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Can A Chiropractor Help With Lower Back And Hip Pain

How Do Chiropractors Treat Chiropractic Pains

Can a Chiropractor Help Hip Flexor Pain?

Chiropractors diagnose and treat shoulder pain. They use a range of techniques such as:

Internal evaluation of the shoulder joint to find causes of inflammation, pain and strain

Surgical correction of the problem

Surgery of the muscles and the nerves


Chiropractors can also prescribe oral medications to relieve pain from arthritis. These medications, called chiropractic pills, are administered through an injection.

Although the cost can be expensive, they are beneficial in improving circulation and reducing pain. Chiropractic pills work in a very similar way to anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, a chiropractor can give an aspirin in injection form to reduce pain caused by arthritis.

How Long Before Improvement

When I treat my patients I expect andtell them they should feel improvement within 2-4 weeks. They willmost likely need further ongoing care to achieve maximum improvement.But improvement should, none the less, be noticed.

However, after one to two months ofcare with no improvement, it is probably safe to assume that a changeis in order. Talk to your doctor and express your concern.

She wantsto know if treatment is not working and has your best interest as herpriority.

Always follow your doctorsrecommendations. He or she is well trained and wants you to getbetter as quickly and affordable as possible. They have a reputationthey need to build and maintain so they are most likely recommendingthe care and frequency they believe is best for you.

She will probably do one or more of thefollowing:

  • Re-exam and re-evaluate.
  • Refer.

What Causes My Hip Pain

a) Being Overweight

We arent into fat-shaming, but the fact remains that for some people, hip pain is caused by being overweight. Often times, losing just 5% of your body weight can help to stop hip pain.

Your chiropractor can help you in this area. They can offer valuable nutritional advice and a reasonable exercise program that can help you to drop a few pounds without putting additional stress on the hips, knees, or feet.

A chiropractor is a true health care professional who isnt here to judge you, but to help stop hip pain and give you the pain-free life you deserve.

b) Sciatica

While many people think that sciatica is for old folks the truth is that sciatica happens, and it happens to a lot of people between the ages of 30 and 50!

If your pain originates in the hip itself and includes pain on the inner thigh or the front of the thigh or even the groin area, chances are that your problem is in the hip.

However, if the pain starts in the lower back and moves down the hip to the back of the thigh or even as far down as your foot, chances are that its not your hip causing you pain, but sciatica.

A chiropractor will be of tremendous benefit here, discovering exactly where your pain originates and what the root cause is. The good news is that regardless of whether you are suffering from true hip pain or sciatica, your chiropractor can successfully treat both.

Heres a guide to help you with your sciatica pain: 9 Secrets for Getting Rid of Sciatica Pain.

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How May Chiropractors Help Hip Pain

If your health practitioner can identify the cause of your hip pain, they may recommend appropriate treatment options.

For instance, if your hip pain is caused by postural imbalances, chiropractors may be able to help. We provide a full examination and will check how you stand, walk and what movements cause pain. Hip pain solutions often aim to reduce inflammation, relax muscle spasms, build strength in weak muscles and improve joint mobility.

If chiropractic is appropriate in your case, you will receive a plan that may include:

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Massage and/or coordination with other health practitioners

A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics concluded that:

While chiropractic treatments may not be the solution for every sciatica patient, this study showed that it was effective for more than half of the patients involved. As a result, the researchers concluded that patients with sciatica should consider chiropractic adjustments before deciding to undergo surgery, which comes with higher risks than chiropractic care.

What Types Of Chiropractic Treatments Do You Offer

Back Pain: Can a Chiropractor Help?

I primarily work with patients using manual manipulation. That means Im using my hands to try to improve movement in your spine. If I can improve joint mobility in a certain area — the spine, neck, middle back, lower back, pelvis — it may reduce muscle tightness. It can also help with irritation of nerves that travel down the arm or leg, causing numbness or tingling, pain, or even changes in strength. I sometimes use other therapies as well, such as giving people exercise instructions or self-care recommendations.

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Pregnancy And Sleeping Positions

Lower back pain in pregnancy is very common and its no surprise why! As your baby grows, your body expands, your centre of gravity changes and your hormones are working on your ligaments, relaxing them and your pelvic floor, getting ready for your babys arrival.

There are a few things you can try to ease lower back pain in pregnancy including your posture, your sleep position and your overall approach to lifting and carrying.

Side sleeping is encouraged when youre pregnant, with most experts recommending sleeping on your right side, although the left side is also acceptable.

Avoid sleeping on your back, especially during the second and third trimester.

Schedule Chiropractic Care In San Francisco To Treat Hip Pain

No one should live with hip pain. The best way to treat these common pain problems in the body is to treat them naturally. If possible avoid surgery and seek options that help your body heal faster and stronger. Our SF chiropractors will help assess your pain and create a custom treatment plan.

Give us a call to book an appointment at one of our San Francisco locations: 639-9166 and schedule your consultation with the best!

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Treatment Of Knee Pain

The treatment of knee pain is as varied as the cause. Treatment for your knee pain will often involve a number of allied health professionals such as physiotherapists, chiropractors and exercise physiologists.

