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Will Losing Weight Help With Back Pain

What Are We Seeing In The Next Image

Does losing weight impact neck and back pain?

It is all about the curvature of the spine.

A.Normal spine:

  • We see a normal disc in between two normal vertebrae ready to handle stress and loads. The ligaments of the spine, the posterior ligamentous complex, simply the ligaments that hold the vertebrae in place and the back of the spine.

B. Hyperlordosis:

  • If you have hyperlordosis, the obvious sign is that your butt is sticking out in the back and your stomach is sticking out in the front. This is caused by the shape of the spine. This is not a correct postural balance stance. To keep you from falling over, your body makes adjustments. The rib cage will not alter itself to help provide stability but in doing so will cause pressure on the spine in the midback and lumbar region. You can have problems with muscle spasms throughout your spine. You will have lower back pain problems. You may have trouble breathing as your stomach and abdomen, now forced forwards will take up space where the lungs would need to expand. It also makes getting a well-fitting back brace a problem.

C. Kyphosis: The hunchback

  • You probably do not need a medical description of what Kyphosis is. It is the hunchback situation. You are bent forward. This condition comes can come with significant back pain or no back pain at all.

Definition Of Low Back Pain And Change Of Weight

Chronic LBP was defined as a positive response to the following question: Did you have low back pain for more than 30 days in the last 3 months?

The change in weight was divided into three types according to the answer to the question: Have there been any changes in your weight over the last year? Answer options were as follows: no change weight loss weight gain. In the case of weight loss or gain, respondents were classified according to the changed weight as 3 kg to 6 kg or more than 6 kg.

Weight Loss Can Help Relieve Low Back Pain And A Weight Loss Program Can Be A Useful Way To Go But Not Every Program Is The Same And It May Be Hard To Figure Out Which One Is Recommended

Many Americans are overweight or obese and find low back pain is a debilitating issue. Research has shown that losing weight can have a significant impact on curbing low back pain.1 Weight loss programs can be very helpful for patients who are overweight or obese and who also want to relieve their low back pain.

Its important to do some research to find the right weight loss program before signing up and spending any money.However, there are a multitude of weight loss programs to choose from, and they all have their differences. Some are commercialized, others managed by a physician. Some programs endorse supplements others prescribe medication. Some are covered by insurance companies many are not.

With all these factors to consider, its important to do some research to find the right weight loss program before signing up and spending any money. Some weight loss programs may not follow the best practices recommended by doctors, and it could be hard to tell by just looking at their websites.

Hard-pressed for DetailsA recent study looked at 191 different weight loss programs in the MarylandWashington, DCVirginia region. The overwhelming majority of programs did not offer enough relevant information on their websites.

Find the Right Weight Loss ProgramA comprehensive lifestyle program should feature:

  • A moderately-reduced caloric meal plan
  • A regimen for increased physical activity
  • A behavioral therapy strategy
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    What Are The Risks Of Being Overweight For Your Lower Back

    Theres a reason that the North American Spine Association recommends staying within 10 pounds of your bodys ideal weight to keep your back healthy

    • A study by the American Obesity Association found that patients with a Body Mass Index of over 25 are more likely to develop osteoarthritis than those with a lower BMI
    • Early signs of disc disease are twice as common in overweight children a condition that can cause serious problems later in life.
    • A study conducted in Hong Kongand published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism studied over 2,599 men and women and that found that being overweight increased your chances of developing degenerative disc disease by 30 79%!
    • While its not causal, its worth noting that the obesity rate in those who require back surgery is higher than that of the general population, and that obesity significantly increased the length of your hospital stay post-operation.

    Obesity Back Pain And The Workplace

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    Big Belly? Dont lift anything heavy

    It should be obvious that if you carry a big belly and you have low back pain you are at higher risk for disability. But what if you are the owner of a landscaping company, a building contractor, anything that requires you to be on the worksite? Many of the people that fit this description that we see at our center are stuck in a repetitive cycle of self-managed treatments.

    • They wear a back brace which makes it hard for them to breathe because their belly is being pushed into their chest.
    • They take pills, a lot of pills some days to get them through.
    • Their knees and hips usually hurt.
    • There is a constant danger that if they lift something, do something manually, even turn the wrong way they will crumple up in pain.

    In the work-place injury-related journal Work, doctors suggest that severely obese individuals are likely at an increased risk of lifting-related low back pain compared with normal-weight individuals.

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    Dropping Pounds Can Relieve The Spine Of Extra Pressure

    Our spines help to keep us upright as we fight gravity every day to perform our daily tasks, but if youre overweight, your spine is going to have a much harder time fighting that war. Did you know that for every four pounds of additional weight that your body carries, there are 16 extra pounds of pressure placed on the intervertebral discs in your spine?

