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Can Constipation Cause Severe Lower Back Pain

Treatment Options For Back Pain Caused By Constipation

Does Constipation Cause Lower Back Pain?

The first line of treatment? You got it. Change that diet! They say: You are what you eat so if youre suffering, get something done about it.

You dont need to jump straight in with the Wholefoods VIP extra-healthy extra-expensive range, either. Take it in steps, and start by adding more fiber and water to your diet.

Doing so helps to soften your stool and allow ease of passing.

However dont suddenly overdo it. And if constipation has occurred because of starting a new diet or beginning a new round of medication, contact your doctor. They should be able to help adjust medication and diet.

Then theres exercise. Weve mentioned it throughout the article, but its a seriously effective method for regaining normality. Exercise promotes proper circulation, and keeps your bowels healthy.

Ensure that you are drinking enough fluid. Stay hydrated, and remember that coffee is not water! Besides adding fiber to your diet, get those fruits and vegetables eaten. They will do you the world of good.

Sometimes, with a change of diet and increased water consumption, constipation will resolve itself taking your lower back pain with it. If the constipation clears and you still have back pain, talk to your doctor or physical therapist. Theres something else causing your lower back pain.

Its also a wise idea to start a schedule for regular bowel movements. That will sound a bit over-the-top, but it will prove effective!

The Link Between Constipation And Back Pain

Constipation causes the intestines to swell due to retained stool. This excess pressure on the intestines may lead to pain in the back and abdomen. Back pain resulting from constipation is commonly reported as a dull ache in the lower back. Moreover, constipation may put pressure on the nerves in the pelvic region. If the pressure is severe enough, it may lead to numbness in the legs or radiating pain.

Fecal Impaction And Back Pain: Whats The Relationship

Fecal impaction arises courtesy of frequent and untreated constipation. As being constipated conditions your colon to be restrictive and builds pressure on itself to tighten and narrow, this causes a build-up of fecal matter.

As time moves forward, this compressed mass becomes significant enough to cause fecal impaction.

Other although less likely causes of fecal impaction include a lack of overall activity and exercise, medication, surgery, and the overuse of laxatives.

Can it be treated? Yes. Dont panic. Although we will warn you, its not exactly the most pleasant of treatments.

DO NOT try to sort this out at home. And dont ignore the symptoms especially if the back pain continues to spread towards your legs.

However, thats one of the worst-case scenarios. Most people only suffer from general constipation.

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What Is Constipation And What Causes It

Constipation is when you have three bowel movements or fewer per week, and the stool is often hard, lumpy, and painful to pass. You may also have stomach cramps and feel bloated.

Its typically caused by your lifestyle, although medical conditions can be the issue in rare cases. The following are some of the many causes of constipation²:

Medical conditions like an underactive thyroid, irritable bowel syndrome , or inflammatory bowel disease can cause constipation. Youre more likely to suffer from constipation if youve had colon surgery or have an injury to your spinal cord or brain.

Bowel obstructions can also cause constipation,³ with other symptoms including pain around your navel , a hard and swollen belly, inability to pass gas, lack of appetite, and diarrhea. If you have these symptoms, call your doctor immediately.

Constipation And Low Back Pain


If you have lower back pain, youre not alone. The Cleveland Clinic reports that around four out of five Americans experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. One reason the problem is so common is that the list of potential causes is long. Your back contains many structures that can cause or contribute to pain, including bones, muscles, joints, nerves, tendons, disks and ligaments. These can become damaged from trauma, aging, obesity, overexertion, and underlying diseases, among other factors.

Your lower backs proximity to other organs and body parts, like the colon, makes it a prime target for referred pain, including from constipation.

Heres a closer look at constipation, the causes of constipation with lower back pain, and treatment options for relief.

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Natural Treatments For Back Pain Caused By Constipation

Apart from lower back pain, constipation causes a number of other uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptoms. Apart from not being able to have a bowel movement, or movements that pass only small, pebble-like pieces, constipation can cause vomiting, nausea, and a swollen abdomen.

When your constipation is causing lower back pain, itâs a good indication that fecal matter has impacted within the abdominal tract and needs to be removed as soon as possible.

