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HomeWill Losing Weight Help Back Pain

Will Losing Weight Help Back Pain

Research: There Is A Link Between A Big Belly And Back Paincommon Sense: There Is A Link Between A Big Belly And Back Pain

Will Losing Weight Help Your Back Pain?

Researchers at the Medical University of Graz in Austria conducted a study that lasted over 35 years. They followed patients throughout their lives to determine what impact abdominal obesity had on their back pain and general health. Here is what 35 years of research revealed:

You lose your independence faster if you have a big belly and you will become dependent.

  • Compared to people with normal weight, people with obesity more often reported a poor health status
  • Compared to people with normal weight, people with obesity reported an earlier loss of mobility and researchers noted a greater earlier death risk.
  • Obesity-associated diseases and disorders, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumors, and back pain are on the rise.

Note: When someone comes into one of our clinics, one of the greatest fears they have is the loss of independence, loss of mobility, and the need to depend on others to help them get around. The evidence is clear, people rid themselves of these fears when they embark on a program to get rid of their big belly.

The evidence presented by the Austrian team:

For many people, it would seem obvious, a large belly is putting mechanical stress on the spine and that is the cause of back problems.

Reduces Extra Strain On Spinal Muscles:

Most people tend to forget that the ligaments, tendons, and muscles that work to keep ones spine straight feel a lot of pressure when there is extra fat and weight to maneuver and support, even while doing simple, everyday tasks.

Excess pelvic and tummy weight causes the lower back to arch more, causing back pain. The extra strain on spinal muscles reduces when one loses weight.

Get started with some immediate back pain management techniques.

Tips To Lose Weight And Treat Back Pain

7 Simple Tips to Lose Weight and Treat Back Pain

For people who are overweight and also experiencing back pain, it is probably not a coincidence. Being overweight is one of the common causes of back pain, especially in the lower back. When considering how the majority of Americans are overweight, it is easy to see why back pain is becoming an epidemic in the United States. But the good news is back pain is treatable.

Every pound on the body equals 4 pounds of pressure on the spine. This may come as a surprise for many, yet it is true. Someone who weighs 200 pounds is putting 800 pounds of pressure on their spine. Think of it like this: extra weight = extra stress on the spine and joints. Excess belly fat eventually causes the pelvis and lower back to slant forward. This creates a permanent and round arch in the back, which causes back pain.

The strongest muscles are in the back. However, there is only so much they can handle. To effective treat back pain an overweight person will want to start losing weight. Below are a few tips for those who need help losing weight.

  • Get moving. A gym is not the only place to work out. The side walk works, or even the living room of a home. Jog around the house, on the sidewalk or at the park. Avoid sitting around at all cost.
  • Use smaller plates. Studies show eating on smaller plates leads to weight loss.
  • Get a good nights sleep. Many studies show lack of sleep increases risk of weight gain. Be sure to get enough sleep.
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    Lose Weight To Lose Your Back Pain

    Back pain is the leading cause of discomfort today. Four out of five Americans will experience lower back pain in their lifetimes. Youre especially susceptible if youre carrying excess weight. In fact, one out of three people classified as overweight suffers from back pain. Avoiding back pain is a topic almost everyones interested in.

    The best way to avoid back pain thats caused by excess weight is to lose weight. Every pound lost is another pound no longer weighing you down and wreaking havoc on the muscles and ligaments supporting your spine and keeping you upright. So, to lose your back pain, its important for you to concentrate on losing weight.

    Types of Back Pain

    Back pain may seem like a very cut-and-dried issue, but in reality, there are different types of back pain. Each can cause a variety of symptoms, so its important to recognize the differences. Types of back pain include:

    • Acute back pain lasts between a few days and a few weeks.
    • Subacute back pain lasts between four and twelve weeks.
    • Chronic back pain persists for more than 12 weeks.

    Acute back pain, otherwise known as short-term back pain, tends to resolve easily and on its own with just self-care. Subacute back pain lasts longer and usually is more serious, requiring treatment by a spine expert. Chronic back pain is the most serious. Being overweight or obese usually leads to chronic back pain thats really difficult to manage without losing at least some of the weight that caused it.

    How A Physical Therapist Might Help You

    Does Losing Body Weight Help with Relieving Back Pain?

    If you are suffering from lower back pain, a physical therapist may be able to help reduce the pain and symptoms you are experiencing. A physical therapist is able to recommend specific stretches and exercises, and make sure you are doing them correctly in order to prevent further injury. Other therapies such as massages and heat therapy may also be recommended to help reduce your lower back pain and symptoms.

    Recommended Reading: Advil Or Tylenol For Back Pain

    Most People Do Not Think Their Big Belly Is The Problem

    People do recognize weight is a problem and want help in losing the big belly in agricultural/rural communities

    • In the Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice neurosurgeons at West Virginia University noted: The relationship between back pain and obesity is well characterized therefore, the neurosurgical consultant visit for back pain may be a key interventional opportunity for weight loss. . . Incorporation of patient education regarding the relationship of weight loss to back pain and other weight-related comorbidities is well received in a rural specialist consultation setting. Improved communication with primary care physicians regarding this message and further supportive actions may improve follow-through, and therefore the success of ultimate weight-loss interventions.

