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Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When I Sit Down

The Best Sitting Position

Back Pain? Always Do This After Sitting- Critical!

warn against slouching and recommend sitting up straight, with the back against the back of the chair and the feet flat on the floor.

They also recommend keeping the knees slightly higher than the hips when sitting.

To determine the cause of back pain, a healthcare provider will ask the person about their medical history and perform a physical examination.

If the pain is acute, further tests are not necessary, unless the pain results from an injury.

The treatment for chronic pain depends on the cause, and surgery may be an option.

Seek medical attention if lower back pain is severe, lasting, or does not improve with stretches, exercises, and other home care techniques.

Also, contact a doctor if the pain results from an injury.

How To Treat Tailbone Pain Naturally

If you experience pain in your tailbone when you sit, it may be due to a few different things. Here are a few tips on how to treat tailbone pain naturally:

  • Adjust Your Seat: If your chair isnt comfortable, youre likely going to be sitting in the same position for long periods of time, which can cause pain. Try out different seating positions to see which one feels the best.
  • Massage Your Tailbone: A light massage can help relieve some of the pain and tension in your tailbone area. Start by gently massaging your spine from the top of your head down to your tailbone, then reverse the motion.
  • Get Some Physical Activity: Studies have found that people who exercise regularly have less pain in their lower back and pelvis areas. If youre having trouble going for a walk or biking, try using an ergonomic stool or standing desk instead.
  • Take Ibuprofen: If you experience significant pain, you may want to consider taking ibuprofen. Always read the label and consult with your doctor before taking any medications, as they can have side effects.

Diagnosis Of Inner Knee Pain

If you see your doctor with knee pain, theyll examine your knee and are likely to ask:

  • when your pain started and if theres anything that makes it worse
  • if theres any activity, accident or injury that could have caused it
  • if you have any other symptoms such as your knee giving way or clicking, or pain in any other joints

They may suggest an X-ray or an MRI scan, but this is not always necessary. Your doctor may be able to make a diagnosis based on the examination and your symptoms.

If you have cartilage or ligament damage, your doctor may suggest a procedure to look inside your knee. This is called an arthroscopy . It involves making a small cut in your knee and inserting a thin tube and a camera. As well as helping with diagnosis, damaged tissue can be repaired or removed during the procedure.

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How To Treat It

Treating this knee pain is all about pain management and what you can do to reduce the stress on those joints. Losing weight is a helpful start. Besides being a key to overall good health, cutting excess pounds lessens the everyday stress on those knee joints and ligaments.

But there are plenty of other ways, too.

Exercise smart

A lot of joint stress is caused by high-impact exercising, especially running on pavement. But there are ways to exercise that can keep you healthy and keep that load off your knee joints. Low-impact exercises like swimming, bicycling and elliptical are good because they exercise the knee joints but dont pound them, says Dr. Stearns.

Knee braces can also be a tool, he adds. There are special braces that work to keep pressure off of certain parts of the knee unloader braces that can sometimes help alleviate arthritis pain.


If youre considering over-the-counter painkillers to help ease the hurt, Dr. Stearns says its best to take naproxen or ibuprofen because they have anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease the swelling thats causing your knee pain.

Acetaminophen medications, like Tylenol, dont work as well because they mask the pain but do nothing about the source of the pain, he says.

He also recommends taking the dose after dinner as that allows you to have the maximum dose before you head to bed.

Cold versus heat

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Nine Times Out Of Ten This Couldnt Be Further From The Truth

Why Does My Back Hurt  Lower Back Pain Relief, Causes

We find people are also told by their friends and family, or even worse doctors, that this is just the way it is, that its all due to their age and they will just have to put up with it.

Again most of the time these people are being persuaded NOT to look for a solution to their problem, which can sometimes be easily fixed!

Below are the 5 most common reasons that people develop back pain after they have been sitting for any length of time. Read on past the common reasons to find advice that we give to our clients with this nagging problem.

  • Sitting for too much of the day

Human beings are not made to sit for a long time!

If you look at how we have evolved, as the technological age has developed and things like computers and mobile phones make our lives a lot easier, this occurs at the expense of our physical activity.

Where once upon a time you would have to walk from your house to the post office to send a letter, we now opt to send emails from the comfort of our sofa.

Sitting for long periods of time will change the length of certain muscles around your back and in your legs, shortening some and lengthening others .

The effect this has is to alter the way these muscles pull on your back, which can sometimes lead to pain and stiffness.

Ask yourself, are you sat for over an hour at a time on multiple occasions throughout the day? If you can change this, you might feel a huge benefit.

