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HomeCauseWhat Can Cause Lower Back Pain In A Woman

What Can Cause Lower Back Pain In A Woman

Precisely How Is Low Neck And Back Pain Identified

What Causes Lower Back Pain In Women – Why Back Pain Occurs

Your medical professional will likely begin by requesting for a complete case history as well as conducting a thorough health examination to find out where youre feeling the pain. If pain is affecting your collection of motions, a physical assessment can additionally figure out.

Your doctor might likewise examine your reflexes as well as additionally your actions to particular experiences. If your low back soreness is impacting your nerves, this figures out.

Unless you have worrying or incapacitating indications or neurologic loss, your doctor will certainly probably screen your problem for a couple of weeks before sending you for testing. This is because of the truth that a great deal of low back soreness addresses using very easy self-care therapies.

What Structures Make Up The Back

The lower backwhere most back pain occursincludes the five vertebrae in the lumbar region, which supports much of the weight of the upper body. The spaces between the vertebrae are maintained by round, rubbery pads called intervertebral discs that act like shock absorbers throughout the spinal column to cushion the bones as the body moves. Bands of tissue known as ligaments hold the vertebrae in place, and tendons attach the muscles to the spinal column. Thirty-one pairs of nerves are rooted to the spinal cord and they control body movements and transmit signals from the body to the brain.

Other regions of vertebrate are cervical , thoracic , and sacral and coccygeal segments.

How Is Back Pain Treated

Acute back pain usually gets better on its own. Acute back pain is usually treated with:

  • Medications designed to relieve pain and/or inflammation
  • analgesics such as acetaminophen and aspirin
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen may be sold over the counter some NSAIDS are prescribed by a physician
  • muscle relaxants are prescription drugs that are used on a short-term basis to relax tight muscles
  • topical pain relief such as creams, gels, patches, or sprays applied to the skin stimulate the nerves in the skin to provide feelings of warmth or cold in order to dull the sensation of pain. Common topical medications include capsaicin and lidocaine.
  • Heat and/or ice may help ease pain, reduce inflammation, and improve mobility for some people
  • Gentle stretching upon advice by your healthcare professional
  • Exercising, bed rest, and surgery are typically not recommended for acute back pain.Chronic back pain is most often treated with a stepped care approach, moving from simple low-cost treatments to more aggressive approaches. Specific treatments may depend on the identified cause of the back pain.

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    When To Contact A Medical Professional

    • Back pain after a severe blow or fall
    • Burning with urination or blood in your urine
    • History of cancer
    • Loss of control over urine or stool
    • Pain traveling down your legs below the knee
    • Pain that is worse when you lie down or pain that wakes you up at night
    • Redness or swelling on the back or spine
    • Severe pain that does not allow you to get comfortable
    • Unexplained fever with back pain
    • Weakness or numbness in your buttocks, thigh, leg, or pelvis

    Also call if:

    • You have been losing weight unintentionally
    • You use steroids or intravenous drugs
    • You have had back pain before, but this episode is different and feels worse
    • This episode of back pain has lasted longer than 4 weeks

    When To Seek Medical Care For Back Pain

    Causes of back pain in women

    The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has identified 11 red flagsthat doctors look for when evaluating a person with back pain. The focus of these red flags is to detect fractures , infections, or tumors of the spine. Presence of any of the following red flags associated with low back pain should prompt a visit to your doctor as soon as possible for complete evaluation.

    • Recent significant trauma such as a fall from a height, motor vehicle accident, or similar incident
    • Recent mild trauma in those older than 50 years of age: A fall down a few steps or slipping and landing on the buttocks may be considered mild trauma.
    • History of prolonged steroid use: People with asthma, COPD, and rheumatic disorders, for example, may be given this type of medication.
    • Anyone with a history of osteoporosis: An elderly woman with a history of a hip fracture, for example, would be considered high risk.
    • Any person older than 70 years of age: There is an increased incidence of cancer, infections, and abdominal causes of the pain.
    • Prior history of cancer
    • Unexplained weight loss

    The presence of any of the above would justify a visit to a hospital’s emergency department, particularly if your family doctor is unable to evaluate you within the next 24 hours.

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    How Lung Cancer And Back Pain Are Linked

    When we think about back pain, usually the last thing that comes to mind is cancer. Instead, we associate it with things like physical trauma or a degenerative disease .

    While back pain caused by lung cancer shares commonalities with many of these disorders, it also has a distinct difference. Much of these relate to how and where the cancer causes pain, both directly and indirectly. Some of the possible ways in which lung cancer can produce back pain include:

    • The direct pressure a tumor can place on the structure of the back, more often than not, is in the mid to upper back rather than lower back.
    • A malignancy can irritate the nerves servicing the lining of the lungs and chest wall, triggering a sharp and sometimes chronic nerve pain.
    • Cancer spread from the lungs to the spine and bones is an occurrence shared by upwards of 30% of people with lung cancer.
    • Metastasis of cancer to the adrenal glands , can cause localized pain due to its location right above the kidney.

