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HomeCauseCan Back Pain Cause Lightheadedness

Can Back Pain Cause Lightheadedness

So Why Is The Connection Between Cervical Neck Dysfunction And Dizziness Still Controversial

What Causes Lower Back Pain And Dizziness?

In this research from 2000, we can demonstrate that coming up on two decades later, the problem of Cervical Vertigo and Cervicogenic Dizziness still presents problems for health providers in identifying and treating these problems and as you know FIRST HAND, problems that cannot be identified in patients ARE OFTEN DISMISSED.

Here is the 2000 research from the Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, appearing in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy:

  • The diagnosis of cervicogenic dizziness can be made if the patients suffer from dizziness and dysequilibrium that appears to come from neck pain caused by cervical disc disease and degenerative arthritis.
  • The treatment of an individual presenting with cervical spine dysfunction and associated dizziness complaints can be a challenging experience for orthopedic and vestibular rehabilitation specialists.
  • Note: In addition to dizziness, patients with vestibular disorders can also experience vision problems and problems related to disequilibrium and dizziness such as nausea. This may lead to a diagnosis of an inner ear disorder or tinnitus.

Liver And Gallbladder Issues

In this case, pain starts in the upper right part of your stomach and then will radiate to your back. Pain that gets steadily worse after months could be an indication of cirrhosis or liver cancer. If the pain is the type that slowly gets worse or comes on suddenly, it could be gallbladder disease or a gallstone problem. The organ sits just under your liver. Gallbladder and biliary colic attacks bring sharp and intense pain in the upper abdomen that usually happens after eating.

When Should I Seek Medical Help

Notify your doctor immediately if:

  • your back pain and dizziness dont resolve with home care after three days
  • you experience hearing loss or worsening symptoms
  • you experience back pain and dizziness while youre receiving a blood transfusion

Seek medical attention or contact your doctor immediately if you experience back pain and dizziness after taking a new medication.

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Dizziness Headaches And Neck Pain Come Together Is It A Pinched Nerve

Halfway between 2000 and today, a 2009 study appeared in the Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Here medical university researchers in Tunisia wanted to examine balance disorders in chronic neck pain patients suffering from vertigo and balance instability.

Ninety-two patients having suffered from chronic neck pain for at least 3 months were enrolled in the present study. Patients with a history of neck trauma or ear, nose, and throat, ophthalmological or neurological abnormalities were excluded so as to be able to focus on cervical instability as the cause.

The patients were divided into three groups:

  • a group of 32 patients with neck pain and vertigo
  • a group of 30 patients with chronic neck pain but no vertigo
  • and a group of 30 healthy controls.

Findings in the groups

  • Osteoarthritis was found in 75% of the group of 32 patients with neck pain and vertigo .
  • Osteoarthritis was found in 70% of the subjects with chronic neck pain but no vertigo .
  • Neck-related headaches were more frequently in patients with neck pain and vertigo
  • Restricted neck movement was more frequent in patients with neck pain and vertigo.
  • Balance abnormalities were found more frequently in patients with neck pain and vertigo.

The Controversy Surrounding A Diagnosis Of Cervical Vertigo And Why No One Has Been Able To Help You

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Sometimes a patient will tell us that they went to a specialist and they were told that there is no such thing as cervical vertigo. Pursuing this diagnosis was not helpful. Above we examined one study that tried to make a connection between neck pain and dizziness. Lets look at another.

A June 2019 study offered these statements:

  • The existence of cervical vertigo is still a question under debate. The basic hypothesis of the disease is that the abnormalities of the neck cause dizziness.
  • The most common symptoms of cervical vertigo are cervical pain or discomfort, imbalance or dizziness, and limitation of cervical movement
  • When diagnosing cervical vertigo, we always face the following difficulties: there is no diagnostic method specific to the disease, pathognomic clinical elements are unavailable, no clear therapeutic recommendation exists. The diagnosis of the disease requires the exclusion of alternatives, but the possibility of the existence of psychogenic vertigo causes further difficulties for the clinicians. Regarding the treatment, the combination of manual therapies and vestibular rehabilitation seems to be the most effective.

It should be pointed out that despite the confusion and the controversy, manual therapies, treatments that address the cervical spine, and physical therapy seem to be the best answers.

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Treatment Of Cervical Vertigo

Management of cervical vertigo can be achieved by physical therapy that includes gentle mobilization, neck exercises and training on proper posture .

Manual therapy has been a recent addition that has been shown to help cervical vertigo .

Medical management of cervical vertigo includes muscle relaxants such as tizanidine, cyclobenzaprine and baclofen. Tramadol, venlafaxine and nonsteroidals are also useful especially in arthritis or migraine patients. Surgical management of cervical vertigo is usually done by complex fusion maneuvers.

In the absence of more serious or contradictory symptomology, treatment of cervicogenic dizziness typically involves methods to correct the orthopedic dysfunction causing the sensory confusion essentially, the restoration of pain-free, full range-of-motion of the neck muscles and surrounding joints through one of several commonly-used techniques.

âThough many doctors opt to prescribe anti-dizziness drugs like Antivert for this condition, this approach is generally thought contraindicated in that such drugs do not address the underlying problem , and can limit the brain’s natural ability to adapt to new conditions, and can lead to medication dependency.

