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HomeFactsHow To Help Muscle Spasms In Lower Back

How To Help Muscle Spasms In Lower Back

What Can Cause A Back Spasm

5 Ways To Relieve Muscle Spasms In Back

There are a number of potential causes of lower back spasms, including the below.

  • Overuse: If youve overused your lower back muscles, especially if you havent used it extensively for a while, it can trigger a muscle spasm.
  • Poor posture: Particularly when driving in a car, sitting at a desk, or hunched over a computer, poor posture can strain your back muscles, leading to developing a lower back spasm. If you alter your posture to deal with a muscle spasm, you can potentially worsen your discomfort. People who have certain conditions, like spinal stenosis, fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, or arthritis, may also adjust their posture to compensate for the symptoms of their conditions, leading to muscle spasms.
  • Limited exercise: If you have a sedentary lifestyle and are not getting enough exercise, your back muscles can weaken. As your lower back muscles compensate for this weakness, you can experience muscle spasms. Here is a guide for at-home exercises.
  • Damaged nerves: Nerve damage resulting from injury or diabetes, can signal lower back spasm.
  • Anxiety and stress: If you unconsciously tense your muscles when undergoing stress or anxiety, it can trigger a muscle spasm.
  • Scoliosis: This condition involves a twisting of the spine, which can worsen lower back spasms.

Muscle Spasms Of The Cervical Spine

If you feel a muscle spasm in your neck, its likely a contraction of the trapezius muscle, the large cape-shape muscle group that runs down the neck to the midback. A back spasm in the cervical spine could also signal a contraction of the sternocleidomastoid, located at the base of the skull on either side of the head.

When these cervical muscles spasm, the pain tends to be localized to the point of muscle irritation. But if the spasm is a symptom of an underlying inflammation or nerve irritation, it may radiate downward, Dr. Chaudhary says.

Preventing Lower Back Spasms

There are many possible causes for why people experience lower back spasms. Such culprits include muscle overuse, poor posture, and strains from heavy lifting. Sometimes, the spasms and accompanying pain recur or worsen over time. In such cases, it is important for the patient to see a doctor for an assessment as soon as possible.

Lower back spasms feel like the muscle is firmly moving and/or contracting. That being said, a lower back spasm may also feel like a dull ache that moves. In addition, other people may notice a sharp pain in a specific area, or any combination of these sensations. With lower back spasms, pain often radiates to other locations of the body, such as the legs or hips.

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Chiropractic Care & Acupuncture

Chiropractic care is another popular natural treatment for back pain due to sudden muscle spasms.

In a chiropractic care center, chiropractors use techniques like palpation, pressure, massage, manual manipulation of the spine, exercise programs and lifestyle counseling. Together, these techniques help reduce pain, swelling and inflammation.

Consult a doctor of chiropractic medicine for proper treatment, depending on the exact cause of your muscle spasm.

Like chiropractic care, acupuncture is another effective option to treat back muscle spasms.

In acupuncture, certain points on the body are stimulated with acupuncture needles to help relax the tight muscles. This in turn reduces pain and inflammation.

Always have acupuncture done by a skilled and experienced acupuncturist.

Additional Tips

What Are The Causes Of Lower Back Muscle Spasms

  • Poor posture mostly when you sitting at a desk & in a car which is applied to strain the back muscles.
  • This poor posture leads to painful spasms.
  • Some people adapt their poor posture & deal with the spasms which are become to the pain worse.
  • Not getting enough exercise:
  • This cause is common for people who are passing so much of their day in a sitting down position or hunched over a computer screen. this over time & prolonged time position leads to weakness in the muscles in the back & other areas of the body.
  • When you compensate for this weakness, it leads to painful muscle spasms.
  • Sitting position for long periods also leads to muscle spasms because of muscle weakness & inflammation.
  • Muscle overuse & post-exercise pain:
  • Sometimes Anxiety & stress lead to lower back spasms.
  • Some people respond to stress by unconsciously tensing their muscles & by producing more adrenaline.
  • Stress & anxiety also decrease a persons motivation, which is lead to physical inactivity.
  • Sometimes people experience psychological distress with physical pain, which is known as somatization.
  • Spondylolisthesis:
  • When occurring crack & stress fracture in any bones of the spine which is lead to spondylolisthesis.
  • It is given to result in the lack of alignment which is produced to back pain like a muscle spasm.
  • This muscle spasm compensates for the shifting spine which is lead to weakness.
  • This condition most commonly occurs in young athletes.

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Stretch For Neck Spasms

  • While sitting or standing, circle your shoulders by rolling your shoulders forward, up, back, and down. Repeat this motion 10 times.
  • Then roll your shoulders in the opposite direction by moving your shoulders back, up, forward, and down. Repeat 10 circles in this direction.
  • You can perform shoulder rolls anywhere, while sitting in a car, at a desk, or if youre standing in line somewhere waiting.

    Shop for stretching accessories

    Stretching is great for you, and adding extras like resistance bands and foam rollers may give you faster relief from muscle spasms.

