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HomeCauseDo Uterine Fibroids Cause Back Pain

Do Uterine Fibroids Cause Back Pain

For Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Or Pain

Why Do Fibroids Cause Abdominal, Leg, and Back Pain?

If you have pain or heavy menstrual bleeding, it may be from a bleeding uterine fibroid. But it may also be linked to a simple menstrual cycle problem or other problems. For more information, see the topic Abnormal Uterine Bleeding. The following medicines are used to relieve heavy menstrual bleeding, anemia, or painful periods, but they do not shrink fibroids:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy improves menstrual cramping and reduces bleeding for many women.
  • Birth control hormones lighten menstrual bleeding and pain while preventing pregnancy.
  • An intrauterine device that releases small amounts of the hormone progesterone into the uterus may reduce heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • A progestin shot every 3 months may lighten your bleeding. It also prevents pregnancy. Based on different studies, progestin may shrink fibroids or may make them grow.footnote 2 This might be different for each woman.
  • Danazol may reduce heavy menstrual bleeding.footnote 3
  • Iron supplements, available without a prescription, are an important part of correcting anemia caused by fibroid blood loss.

Can Fibroids Cause Back Leg And Hip Pain

Fibroids can cause pain in your back, legs, and pelvis because they can compress the nerves, veins, or arteries in your pelvic region. When these stay compressed, the pain can spread to your hips, down your legs, and into your lower back. It becomes a more serious condition when you have severe pelvic pain coupled with bleeding.

If you experience back, leg, or pelvic pain, we recommend consulting with a fibroid specialist to determine its underlying cause.

How Are Uterine Fibroids Diagnosed

In many cases, fibroids are first discovered during a regular exam with your womens health provider. They can be felt during a pelvic exam and can be found during a gynecologic exam or during prenatal care. Quite often your description of heavy bleeding and other related symptoms may alert your healthcare provider to consider fibroids as a part of the diagnosis.There are several tests that can be done to confirm fibroids and determine their size and location. These tests can include:

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What You Should Know About Back Pain

There are multiple areas of the uterus where fibroids can be located. Intermural fibroids are located in the wall of the uterus, submucosal fibroids are located in the inside lining of the uterus, and subserosal fibroids are located in the outside lining of the uterus. Only subserosal fibroids can cause back pain, if they are large and protrude from the back of the uterus into the spine. On the other hand, submucosal fibroids bulge inwards towards the uterine cavity, and thus are unlikely to cause back pain.

Women typically undergo an ultrasound at their gynecologists office to visualize the uterus for fibroid tumors. Ultrasound, however, does not show other underlying diseases or all the existing fibroids, particularly their positions. Some doctors will suggest MRI to reveal if the fibroid is pressing against the spine, and rule out the possibility of other causes of back pain. Finding the appropriate treatment is key to getting relief from back pain and fibroid symptoms. For more information on the types of fibroids and associated symptoms please visit this article.

Can Fibroids Cause Anemia

Épinglé sur Fibroid Outside Uterus

Anemia is a condition that happens when your body doesnt have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to your organs. It can make you feel tired and weak. Some women may develop intense cravings for ice, starch or dirt. This is called pica and is associated with anemia. Anemia can happen to women who have frequent or extremely heavy periods. Fibroids can cause your periods to be very heavy or for you to even bleed between periods. Some treatments like oral iron pills or if you’re significantly anemic, an iron infusion can improve your anemia. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are experiencing symptoms of anemia while you have fibroids.

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Uncomfortable Pressure Sensations In The Pelvis

Pelvic pressure symptoms are rather common in fibroids. Around 30% of women with diagnosed uterine fibroids report sensations of chronic pressure on the bladder or inside the abdomen.³ Pelvic pressure sensations can vary from mild discomfort to episodes of intense pain and are sometimes accompanied by sensations of congestion, bloatedness, or heaviness.

