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What Is The Reason For Back Neck Pain

Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis

What Causes Neck Pain? | Back Pain Relief

Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, or DISH, sees abnormal bone development as the ligaments calcify and harden. Known as Forestiers disease, this condition is a form of arthritis, and the exact cause of the calcification is unknown.

Treatment primarily focuses on any symptoms. Exercise, pain medications, therapy, and surgery may be recommended. Surgery is done in cases where the airway can be constricted or obstructed by the hardened ligaments.

Pinched Nerve From Degeneration And Bone Spurs

In middle-aged and older people, the degenerative disc disease can cause bonespurs to form around the nerve roots. This usually occurs inside the foramen- the opening in the cervical spine where the nerve root leaves the spine totravel into the arm. If these bone spurs get large enough, they may begin torub on the nerve root and irritate it. This causes the same symptoms as a herniateddisc. The irritation causes: painto run down the arm, numbness to occur in the areas to which the nerve providessensation, and weakness in the muscles that the nerve supplies.

What Causes Neck And Shoulder Pain To Occur Together

The human spine is divided into three major sections: the lumbar spine , thoracic spine and cervical spine . Neck pain is usually associated with issues of the cervical spine, and sometimes shoulder pain can be associated with them as well.

Most often, shoulder and neck pain occur together due to their proximity to one another. An issue causing pain in the neck can spread to other parts of the body, including the shoulders, and vice versa.

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What Are The Complications Of Neck And Back Pain

  • Loss or productivity: Back pain is the most common reason for disability in working adults.

  • Nerve damage: If your back pain is from a herniated disc, pressure on the spinal nerves may cause a variety of problems, such as weakness, numbness, or severe shooting pain that travels from the back to the leg.

  • Depression: Back or neck pain can disrupt all aspects of a persons life: work, physical exercise, social activities, and sleep. The anxiety and stress caused by the change in mobility and pain can lead to depression.

  • Weight gain: Loss of mobility and inability to exercise can lead to weight gain and the loss of muscle strength.

It is a good idea to see a health care provider if you have numbness or tingling, or if your pain is severe and does not improve with medication and rest. If you have difficulty urinating, weakness, pain, or numbness in your legs, fever, or unintentional weight loss, you should call your health care provider right away.

The Serious Consequences Of Delaying Treatment

The Ten Most Common Causes of Back and Neck Pain

If you have a compressed nerve in your neck and you delay your treatment, you can wind up with shooting, electrical-like pain extending into your back and all the way down your arms. Over time, a pinched nerve can cause your muscles to become weak, and it can interfere with your ability to use your hands. Eventually, that damage can become permanent, which means delaying care could result in a lifetime of disability.

Of course, that doesnt mean you should ignore muscle strain either. When you strain a muscle, it can cause inflammation which can, in turn, presses on nerves. Or, you might wind up compensating for the strain by putting excess pressure on other areas of your neck and shoulders, which can also press on nerves. What does that mean? Even a seemingly minor muscle strain can wind up causing nerve compression, which can then cause serious and even permanent damage. The bottom line is pretty simple: Any type of chronic neck pain that goes on for days on end without relief needs to be seen and evaluated by a medical professional.

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When Should I Call The Doctor If I Have Neck Pain

Contact your doctor if you have neck pain that interferes with work or other daily activities.

In rare cases, neck pain can be a sign of a medical emergency. Seek urgent medical care if your neck pain:

  • Develops after having an accident.
  • Happens with numbness or tingling in the arms, shoulders or legs.
  • Occurs with weakness in legs or loss of coordination in arms or legs.
  • Includes headache, dizziness, nausea, or vomiting.
  • Involves loss of bowel or bladder control.
  • Arises along with a stiff neck.
  • Occurs with chills, fever, or unexplained weight loss.
  • Stays the same when resting or moving.
  • Does not respond to over-the-counter medications.
  • Does not lessen after one week.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 12/12/2019.


What Are The Symptoms Of Neck Pain

If your neck hurts, you may notice other symptoms including:

  • Pain that gets worse when you hold your head a certain way while working on a computer, driving, or doing other tasks
  • Muscle tightness or spasms
  • Do you have numbness or weakness in your arms or hands?
  • Does moving your neck in a certain way make things better or worse?
  • Does coughing or sneezing make the pain worse?

Your doctor has many tools to figure out whatâs wrong. They could order X-rays, an MRI, a CT scan, an EMG , or blood tests.

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Several More Specific Red Flags For Neck Pain: A Checklist

Check all that apply. Most people will not be able to check many of these, let alone all of them. But the more you can check, the more worthwhile it is to ask your doctor for some input. Most people who check off an item or two will turn out not to have an ominous health issue. But red flags are reasons to check not reasons to worry.

What To Expect At Your Office Visit

Causes of Back and Neck Pain

Your provider will perform a physical exam and ask about your neck pain, including how often it occurs and how much it hurts.

