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Can Large Fibroids Cause Back Pain

Heavy Periods Or Painful Periods

How Are Fibroids Treated? | Ask Cleveland Clinics Expert

Fibroids wont stop your periods but they can make them heavy and/or painful.

Heavy periods include periods that last for seven days or more and/or bleeding that soaks through your sanitary product in an hour, or means you need to use two sanitary products at the same time. You may also notice large blood clots in your menstrual blood.

Heavy bleeding during your periods may cause you to lose too much iron, which is carried by your blood cells this is called iron-deficiency anaemia and can be treated by taking prescription iron tablets. Anaemia can make you feel extremely tired and breathless, as well as cause headaches.

Sneaky Signs Of Fibroids That You Should Know

The signs of fibroids can be so sneaky that many women have no idea they are there. In fact, according to the NIH or National Institutes of Health, up to 80% of women have fibroids by age 50 and many dont realize it.

They can be the size of a pea or as large as a small watermelon, so obviously size is a significant factor. There are 8 sneaky signs of fibroids that you you should know, and any combination should be cause for concern.

Complementary And Alternative Medicine

You might choose to explore complementary and alternative medicine to treat fibroids and the pain they cause. Of CAM techniques, the ones with the most evidence to support them are acupuncture and herbs from traditional Chinese medicine.


Acupuncture involves a licensed practitioner sticking very thin needles into specific acupuncture points along your body that correspond with meridians or energy channels. The science of how acupuncture works is not fully understood, but theories include the release of endorphins and regulation of the autonomic nervous system to help regulate the pain response.

There is a lot of evidence to support the efficacy of acupuncture in treating gynecological conditions, but there is limited evidence specifically on acupuncture as a treatment for fibroids.

Currently, a systematic review is underway to assess the usefulness of acupuncture for fibroid pain.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Current research evidence neither supports nor refutes the use of Chinese herbal medicine for fibroids. Most studies have focused on the impact of herbs on fibroid size and volume, rather than on a person’s pain.

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Can a Large Fibroids Cause Neck Pain

There are various factors that contribute to the formation and subsequent growth of uterine fibroids. For instance, the genetic construction in some women makes them more susceptible to fibroids than others. Thankfully, genetic research shows that these constructions can be altered and thereby the condition can be overcome. Again, an unwholesome diet usually causes hormonal imbalances, which, in turn disturb the removal of toxic waste from the body. Lack of nutrition usually lowers the bodys defenses and therefore makes one vulnerable to fibroids. When the immune system is weak, the body is unable to tackle problems of toxic accumulation and hormonal imbalance. Prolonged exposure to toxins, through our food, our water and our air, leads to a toxic build up in the body. This makes the body more vulnerable to fibroids. Finally, insulin resistance is a stage where the cells in ones body are less responsive to the insulin hormone thus resulting in abnormal blood sugar. These fluctuations in the blood sugar levels lead to uterine fibroids.

Women with uterine fibroids exhibit several symptoms. Some of these are, excessive menstrual flow, excruciating cramps accompanied with fever and nausea, bloating, pain during intercourse and severe abdominal pressure. Uterine fibroids tend to cause several problems to the sufferers such as urinary problems, pregnancy and fertility related problems and even depression due to hormonal imbalances.

Adenomyosis: Bloating And Digestive Issues

Acupuncture For Fibroids Uk

For the last few months youve noticed youre making more trips to the restroom and have been experiencing constipation more than usual. Even when you try to eat healthy foods, your digestion just feelsoff. To make matters worse, nothing in your closet fits anymore, like your favorite pair of jeans, because your belly is getting bigger as time goes on. Thankfully, youve ruled out pregnancy, but are still concerned what these symptoms may mean.

When you see your doctor, they rule out common digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome or colitis however, those are not the case. As a last effort, your physician suggests an ultrasound. Suddenly, your doctor realizes its not specifically a digestive issue in itself, but a less common uterine condition known as adenomyosis.