    Preventing Lower Back Spasms In The Future

    Lifestyle changes are the key to reducing your chances of suffering from lower back spasms in the future. Here are some of the most effective changes you can make:2,3,4,6

    • Improve your posture by sitting and standing up straight.
    • If youre overweight, lose weight to reduce stress on your spine and lower back.
    • Engage in regular physical activity to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles.
    • Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes for long periods.
    • Dont spend too much time sitting or lying in bed as this can worsen back problems.
    • When youre resting in bed, your upper body should be slightly inclined. Place a pillow under your knees to reduce stress on your lower back.
    • Start an exercise program gradually and work your way up to a more intense workout. Always perform stretches and warm-up exercises before your workout.
    • Practice yoga, tai-chi, meditation, or mindfulness to improve mobility and relieve stress and anxiety.

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    A Stability Ball Stretch

    If you have access to an exercise ball or stability ball, you can also use it for a gentle back stretch. Simply drape yourself face down over the ball and take a few deep breaths, relaxing as you feel gravity pull you into a gentle stretch. As you might imagine, these large, air-filled balls have a tendency to roll, so if you want extra stability, you can pin the ball between two chairs.

    How To Relieve & Prevent Muscle Spasms

    What Is Causing Muscle Spasm In The Lower Back | Back Muscle Spasm

    Muscle spasms in the lower back can be very painful and debilitating. There is no definitive cause of back spasms, but they are often related to electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, or overuse of the muscles. Treatment for back spasms typically involves self-care measures such as gentle stretching, bed rest, and over-the-counter pain relievers. In more severe cases, physical therapy, chiropractic care, or massage may be recommended.

    If the exact cause of the muscle spasms can be identified and corrected, this is often the best solution. However, many cases of back spasms are idiopathic, meaning that the cause is unknown. In these cases, treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and preventing future episodes.

    Self-care measures for the relief of muscle spasms in the lower back include:

    • Applying a cold compress to the affected area for 15-20 minutes several times a day
    • Soaking in an Epsom salt bath for 15-20 minutes several times a week
    • Drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydrated
    • Avoiding foods that may trigger muscle spasms such as caffeine and sugar

    Inversion therapy is another self-care measure that may help to relieve symptoms of lower back muscle spasms. This involves hanging upside down for a period of time each day using an inversion table or similar device. This provides gentle decompression of the spine which can help to reduce pain and inflammation.

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    When To See A Doctor For Back Spasms

    If youre still in pain after a week or 2, or if the pain radiates down your butt or thighs , see your doctor. In some cases, back pain reveals a bigger issue, such as a fracture, tumor or infection. However, it is more common for a relatively normal disc to tear from physical activity or sports, says Dr. Hanscom. This can cause pain or stiffness that triggers spasms.

    If necessary, your doctor will assess the situation with imaging tests such as X-rays or an MRI. She or he might also recommend a prescription pain medication. Common options include:

    • Muscle relaxants. Despite the name, these medications dont directly affect your muscles. They act on your brain and spinal cord to relieve pain. Since muscle relaxants can be habit-forming and cause drowsiness, theyre only recommended for short periods of time and only in certain situations, such as before bed. One example is methocarbamol , which tends to be less sedating than other muscle relaxants.
    • Steroid injections. If your back pain is accompanied by sciatica, your doctor may inject a steroid into your spine to relieve inflammation. This can provide short-term relief while you try other strategies, such physical therapy, to relieve pain.
    • Opioids. On rare occasions, your doctor might prescribe morphine or oxycodone for severe back pain. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, opioids are usually no more effective than NSAIDs. And the downside is that theyre very addictive.

    Pathologic Causes Of A Back Spasm

    Back spasms can be a response to the effects of another existing condition of the back or other area of the body.

    Conditions that can eventually lead to back spasms include:

    • conditions of the nerves and spinal cord, including sciatica, cauda equina syndrome, spinal stenosis, or spondylolisthesis
    • compression of the nerves around the back
    • inflammation of the spinal nerves
    • infection of the nerves or spinal cord
    • congenital conditions such as spina bifida or skeletal irregularities like scoliosis
    • degenerative problems including intervertebral disc degeneration, spondylosis, and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis
    • injury or sprain to the back or spine
    • compression fractures of the vertebrae
    • a ruptured disc

    Conditions that may also cause back pain and spasms but have a root cause stemming from a bodily system apart from the spine include:

    Complications of some diseases that can trigger back spasms can also present a risk to life.

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    Lower Back Pain Treatment Options

    , according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke . Discomfort in the lower back can be chronic or ongoing. It can also be a sudden and brief condition known as acute pain.

    Causes of lower back pain include:

    Treatment options for lower back pain range widely according to the cause of the condition. Read on to learn more.

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    Who Might Get Stiff Person Syndrome

    Pin on Health &  Wellness

    Stiff person syndrome is extremely rare. Only about one out of every one million people have been diagnosed this syndrome. Twice as many women have stiff person syndrome as men. Symptoms can occur at any age but usually develop between ages 30 and 60.

