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HomeCauseCan Lower Back Pain Cause Hip Pain

Can Lower Back Pain Cause Hip Pain

Stretches To Relieve Chronic Back And Hip Pain

Is This Causing Knee, Hip Or Back Pain!?

Several exercises and stretches can relieve the chronic pain in these areas brought about by several factors and conditions. Trying these activities may greatly help in reducing the severity of the pain and difficulty experienced.

Adductor Opener

This stretch helps lessen the pain in the back and the hips through the opening of the adductor muscles as well as the hip flexors.

  • In a standing position, point the toes at 45 degrees with the feet open and heels in.
  • Squat low as if in a sitting position while placing the hands on the inner thighs.
  • Press the thighs open and feel the stretch in the groin and thighs for about 30 seconds.

Childs Pose

This is a basic stretch that involves the entire back. It helps in opening and moving up the hips through proper stretching of the glutes.

  • In a tabletop position, bring the toes together while taking the knees out and the hips back.
  • Lower the forehead to the ground with the hands positioned straight forward.
  • Relax the arms and keep the shoulders away from the ears for about 30 seconds.

Figure 4 Twist

This stretch reduces the lower back and hip pain. It increases the external hip rotation, providing the pain relief.

Runners Lunge

This stretch helps in relieving the pain with the movements done on the flexors, quadriceps, and even the abdominal muscles.

Supine Figure 4

This stretch exercise helps reduce the pain in the hips. It stretches the glutes and other muscles.

Types Of Lower Back And Groin Pain:

1. Coming from your hip.

This type of groin pain is due to the hip referring pain into your groin. Often people feel deep groin pain which is originating from their hip. Because the hip is a relatively large joint it often refers pain into the lower back area and this can result in buttocks pain also. Treatment needs to be directed towards the hip joint in this instance. If you think that the cause of your pain is from your hip, then learn more about the causes of hip pain here.

2. Coming from your lumbar spine.

This type of groin pain is due to the lumbar spine referring pain into your groin. Each level of your spine refers through nerve connections to different parts of the body. It is your upper lumbar spine which will refer pain to your groin. You may or may not feel pain in the lower back also. Treatment needs to be directed towards the lower back in this instance. There are more articles on the causes of lower back pain here

3. Coming from your adductor muscles.

This type of groin pain is due to the location of the adductor muscles. When you strain or tear an adductor muscle or tendon you will feel pain anywhere from the midpoint of your inner thigh to deep under your pubic bone. Treatment needs to be directed to the damaged adductor muscle in this instance.

4. Coming from your sacro-iliac joint.

Mononeuropathies Of The Leg

Mononeuropathies can affect nerves in the legs, arms, or other parts of the body. Mononeuropathy means a single nerve or nerve group has been damaged, for example, by a lesion that has developed along a nerve or group of nerves. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a good example of a mononeuropathy, in this case, affecting the wrist area. With mononeuropathy symptoms may be sudden or may develop slowly . Some of the more common mononeuropathies are

  • femoral neuropathy
  • sciatic nerve dysfunction
  • peroneal neuropathy .
  • tibial neuropathy .

Symptoms of the neuropathies above would include burning sensation in leg areas where these nerves are housed as well as lack of coordination of these leg muscles. Other symptoms include muscle wasting, pain, and twitching, cramps, and spasms in these nerves. Treatment focuses on isolating the underlying cause of the nerve disorder and addressing it using medications such as injected glucocorticoids and/or physical

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Is Walking Good For Lower Back Painand Sciatica

Walking is an effective way to relieve sciatic pain because it spurs the release of pain-fighting endorphins and reduces inflammation. A poor walking posture may contribute to the development of osteoarthritis of the hip, knee, and lowerback. In this article, well look at the science behind the benefits of walking and how to incorporate it into your daily routine.

Is Radiating Lower Back And Hip Pain Dangerous

5 Common Causes Of Hip And Leg Pain That Cause You Discomfort!

Most back pain is harmless caused by sleeping in an awkward position, stretched muscles, overexertion, sitting down too long or falling on the ischial tuberosity , or minor hip injuries caused by twisting a certain way during sports like volleyball. Many injuries arise simply from improper form during exercise, sports injuries, or strains.

But there are some pretty serious causes for back and hip pain as well. Lower back pain, in particular, can be a sign of various serious conditions such as advanced kidney infections or a condition called interstitial cystitis, which can cause inflammation of the tissues of the bladder. Sciatica causes lower back pain, pain in the back of the knee, pain in right buttock cheek, unilateral pain, thigh pain, pain behind the knee and calf, and muscle weakness in legs as well.