Fibroids Leg Nerve & Pelvic Pain Treatment

If you’re experiencing persistent pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, sciatic nerve pain, leg pain, back pain, or pain when using the bathroom, you may be living with fibroids. Other abnormal sensations associated with fibroids include pelvic pressure, urinary symptoms, bloating, or constipation. You can review other symptoms of uterine fibroids and common fibroid pains like menstrual pain & what fibroid pain typically feels like. Schedule a visit to talk with a fibroid specialists.


Duhan, N., & Sirohiwal, D. . Uterine myomas revisited. European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 152, 119125. Bukulmez, O., & Doody, K. J. . Clinical features of myomas. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America, 33, 6984. Zimmermann, A., Bernuit, D., Gerlinger, C., Schaefers, M., & Geppert, K. . Prevalence, symptoms and management of uterine fibroids: An international internet-based survey of 21,746 women. BMC Womens Health, 12, 6. Stewart, E. A. . Uterine fibroids. Lancet, 357, 293298. Khan, A. T., Shehmar, M., Gupta, J. K., & Gupta, J. . Uterine fibroids: current perspectives. International Journal of Womens Health, 6, 95114.

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Fibroids & Acute Pelvic Pain

Acute pain typically refers to significant pain that has a rapid onset and is resolved with treatment. In the case of uterine fibroids, there are a few known sources of acute pain that are directly caused by fibroids:

  • Pedunculated fibroids can get twisted, which can be very painful.¹

  • Submucosal fibroids that grow underneath the uterine lining can cause the cervix to stretch, causing pain.²

  • Fibroids can undergo red degeneration , usually during pregnancy.²

  • Pain during intercourse is commonly reported by women with fibroids ³

What Fibroids Cause Lower Back Pain

Do Fibroids Come Back After UFE?

begin growing on the outer portion of the uterus and protrude outward. They can grow quite large and could significantly compress nearby organs or even rest on them and cause pelvic pain which can then radiate down to the lower back, and continue to the hips and legs.

, like subserosal fibroids, can get quite large while growing inside the walls of the uterus and protruding inward. They may grow in number or size enough to enlarge the uterus and cause it to exert pressure on neighboring organs causing pain, pressure, and discomfort.

Types of uterine fibroids: submucosal, subserosal, intramural, and cervical

Large or numerous fibroids growing on the posterior of the uterus can cause the same type of pain that is associated with sciatica radiating down the leg to the foot. Because the symptoms of fibroids pressing on the lower spine are identical to the ones experienced with lumbar radiculopathy the source can easily be misdiagnosed.

Women who have been diagnosed with fibroids and experiencing symptoms of back pain or pain radiating down their legs and hips should consult with their doctors to determine if the pain is connected to the fibroids.

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Pain In The Back Legs And Pelvis

This type of pain is less common with fibroids, but it can occur. The location and size of the fibroid determines how much pain is felt, and where it radiates from. If the fibroid is located within the uterus, there may be pelvic pain, whereas if it is located near the back then pain can stem from the lower back and down the legs.

If you have any combination of these 8 sneaky symptoms of fibroids, dont wait to see High Lakes Healthcare, schedule an appointment today at !

Firstly What Exactly Are Fibroids

Fibroids typically affect women in their thirties and forties and are benign tumors that grow in the uterus. While that may sound serious, fibroids arent cancerous or life-threatening, theyre just uncomfortable and inconvenient. Whats more, these tissue growths can come in many sizes and numbers you may have just one small uterine fibroid, a small cluster of fibroids or one large fibroid.

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Laparoscopic Hysterectomy For Uterine Fibroids

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy is presently one of the most technically advanced treatments available for uterine fibroids. The procedure is minimally invasive and the risk of postoperative complications is close to zero. The downtime after the procedure is short and the procedure is quite convenient.

If you are thinking of undergoing a hysterectomy, get in touch with Pristyn Care and consult the best doctors for uterine fibroids treatment.