  • Weakness in other muscles in your body

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What Are The Causes Of Knee Pain While Sitting & Standing

Does the back of your knee have pain after sitting down?

Do you experience excruciating knee pain after sitting then standing?

It might be due to the simplest of activities of your daily routine. You might be worried because of the popping joints in your body. But you need not worry as even the healthiest of the people might experience sudden popping of the joints.

Knee pain while sitting and getting up is one of the most commonly seen issues among every group. But the sudden knee pain after or while sitting is primarily familiar with people over the age of 60. It could concern any element of the knee, including cartilage, patella, knee joint , knee cap and ligaments. The mild to severe knee pain after sitting depends on which of these structures are involved and how. It might be because of a torn ligament, structural issues in the bones, etc.

One of the most popular questions asked by our older patients is, Why do I feel pain in the back of my knee after sitting?. Of course, it might be due to the long-term effects of a particular medical condition. But it is primarily because of the natural ageing among the elders.

Why Do Healthy Knee Joints Cracks?

A few common medical conditions might result in you having knee pain while sitting down and getting up, including conditions like knee osteoarthritis and Patellofemoral pain syndrome.

Here Are A Few Symptoms Of The Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome:

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Sitting Tips For Hip Pain:

  • Make sure your office chair, car seat, and other places you sit often are good for your posture.
  • Add back or seat support to improve your posture when youre sitting. Use a firm cushion or foam base.
  • Check where your feet land when youre sitting. They should be flat on the floor.
  • Use a footstool to rest your feet on when youre sitting.
  • Avoid sitting on a very soft surface like a bed or sofa for too long.
  • Avoid using very hard surfaces like a wooden chair, stool, or bench. A firm but cushioned surface molds to your body somewhat and helps to support your hips when sitting.

All of these things help to balance the pressure to get rid of hip pain when sitting.

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How To Manage Back Pain From Sitting All Day

While the complications of sitting down all day can be very serious, patients can often treat or manage some symptoms at home. With enough forewarning, advice from a doctor, and active attention to their daily routine, its possible to reduce or ease back pain associated with sitting down.

Here are some adjustments that you can make to your lifestyle to prevent back pain:

Does This Sound Like You

Pain from Sitting Too Long? These 5 Tips Can Help – Ask Doctor Jo

When I sit and drive my low back begins to ache. I constantly have to shift around to try and get comfortable. If I drive too far the pain starts to radiate into my buttock and down my leg.

What is it about the driving posture that bugs your back? Most likely, the posture when you are sitting behind the wheel flexes your low back. Flexion means your back is bent forward at the waist relative to your hips. It is the same posture you get in if you slouch when sitting in a chair or on a soft couch.

That posture stretches out the ligaments, including the back part of the discs which causes pain and injury. If you have sciatica because of a bulging or herniated a disc, this posture can make it worse. The flexed posture combined with the compression force of sitting can compress and irritate your sciatic nerve. This can send the pain down your leg but it can also cause numbness and tingling .

When you extend your leg to operate the gas and brake peddles, you stretch an already angry and inflamed sciatic nerve. No wonder that nerve starts sending hate mail upstairs to the control centre to let it know how unhappy it is with the position youve put it in!

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Duration Of Sitting Down With Lower Back Pain

The longer you hold that finger in that position for, the more those nociceptors are likely to fire. You can back off a little bit, take the strain off, but still hold it there for a prolonged period of time. Eventually the nociceptors will start to fire because theyre telling you that your tissues are fatiguing. And if you keep doing that, you are going to strain something and do yourself some damage.

Simple Exercises That Help

A deep tissue massage can sometimes help combat the problem. But three exercises will often help you conquer the pain and discomfort:

1. Side-lying leg lifts

Repeat 15 to 20 times, in sets of three, every day:

  • Lie down on your right side.
  • Lift your left leg with your big toe pointing toward the floor, and lift.
  • Repeat on your left side, lifting your right leg. Once you are comfortable doing this exercise regularly, you can work with a band or an ankle weight for extra resistance.

2. Clamshell

Repeat 30 to 40 times, in sets of three, every day:

  • Lie down on your right side with both knees bent.
  • Keeping your feet touching, lift your bent left leg toward the ceiling.
  • Repeat on your left side, lifting your bent right leg toward the ceiling.

3. Seahorse pose

This yoga pose, done while sitting on an armless chair, helps stretch your tight hip flexors. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds on each side, three times a day.