Outer hip pain and lateral hip pain, though typically not cause for alarm , can be a sign of a serious bone condition, such as arthritis in the back, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or tendonitis but can also indicate a more serious bone condition like a fracture, labral tear, or conditions such as snapping hip syndrome or osteonecrosis.

The sciatic nerve is a long nerve that runs all the down both sides of the body, beginning at the bottom two vertebra of the back, through the hip area, and all the way down the legs. The pain is usually unilateral with this disorder.

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What Other Factors Can Lead To Hip Pain

Apart from sciatica, these are other factors and medical conditions that can lead to pain in the hip region and affect your hip bones:

  • Aging. The wear and tear of the hip bone and hip joints can lead to pain and other symptoms.
  • Arthritis. Pain that is due to arthritis may be similar to that caused by sciatica.
  • Bursitis
  • Death of bone tissue due to lack of blood supply
  • Hip dislocation
  • Other hip bone and hip joint dysfunctions

Timing Of Movement: Athletes With And Without A History Of Lbp

One aspect of coordination considered important to LBP is the timing of movement of the lumbopelvic region, in particular, early lumbopelvic movement during a limb movement. The proposal is that if the lumbopelvic region moves early in a limb movement, the frequency of lumbopelvic movement might increase across the day. The increased frequency could contribute to accumulation of tissue stress in the lumbopelvic region and, eventually, LBP symptoms. Our studies based on clinical measures indicate that many people with LBP display the early lumbopelvic-movement pattern with limb movements. We did not know, however, whether the pattern was specific to people with LBP. We compared our LBP group with our group without a history of LBP who were active but did not regularly participate in rotation-related sports. We predicted that, compared with subjects without a history of LBP, subjects with a history LBP would display earlier lumbopelvic movement during the limb-movement tests.

Subjects were positioned with the hip in neutral abduction and adduction and neutral rotation. For the HLR test, the knee was positioned in 90° of flexion. Subjects were instructed to move as far as they could in each lower extremity test while kinematics were collected.

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Are Tight Hip Flexors Contributing To Your Low Back Pain

Friday, Jul 15, 2016

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Is It Groin Pain

Lower Back Hip Pain | 5 Common Causes of Hip Pain

The groin is a minor region, but it can feel major pain. The groin area is exactly where the upper and lower portions of the body come together. People may complain of pelvic pain when referring to their groin. There are muscles covering this area and these same muscles extend into the legs. So, when patients believe the groin is their main cause of pain, this type of injury commonly relates to the muscles. A groin injury can be extremely painful. Athletes might even miss games or practices due to intense groin injuries. Since the groin in right in the center of the body, patients mistake groin pain as hips problems and vice versa. If you are suffering from a groin injury, your symptoms will look something like these:

  • Pain toward the inner thighs near the pubic region
  • Sharp pain extends into the legs as well
  • Symptoms occur after a game or sporting event

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To Relieve Hip Pain Try Thesefirst:

  • See your primary care doctor. He or she will likely prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to see if hip pain improves.
  • Lose weight. Shedding extra pounds is critical in relieving hip pain. Losing weight often reduces symptoms to the point where surgery is not necessary, says Dr. Murray. It also increases your chances of a successful outcome if surgery is one day warranted.

How Doctors Get To Root Of Your Pain

If you have pain in your lower body and arent sure whether your back or hip is to blame, a good first course of action is to visit your personal doctor. He or she will review your medical history and may perform a series of physical exam tests to get to the root of your pain. Alternatively, your personal doctor may refer you to a doctor who specializes in the hip or spine to make an accurate diagnosis.

Your doctor will ask you to describe your pain, including its location, when it worsens/is relieved, and what the pain feels like .

After listening to your description of your pain, your doctor may have you perform several maneuvers or movements as part of a physical exam. The goal of these maneuvers is to determine what movements recreate your pain. One such maneuver is called the Flexion Abduction External Rotation test, which helps determine if the disorder is sourced in your hip and may illuminate sacroiliac joint problems. During this test, you lie down your back while flexing and rotating your hips. Your doctor may also palpate the area of pain.

Next, your doctor may also order imaging scans, such an x-ray to view your bones or an MRI to view soft tissues , which may help reveal the true nature of the spinal or hip problem. It is important for your doctor to then determine if your complaints and exam findings can be explained by what is seen on the images.

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Diagnose The Source Of Lbp

In addition, by physical examination, patients affected by HOA could present as limp and reduced hip range of motion, especially the flexion, internal and external rotation. In contrast patients suffering lumbar disc herniation would positive straight leg raise test, while those with spinal stenosis may not present a positive neurologic deficit. Brown et al. found the presence of a limp, groin pain, or limited internal rotation of the hip significantly predicted the diagnosis of a disorder as originating primarily from the hip, as opposed to originating from the spine.