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When Uterine Fibroids Burst

Uterine Fibroids Symptoms and Risk Factors You Should be Aware About

Most of the time, uterine fibroids are not life threatening. However, if a fibroid rupture, it requires a visit to your doctor as soon as possible. Uterine fibroids may burst because of an increase in blood pressure or abdominal pressure, a twisted fibroid, an injury, or a fibroid that has grown too large for its blood supply. Increased blood pressure or acute blood loss are serious complications of a ruptured uterine fibroid. If you experience severe abdominal pain or suspect you have a burst fibroid, see a doctor immediately.

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Do You Have Symptoms For Fibroids

If you are showing signs of fibroid symptoms and think you have fibroids, schedule an appointment for a professional diagnosis. One of our fibroid surgeons will talk to you about your symptoms and perform a pelvic exam. We may order further testing including an imaging procedure such as an ultrasound. If fibroids are diagnosed we will discuss the best fibroid treatment for you. Here at the Fibroid Treatment Collective, we offer free consultationsin-office or over the phone. Feel free to contact us for more information. To learn more about fibroids, visit our homepage.

Other Common Uterine Fibroid Symptoms

According to the Cleveland Clinic, other symptoms of uterine fibroids include:

  • Heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding
  • Breakthrough bleeding between periods
  • An increased need to urinate or difficulty voiding
  • Constipation
  • A clearly distended or enlarged abdomen
  • Difficulty conceiving, or infertility

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What Are Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are growths made up of the muscle and connective tissue from the wall of the uterus. These growths are usually not cancerous . Your uterus is an upside down pear-shaped organ in your pelvis. The normal size of your uterus is similar to a lemon. Its also called the womb and its the place where a baby grows and develops during pregnancy.

Fibroids can grows as a single nodule or in a cluster. Fibroid clusters can range in size from 1 mm to more than 20 cm in diameter or even larger. For comparison, they can get as large as the size of a watermelon. These growths can develop within the wall of the uterus, inside the main cavity of the organ or even on the outer surface. Fibroids can vary in size, number and location within and on your uterus.

You may experience a variety of symptoms with uterine fibroids and these may not be the same symptoms that another woman with fibroids will experience. Because of how unique fibroids can be, your treatment plan will depend on your individual case.

Whos More Likely To Develop Them

Do Fibroids Come Back After UFE?

UCLA Health states that as many as 30-77% of women may develop fibroids at some point during their childbearing years. Yet despite widespread research, no specific cause has been found on why these growths develop. But what we do know is that theyre closely linked to estrogen and women who have higher levels of this hormone have a tendency to develop fibroids. Its also thought that they could be hereditary too.

Fibroids, weight gain & bloating

So whats the link between fibroids, bloating and weight gain? To put it simply, the bigger a fibroid grows, the heavier it becomes. As a result, some of these growths can weigh as much as 20-40 pounds, which can leave you feeling a little heavier too.

Although some fibroids can be very small, completely painless and symptomless, others grow large enough to cause swelling in the abdomen, to the point that it can sometimes be mistaken for pregnancy. Surges in estrogen such as during pre-menopausal hormone swings or pregnancy can cause a growth spurt for fibroids and lifestyle factors like stress and diet can also play a part.

Moreover, combined with other symptoms of fibroids such as discomfort, anxiety and fatigue, it can cause a cycle of craving for and overeating foods that have a higher calorie content. Symptoms can also lead to a reduction in the amount of exercise thats usually enjoyed too, which is another factor that can lead to even more weight gain.

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Why Uterine Fibroids Occur

It is not known why fibroids occur, but experts think that it may be a combination of environmental, hormonal or genetic factors. Fibroids may grow slowly or rapidly, or they may stay the same size. Some may also shrink on their own after time. About 30% of women of childbearing age experience uterine fibroids, and about 20-80% of women will develop them by age 50. Black women are more likely to have them than other races. Additionally, if your mother or sister has had uterine fibroids, you have a higher chance of getting them too.