    At the current time, the majority of people who develop lung cancer are non-smokers , and lung cancer is increasing in young women and men who have never smoked.

    In fact, due to the location of the type of lung cancer most common in non-smokers, the typical symptoms most people associate with lung cancer are often absent. These tumors are also more likely than other kinds of lung cancer to spread to bones.

    Chronic Low Back Pain Of No Specific Origin

    Low back pain is defined as pain, tightness, and stiffness between the lower end of the rib cage and the buttocks. “Chronic” means the pain has lasted for twelve weeks or longer, and “no specific origin” means the pain cannot be traced to any specific cause, incident, or injury.

    Most susceptible are individuals who perform heavy physical work, especially when there is ongoing anxiety, depression, and emotional stress at the same time. The longer the stress and back pain continue, the more difficult it is to ease the symptoms and return the patient to normal functioning.

    Treatment involves nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and sometimes opioid medications for pain, though both have risks when used long term. Antidepressants may also be tried, along with psychological counseling.

    Corticosteroid injections for the back are effective for some patients, and fusion surgery is sometimes attempted. Lifestyle changes in the form of improved diet, exercise, and stress management are very helpful in most cases.

    Rarity: Common

    Top Symptoms: lower back pain, unintentional weight loss, back pain that shoots to the butt, fever, involuntary defecation

    Symptoms that always occur with chronic low back pain of no specific origin: lower back pain

    Symptoms that never occur with chronic low back pain of no specific origin: thigh numbness, buttocks numbness, lower back pain from an injury

    Urgency: Primary care doctor

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    What Causes Upper Back Pain In Females

    The upper back or thoracic spine is the area that starts at the base of the neck and extends to the bottom of the ribcage. Upper back pain in women is usually due to:

    • Poor posture, like slouching or pushing the head forward while sitting or standing, causing misalignment of the spine.
    • Muscle overuse or strain, usually due to repetitive motions or lifting items or children incorrectly.
    • Injury to discs, muscles and/or ligaments.
    • Myofascial pain.
    • Arthritis.

    Many instances of back pain are not serious. Minor strains and sprains will usually heal on their own. In a number of cases, correcting posture or getting more exercise to strengthen back tissues can prevent further instances of back pain.

    Arthritis Of The Spine

    Lower Back Pain Causes Female

    Arthritis of the spine the slow degeneration of the spinal joints is the most frequent cause of lower back pain. All of us experience wear and tear as we age, and it is normal for your lower back to start acting up as you get older. As the cartilage breaks down between the spinal joints, surrounding tissues may become inflamed. The inflammation and the thinning of cartilage increase friction in the joints, which may cause pain in the lower back.

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    The Varieties Of Lower Back And Hip Pain

    Many of my clients experience lower back and hip pain simultaneously. But all too frequently they receive inadequate guidance from their physicians about possible causes and about how to relieve it in a lasting way.

    When X-rays and MRIs come back negative, a physician without adequate training in the musculoskeletal system may not know what to prescribe other than physical therapy exercises.

    The problem with this strategy is that PT can aggravate certain conditions. I’ll go into this in more detail with each of the conditions listed below.

    The most frequent regions of pain I hear reports about include

    • The lower quadrant of the back
    • Across the top of the hip bone
    • Shooting into the sacroiliac joint
    • Deep in the gluteal muscles
    • The front of the hip
    • Shooting into the groin

    Complete Guide To Low Back Pain

    This article might ease your mind, but what about your back pain? If your pain is becoming chronic , or if you just keep having flare-ups, you may want to dive much deeper into the topic. There arent any easy answers for stubborn back pain, but there is evidence-based hope, and the PainScience.com back pain tutorial explores the topic extremely thoroughly. The main text is written for patients, but its also extensively referenced for keen readers and healthcare professionals. Read the introduction.

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    Can I Prevent Lower Back Pain

    You cant prevent lower back pain that results from disease or structural problems in the spine. But you can avoid injuries that cause back pain.

    To reduce your risk of a back injury, you should:

    • Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight puts pressure on vertebrae and disks.
    • Strengthen your abdominal muscles: Pilates and other exercise programs strengthen core muscles that support the spine.
    • Lift the right way: To avoid injuries, lift with your legs . Hold heavy items close to your body. Try not to twist your torso while youre lifting.

    Other Conditions That Cause Back Pain In Older Adults

    What Can Cause Lower Back Pain in Woman

    We often see a range of less serious but still painful spine conditions in seniors. Most patients with these conditions will not require surgery. Physical therapy, medication, injectable anesthetics, or a combination of treatments usually can control symptoms.