Can Knee Pain Come From Your Spine

Can Kidney Stones Cause Lower Back And Hip Pain

Most people assume if they have knee pain, it is due to a problem with the knee joint. This is not always the case. While the discomfort can be due to a knee condition, it can also be the result of a disc protrusion or a pinched nerve in your lower back. Working with your healthcare provider and a physical therapist can help determine if that is the case.

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Are Low Back Pain Knee Pain And Hip Pain Related

Man at the Doctor with low back pain, knee pain, and hip pain

The quick answer to this question is yes they can all be related. There are numerous muscles, tendons, and nerves that cross all of these areas. When one of these areas has a problem, it can affect other areas.

The truths about low back pain, knee pain, and hip pain are:

  • Knee pain can cause back pain.
  • Knee problems can cause back pain.
  • Back and knee pain can be related.
  • Hip or groin pain and knee pain can be connected.
  • There can be a connection between back pain and knee pain.

Why Does My Lower Left Back Hurt When I Bend Over

Lowerback strain is a common cause of backpain?.when bending over. The position can put a lot of pressure on the lowerback. A strain in the area can cause inflammation and lead to pain. The best way to avoid back strains is to keep your back straight and your spine straight.

If you cant do that, its best to sit with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle to the floor. This will help keep the spine in a straight line and prevent the back from arching too much.

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Signs That Your Spine Is The Source Of Your Pain

Whereas groin pain is a telltale sign that the pain is linked to the hip, pain above the waistline that travels down the body typically indicates a low back issue. A low back problem may also be responsible for other types of lower body pain, including thigh, buttock, and below-the-knee pain.

Among the most common degenerative conditions that affect the lumbar spine are herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis. These conditions cause pain by irritating your low back nerves, resulting in pain that shoots down your legs , weakness, numbness, and reducing your range of motion.

The pattern of pain coming from the lumbar spine can be variable, depending of the specific issue causing the pain. Commonly, pain from arthritis of the spine occurs during transitions such as getting out of bed in the morning or raising up from sitting. It can often then improve after getting moving. In contrast, pain from spinal stenosis or nerve pressure is often worse with prolonged standing or walking and relieved with sitting.

Is It Lower Back Pain

Is Your Tight Hip Flexor Causing Your Lower Back Pain? | 1 Test To Find Out

Finally, when the pain is not from the hips or groin, it is most of the time due to the lower back. The lower back is made up of the lumbar spine. This is the lowest part of the spine that rests directly between the two hips. So, lower back pain can be from muscle pulls, but it can also be from spine injuries. The spine itself contains vertebrae and cartilage that form the upper, middle and lower back. Injuries to the discs cause severe lower back pain and chronic conditions. If the lower back pain grows, the pain may feel like a groin or hip condition. However, true lumbar spine and lower back pain resemble these symptoms:

  • Pain extending to the middle back or buttocks
  • Deep pressure when sitting down
  • Unable to stand up straight or standing straight is painful

All three of these pains should not be taken lightly. Whether the pain traces to the lower back, groin or hip, look for options that will address the symptoms and causes. If you have questions or need clarification about lower back, groin and hip pain, contact an orthopedic physician in your area.

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Osteoarthritis Of The Hip

Age-related degeneration of the hip joint can cause pain in the lower back and stiffness in the hip.

Hip osteoarthritis causes stiffness and a significant decrease in the hips range of motion. This change can cause the hip to incline forward, disrupting the curvature of the lower spine. The inward curvature of the lower spine may become more pronounced, sometimes causing the lower spinal discs to bulge or herniate.12,13

This condition may over time cause degeneration of the spinal joints too, resulting in a more advanced problem called hip-spine syndrome.

Learn more about Hip Osteoarthritis on

This list is not exhaustive of all possible causes of lower back and hip pain. If you experience pain and/or stiffness in your lower back and hip that does not resolve with self-care and affects your daily activities, talk to your doctor. A doctor can accurately diagnose the cause of your lower back problem and formulate a treatment plan for the underlying condition.

Is It Ok To Walk With Lower Back Pain

If you have lowerbackpain?.walking may be a good form of exercise to relieve it, since low-impact activity is less damaging to your joints and helps your body maintain bone density.

Retro walking can be done on a treadmill or elliptical machine, as well as on a therapists recommendation. Exercise can also help you lose weight. If you are overweight or obese, you may want to consider a weight-loss program, such as a diet and exercise program.

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Is It Hip Pain Or Back Pain Lets Locate The Pain

Shooting pain in the lower part of your body can be a little hard to trace. Its because the pain can either be coming from the hips or the lower back. Either way, you can take Advil for back pain and hip pain relief. But if you want to correct and fix the problem, your physician must identify where the pain is coming from.

This blog will trace the root of your painthe hip or back?

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