    This pressure compresses the lumbar spine in the lower back, often resulting in a pinched nerve and lingering pain. Those who are overweight and suffering from back pain may find that losing weight could help to relieve this pressure and reduce their pain.

    Excess Body Fat Can Contribute to Joint Damage

    When too much uric acid builds up in your body, it can cause sharp crystals to lodge into your joints, also known as gout a painful form of arthritis. Uric acid is normally eliminated through the kidneys, but the heavier you are, the less effective your kidneys are.

    Can Weight Reduction Relieve Lower Back Pain

    Generally speaking, yes, losing weight can help alleviate back pain in a variety of ways. Not only is pressure relieved from the spine and lower back with weight loss, but the habits that lead to weight loss can also improve a patients overall health. Losing weight reduces strain on the muscles and back that surround the spine leading to reduced back pain and a stronger core to support the back. In addition, when weight around the torso is reduced back strain is eliminated, due to the reduction of a pulling sensation created by excess abdominal fat tissue.

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    Arthritis In Your Back

    When you carry extra weight, it may also contribute to another degenerative problem, namely arthritis in the facet joints in your lower back. While your low back pain is attributed to arthritis, your weight may have exacerbated existing arthritis or caused arthritis to develop prematurely.

    The bottom line is that, whether direct or indirect, your weight can influence whether or not you develop low back pain.

    Weight Training Effectively Relieves Back Pain

    Will Losing Weight Help Your Back Pain?

    When you’re experiencing back pain, your impulse may be to keep your back immobile, so you don’t trigger further pain. This idea seems like it would be especially true for adding resistance to your workout in the form of weight machines, free weights, or resistance bands.

    Stretching while using some form of resistance, like a towel, can help you strength train at home. WatchSupine Hamstring Stretch for Low Back Pain and Sciatica Relief Video

    Studies have shown that weight training may be safe and can in fact help relieve pain when done correctly and for the right conditions.1,2,3,4 Read on to see how you may safely participate in strength training to help your back.

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    Neuropathic Pain Not From Musculoskeletal Damage Was Higher In Overweight And Obese Patients In Other Words The Weight Is Causing The Pain Whether You Hurt Your Back Or Not

    There have been many studies that suggest that it is not the physical load of carrying the extra weight that is causing back pain in obese and overweight patients, but inflammation caused by excess fat changing the body environment to that of chronic inflammation. Please see our article: Excessive weight and joint pain the inflammation connection.

    Now researchers are suggesting a relationship between neuropathic pain and obesity with an inflammation connection. In a paper from the University of Tokyo, doctors made these observations:

    • Being overweight negatively affects musculoskeletal health
    • obesity is considered a risk factor for osteoarthritis and chronic low back pain.
  • Neuropathic pain that did not arise from musculoskeletal damage was higher in overweight and obese patients.
  • Paroxysmal pain was more severe, suggesting that neural damage might be aggravated by obesity-associated inflammation.
  • Research Supporting Obesity As A Cause

    From a statistical point of view, there appears to be a strong and almost incontestable association between weight and lower back pain.

    A 2010 review published in the American Journal of Epidemiology assessed data from 95 high-quality studies and concluded that the risk of lower back pain was directly related to increases in body mass index .

    The figures were largely unsurprising. According to the research, people of normal weight were at lowest risk, overweight people had a moderate risk, while those who were obese had the highest risk overall. The study also found that overweight and obese people were more likely to seek medical care to treat their pain.

    A 2017 study from the University of Tokyo Hospital in Japan came to a similar conclusion. In reviewing the medical history of 1,152 men from 1986 to 2009, the researchers found that a person’s BMI, combined the body fat percentage, directly corresponded to both the risk and rate of back problems.

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    Tummy Fat Misaligns Your Spine

    Carrying weight around your tummy throws your spine out of alignment because your spine changes its position to compensate for the extra weight. Too much belly fat pulls your lower spine forward, which stresses your lower back.

    As a result, the muscles supporting your lower back become strained and often have spasms, creating another cause of back pain beyond problems like herniated discs.

    Losing Weight For Back Pain Relief

    Pin on One Month Weight

    It’s only natural to assume that, along with controlling your risk for heart attack, diabetes, stroke and other degenerative diseases, losing weight can help you get rid of back pain.

    Experts agree that losing weight successfully may result in partial or complete back pain relief. Dr. Andre Panagos, physiatrist and director of Spine and Sports Medicine in New York notes, “every single patient in my clinic who loses a significant amount of weight finds their pain to be vastly improved.”

    The reason for this, Panagos explains, is that if you are heavier than your ideal weight, your muscles will need to work harder in order to help you accomplish everyday tasks. Plus, the extra load that is put on the spine can take vertebrae out of alignment, which may lead to joint strainanother potential cause of pain.

    “When you lose weight, you are effectively reducing strain on your spinal column and back muscles,” Panagos adds.