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Symptoms Of Uterine Fibroids

Many of the symptoms of uterine fibroids include

  • Pelvic pain and pressure

There are a number of factors that contribute to the connection between fibroids and back pain. Some of these factors include

  • Size of fibroids
  • Fibroids vary in size from very small to as big as a watermelon which can lead to back pain in addition to pelvic pain and pressure all the way to the lower back, thighs, hips and buttocks.

  • Type of fibroids
  • There are various types of uterine fibroids which are differentiated by their location in the uterus. When talking about the connection between fibroids and back pain, there is a type of tumor that increases the risk of developing back pain and it is known as a subserous or subserosal fibroid tumor.

    Subserous fibroid tumors grow on the outer wall of the uterus. It is these types of tumors that usually increase the size of the uterus meaning that you can look like you are seven months pregnant due to an enlarged uterus.

    Increased blood flow during menstrual cycles feeds this tumor causing it to grow because of the additional nutrients in the blood. Menstrual cycles when you have this type of tumor lead to a worsening of symptoms during this time.

    Since this type enlarges the uterus, it can affect nearby organs such as the bladder, bowels as well as the spine. This means that subserous fibroids can lead to constipation, problems urinating .

    Why Do Uterine Fibroids Cause Back Pain

    One common question that pops up in the minds of many people is how and why uterine fibroids cause back pain? Lets get clarity about this discomforting symptom of uterine fibroids.

    There are different kinds of fibroids that can grow in the uterus. The fibroids that can grow in the wall of the uterus are called intramural fibroids, whereas the ones growing in the outside lining of the uterus are called subserosal fibroids. It is the subserosal fibroids that can lead to back pain. The back pain due to uterine fibroids can range from mild to severe. The intensity of the pain entirely depends upon the size, location, and a number of these subserosal fibroids.

    Sometimes, these fibroids growing outside the uterus can grow so large that they protrude from the uterus to the spine. This condition, of course, creates unbearable back pain, so much so that even standing and walking can seem difficult. Immediate medical consultation is highly recommended in such cases of uterine fibroids.

    In case a female is suffering from fibroids that only grow in the uterine cavity, she may not face the problem of back pain. Thus, back pain is a common symptom but does not surface in each and every case of uterine fibroids.

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    Where Does Your Back Hurt With Fibroids

    Back and Leg Pain Back and leg pain is most common with Subserosal uterine fibroids, which grow on the outside of the uterus. If the fibroid is located on the back of the uterus, it is very close to the spinal column. If it becomes large enough it can press on or pinch the nerves in that area, causing fibroid pain.

    Those Who Experience An Enlarged Uterus And Fibroids May Also Notice:

    Untreated Fibroid: What Happens If Fibroids Go Untreated?
    • Weight gain
    • A feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen
    • A change in the way their clothing fits

    Struggling with fibroids is usually associated with physical pain or discomfort, but we often overlook the stress and emotional suffering that fibroid symptoms can cause. Anenlarged uterus can affect a womans self-confidence, body image, and even love life.

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    Why Do Fibroids Cause Pain

    • Sometimes fibroid tissue breaks down, in other words, myoma begins to die. As the fibroid , it can cause pelvic pain.
    • Some fibroids called are attached to the uterine cavity by a stalk. If stalks twist and fibroids blood supply is damaged, it can cause pain.
    • If fibroids are outside the uterus, i.e. , they can press on the bladder, rectum, or spinal nerves. It can induce pain in the pelvis, back, and legs.
    • Fibroids inside your uterine walls, such called , can change the shape of your uterus causing pressure and pain.

    Can Fibroids Cause Leg And Back Pain

    Lets face it. Fibroids can cause pain and discomfort, and they can also interfere with your personal and work life, cause unpredictable symptoms, and affect your chances of getting pregnant. Likewise, if you are close to menopause, fibroids can also cause pain and discomfort.