Lower back pain caused by constipation can be alleviated the following ways:

  • Add more roughage to your diet: Itâs becoming a problem among many Americansâthey simply donât eat enough fiber. Fiber-rich foods include whole grains, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, and fruits like apples and pears. Try sprinkling some bran on your cereal or moving away from refined white bread to something with whole grains. Even drinking a psyllium fiber drink like Metamucil can assist in alleviating your constipation, which will in turn alleviate much of your back pain. A simple switch like this can make a difference along with the rest of the suggestions below.
  • Drink a lot of water: Water helps clean out the abdominal tract and gets fecal matter moving through the proper channels more efficiently. The rule of thumb is eight glasses of water over eight hours.
  • Acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments: Some people find immense relief from back pain from constipation using these alternative therapies.

Constipation Can Be The Cause Of Back Pain Too

The cause-effect relationship works the opposite way, too. When youre constipated, the build-up of fecal matter, bloating, and straining to defecate all lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. This extra pressure can cause pain-signaling nerve endings in your lower back to fire.

If you already have a pre-existing back injury, this can lead to a nasty positive feedback loop in which your back pain causes constipation and your constipation, in turn, amplifies your back pain.

The good news is that if your back pain is actually resulting from constipation, it should begin to feel better as soon as bowel function normalizes. Self-management with the tips below is usually enough without having to see a specialist, though changing habits and lifestyle may be required to prevent future flare-ups.

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Can Severe Chronic Constipation Cause Middle And Lower Back Pain

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Why Can Constipation Cause Back Pain

Back pain, Constipation, Acid reflux, Severe headaches – Helped by Dr. Waller Gonstead Chiropractor

Constipation can cause your intestines to swell due to built-up stool that you are unable to pass. This is why your stomach may look bigger, or you feel more bloated when you are constipated. Swollen intestines can cause pain or discomfort in your back. This pain usually feels like a dull ache, which many people may describe as general back pain.

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Colon Or Rectal Cancer

Sometimes a tumor may block your bowels, leading to constipation and back pain. Other symptoms may include cramping, vomiting, bloating and the inability to pass gas.

A change in your bowel habits can be a sign of colon or rectal cancer, especially if it lasts for more than a few days and occurs with other symptoms, such as rectal bleeding, blood in your stool and unexplained weight loss.

The best way to stay ahead of colon cancer is to make sure you undergo regular screening with colonoscopy.

Can Constipation Cause Back Pain

Having back pain as a result of not being able to use the restroom is more common than you think. Constipation may cause discomfort in a variety of ways, and unfortunately, back pain is one of them. Constipation is defined as having less than three bowel movements in a week and may be caused by several factors. If youre struggling with back pain and havent been able to use the restroom regularly, you may want to investigate if constipation is the root cause.

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How Constipation Can Cause Back Pain

During constipation, you are unable to pass stools which causes the intestines in your system to swell up, sometimes due to this, you may feel bloated and uncomfortable. This swelling in the intestine triggers pain in your back that feels like a dull ache at the beginning but can worsen if left unattended for a long time. The pain starts in your lower back and spreads to the rest of your abdomen.

There are majorly two reasons why constipation can cause back pain:

Can Constipation Cause Lower Back Nerve Pain

Where Is Constipation Pain Felt

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There is no definitive answer to this question as everybody experiences constipation and lower back pain differently. However, some people do report that their lower back pain is worse when they are constipated. This is likely due to the added pressure on the lower back when trying to pass a stool. If you are experiencing lower back pain, it is always best to consult with a doctor to find the root cause.

At some point in their lives, approximately half of Americans experience lower back pain. Constipation can occur if you have three or fewer bowel movements in a week. Lower back pain can be caused by pressure caused by constipation-related abdominal bloating, gas, and swelling. When you press too hard while passing a bowel movement, your back may be strained and you may put more pressure on your nerves. Constipation may be detected when you are evaluated for lower back pain by your primary care doctor. Dr. Maser warns that if you look for signs of stool buildup on the film, it could be a sign of a serious problem. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans are examples of foods with a high fiber content.

Constipation is frequently accompanied by low back pain. Learning how to be more aware of bodily movements and sensations is a key part of the treatment. When constipation occurs as a result of dehydration, a lack of dietary fiber, or being physically inactive, you should take certain precautions to avoid it.

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Conditions That Cause Lower Back Pain And Constipation

It is also possible that you do not have IBS, but have constipation, which is also linked to lower back pain. Both constipation and lower back pain are fairly common medical issues, and are often nothing to be concerned about, but if they occur suddenly at the same time, it is advisable to see a doctor, as it might be a sign of a more serious issue. For example, the following are examples of conditions that cause both constipation and lower back pain to occur at the same time:

  • Bowel obstruction

A bowel obstruction is a gastrointestinal condition in which digested material cannot pass normally or as it should through the bowel. A bowel obstruction can be caused by fibrous tissue that compresses the gut, which can develop many years after abdominal surgery. With a bowel obstruction, the blockage in your colon or rectum can create a dull pain that extends from the abdomen to the lower back.

Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside the uterus. In individuals with endometriosis, the tissues that should be lining the uterus can be found on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or the intestines. Bowel symptoms are very common with endometriosis, as is back pain. This is because endometrial cells can stick to the lower back and the front of the pelvic cavities.

  • Liver disorders
  • Urinary tract infections

Can Sciatica Stop Bowel Movements

There could be a variety of causes for these changes, including an inability to control your bowel movements or bladder movements. It could be a symptom of urinary congestion, a diminished sensation, or a loss of desire to pass urine.

The Importance Of Water For People With Sciatica

sciatica can be caused by being overweight, and it has been demonstrated that it can be caused by being overweight. Even though drinking water is not the sole solution to this issue, it is important in terms of its application. According to the American College of Physicians, overweight people should drink at least 100 ounces of water per day. For people with sciatica, this recommendation is even more important. Water not only helps flush out the bowels, but it also reduces sciatic nerve pressure. Furthermore, if youre working out or wearing a mask, youll need to drink more water. Every day, consume 75 to 100 percent of your weight in ounces of water.

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Medical Conditions That Cause Back Pain And Constipation

Sometimes a medical condition can cause constipation and back pain. Examples of such conditions include:

Being pregnant can also cause low back pain and constipation because of changes in your levels of certain hormones, loosening of the ligaments in your body and the effect of carrying extra weight on your body.

Can Severe Constipation Cause Pain

Exercises for Relieving Constipation, IBS Bloating and Abdominal Pain

Asked by: Ms. Michaela Kreiger IV

If you’re constipated, experiencing some abdominal pain is common. Often, it’s just the result of needing to have a bowel movement, or a buildup of gas. Intense, constant abdominal pain, however, could be an indication of a more serious condition that demands immediate medical attention.

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What Causes Constipation & Back Pain

Theres a host of circumstances that cause constipation, and the associated back pain that accompanies it. Some of these factors combine together to create the condition:

  • Bowel obstruction
  • Colon or rectal cancer

Once constipation has developed, the fecal impaction can press on the spinal cord in the same way an infection or a tumor would.

We dont say that to scare you, however. Chances are, you dont have a tumor lurking in the background. Its much less frightening than that. As we will now explain.

Causes And Risk Factors

Diverticula form in weak areas of the intestinal muscles. They usually arise in the sigmoid colon. This s-shaped section of the large intestine is roughly 40 to 45 centimeter long and found just in front of the rectum. The contents of the intestine put the most pressure on the muscular wall here.

Some people are more likely to develop diverticula because of their genes. Further risk factors include weak connective tissue and problems with the wave-like movements of the intestinal wall. Older and very overweight people are at greater risk, too.

The influence of lifestyle factors hasnt yet been properly determined. A diet that is low in fiber can lead to constipation and hard stools, so it seems logical that too little fiber should increase the risk of diverticular disease. Eating a lot of red meat, smoking and not getting enough movement are also believed to be risk factors.

Its still not clear how diverticula become inflamed and what increases the risk of this happening. But inflammation is believed to be more likely in areas of reduced blood supply and if hard lumps of stool form in the diverticula.

Complications are more common in people who have a weakened immune system or severe kidney disease. The long-term use of particular medications probably increases the risk of more serious complications. These medications include non-steroidal , steroids, acetylsalicylic acid and opiates.

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Improve Spinal Health With The Spine And Rehab Group

Constipation is a possible cause for lower back pain, but you should always get a full diagnosis before your doctor before settling it as the only cause. There are a myriad of factors that can trigger the symptoms of lower back pain, and its important to check for all possible conditions to catch any serious illnesses that may be developing.

At the Spine And Rehab Group, we believe in providing high-quality medical care and assistance for any sort of back pain, combined with a commitment to long-lasting solutions and excellent customer service. We have years of experience in treating most causes of back pain, with clinics all over New York that you can visit today.

Lower Back Pain And Constipation

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If youre having trouble passing stool on a regular basis, you may have constipation. Constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements per week.

The blockage in your colon or rectum can cause a dull pain that extends from your abdomen to your lower back. Sometimes, back pain caused by a tumor or infection could have constipation as a side effect.

In other cases, lower back pain may not be related to constipation. Learning more about the causes of these conditions can help you determine if theyre related.

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