Your provider will probably not order any tests during the first visit. Tests are only done if you have symptoms or a medical history that suggests a tumor, infection, fracture, or serious nerve disorder. In that case, the following tests may be done:

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The Universal Guide To Neck Pain: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know Straight From The Experts

In This Article: | | | | | | | | |

A pain-free neck is a lot like the carefree days of our youth we dont appreciate it til its gone. Neck pain can make life feel pretty unbearable and affect your social life, family time, hobbies and even work productivity.

If youre reading this, chances are youre familiar with neck pain. Whether youve just woken up with a whopper of a crick in your neck, sustained an injury or have been dealing with chronic neck pain, this handy guide can help you understand the anatomy of your cervical spine, different causes and types of neck pain, and learn more about the common treatments for neck pain.

Although neck pain is commonly caused by strain, prolonged pain may be an indication of something more serious. Photo Source:

What Are The Most Common Nonsurgical Treatments For Neck Pain

If you are experiencing chronic pain , it is important to seek medical attention for further evaluation and treatment. Treatments for neck pain vary, depending on the cause and duration of the neck pain you are experiencing. Many neck pain patients find relief in using one or a combination of these therapies. The most common treatments include:

Medications: Both over-the-counter and prescription medications may help manage neck pain, reduce inflammation, and decrease muscle spasm and sleep disturbance. The first line of treatment when it comes to neck pain medication is typically non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications , such as ibuprofen and naproxen, and acetaminophen . Some NSAIDS can be applied topically to the skin, such as Voltaren Gel and Aspercreme other topical treatments include Icy-Hot, lidocaine based patches, and CBD creams/ointments.

Prescription medications such as muscle relaxers and nerve pain medications are sometimes considered, says Dr. Bonte. Muscle relaxants are used more often for acute pain rather than chronic pain.

For those with neuropathic neck pain, injections including a steroid and pain reliever may be effective, especially if done in conjunction with physical therapy. Ablation of the nerves near the neck joints may improve mobility and reduce pain, too.

Complementary therapies:Alternative treatments may be helpful in managing neck pain. Some of the more popular complementary therapies for treating neck pain include:

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Rare Causes Of Right Side Neck Pain

There are less common causes of neck pain that may be more severe. These may include:

  • damage to the nerves, vertebrae, or spinal cord
  • infections

When neck pain is mild or moderate, it is usually possible to treat the symptoms at home. Some cases of neck pain will clear up quickly over the course of a day while others may require a few weeks to resolve fully.

A person may wish to use home remedies before seeking medical help. People can try the following methods to ease their pain:

  • taking over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications
  • applying heat using heating pads, baths, or warm, moist towels
  • massaging and manipulating the neck
  • stretching the neck
  • applying ice to the injured area
  • practicing good posture when sitting, standing, and walking
  • sleeping in a position that supports the neck
  • performing exercises to help keep the neck strong

However, home remedies may not always alleviate the pain. Some people will require medical treatment to achieve relief from their neck pain. The exact treatment will depend on whether or not any underlying conditions are causing the pain.

A doctor may try the following additional treatments:

  • muscle relaxants

Why Are You Waking Up With Neck Pain And What Can You Do About It

5 Major Causes of Neck and Back Pain

What causes a sore neck when you wake up?

You may not give much thought to your body position while you sleep or the kind of pillow you use. But both your sleeping position and pillow can trigger a stiff, sore neck, and also lead to back pain and other types of pain.

Research shows that sleeping problems may be at the root of up to 5 percent of new cases of chronic pain. Many of these factors are controllable, which means that by making some changes you may be able to alleviate your neck pain, and other types of pain, too.

Your sleeping position

Everyone has their preferred sleeping position. But if yours is on your stomach, youre not doing your neck any favors. When you sleep on your stomach, your neck may be twisted to one side for hours at a time. This can strain your neck muscles, and make them feel sore and stiff in the morning.

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Tummy sleeping can also put a strain on your back, especially if you sleep on a mattress without a lot of support. This can cause your belly to sink into the bed, which can put stress and pressure on your spine and the muscles in your back.

Your pillow

Your head and neck spend many hours every night on your pillow, which is why choosing the right one is key to a healthy, pain-free neck. A pillow that doesnt support your head and neck properly can create tension in your neck muscles, and cause neck pain.

Feather or memory-foam pillows may allow your head to be cradled at night, allowing for a neutral spine and neck.

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How Is Neck Pain Managed Or Treated

Treatment for neck pain varies depending on the cause. It aims to relieve pain and improve function. Standard treatments for this symptom include:

  • Medicines including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to ease pain and inflammation and muscle relaxants to help the healing process.
  • Physical therapy .
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation reduces pain by disrupting the pain signal with a low-level electrical current applied to the skin near the nerves causing the pain.
  • Traction to relieve pain with the use of inflatable devices.
  • Steroid injections near the nerve roots to help relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Surgery to repair compressed or damaged spinal disks or fuse some vertebrae in the spine.