In many cases, treatment for cervicogenic dizziness can be as simple as application of heat and/or ice packs, gentle massage/manipulation, stretching exercises, or basic neck/spine alignment .

More severe cases are often treated with one of two specific manual therapy treatments:

Home Treatment For Back Pain And Dizziness

If your back pain and dizziness are related to an injury, resting and icing your back can help reduce discomfort and inflammation. Always maintain the ice-covered with a towel. Leave it on for no more than 10 minutes at a time to stop wounding your skin.

You can likewise take an over the counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or naproxen to lower your pain in the back.

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Deep Breath That Hurts

If you feel extreme pain everytime you take a deep breath, head to the emergency room as soon as possible, especially if you also have trouble breathing and this happens after a long plane trip or car ride, or after surgery. It could be pulmonary embolism, in which blood clots break off from a deep vein in your arm and leg. It then travels to your lung and gets wedged in the blood vessels. This results in poor blood flow, inflammation, and lung tissue death. If youre feeling faint and start coughing blood, call 911 right away.

How Are Back Pain And Dizziness Treated

How Do You Treat Lower Back Pain And Dizziness?

Treatments for back pain and dizziness are dependent upon the cause. Rest after injury can often help reduce back pain. Physical therapy exercises to stretch and strengthen your back may help decrease dizziness related to intense pain.

In some instances, your symptoms may require more significant interventions, such as injections to relieve pain and surgery to reduce nerve compression. Your doctor can prescribe medications to reduce dizziness. Antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine and meclizine , also may help treat dizziness.

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Functional Examination Of Motion Segments Of The Upper Cervical Spine Is Important In Diagnosing And Treating Vertigo

Why do we find this one sentence so remarkable? Because this one line may be the answer for many of you reading this article. Lets explain.

The researchers suggest that you must examine the motion segments of the upper neck because it is the unresolved vertebral segments that are causing the problems. In our 26+ years of service in treating cervical neck disorders, we have found that many patients who come through our doors do not have an accurate diagnosis or assessment of their situation.

As you can see in the video below, DMX is a motion picture of the bones while a person is moving. It is a dynamic diagnostic tool, versus a static one. The scan is produced in real-time, while the person is moving his/her neck. Pain typically occurs with motion. By being able to see the bones in motion, DMX picks up abnormal or excessive motion whereas MRI, CT scan, and static x-rays do not.

What Is The Connection Between Back Pain And Nausea

When back pain happens with nausea, its usually a sign that either something is pressing against both the back and the stomach or that something is wrong with the nerve synapses running up and down the spine. The spine, which anchors the back, houses many of the most important parts of the central nervous system. Injuries can impact how the brain processes and interprets most aspects of daily life, which can often cause both pain and queasiness. Organ swelling and inflammation can also be the root of the connection. The space between the lower back and stomach is relatively small in most people, and when things go wrong pressure can be put on both places. This is commonly due disease, infection, or injury, but can also happen due to stress, various cancers, or, in women, pregnancy and menstrual pain. A number of different medical conditions can cause these symptoms together, and people who have prolonged pain or who cant figure out what is causing their discomfort should usually seek the help of a qualified healthcare professional.

Spinal Injury

Stress and Psychosomatic Connections


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How Is Cervicogenic Dizziness Diagnosed And Treated

Diagnosis of cervicogenic dizziness can be difficult. Usually, other, more common conditions such as whiplash must be definitively ruled out before a diagnosis of cervicogenic dizziness can be reached. However, once the diagnosis is reached, the condition can generally be treated through a combination of therapies. At Frisco Spine, we are able to create individualized treatment plans, usually combining conservative, non-surgical therapies, which effectively treat cervicogenic dizziness.

What Are The Causes Of Pots And Chronic Pain

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  • Damage leading to neuropathic pain: Neuropathic pain is nerve-related pain caused by damage or dysfunction of the nervous system. This pain is usually a burning, tingling or stabbing sensation, and can be constant or on-and-off. The damage leading to neuropathic pain can also be a cause of POTS. Damage to the nerve supply can lead to dysfunction of blood vessel muscles. The signal from the nervous system to the blood supply gets lost, which can cause symptoms of POTS. Blood pools in the legs and positional changes of the body then trigger POTS symptoms.
  • Central sensitization: In this condition, the nervous system heightens sensory input throughout the body, leading to increased sensitivity. Central sensitization makes your nerves react sooner than they normally would. Nerves that normally signal feelings of touch or pressure may be affected so that they communicate feelings of pain instead. For example, things that do not normally cause pain, like clothing, can give rise to increased signaling. The result is that it is easier for your brain to feel pain, even though whatever is triggering pain in your body would not trigger the same pain in someone else.
  • Pain due to dysautomia: The autonomic nervous system, which POTS also affects, is responsible for body functions including breathing, blood pressure regulation, digestion and temperature regulation. In dysautonomia , the autonomic nervous system does not work correctly.