How Can I Managed My Uterine Fibroid Pain

If you’re simply focused on managing your pain symptoms, there are a few strategies you can try:

  • OTC pain relievers, like Tylenol and Motrin, can work on the spot to reduce pain caused by fibroids, per NYU Langone Health.
  • Some forms of hormonal birth control, such as the combination estrogen-progesterone pill or the progesterone-only IUD, can treat symptoms of fibroids like heavy bleeding, pain, and menstrual cramping, says Dr. Chang-Jackson. However, other forms of birth control have not been proven effective, she warns.
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists like Lupron can promote shrinking of fibroids, reports the Office on Women’s Health, but this is often recommended for women who experience heavy bleeding it may or may not be as useful for women who experience pain and pressure related to their fibroids.
  • Home remedies that tend to work for traditional menstrual cramps, which includes heating pads, vitamin supplements, and mild exercise may help you with uterine fibroid pain, but these strategies have not been proven as effective treatments, so you should check with your doctor before implementing them.

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Heavy Periods Or Painful Periods

Fibroids wont stop your periods but they can make them heavy and/or painful.

Heavy periods include periods that last for seven days or more and/or bleeding that soaks through your sanitary product in an hour, or means you need to use two sanitary products at the same time. You may also notice large blood clots in your menstrual blood.

Heavy bleeding during your periods may cause you to lose too much iron, which is carried by your blood cells this is called iron-deficiency anaemia and can be treated by taking prescription iron tablets. Anaemia can make you feel extremely tired and breathless, as well as cause headaches.

Get Answers From Fibroid Institute Dallas

How to Diagnose Uterine Fibroids: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Uterine fibroids typically cause a host of life-altering symptoms. However, for women who arent experiencing the typical symptoms such as bleeding and pelvic pressure and discomfort, its easy for fibroids to sneak through undetected. As a result, its important to stay on top of regular physical exams. In addition, do not hesitate to let your doctor know about even the smallest changes to your health and wellness.

However, if you do have fibroids and are experiencing painful fibroid symptoms, please know that at Fibroid Institute Dallas, we dont believe you need to decide between suffering in silence or having a hysterectomy. We are dedicated to treating fibroids using Uterine Fibroid Embolization , the gold standard in non-surgical fibroid treatment.

Do you have questions about fibroid pain and UFE as an option to relieve those symptoms for good? Request a free 10-15 minute phone screening to determine if you are eligible. However, you must have a formal consultation before your procedure is scheduled. Telehealth consults and/or in-office appointment consults are available. Dr. Suzanne Slonim is voted a top fibroid doctor for women in North Texas and the leader in UFE fibroid treatment without surgery. To learn more about the non-surgical, revolutionary fibroid treatment, Uterine Fibroid Embolization , call 214-838-6440.

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What Increases Your Risk

Things that increase a woman’s risk for uterine fibroids include:

  • Age. Fibroids become more common as women age, especially from the 30s and 40s through menopause. After menopause, fibroids usually shrink.
  • Family history. Having a family member with fibroids increases your risk.
  • Ethnic origin. Black women are more likely to develop fibroids than white women.
  • Obesity.

Fibroid Pain: Beyond The Uterus

Do you wake up at night to use the bathroom, or feel full faster than you used to? Fibroids can affect the rectum, bladder, stomach, and kidneys too.

Uterine fibroids, the most common pelvic growth among women, have different effects for each woman who has them.

Fibroids are like fingerprints no two are ever alike, says Steven Goldstein, MD, board-certified ob-gyn at New York University Langone Medical Center in New York. What determines how much pain and discomfort they cause is not necessarily size, but where theyre growing. Its like real estate location, location, location, says Dr. Goldstein.

Fibroids are made of the muscle tissue found in the uterus, but their location isnt limited to inside the uterine cavity. They can also grow on the outside of the uterus, and within the uterine walls, and can even attach themselves to the uterus by a stem of sorts.

And especially for woman whose fibroids are growing outside of the uterus, other organs can be affected, too.

Apart from pelvic symptoms like pain, heavy bleeding, and possibly infertility, fibroids can also cause problems with bladder and bowel elimination. This happens when fibroids affect the urinary and G.I. systems, leading to a variety of side effects.

The Effects of Fibroids on Other Organs

Fibroids can have a chain reaction effect that includes:

Treating Fibroids When Other Organs Are Affected

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