The Complete Guide To Neck Pain & Cricks

This article might ease your mind, but what about your neck pain? If your pain is becoming chronic , or if you just keep having flare-ups, you may want to dive much deeper into the topic. There arent any easy answers for stubborn neck pain, but there is evidence-based hope, and the neck pain tutorial explores the topic extremely thoroughly. The main text is written for patients, but its also extensively referenced for keen readers and healthcare professionals. Read the introduction.

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Preventing And Living With Neck Pain

While avoiding neck pain isnt always possible, you can keep your neck muscles strain- and stress-free by creating healthy habits. Instead of in front of a computer all day, for example, take stretch breaks throughout the day.

If your neck pain feels worse at the end of each day, consider your posture. Are you sitting up straight? Sitting in your chair with your feet flat on the floor?

If your neck pain feels worse in the morning, check your sleep position and pillow. Use a pillow that supports your neck and keeps it straight. Avoid sleeping on your stomach with your neck twisted, if possible.

What if you go to sleep feeling fine and wake up with neck pain? Daily life can take its toll on your neck. If you wake up with neck pain, the best thing to do is give your body time to heal on its own. To get through the day without letting the pain interfere with your normal activities, you have a few options.

  • Gently stretch your neck: the Spine Universe Exercise Center offers a video with 3 neck stretches and exercises to help relieve a stiff neck.
  • Take over-the-counter pain medications, such as Tylenol or Advil.
  • Alternate between heat and ice treatments on your neck: 20 minutes of heat followed by 20 minutes of ice should help relieve the pain and expedite the healing process.
  • Rest: take a few days off from any strenuous activities that aggravate your symptoms, such as sports and heavy lifting.

Already dealing with neck pain?

How Are Your Eyes Neck And Back Connected

Back Neck Pain Relief Prevention, What Causes Back Pain,

If you have ever experienced eye strain and discomfort at the same time as neck or upper back pain, you may have wondered how these areas are linked. Put simply, muscle tension in your neck and back can’t directly cause eye problems and discomfort, and vice versa.

However, having simultaneous complaints of the eye, neck, and/or upper back could indicate that you are participating in certain activities or behaviours that are causing your discomfort in all of these areas.

There are also a few health issues where discomfort in one area may result as a symptom of a problem with the other. In other words, neck and back pain can be symptomatic of an eye problem, and eye discomfort can point to neck and back issues.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Back And Neck Pain

Symptoms associated with back pain may include:

  • Dull, burning, or sharp pain in your back. The pain can be confined to a single spot or cover a large area

  • Leg numbness or tingling above or below your knee

  • Stiffness or achiness that occurs anywhere along your spine

  • Sharp, shooting pain that radiates from your low back to your buttocks, down the back of your thigh, and into your calf and toes

  • Consistent ache in the middle or lower part of your back, especially after standing or sitting for an extended period

Loss of bladder and bowel control, with weakness in both legs, are symptoms of a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.

Symptoms associated with neck pain can be:

  • Arm numbness or tingling

  • Shoulder pain

  • Sharp shooting pains or a dull aches in your neck

Pain that occurs suddenly in your back or neck, due to an injury, is considered to be acute pain. Acute pain comes on quickly and may leave sooner than chronic back or neck pain. This type of pain should not last more than 6 weeks.

Pain that may come on quickly or slowly and lingers for weeks, 3 months or greater, is considered to be chronic pain. Chronic pain is less common than acute pain.

How Is Neck Pain Treated

Treatments could include medications called muscle relaxants, physical therapy, a padded neck collar, or traction.

In rare situations, you may need shots of cortisone or even surgery.

With treatment, your neck will usually stop hurting in a few days. Use medicines like acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen to ease pain. Put an ice pack on your neck for the first 2 to 3 days to help lower swelling. After that, use moist heat, like a hot shower or a heating pad, to help it heal. There are also exercises you can do at home to gently stretch your neck muscles.

You can also visit a chiropractor or get a neck massage for short-term relief.

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Sleeping And Lying Down

  • Select a firm mattress and box spring set that does not sag. If necessary, place a board under your mattress. You can also place the mattress on the floor temporarily if necessary.
  • If you’ve always slept on a soft surface, it may be more painful to change to a hard surface. Try to do what is most comfortable for you.
  • Use a back support at night to make you more comfortable. A rolled sheet or towel tied around your waist may be helpful.
  • Use a firm pillow that supports the curve of your neck.
  • Do not sleep on your side with your knees drawn up to your chest.
  • When standing up from the lying position, turn on your side, draw up both knees and swing your legs on the side of the bed. Sit up by pushing yourself up with your hands. Avoid bending forward at your waist.


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