    And so and so on, numerous studies on mechanical load as the cause of back pain in obese people.

    Exercise For Weight Loss Patients With Back Pain

    Posted in

    Dr. Jay Michael Snow and the team at St. Louis Bariatrics specialize in weight loss, and we understand that people often have other health issues that prevent them from living healthier and more active lives1. Back pain is a common ailment among people seeking to lose weight, and our patients are not alone eight in ten Americans experience chronic back pain at some point in their lives. We know that a balanced and healthy lifestyle incorporates regular physical activity, but how do you get exercise when youre dealing with chronic back pain? Well, the right exercises can actually help alleviate back pain! If you are suffering from back pain or mobility issues, here are some tips and ideas for your fitness routine.*

    Don’t Miss: Mayo Clinic Low Back Pain Exercises

    When Pain Doesnt Go Away

    For joint pain that doesnt go away, both rheumatologists and pain medicine specialists offer treatments including:

    • Anti-inflammatory medications. Pain-relief drugs can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin.
    • Chronic musculoskeletal pain-relievers. Certain pain medications, like Cymbalta and Lyrica, may be prescribed by your health care provider.
    • Injections. If the pain is disabling, injecting corticosteroid or viscosupplementation into the joint may help. Viscosupplementation is similar to a lubricating gel that can be injected into the knee joint to help decrease pain with movement.
    • Radiofrequency ablation . This relatively new treatment for knee pain uses a special needle with a heated tip. When placed near the knees sensory nerves, the intense heat alters the nerves to stop them from transmitting pain. The procedure takes less than 30 minutes, it is an outpatient procedure in the doctors office, and it requires almost no recovery time. Patients can have an improvement in pain for months or perhaps a year. Radiofrequency ablation is a way to delay knee replacement, says Dr. Bolash. It doesnt fix the problem, but it buys time for the patient to lose weight, perhaps so they can become eligible for knee replacement later.

    How Losing Weight Can Help Reduce Back Pain

    Does losing weight impact neck and back pain?

    Back pain is one of the most common and most troublesome problems that people experience. Eight out of 10 individuals will struggle with back pain during some point in their life, the US National Library of Medicine reports. Low and chronic back pain can be aggravated by many triggers. Mechanical stress, excessive strain, muscle weakness, poor sleeping position, lack of exercise and excessive weight could all contribute to making the situation worse.

    The good news is that chiropractic ranks among the most popular and effective treatment options available today for back pain. Through the chiropractic adjustment, chiropractors not only help ease the pain but also work toward correcting the problem. According to chiropractors, spinal adjustments can deliver even better results when combined with weight loss.

    In todays article, well exam the following:

  • How Obesity and Back Pain are Related
  • How Weight Loss Helps Reduce Back Pain
  • Improving Back Health through Chiropractic
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    Obesity Back Pain And The Workplace

    Big Belly? Dont lift anything heavy

    It should be obvious that if you carry a big belly and you have low back pain you are at higher risk for disability. But what if you are the owner of a landscaping company, a building contractor, anything that requires you to be on the worksite? Many of the people that fit this description that we see at our center are stuck in a repetitive cycle of self-managed treatments.

    • They wear a back brace which makes it hard for them to breathe because their belly is being pushed into their chest.
    • They take pills, a lot of pills some days to get them through.
    • Their knees and hips usually hurt.
    • There is a constant danger that if they lift something, do something manually, even turn the wrong way they will crumple up in pain.

    In the work-place injury-related journal Work, doctors suggest that severely obese individuals are likely at an increased risk of lifting-related low back pain compared with normal-weight individuals.

    How To Reduce Back Pain By Losing Weight

    by | Jun 29, 2019 | Back Pain, Education, Healthy Habits, Pain-Free, Weight Loss

    There is a direct link between being overweight and having back pain. This is often why the first piece of advice given by medical professionals to anyone who is overweight and suffering from back pain is to lose weight.

    If youve ever been told to lose weight you likely know how frustrating and demoralizing it can feel, especially if it wasnt the first time. Maybe youve lost weight in the past but gained it back. Or youve been trying to lose weight and nothing is working.

    We are often our own harshest critic when it comes to how we look, and what we weigh. Its human nature, and its ok to have those feelings.

    But what if there is a way to lose weight and keep it off? What if this could help you get out, and stay out of back pain? Whats stopping you from trying to lose weight to lower your back pain today?

    In this article, we will explain why weight impacts back pain, teach you about setting weight loss expectations and give you some daily habits that build a foundation for losing weight.

    Why weight impacts your back pain

    When we carry excess weight on our body, specifically around our abdomen, our center of gravity shifts forward, which moves our spine into an unnatural position. This results in what is called an anterior pelvic tilt and can result in additional stress placed on the lumbar spine.

    Setting weight loss expectations
    Try these foundational habits for weight loss
    Move more.