    When most people first think of uterine fibroid symptoms, they usually picture common issues like heavy bleeding, frequent urination, bloating, cramping, pain in the uterus and lower back, or bleeding between periods. However, a lesser-known symptom of uterine fibroids is lower back pain and pressure that becomes more persistent as the fibroids grow.

    Below, we discuss fibroids and back pain, along with fibroids and leg pain. If you are wondering whether fibroids may be causing your symptoms, take our symptoms quiz.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Cancerous Fibroids

    Symptoms of Uterine Cancer

    • Abnormal heavy and prolonged bleeding that is not part of a menstrual period.
    • Bleeding that occurs during or after menopause.
    • Spotting or bleeding between periods.
    • Severe bleeding and sharp pain that comes on suddenly.
    • Pain in the pelvic area.
    • Abnormal results from a PAP smear.
    • Painful urination.

    Wcw: Jill Martin And Why Fibroids Cause Back Pain

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    Posted on by Houston Fibroidsin Fibroid Symptoms

    Did you know that sometimes, fibroids cause back pain? If youve been diagnosed with fibroids, you probably know that they are non-cancerous tumors that grow in your uterus. And, chances are, you experienced some fibroid symptoms before that diagnosis. Maybe your periods were really heavy. Or perhaps you experienced chronic pelvic pain.

    But if your fibroid symptoms include back, leg and stomach pain, you might wonder: how could uterine growths hurt in so many other places?

    Dont worry, youre not alone. Diffuse pain is a common fibroid symptom. And were here to help you understand how uterine fibroids spread symptoms to the rest of your body. And why fibroids cause back pain. But first, lets talk about Today Show contributor Jill Martin. Because she just came forward talking about fibroid pains impact on her life.

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    Other Common Uterine Fibroid Symptoms

    According to the Cleveland Clinic, other symptoms of uterine fibroids include:

    • Heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding
    • Breakthrough bleeding between periods
    • An increased need to urinate or difficulty voiding
    • Constipation
    • A clearly distended or enlarged abdomen
    • Difficulty conceiving, or infertility

    How Is Uterine Fibroid Pain Treated

    Treatment options vary widely for uterine fibroids, says Dr. Chang-Jackson, based on their size and location, whether or not they’re causing symptoms, and whether or not they are affecting your fertility.

    There are surgical procedures to drain or remove fibroids, but unfortunately they often regrow, says the Mayo Clinic, which adds that the only way to eliminate the risk of fibroids for good is to have a hysterectomy.

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    Get The Relief You Need For Your Fibroid Symptoms

    Uterine fibroids may be relatively common, but that doesnt mean theyre a normal occurrence or something you have to learn to live with. At Solace Women’s Care, we offer an array of treatment options for symptomatic uterine fibroids, helping women relieve discomfort, heavy bleeding, and other symptoms, so they can feel healthier and enjoy a better quality of life. If you have uterine fibroids or if youre experiencing symptoms associated with fibroids, we can help. To learn more about the fibroid treatment options we offer, contact the practice today.

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    If you suffer from back and leg pain or pain in the uterus and lower back due to fibroids, we want you to know that help is available. Instead of just treating chronic symptoms, treatment can address their underlying cause: the fibroids themselves, which can alleviate symptoms altogether.

    Wondering how to get rid of fibroid back pain? At USA Fibroid Centers, we offer a minimally invasive treatment called Uterine Fibroid Embolization . UFE can shrink your fibroids, relieve your back and leg pain, and improve your quality of life.

    Unlike fibroid surgery, UFE is performed in an outpatient setting. This means that you can begin your recovery in the comfort of your own home. Most women are back to their normal activities within the first week or two.

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    Reasons For Stomach Bulging

    Bulging of the stomach when the women are not pregnant may be a cause of concern. Bulging of the stomach without any expected reason may indicate something more serious than expected. Various reasons are elucidated for stomach bulging. Some are chronic while others are acute. Following are the various reasons for bulging stomach:

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome is the chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. This disease causes a plethora of symptoms. The condition leads to indigestion, constipation and bloating. The swollen belly is considered as the initial symptom of irritable bowel syndrome1.