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Seeking The Help Of A Doctor

Some people experience lower back pain after standing for a few minutes. This may indicate a spinal medical condition may have developed. Fortunately, lower back pain due to excessive standing is usually treatable by following some basic guidelines. However, if the self-care options do not help and the pain persists for more than a few weeks or spreads further down the legs, it is important to see a doctor. Standing for long periods of time may be aggravating an undiagnosed medical issue, like a bulging disk or osteoporosis.

Coping Strategies For Runners With Anterior Knee Pain:

Pin on I Work Out!
  • A shorter stride: a shorter stride allows you to control your pelvic drop better.
  • A higher cadence : This also minimizes your pelvic drop and other gait abnormalities.
  • Avoiding hilly terrain until the pain has lessened.
  • Progressive, intelligent training. Consider using apps such as HRV4Training, Training Peaks or TrainAsOne.
  • Patella taping: See the video at the end of this post.
  • Orthotics or shoe inserts: These have been shown to work in some of you.
  • Prevention: Keep your glutes/ hip abductors / core strong. See the exercise videos at the end of this post.

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The Pros And Cons Of Cortisone Shots

If youre experiencing pain that makes it difficult for you to start physical therapy to address your knee problem, your doctor might recommend that you get an injection of cortisone to lessen the pain.

The shot injects a corticosteroid drug and a local anesthetic into the joint to temporarily relieve pain and swelling. But it isnt a long-term fix. Often people think that injections, especially cortisone injections, will fix a knee problem. What they do is provide a window of pain relief so you can make progress with rehabilitation, says Dr. Rebecca Breslow, an instructor in orthopedic surgery at Harvard Medical School. But when cortisone injections are overused, there is some evidence that they can actually accelerate osteoarthritis.

In short, while cortisone shots put you on the path to healing, they should be used judiciously and arent a permanent solution to the underlying problem thats causing your knee pain.

Maintain A Good Posture

Good standing and sitting posture are very crucial for maintaining a healthy and painless back.

We spend a big part of our day sitting, either at work, in our car, or just relaxing over a meal.

You should assume a sitting position where the spine is neutral and balanced. The head should be level over your spine, your arm flexed at 90 degrees, and your knees even with your hips.

Your knees should also be perpendicular to the floor and your feet flat on the floor.

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Why Do My Feet Hurt When I Sit In A Recliner Chair Lets Dive Inside:

If you are serious about getting answers to the question of why do my feet hurt when I sit in a recliner chair? The first thing you have to do is ask yourself if the chair you are sitting in supports your lower body correctly or not.

For better understanding, the following points could be associated with your feet aching while sitting in a reclining chair:

Why Does My Back Hurt When I Sit

I have pain down the back of my leg. What could it be?

This is a really common problem that I see and treat at Ian Thornley Osteopathy for the local community of Shoreham, Otford and Kemsing and it has been on the rise during the current Covid-19 pandemic.

What is concerning is the availability of good quality care and treatment for people suffering with sore, stiff and achy lower backs, especially during this difficult and strange period of our lives.

For most of my clients with this exact problem – it started with a few twinges, from time to time which they thought would just disappear.

But the don’t – they get worse and they leave my poor clients struggling to find a position of comfort, anxious about what is causing the low back pain and worried about what the future holds for them if they are stuck with it.

Sometimes clients may even come to us using phrases suck as ‘my joints are wearing away’, ‘my discs have worn away’ or ‘my spine is worn out’.

Usually nothing could be further from the truth!

We also find that people have often been told by friends, family or even doctors that it is just the way it is ‘at their age’ and to just accept it and put up with it.

Unfortunately this leads to people NOT looking for a solution for their problem, which sometimes can be easily fixed!

Here are 5 of the most common reasons people develop back pain when they have been sitting for any length of time.

Sitting for too much of the day

This affects the way these muscles pull on your back, which can sometimes lead to pain and stiffness.

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Why Does My Back Hurt When I Sit In A Chair

There are a handful of reasons that might cause your back to hurt when you sit on a chair. When you sit on a chair, essentially the entire weight of your entire upper body rests on your lower spine. So if your back hurts while you sit down, it means your lower spine is the spot that is suffering or having issues.

Lower back pain can have different origins, bad posture is the most common among them. Leaning forward while sitting, standing, or walking puts pressure on your lower spine, leading it to sprain and other severe pain issues. Bad sleeping posture is also a large factor as you dont want to put constant pressure on your back for the entire night.

Aside from posture, injuries can cause long-term back pain that requires medical attention. But other than these, most other causes of lower back pain are temporary. Lifting heavy weight after a long time, accidentally stretching your back too much, doing heavy exercises right off the bat without any warm-up, etc. are the most common temporary causes of back pain while sitting down.


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