They may suggest you look closely at your lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise choices. They may also encourage you to choose your footwear carefully, shed a few pounds, improve your fitness levels or even learn proper squatting and exercise techniques to avoid any further strain and injury.

Chiropractic care that is aimed to reduce knee pain will usually includes gentle, controlled and directed adjustments delivered to the relevant part of the leg and spinal joints to restore optimal movement and function. The overall aim of the treatment is to reduce inflammation, improve movement of the joints, relax any painful muscle spasms and strengthen your weakened muscles which will in turn ease the pain and lessen the symptoms.

What if I Need Surgery for my hip or knee pain?

In some cases of hip and knee pain you may need to consult an orthopedic surgeon to see if you require surgery. In our opinion this should only be considered when the less invasive approaches, such as physiotherapy, chiropractic and massage have been tried where relevant.

Can Chiropractors Treat Hip Pain

How To Treat Lower Back Pain Sciatica at Advanced Chiropractic Relief

In short, the answer is yes, chiropractic care can help treat your hip pain. But we wouldnt leave you with just that without an explanation. Hip pain occurs when your joints have been faced with injury or overuse and as a result causes pain and inflammation. Joint pain can happen anywhere but most common in the hips, shoulder and knee areas. Like any type of injury, our chiropractors specialize in finding the cause of your pain and treat to correct it.

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Are There Specific Stretches And/or Exercises You Recommend

Dr. Hayden: Hamstring stretches are important, as a tight hamstring actually pulls on the lower pelvis and can misalign the SI joints. Lunges like a hurdlers lunge or fencing stance are great stretches for the iliopsoas, or inner hip, muscle. Stretching is a great habit to adopt if you have SI joint paina flexible, limber patient has less trouble with joints.

Massage Therapy Heat Therapy And Other Treatments Have Failed To Provide Adequate Relief

Many patients enter a chiropractors office only after trying various forms of treatment without success. They may experience some pain relief as a result of other treatments, but theyre still in enough pain that their daily lives are impacted.

This doesnt mean that they give up all other forms of treatment in order to work with a chiropractor.

Massage therapy, dry needling, and other treatment options combine well with chiropractic treatment. A well-rounded treatment plan combines practices in order to deliver more satisfying results for every patient. Anyone struggling with lower back pain will benefit from visiting a chiropractor at least once. That initial consultation is often enough to determine whether this form of treatment is helpful in relieving pain on a case-by-case basis.

A well-rounded treatment plan combines practices in order to deliver more satisfying results for every patient. Anyone struggling with lower back pain will benefit from visiting a chiropractor at least once. That initial consultation is often enough to determine whether this form of treatment is helpful in relieving you pain.

Call us today to set up a free consultation.

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Pinched Nerve Herniated Disk And Sciatica And The Spine

The spine and your back are the true foundations for a good overall health. You can avoid so many physical and mental illnesses and diseases if you take care of you spine and back.

Problems like:

  • knee pain
  • headaches

To really understand the causes and symptoms of back and spine misalignment we have to take a close look at the spine and see if the root of the problem is in the spine or not.

The spine consists of 4 vital parts:

  • Cervical spine: There are 7 cervical vertebrae and their main function are to protect and support the head. The important thing to remember here is that the head weight approx. 12 LB. What this means is that the weight of the head and how it’s aligned plays very important role in keeping our back and spine in proper posture.
  • Thoracic spine: The 12 thoracic vertebrae play a vital role in protecting the organs in the chest area, especially the heart and the lungs.
  • Lumbar spine: it consists of 5 large vertebrae that support the weight of the spine and the lower back. As you know that having strong core protects the lower back and it’s one of the best ways for avoiding pinched and herniated discs in the lower back region.
  • Sacral spine: They are 5 vertebrae that support the weight of the upper body and spread into the pelvis and the legs. The sacrum has no visible disc spaces like the other parts of the spine.
  • Did you know?

    Big Benefits Little Risk To Hands

    Lower Back Pain

    In addition to saving you time,a visit to the chiropractor may also decrease your reliance on painkillers. Astudy by the American College of Physicians listed these as the first line ofdefense for lower back pain:

    • Applying heat.
    • Massage.
    • Acupuncture.

    Anti-inflammatory pain relievers and muscle relaxants are asecond course for treating pain, with narcotics and injections taking the backseat, says Dr. Bang. There are very few side effects to chiropractictreatment. Medications, on the flip side, arent free of side effects,especially after prolonged use.

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    Can A Happy Valley Chiropractor Help Hip Pain

    We rely on hips for everything from walking, kicking to flexing. Obviously, it is difficult to move if the essential parts of the body hurt constantly. If you have chronic hip pain, you do not suffer unnecessarily. Consult a Happy Valley chiropractor to diagnose your condition and develop a treatment plan. Here are five causes of hip pain that can be helped with chiropractic.


    Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory joint disease and the main cause of hip pain in older adults. It produces rigidity, swelling, joint degeneration and progressive loss of cartilage. Rheumatoid arthritis is another inflammatory disease that causes joint pain. RA is not caused by attrition, but is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks healthy tissue as if it were a foreign invader.

