower back pain is a result of daily stress and weak muscles. Sometimes it is a spasm caused by an accident or just putting on your socks in the morning.

    You might start with some tried and true home remedies like ice, massage, or over the counter medications, then modify your exercise routine and lower the intensity of your work out. Pay careful attention to the pain when it happens, and what you are doing. If the pain gets worse or doesnt go away within 72 hours, a trip to see one of our physicians at OrthoNY may be in order.

    If this is indeed a chronic issue, you may already have a physical therapist you can turn to for help. The worst thing you can do is to ignore it or think you can work it out.

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    Start These 2 Simple But Very Effective Exercises Now

    What you can do now at this point is to practice these 2 simple exercises. They are among many specific and targeted exercises from the eBook which are the Seated Twist and the Lying Twist. They will help you both to loosen, strengthen and stabilize your spine, making it much easier for you to turn and reach to avoid triggering another spasm.

    Reducing your back spasms will also reduce muscle guarding, a major factor which causes many to suffer from recurring pain in the morning.

    The Seated and Lying Twist exercises help to release tight, lower back muscles which can fatigue and trigger a spasm. If you suffer from them, you may find that even these simple movements can be difficult to execute in full range.

    As with all exercises, dont force yourself to perform the full stretch right away. You may cause more pain by doing this. Work your way up one degree or inch at a time very slowly over several days. Remember, your body is NOT accustomed to such movement.

    It is common to trigger yourself by reaching or moving in a twisted position due to excessive tightness. They can strike during even the most mundane and simple of action such as reaching for a pen on the floor. These exercises help you to improve these tight areas to protect you.


    Back spasms are NOT a quick fix problem.

    Two Home Remedies That May Temporarily Relieve Lower Back Pain Fast

    Back pain can be triggered by a number of small movements throughout the day. Something as simple as bending down to tie your shoes can result in lower back spasms. And while our physical therapy treatment plans have been shown to help reduce chronic back pain, you may need a hold-over treatment until you can make it into our clinic. Heres a couple home remedies that may help relieve your lower back pain until you can schedule an appointment with us.

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    Is It Time For Back Surgery

    Back surgery is often a last resort when all other treatment options have been tried. Surgery may be considered an option to relieve pain caused by serious musculoskeletal injuries or nerve compression resulting from vertebrae shifting or collapsing.

    Back surgeries often have a long recovery period, and some patients may lose mobility and flexibility post-surgery. It is also important to note that not all surgical procedures are successful. As such, it is important for patients to talk with their physicians and know all of the risks associated with a procedure before undergoing back surgery.

    Consciously Try To Relax Your Muscles With Slow Deep Breaths

    Quickly Relieve Lower Back Pain

    Seriously, I know this much easier said than done, but you NEED to do it.

    If you learn to breathe the right way, it wont hurt so easily. Breathing poorly will move your rib cage too erratically and might trigger your back muscles again.

    Try to relax your muscles when they are in spasm with slow, deep and controlled breaths. Its pretty painful to breathe deeply when you have a full attack, but it will get you to focus more.

    We tend to breathe very quickly and shallow when we are in pain. Shallow breaths or even holding your breath is a natural reaction, but will only add to the discomfort.

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    Get Enough Restorative Sleep

    Pain is a leading cause of insomniadifficulty with falling asleep and/or staying asleep. Inadequate sleep can also make your back pain worse. This vicious cycle makes it more difficult for you to get restorative sleep.

    See Restorative Sleep Brings Back Pain Relief

    Getting enough restorative sleep is needed for the bodys tissues to heal and recharge energy levels. If you have trouble sleeping, it is important to address pain or other factors that are causing it. Your doctor might recommend lifestyle changes, medications, or other treatments depending on what is disrupting your sleep.

    Release Your Hip Flexors

    The hip flexors are attached to the lumbar spine and can cause chronic lower back pain.

    The majority of people have tight hip flexors due to our sedentary lifestyle. We sit almost all day. The hip flexors shorten and become overactive as a result.

    This leads to muscular imbalances and spasms in the lower back and pelvis regions.

    I have step-by-step tutorials on how to release the hips flexors and Im sure this will help you get relief from lower back pain. Just give it a try a few times a week.

    Clic here to learn how to release the quadratus lumborum

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