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    Make A Note Of Your Progress

    Record the baseline measurement of your weights when you begin your training and make a note every time you progress to a higher weight. Consistent improvements in your pain, flexibility, strength, and function, can help you stay motivated to continue with the exercise program.1

    Weight training can help alleviate your back pain and improve your ability to perform everyday activities. Talk with a certified medical professional today to see if weight training is a suitable and safe treatment for your back pain. Once you have your doctorâs consent, follow these suggested tips to experience effective and lasting pain relief.

    The Road To A Healthier Back

    Beginning a safe weight loss program is the first step in alleviating back pain. It is important, first and foremost, to make sure that the diet and exercise program you are committing to is safe and comes at the advice of a healthcare professional. Engaging in overly rigorous activity could further aggravate back pain, its best to begin with gentle exercises that are not overly exerting and work up to more active workouts.

    Low-impact exercises like walking or water therapy are great ways to get exercise without straining back muscles. Water workouts are especially beneficial because the water counteracts gravity and helps to support ones weight in a controlled approach. Water therapy can help ease a patient back into regular physical activity without over-stressing the back or other joints in the body.

    To learn more about obesity and back pain, please visit

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    How Losing Weight Can Help Relieve Lower Back Pain

    Nearly one-third of the adult population in the United States is overweight, and more than 42% of adults have obesity, which means that more than two-thirds of adults are carrying excess pounds. If youre included in these numbers, youre more at risk for developing a wide range of health issues, including lower back pain.

    The relationship between your weight and your risk for lower back pain is complex, which is why the team of pain management specialists here at Commonwealth Pain and Spine wants to take a closer look in this months blog post.

    Here, we explore the connection between lower back pain and your weight and why losing some pounds can help you find relief.

    Will Weight Loss Alleviate Back Pain Forever

    Experiencing Back Pain During Weight Loss

    Unfortunately, there is no one solution to alleviate back pain. Every case is different. While losing weight may take some pressure off of the pelvis and spine, other damage may have already been done.

    A herniated disc, for example, may not resume its proper place just because you lose some weight. Slimming down doesnt always unpinch nerves. If your pelvis has permanently shifted due to excess weight, you may need to undergo treatment or therapy to realign it and take the strain off of your lower back.

    Bottom line?

    If you are overweight and experiencing back pain, you may find some relief as you start to lose weight. But consider other options. Be aware of your posture. Be aware of how your back feels as you engage in different levels of physical activity. Share your symptoms with a spine specialist who can help to assess your pain and help you take the next steps to living a pain-free life.

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    How A Physical Therapist Might Help You

    If you are suffering from lower back pain, a physical therapist may be able to help reduce the pain and symptoms you are experiencing. A physical therapist is able to recommend specific stretches and exercises, and make sure you are doing them correctly in order to prevent further injury. Other therapies such as massages and heat therapy may also be recommended to help reduce your lower back pain and symptoms.

    Why Is Weight Loss So Important For Reducing Back Pain

    Weight loss and exercise are wonderful ways to prevent back pain, but did you also know that healthy movement could reduce existing back pain? Its true. Researchers at Stanford University found that overweight people who increased the amount of time they spent moving by just 20 minutes daily reduced their risk of back pain by 32%. Weight loss has also been tied to a reduction in back pain. Shedding pounds through diet and exercise supports your back health in numerous ways. Heres why, and later, how to lose weight in a healthy way.

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    How To Lose Weight When Experiencing Pain In The Back

    The vicious cycle of back pain includes an inability to exercise. Straining your back further can cause more damage. But continuing to rest will not help you lose weight or strengthen the muscles needed to realign your spine.

    If you have not been exercising regularly, start slow with low-impact activities. Walking around the block after meals can help to burn calories and increase your metabolism. Swimming uses every muscle in the body without putting high pressure on the joints. Lifting small weights is better than lifting no weights.

    Reach out to a professional as you begin this journey. If you have a herniated disc or sciatica pain, you may want to steer clear of certain exercises that will exacerbate your pain. A spine specialist may recommend treatments alongside your new exercise routine.

    Do not forget to ask about nutrition and making adjustments to your current diet, too. Exercise is just one piece of the health and wellness puzzle. An anti-inflammatory diet, for example, can help to reduce pain caused by ankylosing spondylitis or spinal arthritis.

    Weight Loss From Diet And Exercise

    Back Pain Due To Weight Loss

    While every patient is different, weight loss programs for back pain often include a combination of diet and appropriate exercises. Its often recommended that patients who choose this route work with a licensed physical therapist to maintain their safety.

    Given the many documented benefits of weight loss, it makes perfect sense that weight loss is likely to help patients with their back pain, possibly to the point where surgery can be avoided. Weight loss alone wont automatically eliminate the need for spine surgery at some point in the future, however it may help with the recovery process.

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