    Stiff person syndrome is more likely seen in people with certain types of diseases including:

    • Autoimmune disorders including diabetes, thyroiditis, vitiligo and pernicious anemia.
    • Certain cancers including breast, lung, kidney, thyroid, colon and Hodgkins lymphoma.

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    How Are Tumors Diagnosed

    Your healthcare provider performs a biopsy to determine whether a tumor is cancer. A biopsy involves removing cell samples from a tumor. A pathologist examines the samples in a lab to make a diagnosis. If a tumor is in an area thats difficult to reach, your provider may remove the entire tumor and then do a biopsy.

    You may also get one or more of these tests:

    When Should You Call Your Doctor

    âAcute back pain with a muscle spasm should not last more than eight to 12 hours. If you are still having persistent, severe pain or spasms after 12 hours, call your doctor. You should also call if you have pain with weakness or numbness or any loss of bowel or bladder control,â Dr. Cornett says.

    The AAOS recommends that you call your doctor if you have residual back pain that has not gone away in a few weeks. Small disc tears that occur with aging can last for weeks or months. Discs can also shrink and collapse, called disc degeneration, or protrude out between the spinal bones, called disk herniation. A herniated disc can cause pressure on your sciatic nerve with pain, weakness or numbness shooting down your leg to your foot.

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    Applying Cold Packs And Heat To Your Back

    Regular hot or cold therapy can loosen the tightness around your back muscles and relieve spasms. Both therapies help to relax your muscles and ease the side effects of muscle spasms.

    Hot Therapy for Muscle Spasms

    Apply a heating pad to the area around the spasms for 15 to 20 minutes. After this, massage the area with a cold compress to calm any inflammation caused by the heating pad.

    If youd rather do without the pad, try having a warm bath, hot tub or spa session, or a hot shower.

    Cold Therapy for Muscle Spasms

    Cant Move Because Of Lower Back Spasms Heres What To Do

    Lower Back Muscle Spasm Relief

    Almost everyone will get lower back pain at some point, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons . It can come on suddenly and range from mild to severe. A common cause is overusing your back muscles. Muscle pain may cause lower back spasms, making it hard to move.

    Video of the Day

    “People describe acute lower back pain as throwing out their back or having a back spasm. In most cases, you don’t really throw your back out of place, but muscle spasms are a common symptom of low back pain,” says Chris A. Cornett, MD, associate professor for spine surgery and medical director of physical and occupational therapy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha.

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    When Should I Call My Healthcare Provider

    • Youre unable to stand or walk.
    • You have a temperature over 101.0°F
    • You have frequent, painful, or bloody urination.
    • You have severe abdominal pain.
    • You have a sharp, stabbing pain.
    • Your pain is constant.
    • You have pain or numbness in your leg.
    • You feel pain in a new area of your back.
    • You notice that the pain isnt decreasing after more than a week.

    Contact your healthcare provider immediately for the following:

    • Pain radiating down the leg
    • Pain that is accompanied by fever, weakness in the leg, or loss of control of the bladder or bowels

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    The Muscles Can Spasm In Response To An Underlying Anatomical Problem

    When these or other underlying anatomical problems are present in the spine, muscle spasms are likely to keep recurring due to ongoing inflammation or instability. It is important to seek medical attention to treat the underlying cause of your symptoms, rather than just treating the symptoms.

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    How To Prevent Future Back Spasms

    The best way to reduce your risk of another painful episode is to stay active, says Dr. Hanscom. He recommends both aerobic exercise and strength training. The stronger your core muscles are, the less likely they are to spasm, he explains.

    Need suggestions? Dr. Hanscom recommends yoga and tai chi, both of which are good for back pain. At home, you can also do knee-to-chest stretches, planks, hip bridges and bird dogs.

    And if you lift anything heavy, do it properly: Keep your knees bent and tighten your abdominal muscles, rather than reaching your arms out.Optum Perks can help you save money! to receive access to a catalog of coupons that work at more than 64,000 U.S. pharmacies.

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    How To Treat Muscle Spasms In Lower Back

    25+ bästa Back spasm relief idéerna på Pinterest

    If youre dealing with muscle spasms in your lower back, there are a few things you can do to get some relief. First, try applying heat to the area for 20 minutes at a time. You can also try massaging the muscles with an ice pack for 10 minutes at a time. If these methods dont work, you may need to see a doctor for further treatment.


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    Iii Apply A Cold Pack

    For the first 48-72 hours, carefully apply a cold pack to the area to reduce any inflammation present. Protect the skin from any risk of ice burn with a thin towel before applying the pack. Apply for 20 minutes and use every 1-2 hours as needed.

    Caution:Not everyone benefits from a cold pack. If you find applying cold only numbs your pain while you are still stiff, then either reduce the length of time you apply it, or avoid cold treatment. Some people are more likely to feel even stiffer with cold treatment. The goal is to relax the muscle, not shock it.

    I recommend that you go with what works for you. Personally, I prefer heat instead, but everyone has their own preferences.


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