    Excess Food. Stomach appears swollen when the person takes excess food. The puffiness on the face is also visible. Generally, the women are more prone to this condition due to the slow intestinal transit1.

    Unhealthy Diet. Apart from overeating, unhealthy eating may also be the reason for a bulging stomach. The most common foods that create problems include potatoes, processed food, salty foods, and carbonated drinks. These foods cause fluid retention, promotes gas formation or may cause constipation. The stomach may appear bulged due to these reasons1.

    Uterine Fibroids. Uterine fibroids are the benign tumor growth occurring in the uterus. The stomach gets bulged due to the presence of these fibroids and the extent of bulging depends upon the size of fibroid2.

    Pelvic Discomfort Or Pain

    Large fibroids can cause a feeling of heaviness or pressure in your pelvis or lower tummy. This usually causes discomfort, particularly if you are lying on your front, bending down or exercising. For some women, this discomfort can become painful and persistent.

    In rare cases, pain may suddenly become severe. This occurs when a fibroid outgrows its blood supply and starts to degenerate. The pain usually goes away on its own after two to four weeks. Over-the-counter painkillers can help you manage your pain.

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    Eliminate One Big Habit

    If you smoke, stop. You already know its bad for you on a number of levels, and the development of fibroids are no exception.

    Easier said than done, but the overall health benefits will be well worth it. Heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure risks are lowered just to name a few. With regard to fibroids, smoking actually increases period pain since it reduces the level of oxygen that gets to the pelvic area.

    Why Are Fibroids So Painful

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    Fibroid growth is attributed to hormones, birth control pills, and foods like processed meat, salty foods, and high-fat dairy products. According to the Office on Womens Health, estrogen and progesterone stimulate the development of the uterine lining during each menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy. This causes fibroids to swell.

    As for why fibroids are so painful, there are a variety of reasons:

  • Theyve outgrown their blood supply Fibroids have a limited blood supply and exhaust it as they grow. As the fibroid degenerates, it causes many of the painful symptoms above.
  • Location Any fibroid located inside the uterine walls or just underneath the uterine lining can force abnormal changes to the uterus shape, causing pain, pressure, heavy bleeding, and other complications. Fibroids that grow outside the uterus generally press against the bladder, rectum, and other organs. Fibroids that sit on sciatic nerves can cause back pain, too.
  • Weight Not all fibroids are painful by themselves. Its their weight, especially as they grow, which forces them to press against internal organs. When this happens, the sheer weight of the fibroid causes pain in these areas.
  • Twisting and infection Some fibroids are literally hanging by a thin thread or stalk inside or outside the uterus. These are called pedunculate fibroids. Moreover, it is very easy for them to twist, cut off their blood supply, and cause painful episodes.
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    What Are The Symptoms Of Fibroids

    While many women with uterine fibroids experience no symptoms at all, approximately 50% of women with fibroids do end up having symptoms. Fibroids symptoms can vary from mild to extremely severe and depend on the number of fibroids you have, as well as their location and size.

    Shape And Size Can Vary A Lot

    Fibroids come in lots of sizes. Some tiny fibroids are so small, they cant be seen with the naked eye. These microscopic fibroids are referred to as seedlings, and they can grow to become larger fibroids over time. Other times, fibroids can grow to the size of a melon, distorting the shape of your lower belly and even pressing against your ribcage. Very large fibroids can cause back pain, leg pain, and problems with your bladder and bowels. Sometimes fibroids grow in toward the uterine cavity, and sometimes they grow outward. Still others can be attached to the uterine wall by a slender stalk. While fibroids are rarely associated with infertility, when theyre very large, they can interfere with pregnancy, sometimes resulting in a baby being born prematurely. Pregnant women who have fibroids need to be monitored frequently to make sure their fibroids dont become too large.

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