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Spine Conditions That Can Cause Cervical Vertigo

There are several possible causes of cervical vertigo. Sometimes, it stems from physical trauma, while other times, its a result of a health condition affecting the spine. Growing older is a potential risk factor, since wear and tear can affect neck strength and mobility and increase your chances of developing certain health issues. The most common causes include:

Whiplash: Sometimes, when your head and neck snap forward and backward at a high speed, it can result in whiplash. Its a generic catch-all for a neck spasm after a somewhat high-velocity type injury, most commonly after a motor vehicle accident, says Dr. Baum.

Cervical spondylosis: Also called arthritis of the neck, cervical spondylosis refers to the breakdown of your spines disks and joints over time. Discs, which act like a shock absorber , start to lose water content, and it begins a degenerative inflammatory cascade, explains Dr. Baum. During that process what can happen is that you develop bone spurs. These can cause compression of the necks nerves, blood vessels or even the spinal cord, sometimes resulting in vertigo.

A herniated disc: When the jelly-like center of a spinal disc bulges outor herniatesit may push towards the spinal cord. This can do the same thing , compressing the spinal cord or the spinal nerves, says Dr. Baum.

Poor posture: Over time, slouching when you sit or bending your neck forward to read can compress the vertebrae at the top of your spine.

The Surprising Source Of Your Dizziness

Feeling a little spun around lately? General bouts of dizziness happen to millions of Americans yearly. These dizzy spells can be the result of a wide range of issues. These include ear issues, low blood pressure, vitamin deficiencies, and even stress. Surprisingly, some research points to spinal cord issues as a cause, with spinal stenosis as the main culprit.

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Use Your Head: 4 Ways Spinal Problems Cause Headaches

The process to develop an effective approach to pain management is often complex. Your health care providers may have to account for several symptoms that arent necessarily directly related to the center of your pain.

For example, in our last blog, The Connection Between Your Digestive Health and Back Pain, we discussed how your diet and your digestive system health problems can contribute to spinal pain, and vice versa.

In this blog, well discuss one of the most common back painrelated complications: headaches. Here are four ways that spinal issues can contribute to or cause headaches.

1. They Encourage Stress and Physical Stress Responses

Back problems, especially those that inhibit your normal range of motion, can feel frustrating. Often, individuals with spinal issues must tailor their work, socialization, and recreation habits to cause the least amount of back pain possible.

In some cases, this arrangement may mean working less, bowing out of social interactions, or decreasing the amount of exercise youre used to, all of which can contribute to feelings of stress. As emotional stress increases, your body may also exhibit more physical stress responses.

Stress responses such as stiffness, fatigue, and muscle aches may trigger the development of a headache or make an existing headache more intense.

2. They Increase Pressure on the Neck and Skull

3. They Limit Tension Release

4. They Pinch Sensitive Nerves

What Are The Differences Between Dizziness And Lightheadedness

How to stretch you neck to get rid of pain, dizziness and headaches.

Dizziness is a condition in which one’s equilibrium is upset. This can occur when an individual is unable to catch their balance, as is often the case when someone consumes excessive amounts of alcohol or feel the room may be spinning around them. If it is an inner ear canal problem, this may lead to a diagnosis of vertigo. Lightheadedness is more so a feeling of confusion or inability to focus on a particular item and often described as near-fainting. Vision may change, one may feel weak in the knees, and, generally, the room will not be spinning. Many people use the terms dizziness and lightheadiness interchangeably and why it is important to be more descriptive when discussing with your healthcare provider.

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How Are Pots And Chronic Pain Managed

Some people get relief with pain medicine, others do not. The key to managing pain with POTS is to find the right combination of therapies. For some people, this includes medications, physical therapy, health psychology, meditation, personalized exercise programs and biofeedback. Finding the right regimen for you takes time, but it is possible and many patients find the right balance that works for them.

  • Routine POTS care with compression stockings, hydration, salt and leg strengthening exercises can help your legs feel better.
  • Exercise triggers your body’s endorphins which improve your mood and decrease the feeling of pain. Some people with POTS feel like they dont have enough strength or energy to exercise, which is why it takes time to build up to feeling better. These steps can help:
  • Set reasonable and gradual goals. If you havent been able to walk, start with chair exercises.
  • If you are only walking from the bed to the couch, start by walking that distance more frequently during the day.
  • Building up stamina and muscle strength takes time but the reward is feeling better in your own body decreased pain and decreased POTS symptoms.

Common Causes Of Dizziness

The most common causes of dizziness are outlined below.

  • Labyrinthitis an inner ear infection that affects your hearing and balance, and can lead to a severe form of dizziness called vertigo.
  • Migraine dizziness may come on before or after the headache, or even without the headache.
  • Stress or anxiety particularly if you tend to hyperventilate .
  • Low blood sugar level which is usually seen in people with diabetes.
  • Postural hypotension a sudden fall in blood pressure when you suddenly sit or stand up, which goes away after lying down. This is more common in older people.
  • Dehydration or heat exhaustion dehydration could be due to not drinking enough during exercise, or illness that causes vomiting, diarrhoea or fever.
  • Vertebrobasilar insufficiency decreased blood flow in the back of the brain, which may be caused by the blood vessels that lead to the brain from the heart being blocked .

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