    • Degenerative disc disease, which can cause whole spine pain, and lumbar arthritis, which usually causes low-back pain, commonly develop with age and are considered wear-and-tear conditions.
    • Sacroiliitis is an inflammation of the joints that connect your spine and pelvis. This condition can cause pain in the low back, glutes, and upper legs.
    • Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory arthritis that causes patients spines to become inflexible, resulting in a continual hunched forward position and spine pain.
    • We also check for adult degenerative scoliosis and kyphosis, spine-curving conditions that can result in back pain and weakness in the lower extremities.

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    Home Remedies For Low Back Pain

    If your back pain is caused by conditions related to your menstrual period or a muscle strain, you may want to try the following home remedies to ease your lower back pain:

    • A heating pad. A heating pad applied to your back can boost circulation, which, in turn, allows nutrients and oxygen to get to the muscles in your back.
    • A warm bath. A warm bath can improve circulation and reduce muscle pain and stiffness.
    • OTC painkillers. Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , such as ibuprofen , naproxen , and aspirin, can help ease back pain and other types of pain associated with your period.
    • Exercise. Staying active can improve your circulation and ease tense muscles.
    • Gentle stretching. Regular stretching may help reduce lower back pain or prevent it from coming back.
    • An ice pack. If your back pain is due to a muscle strain or an injury, an ice pack may help reduce inflammation, pain, and bruising. Ice packs work best within the first 48 hours of a muscle strain or injury.
    • A pillow. Placing a pillow between your knees if you sleep on your side, or under your knees if you sleep on your back, may help ease back pain and discomfort.
    • Good lumbar support. Using a chair with good lumbar support may help ease your back pain when sitting.

    In some cases, its important to follow up with a doctor to determine the cause of your back pain. See your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any of the following:

    How Do Medical Professionals Treat Lower Back Pain

    A GP will usually suggest pain medication, exercises or physiotherapy. An osteopath, chiropractor or acupuncturistmay also be able to help.

    While lifestyle and exercises are relevant toallpatients, says Fatica, medical professionals may approach your pain differently. For example, at the Mayfair Clinic, we use vibration to reduce muscle dysfunction, a spine adjusting machine to improve spine mobility, laser therapy to improve healing and circulation, and IDD therapy to decompress the spine.

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    Possible Cause: Spinal Compression Fracture

    As a general rule, the possibility of compression fracture should be considered after any sudden onset of back pain in adults over age 50, especially in post-menopausal women with osteoporosis and in men or women after long-term corticosteroid use. In a person with osteoporosis, even a small amount of force put on the spine, as from a sneeze, may cause a compression fracture.

    What Are The Treatments For Lower Back Pain

    I keep getting lower back pain, can menopause cause this?

    Lower back pain usually gets better with rest, ice and over-the-counter pain relievers. After a few days of rest, you can start to get back to your normal activities. Staying active increases blood flow to the area and helps you heal.

    Other treatments for lower back pain depend on the cause. They include:

    • Medications: Your provider may recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or prescription drugs to relieve pain. Other medications relax muscles and prevent back spasms.
    • Physical therapy : PT can strengthen muscles so they can support your spine. PT also improves flexibility and helps you avoid another injury.
    • Hands-on manipulation: Several hands-on treatments can relax tight muscles, reduce pain and improve posture and alignment. Depending on the cause of pain, you may need osteopathic manipulation or chiropractic adjustments. Massage therapy can also help with back pain relief and restore function.
    • Injections: Your provider uses a needle to inject medication into the area thats causing pain. Steroid injections relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
    • Surgery: Some injuries and conditions need surgical repair. There are several types of surgery for low back pain, including many minimally invasive techniques.

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    How Is Lower Back Pain Diagnosed

    Your provider will ask about your symptoms and do a physical exam. To check for broken bones or other damage, your provider may order imaging studies. These studies help your provider see clear pictures of your vertebrae, disks, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

    Your provider may order:

    • Spine X-ray, which uses radiation to produce images of bones.
    • MRI, which uses a magnet and radio waves to create pictures of bones, muscles, tendons and other soft tissues.
    • CT scan, which uses X-rays and a computer to create 3D images of bones and soft tissues.
    • Electromyography to test nerves and muscles and check for neuropathy , which can cause tingling or numbness in your legs.

      Depending on the cause of pain, your provider may also order blood tests or urine tests. Blood tests can detect genetic markers for some conditions that cause back pain . Urine tests check for kidney stones, which cause pain in the flank .

    Back Pain Culprit: Your Bag

    Although you may wear your purse, backpack, or briefcase over your shoulder, it is the lower back that supports the upper body — including any additional weight you carry. So an overstuffed bag can strain the lower back, especially if you carry it day after day. If you must tote a heavy load, consider switching to a wheeled briefcase.

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    Sudden Muscle Or Ligament Strain

    Weve all heard the story of our friend who pulled something in their back trying to move the couch. It’s extremely common for people to tweak muscles and ligaments when they are lifting with improper form or moving a load that puts too much tension on the lower back. The risk can increase when a person’s muscles are deconditioned, says Dr. Rifkin. This often occurs when someone isnt very physically active and has lost muscle tone and strength.


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