    Don’t Miss: Aleve Or Ibuprofen For Back Pain

    Neuropathic Pain Not From Musculoskeletal Damage Was Higher In Overweight And Obese Patients In Other Words The Weight Is Causing The Pain Whether You Hurt Your Back Or Not

    There have been many studies that suggest that it is not the physical load of carrying the extra weight that is causing back pain in obese and overweight patients, but inflammation caused by excess fat changing the body environment to that of chronic inflammation. Please see our article: Excessive weight and joint pain the inflammation connection.

    Now researchers are suggesting a relationship between neuropathic pain and obesity with an inflammation connection. In a paper from the University of Tokyo, doctors made these observations:

    • Being overweight negatively affects musculoskeletal health
    • obesity is considered a risk factor for osteoarthritis and chronic low back pain.
  • Neuropathic pain that did not arise from musculoskeletal damage was higher in overweight and obese patients.
  • Paroxysmal pain was more severe, suggesting that neural damage might be aggravated by obesity-associated inflammation.
  • Sciatica Causes And Symptoms

    Pin on Exercise

    To understand how sciatica is affected by body weight, you need to understand how it works. Heres a quick breakdown of the causes and symptoms.

    • The sciatic nerve runs from the lumbar spine, through the glute, down the back of the thigh, and attached to the underside of the foot.
    • The sciatic nerve usually becomes compressed or irritated where it exits the lower spine. This can be caused by a bulging or herniated disc, a narrowing of the spinal canal, or bone spurs.
    • Symptoms include a sharp pain radiating from the lower back and down the back of the leg. It can also cause tingling, numbness, and weakness in the affected area.

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    Ways To Treat Back Pain When Youre Overweight

    Question:Last month, I was diagnosed with spondylosis . I’m 46 years old and I weigh 350 pounds. My doctor says I need to lose weight in order for any types of treatments, including spine surgery, to be effective. I’ve recently started a weight loss program and have already lost 10 pounds. My goal is to lose 60 more pounds by the end of the year. I would like to know: What can I do in the meantime to treat my back pain? Ely, MN

    Answer: Congratulations, and good for you for making progress on your weight loss journey! Losing weight when you’re overweight is extremely important, especially when it comes to treating spinal arthritis .

    You should be proud of yourself for taking the initiative to lose weight: Not only can losing weight help relieve your back pain, but it also gives you options for other spinal arthritis treatments.

    Spinal arthritisarthritis that affects the spinecan develop at any age, and being overweight or obese puts you at greater risk of developing it. That’s because when you carry around extra weight, that weight puts extra pressure on your entire spine. This can lead to numerous spine conditions including spinal arthritis.

    As you mentioned, if you’re overweight, sometimes you need to lose weight in order for your doctor to even consider certain treatments, such as spine surgery.

    Gentle stretching is a important part of building your flexibility staying physically active.

    #1. Integrate exercise into your lifestyle.#2 Practice yoga.

    Experience Relief From Your Sciatica Pain Today

    You dont have to suffer through your sciatica pain. If youre overweight and experience sciatica pain, Dr. Jones can help formulate a plan to help you both lose weight and treat your sciatica. If youre located in the Houston, Pearland, or Lake Jackson, Texas, area, start your healing process today by calling us or scheduling an appointment online with our convenient booking tool.

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    Did Losing Weight Help Your Lower Back Pain

    Lower back pain can range in intensity from a minor annoyance to a debilitating condition. Comprised of many muscles that surround a nerve network, the back and spine are strong and resistant to minor injury. Yet, one minor movement or strain can make you feel as though moving your entire body is impossible. The back and spine are responsible for overall support of the entire body, making the job of the lower back a priority. As a result, when lower back pain occurs a plan of action must be created or treatment obtained in a timely manner. Yet, still the question that many patients have is: Did losing weight help your lower back pain? The answer is not as simple as it may seem.

    How To Locate And Work On Specific Areas Of Back Pain

    Safe Workout To Lose Weight With Back Pain

    Can weight cause lower back pain? Can belly fat cause back pain? Yes, weight and belly fat are major contributing factors in back pain, especially lower back pain. The pelvic area and the lower spine will improperly adjust to the added weight in the belly, and overall excessive body weight will put pressure on the spinal column. Low-impact exercise targeting the lower back and belly areas are proven ways to reduce the lower back pain associated with carrying excess weight in the belly area.

    Also Check: Exercise For Lower Back Pain Mayo Clinic

    Losing Weight Can Help You Lose The Pain Too

    Many health conditions are worsened by excess weight, and the stress of extra weight on joints can lead to painful conditions, particularly of the knees and feet. It makes sense, then, that losing weight often helps to relieve some kinds of pain.

    Finding an eating plan that is healthful and enjoyable will help you stick with your weight loss goals for the long term and maintain any weight loss you man-age to achieve.

    To manage your weight, follow these simple rules to cut back on calories:

    As for physical activity, you’ll find that many forms of exercise are more difficult for people with hip or knee pain. Exercises that are easy on the joints include swimming and water aerobics. Talk with your doctor or physical therapist, who can recommend other ways to incorporate physical activity without making your joint pain worse.

    There is no magic answer as to how much weight you need to lose in order to make a difference. As few as 10 pounds or 10% of your overall weight might help, but this can vary from one individual to another.

    For more on diagnosing and reducing your pain, read , a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School.


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