    There is no cure for arthritis, but there are ways to decrease the disease and minimize symptoms, including chiropractic. In a 2010 study, more than four in five patients with hip arthritis found improved symptoms after nine or fewer chiropractic treatments.

    Other Types of Inflammation

    Arthritis is not the only type of inflammation that can cause hip pain. Inflammation in the joint can result from an injury or illness. Space is limited here, and when the joint is filled with fluid or blood, you will feel pain.

    The small gelatin-like bags outside the hip joint, known as a bursa, can also become inflamed. This condition, called bursitis, is often the result of overuse or minor trauma to the joints.


    Sleeping Positions What To Aim For And What To Avoid

    It is widely documented that your sleep position affects your body and your health. Getting your body into a neutral position is key, essentially ensuring your spine remains straight and well supported.

    The best position is a difficult one to answer in that they all have pros and cons. One should aim for the position that gives you the best quality sleep with the smallest reaction in the morning. Typically we all tend to move through the night anyway.

    That said, a sleeping position to try first for mechanical support would be to lie flat on your back on a firm, but comfortable mattress. Using a suitable pillow under your head and placing a second under your knees will encourage healthy spine alignment whilst sleeping.

    Although sleeping on your back is our recommended position, we cant deny that it is a position that most struggle with. If lying on your back feels unnatural then try sleeping on your side, a firm second favourite. Putting a cushion or pillow between your legs would prevent excessive rotation through your spine that may generate pain.

    Sleeping sideways with your legs straight is a close second and helps with snoring and sleep apnea.

    Legs bent whilst on your side may restrict movement of your diaphragm and affect your breathing.

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    The Pain Is Generated From Hard Tissue Rather Than Soft Muscular Tissue

    The medical industry classifies pain according to the points of the body impacted and the structural tissue involved. Pain that is created by injury to soft tissue like the muscles is often treated effectively through massage therapy, but pain generated from hard tissue is more likely to require spinal manipulation or other techniques best performed by a well-trained chiropractor.

    The spine and joints are two examples of hard tissue that may lead to lower back pain. Tightness and sharp pain caused by spinal misalignment isnt easily relieved through massage alone, so visiting a chiropractor is essential. Other conditions may involve unspecified tissue, and most patients find that treatment by a chiropractor is the fastest and most consistent route to relieve.

    Mattress How Your Mattress Affects Your Lower Back Pain

    American Hero Receives Chiropractic Treatment for Hip and Back Pain

    We already know the importance of maintaining a straight spine whilst sleeping to ease lower back pain however, the mattress you lay on can either help your sleeping position or it can hinder it. If youre trying to maintain the correct sleeping position but your mattress is too soft, then all your efforts to correct posture and ease pain will be in vain.

    An excessively soft mattress that does not support your body weight will begin to sag. The sagging in your mattress will ultimately lead to your body posture and alignment dipping, usually in larger areas such as your back.

    With so many mattress options available, how do you determine the best one for you?

    A popular mattress choice to ease muscle ache and back pain is an orthopaedic mattress. They are designed to offer sleepers the best support around joints and the back, helping maintain a natural sleep position and encourage your spine to remain straight and distribute weight evenly.

    Ultimately, when looking to update your mattress we always recommend you try the mattress out, check the firmness and speak with an expert.

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    Chiropractor Hip Adjustment Risks

    The chiropractic adjustment for hips is conservative, non-invasive treatment with rare adverse effects. Most doctors recommend trying any and all conservative treatments before considering hip surgery. This is because surgery is always a risk and the recovery time for such an operation is a cause for concern. However, that doesnt mean that chiropractic hip adjustments are risk-free.

    The most common type of hip adjustment risk is soreness and discomfort of the joint. This typically lasts a day or two and starts a few hours after the adjustment. But, not everyone experiences hip pain after a chiropractic adjustment. In fact, some people feel just the opposite elation and a release from pain. Everyones body is different and as such, everyone reacts differently to an adjustment.

    Some people may experience headaches, dizziness, and nausea after a chiropractic adjustment. Again, these issues often go away quickly and are no cause for concern. If you do experience any unpleasant side effects or are concerned about the risks of a hip adjustment, talk to your doctor of chiropractic or your general practitioner.

    Despite what you have heard in the media, hip, back, and neck adjustments are perfectly safe.

    The Symptoms Are Consistent With A Potential Pinched Nerve

    The spinal structure provides tight quarters for the nerves, spinal discs, cartilage, and other structural components. When a disc bulges out of place or another structure intrudes on the space naturally filled by a nerve, that nerve is pinched. It isnt able to effectively send and receive messages to maintain communication with the brain. A pinched nerve is one of the leading causes of lower back pain.

    Nerve pain is typically sharp and may get worse with certain types of movement. Many patients also report numbness, and others experience the sensation of needles prickling their skin from within. Since nerves run from the lower spine into the legs, its possible to feel pain in the legs or numbness in the feet.

    Since the nerve is often pinched by bone or other hard tissue, chiropractic treatment is often effective. A chiropractor will identify the cause of the pinched nerve and work to reposition the interfering bone, ease tension from tight muscles, and otherwise manipulate the body so that the nerve has more room to function properly.

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